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Background. The molecular pathogenesis of different sensitivities of the renal proximal and distal tubular cell populations to ischemic injury, including ischemia-reperfusion (IR)-induced oxidative stress, is not well-defined. An in vitro model of oxidative stress was used to compare the survival of distal [Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK)] and proximal [human kidney-2 (HK-2)] renal tubular epithelial cells, and to analyze for links between induced cell death and expression and localization of selected members of the Bcl-2 gene family (anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 and Bcl-X-L, pro-apoptotic Bax and Bad), Methods. Cells were treated with 1 mmol/L hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) Or were grown in control medium for 24 hours. Cell death (apoptosis) was quantitated using defined morphological criteria. DNA gel electrophoresis was used for biochemical identification. Protein expression levels and cellular localization of the selected Bcl-2 family proteins were analyzed (West ern immunoblots, densitometry, immunoelectron microscopy). Results. Apoptosis was minimal in control cultures and was greatest in treated proximal cell cultures (16.93 +/- 4.18% apoptosis) compared with treated distal cell cultures (2.28 +/- 0.85% apoptosis, P < 0.001). Endogenous expression of Bcl-X-L and Bax, but not Bcl-2 or Bad, was identified in control distal cells, Bcl-X-L and Bax had nonsignificant increases (P > 0.05) in these cells. Bcl-2, Bax, and Bcl-X-L, but not Bad, were endogenously expressed in control proximal cells. Bcl-X-L was significantly decreased in treated proximal cultures (P < 0.05), with Bas and Bcl-2 having nonsignificant increases (P > 0.05). Immunoelectron microscopy localization indicated that control and treated hut surviving proximal cells had similar cytosolic and membrane localization of the Bcl-2 proteins. In comparison, surviving cells in the treated distal cultures showed translocation of Bcl-X-L from cytosol to the mitochondria after treatment with H2O2, a result that was confirmed using cell fractionation and analysis of Bcl-XL expression levels of the membrane and cytosol proteins. Bax remained distributed evenly throughout the surviving distal cells, without particular attachment to any cellular organelle. Conclusion. The results indicate that in this in vitro model, the increased survival of distal compared with proximal tubular cells after oxidative stress is best explained by the decreased expression of anti-apoptotic Bcl-X-L in proximal cells, as well as translocation of Bcl-X-L protein to mitochondria within the surviving distal cells.
There are at present disparate published results with regard to the relevance of the Bcl-2 gene family, levels of apoptosis, and cell proliferation in the development and progression of renal cell carcinoma (RCC). The present study v analyses the interrelationship between the expression of representatives of the anti-apoptotic (Bcl-2, Bcl-X-L) or pro-apoptotic (Bax) Bcl-2 proteins, incidence of apoptosis, and mitosis in a selected small group of 22 graded RCCs that had paired normal renal tissue, or non-neoplastic tissue in the renal biopsy specimen. The cases were chosen to determine the feasibility of measuring these parameters as potential surrogate markers of progression or treatment failure of the cancers. The results showed that in approximately 50% of the RCCs, where Bcl-2 and/or Bcl-X-L expression was high, apoptosis it-as not detected, and when expression of these proteins was low or not found, increased levels of apoptosis were seen. In most of the remaining 50% of samples, high levels of Bcl-X-L but not Bcl-2 were negatively correlated with low levels of apoptosis (Bcl-X-L: r = -0.437, P = 0.07 and Bcl-2: r = + 0.560, P = 0.02). For the same group of samples, high Bax expression was found in association with apoptosis (r = + 0.578, P = 0,02). A novel finding was an association between low expression of Bcl-2 an/or Bcl-X-L in normal tissue and the level of expression of these proteins in the RCCs, an intrinsic variation that may be an individual patient factor. The results indicate that, in RCCs with increased expression of Bcl-2 and/or Bcl-X-L, levels of apoptosis are minimal and these combined factors may assist in progression of the cancers and resistance to treatments.
