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Diverse self-incompatibility (SI) mechanisms permit flowering plants to inhibit fertilization by pollen that express specificities in common with the pistil. Characteristic of at least two model systems is greatly reduced recombination across large genomic tracts surrounding the S-locus, which regulates SI. In three angiosperm families, including the Solanaceae, the gene that controls the expression of gametophytic SI in the pistil encodes a ribonuclease (S-RNase). The gene that controls pollen SI expression is currently unknown, although several candidates have recently been proposed. Although each candidate shows a high level of polymorphism and complete allelic disequilibrium with the S-RNase gene, such properties may merely reflect tight linkage to the S-locus, irrespective of any functional role in SI. We analyzed the magnitude and nature of nucleotide variation, with the objective of distinguishing likely candidates for regulators of SI from other genes embedded in the S-locus region. We studied the S-RNase gene of the Solanaceae and 48A, a candidate for the pollen gene in this system, and we also conducted a parallel analysis of the regulators of sporophytic SI in Brassica, a system in which both the pistil and pollen genes are known. Although the pattern of variation shown by the pollen gene of the Brassica system is consistent with its role as a determinant of pollen specificity, that of 48A departs from expectation. Our analysis further suggests that recombination between 48A and S-RNase may have occurred during the interval spanned by the gene genealogy, another indication that 48A may not regulate SI expression in pollen.
Human N-acetyltransferase Type I (NAT1) catalyses the acetylation of many aromatic amine and hydrazine compounds and it has been implicated in the catabolism of folic acid. The enzyme is widely expressed in the body, although there are considerable differences in the level of activity between tissues. A search of the mRNA databases revealed the presence of several NAT1 transcripts in human tissue that appear to be derived from different promoters. Because little is known about NAT1 gene regulation, the present study was undertaken to characterize one of the putative promoter sequences of the NAT1 gene located just upstream of the coding region. We show with reverse-transcriptase PCR that mRNA transcribed from this promoter (Promoter 1) is present in a variety of human cell-lines, but not in quiescent peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Using deletion mutant constructs, we identified a 20 bp sequence located 245 bases upstream of the translation start site which was sufficient for basal NAT1 expression. It comprised an AP-1 (activator protein 1)-binding site, flanked on either side by a TCATT motif. Mutational analysis showed that the AP-1 site and the 3' TCATT sequence were necessary for gene expression, whereas the 5' TCATT appeared to attenuate promoter activity. Electromobility shift assays revealed two specific bands made up by complexes of c-Fos/Fra, c-Jun, YY-1 (Yin and Yang 1) and possibly Oct-1. PMA treatment enhanced expression from the NAT1 promoter via the AP-1-binding site. Furthermore, in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, PMA increased endogenous NAT1 activity and induced mRNA expression from Promoter I, suggesting that it is functional in vivo.
Positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) is important for neonatal ventilation but is not considered in guidelines for resuscitation. Our aim was to investigate the effects of PEEP on cardiorespiratory parameters during resuscitation of very premature lambs delivered by hysterotomy at similar to125 d gestation (term similar to147 d). Before delivery, they were intubated and lung fluid was drained. Immediately after delivery, they were ventilated with a Drager Babylog plus ventilator in volume guarantee mode with a tidal volume of 5 mL/kg. Lambs were randomized to receive 0, 4, 8, or 12 cm H2O of PEEP. They were ventilated for a 15-min resuscitation period followed by 2 h of stabilization at the same PEEP. Tidal volume, peak inspiratory pressure, PEEP, arterial pressure, oxygen saturation, and blood gases were measured regularly, and respiratory system compliance and alveolar/ arterial oxygen differences were calculated. Lambs that received 12 cm H2O of PEEP died from pneumothoraces; all others survived without pneumothoraces. Oxygenation was significantly improved by 8 and 12 cm H2O of PEEP compared with 0 and 4 cm H2O of PEEP. Lambs with 0 PEEP did not oxygenate adequately. The compliance of the respiratory system was significantly higher at 4 and 8 cm H2O of PEEP than at 0 PEEP. There were no significant differences in partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood between groups. Arterial pressure was highest with 8 cm H2O of PEEP, and there was no cardiorespiratory compromise at any level of PEEP. Applying PEEP during resuscitation of very premature infants might be advantageous and merits further investigation.
