119 resultados para Numerical Models


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An equivalent algorithm is proposed to simulate thermal effects of the magma intrusion in geological systems, which are composed of porous rocks. Based on the physical and mathematical equivalence, the original magma solidification problem with a moving boundary between the rock and intruded magma is transformed into a new problem without the moving boundary but with a physically equivalent heat source. From the analysis of an ideal solidification model, the physically equivalent heat source has been determined in this paper. The major advantage in using the proposed equivalent algorithm is that the fixed finite element mesh with a variable integration time step can be employed to simulate the thermal effect of the intruded magma solidification using the conventional finite element method. The related numerical results have demonstrated the correctness and usefulness of the proposed equivalent algorithm for simulating the thermal effect of the intruded magma solidification in geological systems. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Exact analytical solutions of the critical Rayleigh numbers have been obtained for a hydrothermal system consisting of a horizontal porous layer with temperature-dependent viscosity. The boundary conditions considered are constant temperature and zero vertical Darcy velocity at both the top and bottom of the layer. Not only can the derived analytical solutions be readily used to examine the effect of the temperature-dependent viscosity on the temperature-gradient driven convective flow, but also they can be used to validate the numerical methods such as the finite-element method and finite-difference method for dealing with the same kind of problem. The related analytical and numerical results demonstrated that the temperature-dependent viscosity destabilizes the temperature-gradient driven convective flow and therefore, may affect the ore body formation and mineralization in the upper crust of the Earth. Copyright (C) 2003 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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Quantifying mass and energy exchanges within tropical forests is essential for understanding their role in the global carbon budget and how they will respond to perturbations in climate. This study reviews ecosystem process models designed to predict the growth and productivity of temperate and tropical forest ecosystems. Temperate forest models were included because of the minimal number of tropical forest models. The review provides a multiscale assessment enabling potential users to select a model suited to the scale and type of information they require in tropical forests. Process models are reviewed in relation to their input and output parameters, minimum spatial and temporal units of operation, maximum spatial extent and time period of application for each organization level of modelling. Organizational levels included leaf-tree, plot-stand, regional and ecosystem levels, with model complexity decreasing as the time-step and spatial extent of model operation increases. All ecosystem models are simplified versions of reality and are typically aspatial. Remotely sensed data sets and derived products may be used to initialize, drive and validate ecosystem process models. At the simplest level, remotely sensed data are used to delimit location, extent and changes over time of vegetation communities. At a more advanced level, remotely sensed data products have been used to estimate key structural and biophysical properties associated with ecosystem processes in tropical and temperate forests. Combining ecological models and image data enables the development of carbon accounting systems that will contribute to understanding greenhouse gas budgets at biome and global scales.


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Exponential and sigmoidal functions have been suggested to describe the bulk density profiles of crusts. The present work aims to evaluate these conceptual models using high resolution X-radiography. Repacked seedbeds from two soil materials, air-dried or prewetted by capillary rise, were subjected to simulated rain, which resulted in three types of structural crusts, namely, slaking, infilling, and coalescing. Bulk density distributions with depth were generated using high-resolution (70 mum), calibrated X-ray images of slices from the resin-impregnated crusted seedbeds. The bulk density decreased progressively with depth, which supports the suggestion that a crust should be considered as a nonuniform layer. For the slaking and the coalescing crusts, the exponential function underestimated the strong change in bulk density across the morphologically defined transition between the crust and the underlying material; the sigmoidal function provided a better description. Neither of these crust models effectively described the shape of the bulk density profiles through the whole seedbed. Below the infilling and slaking crusts, bulk density increased linearly with depth as a result of slumping. In the coalescing crusted seedbed, the whole seedbed uniformly collapsed and most of the bulk density change within the crust could be ascribed to slumping (0.33 g cm(-3)) rather than to crusting (0.12 g cm(-3)). Finally, (i) X-radiography appears as a unique tool to generate high resolution bulk density profiles and (ii) in structural crusts, bulk density profiles could be modeled using the existing exponential and sigmoidal crusting models, provided a slumping model would be coupled.


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A generalised ladder operator is used to construct the conserved operators for any one-dimensional lattice model derived from the Yang-Baxter equation. As an example, the low order conserved operators for the XYh model are calculated explicitly.