It has been established that large numbers of certain trees can survive in the beds of rivers of northeastern Australia where a strongly seasonal distribution of precipitation causes extreme variations in flow on both a yearly and longer-term basis. In these rivers, minimal flow occurs throughout much of any year and for periods of up to several years, allowing the trees to become established and to adapt their form in order to facilitate their survival in environments that experience periodic inundation by fast-flowing, debris-laden water. Such trees (notably paperbark trees of the angiosperm genus Melaleuca) adopt a reclined to prostrate, downstream-trailing habit, have a multiple-stemmed form, modified crown with weeping foliage, development of thick, spongy bark, anchoring of roots into firm to lithified substrates beneath the channel floor, root regeneration, and develop in flow-parallel, linear groves. Individuals from within flow-parallel, linear groves are preserved in situ within the alluvial deposit of the river following burial and death. Four examples of in situ tree fossils within alluvial channel deposits in the Permian of eastern Australia demonstrate that specialised riverbed plant communities also existed at times in the geological past. These examples, from the Lower Permian Carmila Beds, Upper Permian Moranbah Coal Measures and Baralaba Coal Measures of central Queensland and the Upper Permian Newcastle Coal Measures of central New South Wales, show several of the characteristics of trees described from modern rivers in northeastern Australia, including preservation in closely-spaced groups. These properties, together with independent sedimentological evidence, suggest that the Permian trees were adapted to an environment affected by highly variable runoff, albeit in a more temperate climatic situation than the modem Australian examples. It is proposed that occurrences of fossil trees preserved in situ within alluvial channel deposits may be diagnostic of environments controlled by seasonal and longer-term variability in fluvial runoff, and hence may have value in interpreting aspects of palaeoclimate from ancient alluvial successions. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
enin et al. (2000) recently introduced the idea of similarity in the context of birth-death processes. This paper examines the extent to which their results can be extended to arbitrary Markov chains. It is proved that, under a variety of conditions, similar chains are strongly similar in a sense which is described, and it is shown that minimal chains are strongly similar if and only if the corresponding transition-rate matrices are strongly similar. A general framework is given for constructing families of strongly similar chains; it permits the construction of all such chains in the irreducible case.
When repairable items sold under warranty fail, the rectification action taken by the manufacturer can be either a repair or a replacement, In this paper a new repair-replacement strategy is proposed for the manufacturer when the items are sold with a non-renewing free replacement warranty policy. The strategy involves splitting the warranty period into two intervals where only repairs are carried out, separated by a third interval with at most one replacement.
An 823 m thick glaciomarine Cenozoic section sitting unconformably on the Lower Devonian Beacon Supergroup was recovered in CRP –3. This paper reviews the chronostratigraphical constraints for the Cenozoic section. Between 3 and 480.27 mbsf 23 unconformity bounded cycles of sediment were recorded. Each unconformity is thought to represent a hiatus of uncertain duration. Four magnetozones have been recognised from the Cenozoic section. The record is complex with several “tiny wiggles” recorded throughout. Biostratigraphical or Sr ages, which could be used to link these magnetozones to the magnetic polarity time scale are restricted to the upper 190 m of sediment. Two diatom datums (Cavitatus jouseanus at 48.9 mbsf and Rhizosolenica antarctica at 68.60 mbsf), together with five Sr-isotope dates derived from molluscan fragments taken from between 10.88 and 190.29 mbsf indicate an early Oligocene (c. 31 Ma) age for this interval. The appearance of a new species of the bivalve ?Adamussium at about 325 mbsf, suggests that the Oligocene age can be extended down to this level. This confirms that the dominantly reversed magnetozone (R1), recorded down to about 340 mbsf, is Chron C12r. The ages imply high sedimentation rates and only minimal time gaps at the sequence boundaries. Below 340 mbsf there are no independent datums to guide the correlation of the magnetozones to the magnetic polarity time scale. However, the absence of in situ dinocysts attributable to Transantarctic Flora, if not a result of environmental control, limits the age of the base of the hole to between c. 33.5 and 35 Ma.