Background: The purpose of the present paper was to investigate whether screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) causes health-related quality of life to change in men or their partners. Methods: A cross-sectional case-control comparison was undertaken of men aged 65-83 years living in Perth, Western Australia, using questionnaires incorporating three validated instruments (Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-36, EuroQol EQ-5D and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) as well as several independent questions about quality of life. The 2009 men who attended for ultrasound scans of the abdominal aorta completed a short prescreening questionnaire about their perception of their general health. Four hundred and ninety-eight men (157 with an AAA and 341 with a normal aorta) were sent two questionnaires for completion 12 months after screening, one for themselves and one for their partner, each being about the quality of life of the respondent. Results: Men with an AAA were more limited in performing physical activities than those with a normal aorta (t-test of means P = 0.04). After screening, men with an AAA were significantly less likely to have current pain or discomfort than those with a normal aorta (multivariate odds ratio: 0.5; 95% confidence interval (Cl): 0.3-0.9) and reported fewer visits to their doctor. The mean level of self-perceived general health increased for all men from before to after screening (from 63.4 to 65.4). Conclusions: Apart from physical functioning, screening was not associated with decreases in health and well-being. A high proportion of men rated their health over the year after screening as being either the same or improved, regardless of whether or not they were found to have an AAA.
An analysis of the relationships of the major arthropod groups Was undertaken using mitochondrial genome data to examine the hypotheses that Hexapoda is polyphyletic and that Collembola is more closely related to branchiopod crustaceans than insects. We sought to examine the sensitivity of this relationship to outgroup choice, data treatment. gene choice and optimality criteria used in the phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial genome data. Additionally we sequenced the mitochondrial genome of ail archaeognathan, Nesomachilis australica. to improve taxon selection in the apterygote insects, a group poorly represented in previous mitochondrial phylogenies. The sister group of the Collembola was rarely resolved in our analyses with a significant level of support. The use of different outgroups (myriapods, nematodes, or annelids + mollusks) resulted in many different placements of Collembola. The way in which the dataset was coded for analysis (DNA, DNA with the exclusion of third codon position and as amino acids) also had marked affects on tree topology. We found that nodal Support was spread evenly throughout the 13 mitochondrial genes and the exclusion of genes resulted in significantly less resolution in the inferred trees. Optimality criteria had a much lesser effect on topology than the preceding factors; parsimony and Bayesian trees for a given data set and treatment were quite similar. We therefore conclude that the relationships of the extant arthropod groups as inferred by mitochondrial genomes are highly vulnerable to outgroup choice, data treatment and gene choice, and no consistent alternative hypothesis of Collembola's relationships is supported. Pending the resolution of these identified problems with the application of mitogenomic data to basal arthropod relationships, it is difficult to justify the rejection of hexapod monophyly, which is well supported on morphological grounds. (c) The Willi Hennig Society 2004.
Hatschekia plectropomi, an ectoparasitic copepod found on the gills, infected Plectropomus leopardus from Heron Island Reef with 100% prevalence (n = 32) and a mean +/- S.E. infection intensity of 131.9 +/- 22.1. The distribution of 4222 adult female parasites across 32 individual host fish was investigated at several organizational levels ranging from the level of holobranch pairs to that of individual filaments. Parasites demonstrated a site preference for the two central holobranchs (2 and 3). Along the lengths of hemibranchs, filaments near the dorsal and ventral ends and those in the proximity of the bend region were rarely occupied. The probability of coming into contact with a suitable attachment site and the ability to withstand ventilation forces at that site were proposed as the major factors affecting distribution. Two H. plectropomi morphotypes were identified based on the direction of body curvature. Regardless of morphotype, 99.9% of individuals were attached such that the convex side of the body was oriented towards the oncoming ventilating water currents. Further, 93.3% of individuals attached to the posterior faces of filaments, leading to a predictable pattern of attachment for this species. It is suggested that the direction of body curvature develops in response to the direction of the ventilating water currents. (c) 2006 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.
