236 resultados para EARLY-WEANED MICE


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wPrey species show specific adaptations that allow recognition, avoidance and defense against predators. For many mammalian species this includes sensitivity towards predator-derived odors. The typical sources of such odors include predator skin and fur, urine, feces and anal gland secretions. Avoidance of predator odors has been observed in many mammalian prey species including rats, mice, voles, deer, rabbits, gophers, hedgehogs, possums and sheep. Field and laboratory studies show that predator odors have distinctive behavioral effects which include (1) inhibition of activity, (2) suppression of non-defensive behaviors such as foraging, feeding and grooming, and (3) shifts to habitats or secure locations where such odors are not present. The repellent effect of predator odors in the field may sometimes be of practical use in the protection of crops and natural resources, although not all attempts at this have been successful. The failure of some studies to obtain repellent effects with predator odors may relate to (1) mismatches between the predator odors and prey species employed, (2) strain and individual differences in sensitivity to predator odors, and (3) the use of predator odors that have low efficacy. In this regard, a small number of recent studies have suggested that skin and fur-derived predator odors may have a more profound lasting effect on prey species than those derived from urine or feces. Predator odors can have powerful effects on the endocrine system including a suppression of testosterone and increased levels of stress hormones such as corticosterone and ACTH. Inhibitory effects of predator odors on reproductive behavior have been demonstrated, and these are particularly prevalent in female rodent species. Pregnant female rodents exposed to predator odors may give birth to smaller litters while exposure to predator odors during early life can hinder normal development. Recent research is starting to uncover the neural circuitry activated by predator odors, leading to hypotheses about how such activation leads to observable effects on reproduction, foraging and feeding. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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RelB, NIK and TRAF6-deficient mice die prematurely with multi-organ inflammatory disease and apparent excessive myelopoiesis. While thymic development of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (Treg) is reduced in TRAF6 deficient mice, the impact of this on inflammation is not known. Here we show that while RelB deficient thymic stroma is unable to sustain the development of Treg, surprisingly, FoxP3hi Treg are increased in the periphery. Peripheral expansion of Treg is driven by GITRligand, expressed by immature monocytes maintained by RelBdeficient stroma. RelB-deficient DC fail to activate Treg suppressor function. The data reveal the dual roles of RelB in both hemopoietic and stromal cells to maintain tolerance and contain inflammation through Treg and DC.


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Background. The ability to inhibit inappropriate or unwanted actions is a key element of executive control. The existence OF executive function deficits in schizophrenia is consistent with frontal lobe theories of the disorder. Relatively few Studies have examined response inhibition in schizophrenia, and none in adolescent patients with early-onset schizophrenia (EOS). Methods. Twenty-one adolescents with (lie onset of clinically impairing psychosis before 19 years of age and 16 matched controls performed a stop-signal task to assess response inhibition. The patients with EOS were categorized Lis paranoid (n= 10) and Undifferentiated subtypes (n= 11). The undifferentiated group had higher levels of negative symptomatology. Stop-signal reaction time (SSRT) and go-signal reaction time (Go-RT) were analysed with respect to hand of response. Results. The Undifferentiated early-onset patients had significantly longer SSRTs, indicative of poor response inhibition, for the left hand compared to the paranoid early-onset patients and control participants. No differences existed for inhibitory control with the right hand. The three groups did not differ in Go-RT. Conclusions. Our results indicate a specific lateralized impairment of response inhibition in patients With Undifferentiated, but not paranoid, EOS. These findings are consistent with reports of immature frontostriatal networks in EOS and implicate areas such as the pre-motor cortex and Supplementary motor area (SMA) that are thought to play a role in both voluntary initiation and inhibition of movement.


