98 resultados para Metagenomic Sequencing
Complete biological nutrient removal (BNR) in a single tank, sequencing batch reactor (SBR) process, is demonstrated here at full-scale on a typical domestic wastewater. The unique feature of the UniFed process is the introduction of the influent into the settled sludge blanket during the settling and decant periods of the SBR operation. This achieves suitable conditions for denitrification and anaerobic phosphate release which is critical to successful biological phosphorus removal, It also achieves a selector effect, which helps in generating a compact, well settling biomass in the reactor. The results of this demonstration show that it is possible to achieve well over 90% removal of GOD, nitrogen and phosphorus in such a process. Effluent quality achieved over a six-month operating period directly after commissioning was: 29 mg/l GOD, 0.5 mg/l NH4-N, 1.5 mg/l NOx-N and 1.5 mg/l PO4-P (50%-iles of daily samples). During an 8-day, intensive sampling period, the effluent BOD5 was
This paper considers the question of which is better: the batch or the continuous activated sludge processes? It is an important question because dissension still exists in the wastewater industry as to the relative merits of each of the processes. A review of perceived differences in the processes from the point of view of two related disciplines, process engineering and biotechnology, is presented together with the results of previous comparative studies. These reviews highlight possible areas where more understanding is required. This is provided in the paper by application of the flexibility index to two case studies. The flexibility index is a useful process design tool that measures the ability of the process to cope with long term changes in operation.
Skinks from the genera Eulamprus, Gnypetoscincus and Nangura are a prominent component of the reptile fauna of the mesic forests of the east coast of Australia and have been the subject of numerous ecological studies. Highly conserved morphology and the retention of ancestral traits have limited our understanding of the relationships within and among these genera beyond an initial identification of species groups within Eulamprus. To address this deficit and to explore the relationships between Eulamprus and the monotypic genera Nangura and Gnypetoscincus, sections of two mitochondrial genes (ND4 and 16S rRNA) were sequenced and subjected to Bayesian phylogenetic analysis. This phylogenetic analysis supports recognition of the three species groups proposed for Eulamprus (murrayi, quoyii and tenuis) and indicates that this genus is paraphyletic, with Gnypetoscincus and Nangura being proximal to basal lineages of the tenuis group. To resolve these and broader problems of paraphyly, we suggest that each of the species groups from 'Eulamprus' should be recognised as a distinct genus. The phylogenetically and ecologically distinct water skinks of the quoyii group would be retained within Eulamprus and the diverse species of the tenuis group allocated to Concinnia. We suggest placing the monophyletic murrayi group, endemic to the rainforests of central eastern Australia, in a new genus ( yet to be formally described). The sequencing data also revealed the existence of a genetically divergent but morphologically cryptic lineage within E. murrayi and substantial diversity within E. quoyii. There is evidence for two major habitat shifts from rainforest towards drier habitats, one leading to the quoyii group and the second defining a clade of three species within the tenuis complex. These ecological transitions may represent adaptations to general drying across eastern Australia during the late Miocene - Pliocene. Each of the major areas of east coast tropical or subtropical rainforest contains multiple phylogenetically diverse endemic species, reflecting the long-term persistence and high conservation value of wet forest habitats in each area.
Monoclonal antibody (MAb) 263 is a widely used monoclonal antibody that recognizes the extracellular domain (ECD) of the GH receptor. It has been shown to act as a GH agonist both in vitro and in vivo, and we report here that it must be divalent to exert its effect on the full-length receptor. To understand the mechanism of its agonist action, we have determined the precise epitope for this antibody using a novel random PCR mutagenesis approach together with expression screening in yeast. A library of 5200 clones of rabbit GH receptor ECD mutants were screened both with MAb 263 and with an anticarboxy-tag antibody to verify complete ECD expression. Sequencing for clones that expressed complete ECD but were not MAb 263 positive identified 20 epitope residues distributed in a discontinuous manner throughout the ECD. The major part of the epitope, as revealed after mapping onto the crystal structure model of the ECD molecule, was located on the side and upper portion of domain 1, particularly within the D - E strand disulfide loop 79 - 96. Molecular dynamics docking of an antibody of the same isotype as MAb 263 was used to dock the bivalent antibody to the 1528-Angstrom(2) epitope and to visualize the likely consequences of MAb binding. The minimized model enables the antibody to grasp two receptors in a pincer-like movement from opposite sides, facilitating alignment of the receptor dimerization domains in a manner similar to, but not identical with, GH.