Determination of the 16S rRNA gene sequence of Caulobacter subvibrioides ATCC 15264(T) (T = type strain) confirmed that this species is a member of the alpha subclass of the Proteobacteria and showed that it is phylogenetically most closely related to the Caulobacter group comprising the species Caulobacter bacteroides, Caulobacter crescentus, and Brevandimonas (Pseudomonas) diminuta, for which 16S rRNA sequences of the type strains are currently available. The closest known relative of strain ATCC 15264(T) among these species is B. diminuta (level of direct pairwise sequence similarity, 95%). On the basis of its previously determined 16S rRNA sequence (accession number M83797), C. subvibrioides is most closely related to Sphingomonas adhaesiva in the alpha-4 subgroup (level of similarity, 97.7%). Analysis of the hydroxy fatty acids of C. subvibrioides ATCC 15264(T) showed that the 2-hydroxymyristic acid which is characteristic of the genus Sphingomonas was absent.
Objective. The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychological symptoms experienced by recently widowed older men. It was hypothesized that conjugal bereavement in this group would be characterized by a mixture of depression, anxiety and loneliness. Design. Double cohort study. Setting. Suburban community population of Brisbane, Australia. Participants. Consecutive widowers (65+ years; N = 57) identified from official death records. Married men (65+ years; N = 57) identified from the electoral roll. Widowers interviewed at 6 weeks, 6 months and 13 months post-bereavement. Married men interviewed at similar intervals. Measures. Bereavement Phenomenology Questionnaire (BPQ), a 22-item self-report measure employing a four-point response scale to rate the frequency of phenomena over the previous fortnight. Zung Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS). State component of the Spielberger State/Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (ULS). 28-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). Results. Widowers reported more state anxiety and general psychological distress, but not more depression or loneliness, than matched married men over the first 13 months post-bereavement. Widowers also reported more sleep disturbance and thoughts of death and suicide than married men. Level of state anxiety was strongly correlated with intensity of grief, but not with age, income, education, occupational prestige, cognitive function, duration of wife's final illness or expectedness of wife's death. Conclusions. The main hypothesis was not supported, as anxiety symptoms were the predominant clinical feature of recent conjugal bereavement among older men. The nature of these anxiety symptoms requires further investigation in recently widowed older persons.
The status of all of the putative member genera of the subfamily Aephnidiogeninae is reconsidered, based mainly on the morphology of the terminal genitalia, Aephnidiogenes Nicoll, 1915 is the only genus retained in the Aaephnidiogeninae. Aephnidiogenes major Yamaguti, 1934 from Diagramma labiosum from the southern Great Barrier Reef is redescribed with particular reference to the terminal genitalia, and is shown to lack a true cirrussac, a condition considered to be diagnostic of the Aephnidiogeninae. Holorchis Stossich, 1901 is placed in the subfamily Lepidapedinae. Holorchis pycnoporus Stossich, 1901 from Pagellus acarne from off Spanish Sahara and from Diplodus vulgaris from off Italy and H. legendrei Dollfus, 1946 from Sparodon durbanensis and D. sargus from off eastern Cape Province, South Africa and from Pagellus erythrinus from the Adriatic Sea and Italy are studied and illustrated. The terminal genitalia of H. pycnoporus are found to be enigmatic, but those of H. legendrei are found to fit clearly into the 'Lepidapedon-like' pattern. A new genus Austroholorchis is erected in the Lepidapedinae, with A. sprenti (Gibson, 1987) n. comb. as the type-species. Its diagnostic features are its ani, infundibuliform oral sucker and the position of the ovary at about mid-level of the uterus. A. sprenti is illustrated, its hosts in Queensland waters being Sillago maculata, S, analis and S. ciliata. A, levis n. sp. is described from Sillago bassensis from south-western Western Australia. The genus Pseudaephnidiogenes Yamaguti, 1971 is placed in the Lepidapedinae. P. rhabdosargi (Prudhoe, 1956) from Rhabdosargus sarba from off Natal, South Africa is illustrated and the terminal genitalia of P. rhabdosargi from R. sarba and from R. holubi from off eastern Cape Province and Pseudaephnidiogenes vossi Bray, 1985 from Caffrogobius nudiceps from off eastern Cape Province, South Africa are illustrated. The genus Pseudoholorchis Yamaguti, 1958 is placed in the subfamily Lepocreadiinae. The terminal genitalia of P. pulcher (Manter, 1954) from Latridopsis ciliaris from New Zealand are illustrated, The genus Neolepocreadium Thomas, 1960 is placed in the Lepocreadiidae.
