112 resultados para Indianapolis Speedway Race.


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An improved differential display technique was used to search for changes in gene expression in the superior frontal cortex of alcoholics, A cDNA fragment was retrieved and cloned. Further sequence of the cDNA was determined from 5' RACE and screening of a human brain cDNA library. The gene was named hNP22 (human neuronal protein 22). The deduced protein sequence of hNP22 has an estimated molecular mass of 22.4 kDa with a putative calcium-binding site, and phosphorylation sites for casein kinase II and protein kinase C. The deduced amino acid sequence of hNP22 shares homology (from 67% to 42%) with four other proteins, SM22 alpha, calponin, myophilin and mp20. Sequence homology suggests a potential interaction of hNP22 with cytoskeletal elements. hNP22 mRNA was expressed in various brain regions but in alcoholics, greater mRNA expression occurred in the superior frontal cortex, but not in the primary motor cortex or cerebellum. The results suggest that hNP22 may have a role in alcohol-related adaptations and may mediate regulatory signal transduction pathways in neurones.


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1. A novel experimental method was developed to study negative physical and chemical effects of latex and cardiac glycosides on first-instar monarch butterfly larvae in their natural environment in north central Florida. Forceps were used to nibble through the petioles of leaves of the sandhill milkweed Asclepias humistrata, mimicking the behaviour of mature monarch larvae. This notching cut off the supply-of latex to the leaves without significantly reducing either their cardiac glycoside concentration or water content. 2. The mean cardiac glycoside concentration in larvae that fed on intact leaves was nearly two: and a half times greater than in larvae that fed on notched leaves. This was probably because more latex is present in the gut of the larvae that fed on the intact leaves. Supporting this is the fact that the mean concentration of cardiac glycosides in the latex was 34-47 times that in the leaves. 3. Wet weights, dry weights, and growth rates of first-instar larvae that fed on intact leaves over a 72-h period were less than half those of larvae that fed on notched leaves. 4. Mortality due to miring in the latex was 27% on the intact leaves compared with 2% on the notched leaves. 5. Latex, cardiac glycosides, and other as yet undetermined plant factors all have a negative effect on:first-instar larval survival. 6. Video-analyses indicated that ingestion of latex caused the larvae to become cataleptic and increased their chances of being mired on the leaf by the setting latex glue. Dysfunction resulting from latex ingestion may lead to the larvae falling off the plant and being killed by invertebrate predators. 7. The difficulty of neonate monarch larvae surviving on A. humistrata - one of the principal milkweed species fed on each spring as monarchs remigrate from Mexico into the southern U.S.A. - is evidence that a co-evolutionary arms race is operating in this plant-herbivore system.


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The virulence spectrum of 112 isolates of Phytophthora clandestina collected from 56 sites in four subterranean clover-growing states in southern Australia was determined using differential cultivars of subterranean clover. Five races were detected, with race 0 in all states except New South Wales, race 1 in all states, race 2 only in Victoria, race 3 only in New South Wales, and race 4 in Victoria and Western Australia. The level of genotypic diversity among the different P. clandestina populations was investigated using five RAPD primers. Among 30 bands amplified, only two were polymorphic. This enabled identification of four multilocus RAPD genotypes. Three of the four genotypes occurred in all four states. Races 2 and 3 occurred with RAPD genotypes 1 and 2 only whereas races 0 and 1 occurred in all four multilocus RAPD genotypes. These results indicate that the pathogenicity spectrum of P. clandestina can change rapidly.


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Hailed as an 'unruly masterpiece', John Romeril's The Floating World is one of the few 'new wave' Australian plays representing Australians and their Asian 'others' to be restaged periodically since its premiere in 1974. Paying particular attention to production of the play that have used Japanese theatre forms such as kabuki and bunraku, this article focuses primarily on the ways in which the significations of race have been interpreted by the critical establishment. The fascinating stage history of The Floating World is treated as a barometer of Australian theatre's response to the challenge of representing cultural conflict, during a period marked by public debate about the desirability, and inevitability, of Australia's political, economic and cultural 'enmeshment' with Asia.


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This paper examines occupational performance in Australia across three racial groups in Australia: Indigenous Australians; Asian people, defined as all those whose language spoken at home was either Chinese, Vietnamese or other forms of a South-east or East Asian language; and white people, defined as the residual category. The paper has as its starting point, observed differences in occupational attainment among the three groups in Australia and sets out to account for these observed differences on the basis of both race and non-racial attributes such as, age, education and area of residence.


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Based on discussions with Asian-Australian young women at a mixed-sex, Australia State high school, this article argues that the pro-school conformity of Asian-Australian young women sets them in a problematic and precarious relationship to the material and symbolic and processes of racialisation. The first part of the article identifies the limitations of research into the pro-school/anti-school orientations of minority students, arguing that most accounts are based on theories of culture, acculturation, class and gender, and class and race that neglect an analysis of race and sex. I then argue that practices of racialisation and sexualisation actually sustain pro-school culture and Asian female group associations. While these formations are effective in securing Asian female educational success, they are also problematic because they limit the educational possibilities and employment opportunities of Asian young women in Australia.