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Sulfate is required for detoxification of xenobiotics such as acetaminophen (APAP), a leading cause of liver failure in humans. The NaS1 sulfate transporter maintains blood sulfate levels sufficiently high for sulforiation reactions to work effectively for drug detoxification. In the present study, we identified two loss-of-function polymorphisms in the human NaS1 gene and showed the Nas1-null mouse to be hypersensitive to APAP hepatotoxicity. APAP treatment led to increased liver damage and decreased hepatic glutathione levels in the hyposulfatemic Nas1-null mice compared with that in normosulfatemic wild-type mice. Analysis of urinary APAP metabolites revealed a significantly lower ratio of APAP-sulfate to APAP-glucuronide in the Nas1-null mice. These results suggest hyposulfatemia increases sensitivity to APAP-induced hepatotoxicity by decreasing the sulfonation capacity to metabolize APAP. In conclusion, the results of this study highlight the importance of plasma sulfate level as a key modulator of acetaminophen metabolism and suggest that individuals with reduced NaS1 sulfate transporter function would be more sensitive to hepatotoxic agents.


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Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is associated with high morbidity and mortality which is due, at least in part, to late detection. Precancerous and cancerous oral lesions may mimic any number of benign oral lesions, and as such may be left without investigation and treatment until they are well advanced. Over the past several years there has been renewed interest in oral cytology as an adjuvant clinical tool in the investigation of oral mucosal lesions. The purpose of the present study was to compare the usefulness of ploidy analysis after Feulgen stained cytological thin-prep specimens with traditional incisional biopsy and routine histopathological examination for the assessment of the pre-malignant potential of oral mucosal lesions. An analysis of the cytological specimens was undertaken with virtual microscopy which allowed for rapid and thorough analysis of the complete cytological specimen. 100 healthy individuals between 30 and 70 years of age, who were non-smokers, non-drinkers and not taking any medication, had cytological specimens collected from both the buccal mucosa and lateral margin of tongue to establish normal cytology parameters within a control population. Patients with a presumptive clinical diagnosis of lichen planus, leukoplakia or OSCC had lesional cytological samples taken prior to their diagnostic biopsy. Standardised thin preparations were prepared and each specimen stained by both Feuglen and Papanicolau methods. High speed scanning of the complete slide at 40X magnification was undertaken using the Aperio Scanscope TM and the green channel of the resultant image was analysed after threshold segmentation to isolate only nuclei and the integrated optical density of each nucleus taken as a gross measure of the DNA content (ploidy). Preliminary results reveal that ploidy assessment of oral cytology holds great promise as an adjunctive prognostic factor in the analysis of the malignant potential of oral mucosal lesions.


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Infections caused by the yeast Candida albicans represent an increasing threat to debilitated and immunosuppressed patients, and neutropenia is an important risk factor. Monoclonal antibody depletion of neutrophils in mice was used to study the role of these cells in host resistance. Ablation of neutrophils increased susceptibility to both systemic and vaginal challenge. The fungal burden in the kidney increased threefold on day 1, and 100-fold on day 4, and infection was associated with extensive tissue destruction. However, a striking feature of the disseminated disease in neutrophil-depleted animals was the altered pattern of organ involvement. The brain, which is one of the primary target organs in normal mice, was little affected. There was a threefold increase in the number of organisms recovered from the brains of neutrophil-depleted mice on day 4 after infection, but detectable abscesses were rare. In contrast, the heart, which in normal mice shows only minor lesions, developed severe tissue damage following neutrophil depletion. Mice deficient in C5 demonstrated both qualitative and quantitative increases in the severity of infection after neutrophil depletion when compared with C5-sufficient strains. The results are interpreted as reflecting organ-specific differences in the mechanisms of host resistance.


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This report describes the identification of a murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) G protein-coupled receptor (GCR) homolog. This open reading frame (M33) is most closely related to, and collinear with, human cytomegalovirus UL33, and homologs are also present in human herpesvirus 6 and 7 (U12 for both viruses). Conserved counterparts in the sequenced alpha- or gammaherpesviruses have not been identified to date, suggesting that these genes encode proteins which are important for the biological characteristics of betaherpesviruses. We have detected transcripts for both UL33 and M33 as early as 3 or 4 h postinfection, and these reappear at late times. In addition, we have identified N-terminal splicing for both the UL33 and M33 RNA transcripts. For both open reading frames, splicing results in the introduction of amino acids which are highly conserved among known GCRs. To characterise the function of the M33 in the natural host, two independent MCMV recombinant viruses were prepared, each of which possesses an M33 open reading frame which has been disrupted with the beta-galactosidase gene. While the recombinant M33 null viruses showed no phenotypic differences in replication from wild-type MCMV in primary mouse embryo fibroblasts in vitro, they showed severely restricted growth in the salivary glands of infected mice. These data suggest that M33 plays an important role in vivo, in particular in the dissemination to or replication in the salivary gland, and provide the first evidence for the function of a viral GCR homolog in vivo.


