758 resultados para Queensland (Australia)


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Background: jurisdictions are developing public drug insurance systems to improve access to pharmaceuticals, cost-effective prescribing, and patient health and well-being. We compared 2 Jurisdictions with different pharmaceutical policies to determine prescribing patterns for 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors (le, statins). Objective: The aim of this work was to investigate the feasibility of using available prescription admimstrative databases to compare the use of statins in Queensland, Australia, and in Nova Scotia, Canada. Methods: Data from the Nova Scotia Pharmacare Program and the Health Insurance Commission in Australia were used to obtain dispensing data. Utilization was compared for the 5-year period from 1997 through 2001, using the World Health Organization anatomic therapeutic chemical/defined daily dose (DDD) system. Results: In the year 2001, there were 177,000 beneficiaries in the public drug plan in Nova Scotia (62% aged ≥ 65 years old) and 960,000 concession beneficiaries (pensioners and social security recipients, 61% aged ≥ 65 years) in Queensland. These 2 groups were comparable. The overall utilization of statin medications increased steadily in both areas over the study period, from 50 to 205 DDD/1000 beneficiaries per day. Comparison of the 2 growth lines showed no statistically significant differences in overall statin use despite differences in brand availabilities and policies about prescribing. In the year 2001, atorvastatin was the most commonly prescribed statin in both areas, comprising 46% of statin use in Nova Scotia and 51% in Queensland. Mean doses of each statin prescribed were slightly above the DDDs. Expenditure on statins per 1000 beneficiaries and per DDD were similar in each jurisdiction, being slightly higher in Nova Scotia. Conclusions: Despite differences in pharmaceutical reimbursement systems, use of the statins was similar in Nova Scotia and Queensland. The feasibility of the methodology was demonstrated. Future studies, including comparisons of drug utilization for other classes of drugs for which drug policies may be divergent (eg, different pricing structures or prior authorization requirements), or for which less evidence for appropriate use is available, may be useful. © 2005 Excerpta Medica, Inc.


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In Queensland, Australia, there is presently a high level of interest in long-rotation hardwood plantation investments for sawlog production, despite the consensus in Australian literature that such investments are not financially viable. Continuing genetics, silviculture and processing research, and increasing awareness about the ecosystem services generated by plantations, are anticipated to make future plantings profitable and socio-economically desirable in many parts of Queensland. Financial and economic models of hardwood plantations in Queensland are developed to test this hypothesis. The economic model accounts for carbon sequestration, salinity amelioration and other ecosystem service values of hardwood plantations. A carbon model estimates the value of carbon sequestered, while salinity and other ecosystem service values are estimated by the benefit transfer method. Where high growth rates (20-25 m(3) ha(-1) year(-1)) are achievable, long-rotation hardwood plantations are profitable in Queensland Hardwood Regions 1, 3 and 7 when rural land values are less than $2300/ha. Under optimistic assumptions, hardwood plantations growing at a rate of 15 in 3 ha-1 year 1 are financially viable in Hardwood Regions 2, 4 and 8, provided land values are less than $1600/ha. The major implication of the economic analysis is that long-rotation hardwood plantation forestry is socio-economically justified in most Hardwood Regions, even though financial returns from timber production may be negative. (c) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study surveys the population genetic structure of Childers canegrub, Antitrogus parvulus, to elucidate its population dynamics and gene flow. Antitrogus parvulus is a pest of sugarcane in the Bundaberg region and this knowledge can be used to optimise integrated pest management practices. Here, base-pair differences in the cytochrome oxidase II gene (COII) were used to characterise haplotypic diversity, infer levels of gene flow, and phylogenetic relationships of alleles and their phylogeographical structure. There were 28 unique haplotypes among the 70 sequenced individuals from the seven locations. All three variance components (among regions, among populations, within populations) are highly significant, with highest genetic diversity among regions and lowest among populations within regions. A positive correlation between migration rates and geographical distance and significant phylogeographical structure between four main geographical regions. The main implication of these findings for pest management is that if a grower can eliminate an existing infestation within a field, then reinvasion will be slow and further outbreaks within that field are unlikely to occur. The low dispersal ability of females also means that any resistance to insecticides that develops is likely to remain localised, but will rapidly become dominant within the affected population.


