110 resultados para Osteoarthritis


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Background: The Western Ontario and McMaster Universities (WOMAC) Osteoarthritis Index is a previously described self-administered questionnaire covering three domains: pain, stiffness and function. It has been validated in patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip or knee in a paper-based format. Aim: To validate the WOMAC 3.0 using a numerical rating scale in a computerized touch screen format allowing immediate evaluation of the questionnaire. In the computed version cartoons, written and audio instruments were included in order facilitate application. Methods: Fifty patients, demographically balanced, with radiographically proven primary hip or knee OA completed the classical paper and the new computerized WOMAC version. Subjects were randomized either to paper format or computerized format first to balance possible order effects, Results: The intra-class correlation coefficients for pain, stiffness and function values were 0.915, 0.745 and 0.940, respectively. The Spearman correlation coefficients for pain, stiffness and function were 0.88, 0.77 and 0.87, respectively. Conclusion: These data indicate that the computerized WOMAC OA index 3.0 is comparable to the paper WOMAC in all three dimensions. The computerized version would allow physicians to get an immediate result and if present a direct comparison with a previous exam. (C) 2002 OsteoArthritis Research Society International. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aims The new cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) selective inhibitors, celecoxib (Celebrex®) and rofecoxib (Vioxx®), have been widely prescribed since their launch. No reviews currently appear in the literature of prescribing patterns in Australia. This paper describes a self-audit of the clinical use of selective COX-2 inhibitor therapy undertaken with rural general practitioners (GPs) in Australia. Methods A structured audit form was developed and distributed to interested GPs. The form was self-administered and focused on issues about COX-2 inhibitors and the types of patients who were receiving them, e.g. indications, patient demographics, risk factors and drug interactions. Results A total of 627 patients were recruited (569 celecoxib and 58 rofecoxib). A range of doses was prescribed. Osteoarthritis was the most common indication (68.1%). Risk factors known for the nonselective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs were identified in 65.1% of patients, with the most common being advanced age, hypertension and previous peptic ulcer disease. Potential drug interactions were common. A variety of reasons for initiation of therapy was identified; these included perceived increased efficacy, safety and failure of other treatment. Conclusions These results show that COX-2 inhibitors are being prescribed for patients with multiple risk factors that may place the patient at increased risk of adverse drug reactions to a COX-2 inhibitor. The perception of improved safety and efficacy was common and is of concern. Limitations of the study include the reliance on self-reporting.


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We compare Bayesian methodology utilizing free-ware BUGS (Bayesian Inference Using Gibbs Sampling) with the traditional structural equation modelling approach based on another free-ware package, Mx. Dichotomous and ordinal (three category) twin data were simulated according to different additive genetic and common environment models for phenotypic variation. Practical issues are discussed in using Gibbs sampling as implemented by BUGS to fit subject-specific Bayesian generalized linear models, where the components of variation may be estimated directly. The simulation study (based on 2000 twin pairs) indicated that there is a consistent advantage in using the Bayesian method to detect a correct model under certain specifications of additive genetics and common environmental effects. For binary data, both methods had difficulty in detecting the correct model when the additive genetic effect was low (between 10 and 20%) or of moderate range (between 20 and 40%). Furthermore, neither method could adequately detect a correct model that included a modest common environmental effect (20%) even when the additive genetic effect was large (50%). Power was significantly improved with ordinal data for most scenarios, except for the case of low heritability under a true ACE model. We illustrate and compare both methods using data from 1239 twin pairs over the age of 50 years, who were registered with the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council Twin Registry (ATR) and presented symptoms associated with osteoarthritis occurring in joints of the hand.


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Objective. To provide recommendations for the core outcome domains that should be considered by investigators conducting clinical trials of the efficacy and effectiveness of treatments for chronic pain. Development of a core set of outcome domains would facilitate comparison and pooling of data, encourage more complete reporting of outcomes, simplify the preparation and review of research proposals and manuscripts, and allow clinicians to make informed decisions regarding the risks and benefits of treatment. Methods. Under the auspices of the Initiative on Methods, Measurement, and Pain Assessment in Clinical Trials (IMMPACT), 27 specialists from academia. governmental agencies, and the pharmaceutical industry participated in a consensus meeting and identified core outcome domains that should be considered in clinical trials of treatments for chronic pain. Conclusions. There was a consensus that chronic pain clinical trials should assess outcomes representing six core domains: (1) pain, (2) physical functioning, (3) emotional functioning, (4) participant ratings of improvement and satisfaction with treatment, (5) symptoms and adverse events, (6) participant disposition (e.g. adherence to the treatment regimen and reasons for premature withdrawal from the trial). Although consideration should be given to the assessment of each of these domains, there may be exceptions to the general recommendation to include all of these domains in chronic pain trials. When this occurs, the rationale for not including domains should be provided. It is not the intention of these recommendations that assessment of the core domains should be considered a requirement for approval of product applications by regulatory agencies or that a treatment must demonstrate statistically significant effects for all of the relevant core domains to establish evidence of its efficacy. (C) 2003 International Association for the Study of Pain.