Two laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) were operated for enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) in alternating anaerobic-aerobic or alternating anaerobic-anoxic modes, respectively. Polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs) were enriched in the anaerobic-aerobic SBR and denitrifying PAOs (DPAOs) were enriched in the anaerobic-aerobic SBR. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) demonstrated that the well-known PAO, Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis was abundant in both SBRs, and post-FISH chemical staining with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindol (DAPI) confirmed that they accumulated polyphosphate. When the anaerobic-anoxic SBR enriched for DPAOs was converted to anaerobic-aerobic operation, aerobic uptake of phosphorus by the resident microbial community occurred immediately. However, when the anaerobic-aerobic SBR enriched for PAOs was exposed to one cycle with anoxic rather than aerobic conditions, a 5-h lag period elapsed before phosphorus uptake proceeded. This anoxic phosphorus-uptake lag phase was not observed in the subsequent anaerobic-aerobic cycle. These results demonstrate that the PAOs that dominated the anaerobic-aerobic SBR biomass were the same organisms as the DPAOs enriched under anaerobic-anoxic conditions. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
An increasing number of studies shows that the glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAOs) can survive and may indeed proliferate under the alternating anaerobic/aerobic conditions found in EBPR systems, thus forming a strong competitor of the polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs). Understanding their behaviors in a mixed PAO and GAO culture under various operational conditions is essential for developing operating strategies that disadvantage the growth of this group of unwanted organisms. A model-based data analysis method is developed in this paper for the study of the anaerobic PAO and GAO activities in a mixed PAO and GAO culture. The method primarily makes use of the hydrogen ion production rate and the carbon dioxide transfer rate resulting from the acetate uptake processes by PAOs and GAOs, measured with a recently developed titration and off-gas analysis (TOGA) sensor. The method is demonstrated using the data from a laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) operated under alternating anaerobic and aerobic conditions. The data analysis using the proposed method strongly indicates a coexistence of PAOs and GAOs in the system, which was independently confirmed by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) measurement. The model-based analysis also allowed the identification of the respective acetate uptake rates by PAOs and GAOs, along with a number of kinetic and stoichiometric parameters involved in the PAO and GAO models. The excellent fit between the model predictions and the experimental data not involved in parameter identification shows that the parameter values found are reliable and accurate. It also demonstrates that the current anaerobic PAO and GAO models are able to accurately characterize the PAO/GAO mixed culture obtained in this study. This is of major importance as no pure culture of either PAOs or GAOs has been reported to date, and hence the current PAO and GAO models were developed for the interpretation of experimental results of mixed cultures. The proposed method is readily applicable for detailed investigations of the competition between PAOs and GAOs in enriched cultures. However, the fermentation of organic substrates carried out by ordinary heterotrophs needs to be accounted for when the method is applied to the study of PAO and GAO competition in full-scale sludges. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The entire internal transcribed spacer ( ITS) region, including the 5.8S subunit of the nuclear ribosomal DNA ( rDNA), was sequenced by direct double-stranded sequencing of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified fragments. The study included 40 Sporobolus ( Family Poaceae, subfamily Chloridoideae) seed collections from 14 putative species ( all 11 species from the S. indicus complex and three Australian native species). These sequences, along with those from two out-group species [ Pennisetum alopecuroides ( L.) Spreng. and Heteropogon contortus ( L.) P. Beauv. ex Roemer & Schultes, Poaceae, subfamily Panicoideae], were analysed by the parsimony method (PAUP; version 4.0b4a) to infer phylogenetic relationships among these species. The length of the ITS1, 5.8S subunit and ITS2 region were 222, 164 and 218 base pairs ( bp), respectively, in all species of the S. indicus complex, except for the ITS2 region of S. diandrus P. Beauv. individuals, which was 217 bp long. Of the 624 characters included in the analysis, 245 ( 39.3%) of the 330 variable sites contained potential phylogenetic information. Differences in sequences among the members of the S. pyramidalis P. Beauv., S. natalensis (Steud.) Dur & Schinz and S. jacquemontii Kunth. collections were 0%, while differences ranged from 0 to 2% between these and other species of the complex. Similarly, differences in sequences among collections of S. laxus B. K. Simon, S. sessilis B. K. Simon, S. elongatus R. Br. and S. creber De Nardi were 0%, compared with differences of 1-2% between these four species and the rest of the complex. When comparing S. fertilis ( Steud.) Clayton and S. africanus (Poir.) Robyns & Tourney, differences between collections ranged from 0 to 1%. Parsimony analysis grouped all 11 species of the S. indicus complex together, indicating a monophyletic origin. For the entire data set, pair-wise distances among members of the S. indicus complex varied from 0.00 to 1.58%, compared with a range of 20.08-21.44% among species in the complex and the Australian native species studied. A strict consensus phylogenetic tree separated 11 species of the S. indicus complex into five major clades. The phylogeny, based on ITS sequences, was found to be congruent with an earlier study on the taxonomic relationship of the weedy Sporobolus grasses revealed from random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD). However, this cladistic analysis of the complex was not in agreement with that created on past morphological analyses and therefore gives a new insight into the phylogeny of the S. indicus complex.
This paper is situated within a theoretical discussion that asserts a positive correlation between indirectness and politeness, and uses these claims as a springboard for an examination of polite ways of issuing directives in eighteenth century Chinese. On the basis of an analysis of directive speech acts from dialogue in the novel Honglou meng, it argues that the concept of indirectness, as it applies to the illocutionary transparency of individual speech acts, has no particular value in the culture and language of eighteenth century Chinese men. It is found that other linguistic devices such as particles, the reduplication of verbs, terms of address, and the presence and sequencing of supportive moves are far more significant to the communication of politeness. The findings suggest a need to rethink current theoretical positions on this subject and move beyond the analysis of individual speech acts to examine the role discourse structure and management play in the enactment of politeness. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.