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Recent analyses assert that large marine vertebrates such as marine mammals are now 'functionally or entirely extinct in most coastal ecosystems'. Moreton Bay is a large diverse marine ecosystem bordering the fastest growing area in Australia. The human population is over 1.6 million and increasing yearly by between 10% and 13% with resultant impacts upon the adjoining marine environment. Nonetheless, significant populations of three species of marine mammals are resident within Moreton Bay and a further 14 species are seasonal or occasional visitors. This paper reviews the current and historical distributions and abundance of these species in the context of the current management regime and suggests initiatives to increase the resilience of marine mammal populations to the changes wrought by the burgeoning human population in coastal environments. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Low concentrations of herbicides (up to 70 ng 1(-1)), chiefly diuron (up to 50 ng 1 (-1)) were detected in surface waters associated with inter-tidal seagrass meadows of Zostera muelleri in Hervey Bay, south-cast Queensland, Australia. Diuron and atrazine (up to 1. 1 ng g(-1) dry weight of sediment) were detected in the sediments of these seagrass meadows. Concentration of the herbicides diuron, simazine and atrazine increased in surface waters associated with seagrass meadows during moderate river flow events indicating herbicides were washed from the catchment to the marine environment. Maximum herbicide concentration (sum of eight herbicides) in the Mary River during a moderate river flow event was 4260 ng 1(-1). No photosynthetic stress was detected in seagrass in this study during low river flow. However, with moderate river flow events, nearshore seagrasses are at risk of being exposed to concentrations of herbicides that are known to inhibit photosynthesis. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Surf Life Saving Queensland (SLSQ) is a leading authority on beach safety, providing patrol, education, and rescue services to both tourists and local residents along the coast of Queensland, Australia. SLSQ recognizes that tourists are a target group requiring special attention due to their unfamiliarity with ocean beaches and surfing activities, and in some cases having the additional challenge of poor swimming skills, language barriers, and disorientation in a foreign vacation environment. This article describes SLSQ initiatives to provide beach safety for tourists through a focus on service delivery and partnerships with the tourism industry and relevant government agencies. The positive involvement of SLSQ in tourism is a model for other coastal destinations, given that drowning is the second most frequent cause of injury death among international travelers.


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The Wet Tropics World Heritage Area in Far North Queens- land, Australia consists predominantly of tropical rainforest and wet sclerophyll forest in areas of variable relief. Previous maps of vegetation communities in the area were produced by a labor-intensive combination of field survey and air-photo interpretation. Thus,. the aim of this work was to develop a new vegetation mapping method based on imaging radar that incorporates topographical corrections, which could be repeated frequently, and which would reduce the need for detailed field assessments and associated costs. The method employed G topographic correction and mapping procedure that was developed to enable vegetation structural classes to be mapped from satellite imaging radar. Eight JERS-1 scenes covering the Wet Tropics area for 1996 were acquired from NASDA under the auspices of the Global Rainforest Mapping Project. JERS scenes were geometrically corrected for topographic distortion using an 80 m DEM and a combination of polynomial warping and radar viewing geometry modeling. An image mosaic was created to cover the Wet Tropics region, and a new technique for image smoothing was applied to the JERS texture bonds and DEM before a Maximum Likelihood classification was applied to identify major land-cover and vegetation communities. Despite these efforts, dominant vegetation community classes could only be classified to low levels of accuracy (57.5 percent) which were partly explained by the significantly larger pixel size of the DEM in comparison to the JERS image (12.5 m). In addition, the spatial and floristic detail contained in the classes of the original validation maps were much finer than the JERS classification product was able to distinguish. In comparison to field and aerial photo-based approaches for mapping the vegetation of the Wet Tropics, appropriately corrected SAR data provides a more regional scale, all-weather mapping technique for broader vegetation classes. Further work is required to establish an appropriate combination of imaging radar with elevation data and other environmental surrogates to accurately map vegetation communities across the entire Wet Tropics.


