180 resultados para TOXICITY EVALUATION
This study conducted in 1999/2000 was designed to evaluate the efficacy of praziquantel against Schistosoma japonicum in an area with repeated chemotherapy (Area A) compared with a newly identified endemic focus (Area B) in Hunan Province, China. The population size was 2015 and 2180 in Areas A and B, respectively, of which 1129 and 1298 subjects received stool examination. A total of 230 subjects were identified by the Kato-Katz technique (4 smears per person) as being infected with S. japonicum, 124 in Area A (prevalence 11 %) and 106 in Area B (prevalence 8.2%). They were treated with a single oral dose of praziquantel (40 mg/kg) in the non-transmission season. A follow-up stool examination was made 50 days after treatment. Among the 220 cases followed, 22 were found stool-egg-positive, with an overall cure rate of 90 %, and 99 % reduction of infection intensity (eggs per gram stool). No significant difference was found in cure rates between the 2 areas (89.7% vs 90.3%). The efficacy of the drug in the area with repeated chemotherapy was not significantly different from that in the newly identified endemic focus. This study, therefore, suggests that the efficacy of praziquantel against S. japonicum has not changed in the Dongting Lake region after more than 14 years of mass chemotherapy, and there is no evidence of tolerance or resistance of S. japonicum against praziquantel.
With the proliferation of relational database programs for PC's and other platforms, many business end-users are creating, maintaining, and querying their own databases. More importantly, business end-users use the output of these queries as the basis for operational, tactical, and strategic decisions. Inaccurate data reduce the expected quality of these decisions. Implementing various input validation controls, including higher levels of normalisation, can reduce the number of data anomalies entering the databases. Even in well-maintained databases, however, data anomalies will still accumulate. To improve the quality of data, databases can be queried periodically to locate and correct anomalies. This paper reports the results of two experiments that investigated the effects of different data structures on business end-users' abilities to detect data anomalies in a relational database. The results demonstrate that both unnormalised and higher levels of normalisation lower the effectiveness and efficiency of queries relative to the first normal form. First normal form databases appear to provide the most effective and efficient data structure for business end-users formulating queries to detect data anomalies.
This article discusses the design of a comprehensive evaluation of a community development programme for young people 'at-risk' of self-harming behaviour. It outlines considerations in the design of the evaluation and focuses on the complexities and difficulties associated with the evaluation of a community development programme. The challenge was to fulfil the needs of the funding body for a broad, outcome-focused evaluation while remaining close enough to the programme to accurately represent its activities and potential effects at a community level. Specifically, the strengths and limitations of a mixed-method evaluation plan are discussed with recommendations for future evaluation practice.
Evaluation of S-Methoprene based formulations for control of Aedes SPP in Australian and New Zealand
Background: The measured values of specific traits of occlusion may be subject to significant change due to growth and maturation of the dentofacial structures. Some traits may show improvement while others may show deterioration. Rarely is there an opportunity to examine a sample of occlusions 25 years after the acquisition of the original set of records. This study examines the changes in traits of occlusion in a sample of 46 subjects who were originally examined between 1971-1973 and for whom records were again obtained in 1998. Methods: The 46 patients were a sub-group of a previously selected randomised school-based sample and study models obtained in 1971-1973 were still available. New models for each patient were obtained in 1998. Of the 46 subjects, only eight had received orthodontic treatment. Results: Assessments of the changes in specific traits were made using the methods proposed in the Harry L Draker, California Modification (HLD Cal Mod) index. This simple index was chosen because the main component traits were well defined and, when analysed separately, reflected changes with time. The total index score gave a broad indication of the global changes in the individual's occlusion. The five basic traits of the HLD index include overjet, overbite, openbite, mandibular protrusion and labio-lingual spread. Three additional traits (ectopic eruption, anterior crowding and posterior crossbite) are used in the HLD Cal Mod index. These traits provided a useful reflection of occlusal changes with time. Measurements were made with reference to specifications and the details outlined in the HLD Cal Mod protocol. The results revealed an increase in total index scores over time with a significant increase in lower labio-lingual spread associated with an increased score in anterior crowding. Overjet and overbite, however, displayed a significant decrease with time. Conclusions: These findings are in keeping with previous studies and highlight the importance of time as a significant issue in the assessment of occlusion.
One cause of congenital lactic acidosis is a mutation in the E1 alpha -subunit of the pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex. Little is known about the consequences of these mutations at the enzymatic level. Here we study the A199T mutation by expressing the protein in Escherichia coil. The specific activity is 25% of normal and the K-m for pyruvate is elevated by 10-fold. Inhibitors of lactate dehydrogenase might be a useful therapy for patients with such mutations. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
This paper explores an approach to the implementation and evaluation of integrated health service delivery. It identifies the key issues involved in integration evaluation, provides a framework for assessment and identifies areas for the development of new tools and measures. A proactive role for evaluators in responding to health service reform is advocated.