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Background: The heavy usage of coxibs in Australia far outstrips the predicted usage that was based on the treatment of patients with risk factors for upper gastro-intestinal adverse events from conventional anti--inflammatory agents. This raises questions regarding the appropriateness of prescribing. Aims: To determine: (i) the relationship between prescriptions for cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) inhibitors and objective evidence of inflammatory arthritis, (ii) prior experience with paracetamol and/or conventional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and (iii) contraindications to the use of NSAIDs. Methods: Drug utilization evaluation and rheumato-logical assessment was conducted on 70 consecutive patients admitted on COX-2 inhibitors to a 480-bed metropolitan hospital. The main outcome measures were: the indication for COX-2 inhibitor; objective -evidence of inflammatory arthritis; previous trial of -paracetamol or conventional NSAIDs; and patient -satisfaction. Results: Only 11 patients (16%) had symptoms or signs of an inflammatory arthropathy, and met Pharmaceut-ical Benefits Schedule criteria for prescribing a COX-2 inhibitor. Fifty-nine patients (84%) had chronic osteo-arthritis, degenerative spinal disease, injury or malignancy, without overt active inflammation. Fourteen patients (20%) had trialled regular paracetamol prior to using any NSAID treatment. Conventional NSAIDs had been previously used by 51 patients (73%). Eleven patients (16%) reported previous adverse gastrointestinal effects from conventional NSAIDs. On the basis of significant renal impairment (creatinine clearance 5/10). Conclusions: Drug utilization data indicate that COX-2 inhibitors are frequently used first line for degenerative osteoarthritis in the absence of overt inflammation, without prior adequate trial of paracetamol and with disregard for the cautions and contraindications of these agents. These findings may explain the unprecedented Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule expenditure on COX-2 inhibitors in Australia.


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Aims: This study aims to address medical and non-medical direct costs and health outcomes of bilateral and unilateral total knee replacement from the patients' perspective during the first year post-surgery. Methods: Osteoarthritis patients undergoing primary unilateral total knee or bilateral total knee replacement (TKR) surgery at three Sydney hospitals were eligible. Patients completed questionnaires pre-operatively to record expenses during the previous three months and health status immediately prior to surgery. Patients then maintained detailed prospective cost diaries and completed SF-36 and WOMAC Index each three months for the first post-operative year. Results: Pre-operatively, no significant differences in health status were found between patients undergoing unilateral TKR and bilateral TKR. Both unilateral and bilateral TKR patients showed improvements in pain, stiffness and function from pre-surgery to 12 months post-surgery. Patients who had bilateral TKR spent an average of 12.3 days in acute hospital and patients who had unilateral TKR 13.6 days. Totally uncemented prostheses were used in 6% of unilateral replacements and 48% of bilateral replacements. In hospital, patients who had bilateral TKR experienced significantly more complications, mainly thromboembolic, than patients who had unilateral TKR. Regression analysis showed that for every one point increase in the pre-operative SF-36 physical score (i.e. improving physical status) out-of-pocket costs decreased by 94%. Out-of-pocket costs for female patients were 3.3 times greater than for males. Conclusion: Patients undergoing bilateral TKR and unilateral TKR had a similar length of stay in hospital and similar out-of-pocket expenditures. Bilateral replacement patients reported better physical function and general health with fewer health care visits one year post procedure. Patients requiring bilateral TKR have some additional information to aid their decision making. While their risk of peri-operative complications is higher, they have an excellent chance of good health outcomes at 12 months and are not going to be doubly 'out-of-pocket' for the experience. (C) 2004 OsteoArthritis Research Society International. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose. The ability to sense the position of limb segments is a highly specialised proprioceptive function important for control of movement. Abnormal knee proprioception has been found in association with several musculoskeletal pathologies but whether nociceptive Stimulation can produce these proprioceptive changes is unclear. This study evaluated the effect of experimentally induced knee pain on knee joint position sense (JPS) in healthy individuals. Study design. Repeated measures, within-subject design. Methods. Knee JPS was tested in 16 individuals with no history of knee pathology under three experimental conditions: baseline control, a distraction task and knee pain induced by injection of hypertonic saline into the infrapatellar fat pad. Knee JPS was measured using active ipsilateral limb matching responses at 20degrees and 60degrees flexion whilst non-weightbearing (NWB) and 20degrees flexion single leg stance. During the tasks, the subjective perception of distraction and severity of pain were measured using 11-point numerical rating scales. Results. Knee JPS was not altered by acute knee pain in any of the positions tested. The distraction task resulted in poorer concentration, greater JPS absolute errors at 20degrees NWB, and greater variability in errors during the WB tests. There were no significant correlations between levels of pain and changes in JPS errors. Changes in JPS with pain and distraction were inversely related to baseline knee JPS variable error in all test positions (r = -0.56 to -0.91) but less related to baseline absolute error. Conclusion. Knee JPS is reduced by an attention-demanding task but not by experimentally induced pain. (C) 2004 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective. To identify differentially expressed genes in synovial fibroblasts and examine the effect on gene expression of exposure to TNF-alpha and IL-1beta. Methods. Restriction fragment differential display was used to isolate genes using degenerate primers complementary to the lysophosphatidic acid acyl transferase gene family. Differential gene expression was confirmed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry using a variety of synovial fibroblasts, including cells from patients with osteoarthritis and self-limiting parvovirus arthritis. Results. Irrespective of disease process, synovial fibroblasts constitutively produced higher levels of IL-6 and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1) (CCL2) than skin fibroblasts. Seven genes were differentially expressed in synovial fibroblasts compared with skin fibroblasts. Of these genes, four [tissue factor pathway inhibitor 2 (TFPI2), growth regulatory oncogene beta (GRObeta), manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) and granulocyte chemotactic protein 2 (GCP-2)] were all found to be constitutively overexpressed in synoviocytes derived from patients with osteoarthritis. These four genes were only weakly expressed in other synovial fibroblasts (rheumatoid and self-limiting parvovirus infection). However, expression in all types of fibroblasts was increased after stimulation with TNF-alpha and IL-1beta. Three other genes (aggrecan, biglycan and caldesmon) were expressed at higher levels in all types of synovial fibroblasts compared with skin fibroblasts even after stimulation with TNF-alpha and IL-1. Conclusions. Seven genes have been identified with differential expression patterns in terms of disease process (osteoarthritis vs rheumatoid arthritis), state of activation (resting vs cytokine activation) and anatomical location (synovium vs skin). Four of these genes, TFPI2, GRObeta (CXCL2), MnSOD and GCP-2 (CXCL6), were selectively overexpressed in osteoarthritis fibroblasts rather than rheumatoid fibroblasts. While these differences may represent differential behaviour of synovial fibroblasts in in vitro culture, these observations suggest that TFPI2, GRObeta (CXCL2), MnSOD and GCP-2 (CXCL6) may represent new targets for treatments specifically tailored to osteoarthritis.