The phylogenetic relationships among the species of the genus Pedomicrobium were studied by comparing their 16S rRNA sequences, The Pedomicrobium species form a coherent phylogenetic cluster within the genera of the hyphal budding bacteria in the alpha-Proteobacteria. The sequences of two strains of Pedomicrobium australicum were obtained from DNAs extracted from nonviable freeze-dried cells, which are the only source of material available, and were found to be almost identical (level of similarity, 99.9%), Overall, the Pedomicrobium species are closely related, with sequence similarities ranging from 96.2 to 99.9%, Pedomicrobium manganicum is phylogenetically the most distantly related species and exhibits the lowest similarity (96.2%) with Pedomicrobium americanum, Australian isolate Pedomicrobium sp, strain ACM 3067, P, americanum, and P, australicum are all very highly related, with similarities greater than 99%, Pedomicrobium sp, strain ACM 3067 is most closely related to P, australicum (level of similarity, 99.6%) and P, americanum (99.4%), These manganese-oxidizing species are more closely related to the iron-oxidizing species Pedomicrobium ferrugineum than to the other manganese-oxidizing species, P, manganicum. Taxonomic uncertainties resulting from the loss of the type culture of P, australicum are discussed.
Elite athletes repeatedly completed the Profile of Mood States (POMS) during a six month training season to determine whether athletes who are stale show different values from those who are intensely trained but not stale. Nineteen elite male and female swimmers were studied at five time points: three times during training (early-, mid-, and late-season), during tapering prior to, and then shortly after, major competition. Of the 14 subjects who completed the entire monitoring program, three were classified as stale based on several criteria including poorer performance and prolonged high level of fatigue. Two of the stale swimmers showed higher scores for several of the POMS measures throughout the season compared with the remainder who were classified as non-stale. However, the third stale swimmer showed similar scores to those of the non-stale swimmers. Several POMS measures were significantly correlated with training intensity but not with training volume. It was concluded that stale athletes may not always demonstrate different mood scores from non-stale athletes but that the total mood disturbance score (TMD) as evaluated by the POMS may be used to indicate those athletes predisposed to the condition long before the symptoms of poor performance and prolonged fatigue are observed. TMD scores were chosen to monitor staleness since they represent a synthesis of the six specific mood states measured by the POMS.