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We present new major element, trace element and Nd-isotope data for 30 alluvial sediments collected from 25 rivers in Queensland, E Australia. Samples were chosen to represent drainage from the region's most important lithologies, including Tertiary intraplate volcanic rocks, a Cretaceous igneous province (and sedimentary rocks derived thereof) as well as Proterozoic blocks. In most chemical and isotopic aspects, the alluvial sediments represent binary or ternary mixing relationships, with absolute abundances implied to reflect the proportion of lithologies in the catchments. When averaged, the studied sediments differ from other proxies of upper continental crust (UCC) mainly in their relative middle rare earth element enrichment (including an elevated Sm/Nd ratio), higher relative Eu abundance and higher Nb/Ta ratio. These features are inherited from eroded Tertiary intraplate basalts, which commonly form topographic highs in the studied region. Despite the high degree of weathering strong to excellent coherence between similarly incompatible elements is found for all samples. From this coherence, we suggest revisions of the following upper crustal element ratios: Y/Ho = 26.2, Yb/Tm = 6.37, Th/W = 7.14, Th/Tl = 24 and Zr/Hf = 36.9. Lithium, Rb, Cs and Be contents do not seem depleted relative to UCC, which may reflect paucity of K-feldspar in the eroded catchments. Nickel, Cr, Pb, Cu and Zn concentrations are elevated in polluted rivers surrounding the state capital. River sediments in the Proterozoic Georgetown Inlier are elevated in Pb, Cu and Zn but this could be a natural phenomenon reflecting abundant sulphide mineralisation in the area. Except for relative Sr concentrations, which broadly anticorrelate with mean annual rainfall in catchments, there is no obvious relationship between the extent of weathering and climate types, which range from and to tropical. The most likely explanation for this observation is that the weathering profiles in many catchments are several Myr old, established during the much wetter Miocene period. The studied sediment compositions (excluding those from the Proterozoic catchments) are used to propose a new trace element normalisation termed MUQ (MUd from Queensland), which serves as an alternative to UCC proxies derived from sedimentary rocks. Copyright (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd


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The thelastomatoid fauna of two species of wood-burrowing cockroach (Blattodea, Blaberidae), Panesthia cribrata and Panesthia tryoni tryoni, from Lamington National Park, Australia, is described. The following eight new species and three new genera of thelastomatid are proposed: Bilobostoma exerovulva n. g., n. sp.; Cordonicola gibsoni n. sp.; Coronostoma australiae n. sp.; Desmicola ornata n. sp.; Hammerschmidtiella hochi n. sp.; Malaspinanema goateri n. g., n. sp.; Travassosinema jaidenae n. sp.; and Tsuganema cribratum n. g., n. sp. Additional data are given for Blattophila sphaerolaima and Leidynemella fusiformis. Of the 11 species reported, nine were found in P. cribrata and ten in P. tryoni tryoni. Such levels of thelastomatoid species richnessness in single host species are exceptional. Only the mole cricket, Gryllotalpa africana (23), and the domestic cockroach, Periplaneta americana (20), have higher reported richness. Three species, T jaidenae, C. australiae and D. ornata, were found either exclusively or significantly more prevalently in P tryoni tryoni than in R cribrata. Species of Travassosinema, Coronostoma and Desmicola have been found previously only in millipedes (Diplopoda), a fact that suggests that there is a greater degree of niche overlap between R tryoni tryoni and millipedes than for R cribrata.


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The Moreton Bay Waterways and Catchments Partnership, now branded the Healthy Waterways Partnership, has built on the experience of the past 15 years here in South East Queensland (SEQ). It focuses on water quality and the ecosystem health of our freshwater, estuarine and marine systems through the implementation of actions by individual partners and the collective oversight of a regional work program that assists partners to prioritise their investments and address emerging issues. This regional program includes monitoring, reporting, marketing and communication, development of decision support tools, research that is directed to problem solving, and maintaining extensive consultative and engagement arrangements. The Partnership has produced information-based outcomes which have led to significant cost savings in the protection of water quality and ecosystem resources by its stakeholders. This has been achieved by: – providing a clear focus for management actions that has ownership of governments, industry and community; – targeted scientific research to address issues requiring appropriate management actions; – management actions based on a sound understanding of the waterways and rigorous public consultation; and, – development and implementation of a strategy that incorporates commitments from all levels of stakeholders. While focusing on our waterways, the Partnership’s approach includes addressing catchment management issues particularly relating to the management of diffuse pollution sources in both urban and rural landscapes as well as point source loads. We are now working with other stakeholders to develop a framework for integrated water management that will link water quality and water quantity goals and priorities.


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Kudoa monodactyli n. sp. is described from the somatic musculature of Monodactylus argenteus from several localities in southern Queensland, Australia. This is the first record of a myxozoan parasite from the family Monodactylidae. The spores typically have five polar capsules, making this species similar to the four other five-valved Kudoa species (K. neurophila, K. muscularis, K. shulmani, K. cutanea) that have been described to date. However, morphometric measurements particularly of spore length and width make the species from M. argenteus distinct from the other species. Comparison of the small subunit ribosomal DNA sequence of this species with its congeners for which sequence data are available, provides further evidence of novelty. Kudoa monodactyli n. sp. displays 38 (of 1,554) nucleotide differences compared with rDNA sequence of Kudoa neurophila, which on phylogenetic analysis places these species in clades exclusive of each other. Phylogenetic analyses also provide evidence that the number of valves per spore in this genus is an imperfect indicator of relatedness.