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The aim of this study was to measure the prevalence of dietary and health supplement use among Australians aged 65 years and over, and to contrast the health differences between supplement users and non-supplement users. Data was obtained from 1,263 randomly selected older Australians, who provided general demographic data, in addition to information related to their health, symptoms experienced and uses of medication, including dietary supplements. Supplement use was reported by 43% of the sample (52% of females and 35% of males). This investigation has revealed distinct differences in the health profile of older supplement users compared to non-users. Although there was no difference in the number of visits to medical doctors or self-rated health status between supplement users and non-supplement users, supplement users were more likely to report arthritis and osteoporosis, and experience more symptoms and consume more medication than non-supplement users. In contrast, there was a reduced likelihood of taking a supplement for those with hypertension and by those using blood pressure medication and heart tablets. These results suggest that older dietary supplement users may benefit from education and professional advice to assist them make appropriate and informed choices, particularly if they expect these preparations to attenuate their health concerns.


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Background: The WOMAC ( Western Ontario and McMaster Universities) function subscale is widely used in clinical trials of hip and knee osteoarthritis. Reducing the number of items of the subscale would enhance efficiency and compliance, particularly for use in clinical practice applications. Objective: To develop a short form of the WOMAC function subscale based on patients' and experts' opinions ( WOMAC function short form). Methods: WOMAC function subscale data ( Likert version) were obtained from 1218 outpatients with painful hip or knee osteoarthritis. These patients and their rheumatologists selected the five items that they considered most in need of improvement. The rheumatologists were asked to select the five items for which patients in general are the most impaired. Items that were least important to patients and experts, those with a high proportion of missing data, and those with a response distribution showing a floor or ceiling response were excluded, along with one of a pair of items with a correlation coefficient >0.75. Results: The WOMAC function short form included items 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 15 of the long form. The short form did not differ substantially from the long form in responsiveness ( standardised response mean of 0.84 v 0.80). Conclusions: A short form of the WOMAC function subscale was developed according to the views of patients and rheumatologists, based on the responses of 1218 patients and 399 rheumatologists. The clinical relevance and applicability of this WOMAC function subscale short form require further evaluation.