Objective: To document outcome and to investigate patterns of physical and psychosocial recovery in the first year following severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) in an Australian patient sample. Design: A longitudinal prospective study of a cohort of patients, with data collection at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months post injury. Setting: A head injury rehabilitation unit in a large metropolitan public hospital. Patients: A sample of 55 patients selected from 120 consecutive admissions with severe TBI. Patients who were more than 3 months post injury on admission, who remained confused, or who had severe communication deficits or a previous neurologic disorder were excluded. Interventions: All subjects participated in a multidisciplinary inpatient rehabilitation program, followed by varied participation in outpatient rehabilitation and community-based sen ices. Main Outcome Measures: The Sickness impact Profile (SIP) provided physical, psychosocial, and total dysfunction scores at each follow-up. Outcome at 1 year was measured by the Disability Rating Scale. Results: Multivariate analysis of variance indicated that the linear trend of recovery over time was less for psychosocial dysfunction than for physical dysfunction (F(1,51) = 5.87, P < .02). One rear post injury, 22% of subjects had returned to their previous level of employability, and 42% were able to live independently. Conclusions: Recovery from TBI in this Australian sample followed a pattern similar to that observed in other countries, with psychosocial dysfunction being more persistent. Self-report measures such as the SIP in TBI research are limited by problems of diminished self-awareness.
Under the conditions of the rotating wave approximation (RWA), a transition strongly driven by a resonant oscillating field displays the well known symmetric Autler-Townes doublet. However, if the counter-rotating component, neglected in the RWA, is taken into account, the Bloch-Siegert shift gives rise to an Autler-Townes doublet of unequal intensity even in the case of a resonant driving field. This effect is investigated theoretically in a V-shaped three-level double-resonance configuration and the results are presented in this paper. An interesting observation is that the level of asymmetry not only depends on the driving-field intensity but also on the characteristics of the driven system including relaxation rates and equilibrium population distributions.
Victoria Police statistics show that, since the late 1980s, there has been a significant increase in reported rapes in that State. One interpretation of this trend is that there has been an increase in the underlying incidence of sexual violence in the community. An alternative explanation is that rape victims have become more willing to report to the police, in response to factors such as improved provision of support services to sexual assault victims, reforms to substantive and procedural law, and changes in police attitudes and procedures. In order to rest these competing interpretations data were collected and analysed on the characteristics of rapes reported to the Victoria Police in the late 1980s/early 1990s. This analysis showed that: (I) most of the additional offences reported in the early 1990s were allegations of rapes committed by family members, spouses and other intimates; and (2) an increasing number of reports related to offences which had been committed at feast one year prior to a report being made to the police. It is argued that these changing patterns are consistent with a significant increase in the reporting rate for rape. More generally, the research reported in this paper highlights the limitations of reported crime statistics as measures of the level of social violence, and points to the need for crime researchers to develop alternative methodologies for measuring and interpreting trends.
Phytophthora cinnamomi isolates collected from 1977 to 1986 and 1991 to 1993 in two regions in South Africa were analyzed using isozymes. A total of 135 isolates was analyzed for 14 enzymes representing 20 putative loci, of which four were polymorphic. This led to the identification of nine different multilocus isozyme genotypes. Both mating types of P. cinnamomi occurred commonly in the Cape region, whereas, predominantly, the A2 mating type occurred in the Mpumalanga region of South Africa. A2 mating type isolates could be resolved into seven multilocus isozyme genotypes, compared with only two multilocus isozyme genotypes for the A1 mating type isolates. Low levels of gene (0.115) and genotypic (2.4%) diversity and a low number of alleles per locus (1.43) were observed for the South African P. cinnamomi population. The genetic distance between the Cape and Mpumalanga P. cinnamomi populations was relatively low (D-m = 0.165), and no specific pattern in regional distribution of multilocus isozyme genotypes could be observed. The genetic distance between the ''old'' (isolated between 1977 and 1986) and ''new'' (isolated between 1991 and 1993) P. cinnamomi populations from the Cape was low (D-m = 0.164), indicating a stable population over time. Three of the nine multilocus isozyme genotypes were specific to the ''old'' population, and only one multilocus isozyme genotype was specific to the ''new'' population. Significant differences in allele frequencies, a high genetic distance (D-m = 0.581) between the Cape A1 and A2 mating type isolates, significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, a low overall level of heterozygosity, and a high fixation index (0.71) all indicate that sexual reproduction occurs rarely, if at all, in the South African P. cinnamomi population.