193 resultados para Endomyocardial Fibrosis
Background: Allergic reactions to one or more beta-lactam antibiotic can pose a management problem in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), and may limit antibiotic choice. Method: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of allergy to anti-pseudomonal beta-lactam antibiotics in an adult CF centre and to assess variables, which may contribute to the development of allergic reactions. A questionnaire-based interview and a review of medical records were performed. Results: Of the 150 patients, 54 (36%) had allergic reactions to one or more beta-lactam antibiotics and 20 (19%) had allergic reactions to multiple beta-lactam antibiotics. The proportion of patients allergic to specific beta-lactam antibiotics varied from 10% to 26%. Rates of reactions were highest for penicillins and cephalosporins, intermediate for carbepenems and lowest for aztreonam. Of all reactions, 40% occurred within 24 h of the commencement of an individual antibiotic course. Patients with one or more beta-lactam allergic reactions had received greater cumulative exposure (p < 0.0001), were older (p=0.016) and had lower lung function (p=0.037) than patients without a history of beta-lactam allergy. Cystic Fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) status, gender, peripheral blood eosinophil count and total IgE concentrations were not different in patients with allergic reactions. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that the prevalence of allergic reactions to beta-lactam antibiotics is high in adults with CF. Increasing age; cumulative exposure and decreasing FEV1 were associated with the development of allergy. (C) 2006 European Cystic Fibrosis Society. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Renal cortical fibroblasts have key roles in mediating intercellular communication with neighboring/infiltrating cells and extracellular matrix (ECM) and maintenance of renal tissue architecture. They express a variety of cytokines, chemokines, growth factors and cell adhesion molecules, playing an active role in paracrine and autocrine interactions and regulating both fibrogenesis and the interstitial inflammatory response. They additionally have an endocrine function in the production of epoetin. Tubulointerstitial fibrosis, the common pathological consequence of renal injury, is characterized by the accumulation of extracellular matrix largely due to excessive production in parallel with reduced degradation, and activated fibroblasts characterized by a myofibroblastic phenotype. Fibroblasts in the kidney may derive from resident fibroblasts, from the circulating fibroblast population or from haemopoetic progenitor or stromal cells derived from the bone marrow. Cells exhibiting a myofibroblastic phenotype may derive from these sources and from tubular cells undergoing epithelial to mesenchymal transformation in response to renal injury. The number of interstitial myofibroblasts correlates closely with tubulointerstitial fibrosis and progressive renal failure. Hence inhibiting myofibroblast formation may be an effective strategy in attenuating the development of renal failure in kidney disease of diverse etiology. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We have observed that vitamin A levels, deficient in patients with severe disease, returned to normal post lungtransplant independent of oral supplementation or pancreatic sufficiency. We hypothesised that vitamin A is associated with disease severity and the inflammatory marker C-related peptide (CRP). Data from RCH paediatric and TPCH adult CF clinic subjects (ns138 CF, 138 control, aged 5–56 yr), who had participated in a study of bone mineral density (BMD) in which vitamins A, E, D, and CRP, height, weight and lung function had been measured was used. Groups were compared using t- or Wilcoxon-tests, and predictors of vitamin A examined usingmultiple regression. Vitamin A was lower in CF subjects (1.23"0.5 vs. 1.80"0.6 mmolyl, P-0.0001), increasingwith age in paediatric subjects but to a lesser extent in the CF group (Ps0.0007). CRP was correlated with age (rs0.6, P-0.0001). FEV1% predicted (FEV) (57.93"23.0 vs. 70.63"21.8, Ps0.0014), weight z-score (WTZ) (y0.76"0.9 vs. y0.12"1.0, Ps0.0002), lumbar spine BMD z-score (y1.08"1.3 vs. y0.50"1.2, Ps0.009) were lower, and CRP higher (median 7.0, IQR 2–4 vs. median 1.0, IQR 1–3 mgy l, P-0.0001) in vitamin A insufficient CF subjects (61 insufficient vs. 71 sufficient). In all subjects, control status (P-0.0001), WTZ (Ps0.02), vitamin E (Ps 0.0003), CRP (Ps0.001), 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D (1,25 vit. D) (Ps0.0007), and child, adolescent or adult grouping (all P-0.0001) were predictive of vitamin A. In the CF group, CRP (Ps0.01), Vitamin E (P-0.0001) and 1.25 vit. D (Ps 0.006), but not FEV, were predictive. The normal increase in vitamin A with age was not observed in CF subjects, who had lower levels at any age. This failure of normal increase in vitamin A had a consistent association with increasingCRP , supportingthe hypothesis that increased inflammation may result in increased vitamin A consumption.
Normal fat and lean tissue mass in adults with cystic fibrosis compared with height matched controls