Background, aim: The present study describes (i) the natural distribution of the three putative periodontopathogens Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans in an Australian population and (ii) the relationship between these organisms, pocket depths and supragingival plaque scores. Methods: Subgingival plaque was collected from the shallowest and deepest probing site in each sextant of the dentition. In total, 6030 subgingival plaque samples were collected from 504 subjects. An ELISA utilising pathogen-specific monoclonal antibodies was used to quantitate bacterial numbers. Results:: A. actinomycetemcomitans was the most frequently detected organism (22.8% of subjects) followed by P. gingivalis and P. intermedia (14.7% and 9.5% of subjects respectively). The majority of infected subjects (83%) were colonised by a single species of organism. A. actinomyceteincomitans presence was overrepresented in the youngest age group but under-represented in the older age groups. Conversely, P. gingivalis and P. intermedia presence was under-represented in the youngest age group but over-represented in the older age groups. Differing trends in the distribution of these bacteria were observed between subjects depending upon the site of the infection or whether a single or mixed infection was present; however, these differences did not reach significance. Bacterial presence was strongly associated with pocket depth for both A. actinomyceteincomitans and P. gingivalis. For A. actinomycetemcomitans, the odds of a site containing this bacterium decrease with deeper pockets. In contrast, for P. gingivalis the odds of a site being positive are almost six times greater for pockets >3 ram than for pockets less than or equal to3 nun. These odds increase further to 15.3 for pockets deeper than 5 mm. The odds of a site being P. intermedia positive were marginally greater (1.16) for pockets deeper than 3 mm. Conclusions: This cross-sectional study in a volunteer Australian population, demonstrated recognised periodontal pathogens occur as part of the flora of the subgingival plaque. Prospective longitudinal studies are needed to examine the positive relationship between pocket depth and pathogen presence with periodontal disease initiation and/or progression.
MC1R gene variants have previously been associated with red hair and fair skin color, moreover skin ultraviolet sensitivity and a strong association with melanoma has been demonstrated for three variant alleles that are active in influencing pigmentation: Arg151Cys, Arg160Trp, and Asp294His. This study has confirmed these pigmentary associations with MC1R genotype in a collection of 220 individuals drawn from the Nambour community in Queensland, Australia, 111 of whom were at high risk and 109 at low risk of basal cell squamous cell carcinoma. Comparative allele frequencies for nine MC1R variants that have been reported in the Caucasian population were determined for these two groups, and an association between prevalence of basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, solar keratosis and the same three active MC1R variant alleles was demonstrated [odds ratio=3.15 95% CI (1.7, 5.82)]. Three other commonly occurring variant alleles: Val60Leu, Val92Met, and Arg163Gln were identified as having a minimal impact on pigmentation phenotype as well as basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma risk. A significant heterozygote effect was demonstrated where individuals carrying a single MC1R variant allele were more likely to have fair and sun sensitive skin as well as carriage of a solar lesion when compared with those individuals with a consensus MC1R genotype. After adjusting for the effects of pigmentation on the association between MC1R variant alleles and basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma risk, the association persisted, confirming that presence of at least one variant allele remains informative in terms of predicting risk for developing a solar-induced skin lesion beyond that information gained through observation of pigmentation phenotype.