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This study examined the relationship of race and rural/urban setting to physical, behavioral, psychosocial, and environmental factors associated with physical activity. Subjects included 1,668 eighth-grade girls from 31 middle schools: 933 from urban settings, and 735 from rural settings. Forty-six percent of urban girls and 59% of rural girls were Black. One-way and two-way ANOVAs with school as a covariate were used to analyze the data. Results indicated that most differences were associated with race rather than setting. Black girls were less active than White girls, reporting significantly fewer 30-minute blocks of both vigorous and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Black girls also spent more time watching television, and had higher BMIs and greater prevalence of overweight than White girls. However, enjoyment of physical education and family involvement in physical activity were greater among Black girls titan White girls. Rural White girls and urban Black girls had more favorable attitudes toward physical activity. Access to sports equipment, perceived safety of neighborhood, and physical activity self-efficacy were higher in White girls than Black girls.


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In this paper I explore the Indigenous Australian women's performance classroom (hereafter ANTH2120) as a dialectic and discursive space where the location of possibility is opened for female Indigenous performers to enter into a dialogue from and between both non-Indigenous and Indigenous voices. The work of Bakhtin on dialogue serves as a useful standpoint for understanding the multiple speaking positions and texts in the ANTH2120 context. Bakhtin emphasizes performance, history, actuality and the openness of dialogue to provide an important framework for analysing multiple speaking positions and ways of making meaning through dialogue between shifting and differing subjectivities. I begin by briefly critiquing Bakhtin's "dialogic imagination" and consider the application and usefulness of concepts such as dialogism, heteroglossia and the utterance to understanding the ANTH2120 classroom as a polyphonic and discursive space. I then turn to an analysis of dialogue in the ANTH2120 classroom and primarily situate my gaze on an examination of the interactions that took place between the voices of myself as family/teacher/student and senior Yanyuwa women from the r e m o t e N o r t h e r n T e r r i t o r y A b o r i g i n a l c o m m u n i t y o f B o r r o l o o l a as family/performers/teachers. The 2000 and 2001 Yanyuwa women's performance workshops will be used as examples of the way power is constantly shifting in this dialogue to allow particular voices to speak with authority, and for others to remain silent as roles and relationships between myself and the Yanyuwa women change. Conclusions will be drawn regarding how my subject positions and white race privilege affect who speaks, who listens and on whose terms, and further, the efficacy of this pedagogical platform for opening up the location of possibility for Indigenous Australian women to play a powerful part in the construction of knowledges about women's performance traditions.


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Acknowledging and describing the ways that women shape relations of power and property can add to understandings of how local communities create and experience globalisation. In this paper I examine how relations of power are actively and discursively constructed within Kunieacute households in New Caledonia, how they are inscribed by gender, and link them to local narrativisations of progress.


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This paper discusses the tensions of adaptation as experienced by 72 young women, born in the Philippines or to immigrant mothers and resident in southeast, far west and far north Queensland, Australia. As illustrated, these women, aged 14-25 years, often have difficulty balancing their expectations with those of their families and of the society in which they live. Like most young Australians they experience some conflicts with parents, but the intersections of race, gender and culture may make it particularly difficult for young Filipinas to develop a sense of their own identity and place in society. The retention of Filipino values often isolates young women from their peers and excludes them from participating in activities considered an important part of growing up Australian, but the adoption of 'Australian' behaviors such as drinking and smoking is not necessarily accompanied by an enhanced sense of belonging.


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A foliar rating system was developed to assess the progress of Fusarium wilt ( Panama disease) caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense in seven banana cultivars differing in their resistance to race 1 of the pathogen. Plantlets were transplanted into unamended soil naturally infested with the pathogen, soil amended with urea and soil amended with aged chicken manure. A corm invasion score was also developed to assess the accuracy of the foliar symptom score as an indicator of cultivar resistance. On the basis of foliar symptom scores alone, the response of five of the seven cultivars in the chicken manure treatment corresponded to their known field response. However, the response of the other two cultivars, both susceptible to the pathogen in the field, fell into two categories. One had a high foliar symptom score and a correspondingly high corm invasion score, whereas the other had a low foliar symptom score and a high corm invasion score. Breeders need to be aware of the two categories of susceptible response, if inferior breeding material is to be rejected early on in a breeding program.


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Anthracnose and crown rot, caused by Colletotrichum trifolii, are serious diseases of lucerne (Medicago saliva L.) in humid regions of the world. A race survey was conducted by inoculating individual lucerne clones (genotypes) with C. trifolii isolates collected from a range of Medicago hosts, locations, and years in south-eastern Queensland. This survey revealed for the first time in Australia the presence of race 2 (virulence on anthracnose resistance gene An I) and the first world report of race 4 (virulence on An(2)). A collection of North American race I and race 2 C. trifolii isolates, when inoculated onto the Australian differential clones, gave responses that were in agreement with their North American reactions. A RAPD analysis was conducted on 9 Australian C. trifolii isolates including races 1, 2, and 4; two C. destructivum and one C. gloeosporioides isolate were included as known outliers. For the C. trifolii isolates, 94.6% similarity was found regardless of host origin or race, compared with 2.2% similarity between this group and the C. gloeosporioides and C. destructivum isolates, confirming that the new races belong to C. trifolii. Currently, it is hypothesised that only plants carrying genes An, and An2 are resistant to the 3 races. Of 22 cultivars screened against the 3 races, only UQL-1, Hallmark, and Pioneer 54Q53 had >30% of plants resistant to the 3 races in separate screenings. The research highlights the need to find new sources of resistance to C. trifolii in lucerne.