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Models of population dynamics are commonly used to predict risks in ecology, particularly risks of population decline. There is often considerable uncertainty associated with these predictions. However, alternatives to predictions based on population models have not been assessed. We used simulation models of hypothetical species to generate the kinds of data that might typically be available to ecologists and then invited other researchers to predict risks of population declines using these data. The accuracy of the predictions was assessed by comparison with the forecasts of the original model. The researchers used either population models or subjective judgement to make their predictions. Predictions made using models were only slightly more accurate than subjective judgements of risk. However, predictions using models tended to be unbiased, while subjective judgements were biased towards over-estimation. Psychology literature suggests that the bias of subjective judgements is likely to vary somewhat unpredictably among people, depending on their stake in the outcome. This will make subjective predictions more uncertain and less transparent than those based on models. (C) 2004 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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Antigen recognition by cytotoxic CD8 T cells is dependent upon a number of critical steps in MHC class I antigen processing including proteosomal cleavage, TAP transport into the endoplasmic reticulum, and MHC class 1 binding. Based on extensive experimental data relating to each of these steps there is now the capacity to model individual antigen processing steps with a high degree of accuracy. This paper demonstrates the potential to bring together models of individual antigen processing steps, for example proteosome cleavage, TAP transport, and MHC binding, to build highly informative models of functional pathways. In particular, we demonstrate how an artificial neural network model of TAP transport was used to mine a HLA-binding database so as to identify H LA-binding peptides transported by TAP. This integrated model of antigen processing provided the unique insight that HLA class I alleles apparently constitute two separate classes: those that are TAP-efficient for peptide loading (HLA-B27, -A3, and -A24) and those that are TAP-inefficient (HLA-A2, -B7, and -B8). Hence, using this integrated model we were able to generate novel hypotheses regarding antigen processing, and these hypotheses are now capable of being tested experimentally. This model confirms the feasibility of constructing a virtual immune system, whereby each additional step in antigen processing is incorporated into a single modular model. Accurate models of antigen processing have implications for the study of basic immunology as well as for the design of peptide-based vaccines and other immunotherapies. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In primates, the observation of meaningful, goaldirected actions engages a network of cortical areas located within the premotor and inferior parietal lobules. Current models suggest that activity within these regions arises relatively automatically during passive action observation without the need for topdown control. Here we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to determine whether cortical activit)' associated with action observation is modulated by the strategic allocation of selective attention. Normal observers viewed movie clips of reach-to-grasp actions while performing an easy or difficult visual discrimination at the fovea. A wholebrain analysis was performed to determine the effects of attentional load on neural responses to observed hand actions. Our results suggest that cortical areas involved in action observation are significantiy modulated by attentional load. These findings have important implications for recent attempts to link the human action-observation system to response properties of "mirror neurons" in monkeys.


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We construct the Drinfeld twists ( factorizing F-matrices) of the gl(m-n)-invariant fermion model. Completely symmetric representation of the pseudo-particle creation operators of the model are obtained in the basis provided by the F-matrix ( the F-basis). We resolve the hierarchy of the nested Bethe vectors in the F-basis for the gl(m-n) supersymmetric model.


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The solidification of intruded magma in porous rocks can result in the following two consequences: (1) the heat release due to the solidification of the interface between the rock and intruded magma and (2) the mass release of the volatile fluids in the region where the intruded magma is solidified into the rock. Traditionally, the intruded magma solidification problem is treated as a moving interface (i.e. the solidification interface between the rock and intruded magma) problem to consider these consequences in conventional numerical methods. This paper presents an alternative new approach to simulate thermal and chemical consequences/effects of magma intrusion in geological systems, which are composed of porous rocks. In the proposed new approach and algorithm, the original magma solidification problem with a moving boundary between the rock and intruded magma is transformed into a new problem without the moving boundary but with the proposed mass source and physically equivalent heat source. The major advantage in using the proposed equivalent algorithm is that a fixed mesh of finite elements with a variable integration time-step can be employed to simulate the consequences and effects of the intruded magma solidification using the conventional finite element method. The correctness and usefulness of the proposed equivalent algorithm have been demonstrated by a benchmark magma solidification problem. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Numerical methods are used to simulate the double-diffusion driven convective pore-fluid flow and rock alteration in three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zones. The double diffusion is caused by a combination of both the positive upward temperature gradient and the positive downward salinity concentration gradient within a three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zone, which is assumed to be more permeable than its surrounding rocks. In order to ensure the physical meaningfulness of the obtained numerical solutions, the numerical method used in this study is validated by a benchmark problem, for which the analytical solution to the critical Rayleigh number of the system is available. The theoretical value of the critical Rayleigh number of a three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zone system can be used to judge whether or not the double-diffusion driven convective pore-fluid flow can take place within the system. After the possibility of triggering the double-diffusion driven convective pore-fluid flow is theoretically validated for the numerical model of a three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zone system, the corresponding numerical solutions for the convective flow and temperature are directly coupled with a geochemical system. Through the numerical simulation of the coupled system between the convective fluid flow, heat transfer, mass transport and chemical reactions, we have investigated the effect of the double-diffusion driven convective pore-fluid flow on the rock alteration, which is the direct consequence of mineral redistribution due to its dissolution, transportation and precipitation, within the three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zone system. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A comprehensive probabilistic model for simulating dendrite morphology and investigating dendritic growth kinetics during solidification has been developed, based on a modified Cellular Automaton (mCA) for microscopic modeling of nucleation, growth of crystals and solute diffusion. The mCA model numerically calculated solute redistribution both in the solid and liquid phases, the curvature of dendrite tips and the growth anisotropy. This modeling takes account of thermal, curvature and solute diffusion effects. Therefore, it can simulate microstructure formation both on the scale of the dendrite tip length. This model was then applied for simulating dendritic solidification of an Al-7%Si alloy. Both directional and equiaxed dendritic growth has been performed to investigate the growth anisotropy and cooling rate on dendrite morphology. Furthermore, the competitive growth and selection of dendritic crystals have also investigated.