To support student learning in a large Metabolism and Nutrition class, we have introduced a web-based package, using a commercially available program, WebCT. The package was developed at a minimal cost and with limited resources. In addition to downloadable (PDF) versions of lecture Powerpoint presentations, tutorial outlines and a practical class exercise, web-based self-directed learning exercises were included to reinforce and extend lecture material in an active learning environment. The web-site also contained a variety of formative and summative assessment tasks that examined both factual recall and higher order thinking Detailed course information, timetables and a bulletin board were also readily accessible. Student usage of the site was generally high, but varied widely between individual students. Students who achieved a high overall score for the course completed on average three times as many formative assessment items and achieved a higher score for all tests than students who did poorly. Student feedback about the site was very positive with the majority of students reporting that the course material and assessment items that were available were useful to their learning. Administration of the course was also facilitated. (C) 2001 IUBMB. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Individuals with acute hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection characteristically mount a strong, multispecific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response that is effective in eradicating virus. In contrast, this response in chronic carriers is usually weak or undetectable. Since it is generally acknowledged that HBV pathogenesis is immune-mediated, the occurrence of episodes of active liver disease in many carriers suggests that these individuals can mount active CTL responses to HBV. To see whether the detection of circulating CTLs is related to these flare episodes, we have determined the CTL precursor (CTLp) frequencies to HLA-A2-restricted viral peptides in seven patients over a 12-24-month period of their disease. Limiting dilution analyses (LDA) were performed longitudinally to five epitopes comprising the viral capsid (HBc), envelope (HBs) and polymerase (pol) proteins. Assays were performed against a mixture of peptides, or against each individual peptide, to measure overall CTL activity and the multispecificity of the responses, respectively. Since two of the patients were treated with recombinant human interleukin-12 (rHuIL-12) at the time, with one individual achieving complete disease remission a year later after being treated with interferon-alpha, we were also able to examine the effects of these cytokines on HBV cytotoxicity. Our results indicate that weak but detectable CTL responses do occur in chronic carriers which are generally associated with disease flares, although CTLps were also seen occasionally during minimal disease activity. The range of specificities varied between individuals and within each individual during the course of the disease. Finally, we also provide evidence that CTL reactivity is stimulated following treatment with certain cytokines, but is dependent on the time of administration.
The subjective interpretation of dobutamine echocardiography (DBE) makes the accuracy of this technique dependent on the experience of the observer, and also poses problems of concordance between observers. Myocardial tissue Doppler velocity (MDV) may offer a quantitative technique for identification of coronary artery disease, but it is unclear whether this parameter could improve the results of less expert readers and in segments with low interobserver concordance. The aim of this study was to find whether MDV improved the accuracy of wall motion scoring in novice readers, experienced echocardiographers, and experts in stress echocardiography, and to identify the optimal means of integrating these tissue Doppler data in 77 patients who underwent DBE and angiography. New or worsening abnormalities were identified as ischemia and abnormalities seen at rest as scarring. Segmental MDV was measured independently and previously derived cutoffs were applied to categorize segments as normal or ab normal. Five strategies were used to combine MDV and wall motion score, and the results of each reader using each strategy were compared with quantitative coronary angiography. The accuracy of wall motion scoring by novice (68 +/- 3%) and experienced echocardiographers (71 +/- 3%) was less than experts in stress echocardiography (88 +/- 3%, p < 0.001). Various strategies for integration with MDV significantly improved the accuracy of wall motion scoring by novices from 75 +/- 2% to 77 +/- 5% (p < 0.01). Among the experienced group, accuracy improved from 74 +/- 2% to 77 +/- 5% (p < 0.05), but in the experts, no improvement was seen from their baseline accuracy. Integration with MDV also improved discordance related to the basal segments. Thus, use of MDV in all segments or MDV in all segments with wall motion scoring in the apex offers an improvement in sensitivity and accuracy with minimal compromise in specificity. (C) 2001 by Excerpta Medica, Inc.
Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii produces the cyanotoxin cylindrospermopsin, which is commonly found in SouthEast Queensland water reservoirs, and has been responsible for the closure of these reservoirs as a source of drinking water in recent times. Thus, alternative more effective treatment methods need to be investigated for the removal of toxins such as cylindrospermopsin. This study examined the effectiveness of two brands of titanium dioxide under UV photolysis for the degradation of cylindrospermopsin. Results indicate that titanium dioxide is an efficient photocatalyst for cylindrospermopsin degradation. The titanium dioxide (TiO2), brand Degussa P-25 was found to be more efficient than the alternate brand Hombikat UV-100. There was an influence from solution pH (4, 7, and 9) with both brands of titanium dioxide, with high pH resulting in the best degradation rate. Importantly, there was no adsorption of cylindrospermopsin to titanium dioxide particles as seen with other cyanotoxins, which would adversely influence the degradation rate. Degradation rates were not influenced by temperature (19-34 degreesC) when P-25 was the source of TiO2, some temperature influence was observed with UV-100. Dissolved organic carbon concentration will reduce the efficiency of titanium dioxide for cylindrospermopsin degradation, however the presence of other inorganic matter in natural waters greatly assists the photocatalytic process. With minimal potentially toxic by-product formation expected with this treatment, and the effective degradation of cylindrospermopsin, titanium dioxide UV photolysis is a promising speculative alternative water treatment method. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Existing procedures for the generation of polymorphic DNA markers are not optimal for insect studies in which the organisms are often tiny and background molecular Information is often non-existent. We have used a new high throughput DNA marker generation protocol called randomly amplified DNA fingerprints (RAF) to analyse the genetic variability In three separate strains of the stored grain pest, Rhyzopertha dominica. This protocol is quick, robust and reliable even though it requires minimal sample preparation, minute amounts of DNA and no prior molecular analysis of the organism. Arbitrarily selected oligonucleotide primers routinely produced similar to 50 scoreable polymorphic DNA markers, between individuals of three Independent field isolates of R. dominica. Multivariate cluster analysis using forty-nine arbitrarily selected polymorphisms generated from a single primer reliably separated individuals into three clades corresponding to their geographical origin. The resulting clades were quite distinct, with an average genetic difference of 37.5 +/- 6.0% between clades and of 21.0 +/- 7.1% between individuals within clades. As a prelude to future gene mapping efforts, we have also assessed the performance of RAF under conditions commonly used in gene mapping. In this analysis, fingerprints from pooled DNA samples accurately and reproducibly reflected RAF profiles obtained from Individual DNA samples that had been combined to create the bulked samples.
Objective-To determine reference values and test variability for glucose tolerance tests (GTT), insulin tolerance tests (ITT), and insulin sensitivity tests (IST) in cats, Animals-32 clinically normal cats. Procedure-GTT, ITT, and IST were performed on consecutive days. Tolerance intervals tie, reference values) were calculated as means +/- 2.397 SD for plasma glucose and insulin concentrations, half-life of glucose (T-1/2glucose), rate constants for glucose disappearance (K-glucose and K-itt), and insulin sensitivity index (S-l). Tests were repeated after 6 weeks in 8 cats to determine test variability. Results-Reference values for T-1/2glucose, K-glucose, and fasting plasma glucose and insulin concentrations during GTT were 45 to 74 minutes, 0.93 to 1.54 %/min, 37 to 104 mg/dl, and 2.8 to 20.6 muU/ml, respectively. Mean values did not differ between the 2 tests. Coefficients of variation for T-1/2glucose, K-glucose, and fasting plasma glucose and insulin concentrations were 20, 20, 11, and 23%, respectively. Reference values for K-itt were 1.14 to 7.3%/min, and for S-l were 0.57 to 10.99 x 10(-4) min/muU/ml. Mean values did not differ between the 2 tests performed 6 weeks apart, Coefficients of variation for K-itt and S-l were 60 and 47%, respectively. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-GTT, ITT, and IST can be performed in cats, using standard protocols. Knowledge of reference values and test variability will enable researchers to better interpret test results for assessment of glucose tolerance, pancreatic beta -cell function, and insulin sensitivity in cats.
We examined the genetic diversity of symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium sp.) in the widespread hermatypic coral Plesiastrea versipora from tropical/subtropical (north-eastern Australia) and temperate waters (south-eastern Australia) using restriction fragment length polymorphisms of partial 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA), together with sequence analysis of partial 28S rDNA. This study revealed that P. versipora associates with at least two distinct genotypes of symbiotic dinoflagellates and that the presence of these genotypes varies with latitude. P. versipora colonies from subtropical and tropical waters contained symbionts belonging to Symbiodinium clade C, while P. versipora colonies at high-latitude sites contained clade B. Variability within the two groups of symbionts (clades H and C) was minimal, suggesting possible host fidelity. The geographically distinct varieties of symbionts within the tissue of this hermatypic coral are likely to be associated with algal physiological differences, which in turn may relate to changing selective pressures as a function of latitude along the eastern Australian seaboard.