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The class II major histocompatibility complex molecule I-A(g7) is strongly linked to the development of spontaneous insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) in non obese diabetic mice and to the induction of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in Biozzi AB/H mice. Structurally, it resembles the HLA-DQ molecules associated with human IDDM, in having a non-Asp residue at position 57 in its beta chain. To identify the requirements for peptide binding to I-A(g7) and thereby potentially pathogenic T cell epitopes, we analyzed a known I-A(g7)-restricted T cell epitope, hen egg white lysozyme (HEL) amino acids 9-27. NH2- and COOH-terminal truncations demonstrated that the minimal epitope for activation of the T cell hybridoma 2D12.1 was M12-R21 and the minimum sequence for direct binding to purified I-A(g7) M12-Y20/K13-R21. Alanine (A) scanning revealed two primary anchors for binding at relative positions (p) 6 (L) and 9 (Y) in the HEL epitope. The critical role of both anchors was demonstrated by incorporating L and Y in poly(A) backbones at the same relative positions as in the HEL epitope. Well-tolerated, weakly tolerated, and nontolerated residues were identified by analyzing the binding of peptides containing multiple substitutions at individual positions. Optimally, p6 was a large, hydrophobic residue (L, I, V, M), whereas p9 was aromatic and hydrophobic (Y or F) or positively charged (K, R). Specific residues were not tolerated at these and some other positions. A motif for binding to I-A(g7) deduced from analysis of the model HEL epitope was present in 27/30 (90%) of peptides reported to be I-A(g7)-restricted T cell epitopes or eluted from I-A(g7). Scanning a set of overlapping peptides encompassing human proinsulin revealed the motif in 6/6 good binders (sensitivity = 100%) and 4/13 weak or non-binders (specificity = 70%). This motif should facilitate identification of autoantigenic epitopes relevant to the pathogenesis and immunotherapy of IDDM.


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Myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) contains 2 immunodominant encephalitogenic epitopes in SJL mice, namely PLP residues 139-151 and 178-191. DM20, a minor isoform of PLP, lacks residues 116-150 and consequently contains only the single major encephalitogenic epitope 178-191. However, it has been found previously that bovine DM20 is not encephalitogenic in SJL mice. Since residue 188 within peptide 178-191 is phenylalanine (F) in murine DM20 and alanine (A) in bovine DM20, we tested the effect of this difference on the immune responses and induction of EAE. SJL mice were immunized with either highly purified murine or bovine DM20. Residues 178-191 were found to be immunodominant for each, but only murine and not bovine DM20 was encephalitogenic. A synthetic peptide corresponding to the murine 178-191 sequence (F188) was also encephalitogenic, whereas the peptide corresponding to the bovine sequence (A188) was not. Both F188 and A188 bind with high affinity to I-A(s) and both are recognized by the SJL T cell repertoire. A188-specific T cell lines reacted to both A188 and F188, but F188-specific T cell lines were not stimulated by A188. F188-specific T cell lines produced mRNA for the Th1 cytokines IL2 and IFN gamma and, in passive transfer experiments, were encephalitogenic upon stimulation with F188, but not A188. In contrast, A188-specific T cell lines produced mRNA for IL4, IL5 and IL10, in addition to IL2 and IFN gamma, and were not encephalitogenic after stimulation with either F188 or A188. Cotransfer of A188-specific T cell lines with F188-specific T cell lines resulted in protection from EAE. Thus, A188 induces a functionally different phenotype of T cells from that induced by F188. Taken together these data suggest that the failure of bovine DM20 to induce EAE may be attributable to induction of protective rather than pathogenic T cells by the immunodominant epitope.


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The results of this study challenge the widely held view that growth hormone (GH) acts only during the postnatal period. RNA phenotyping shows transcripts for the GH receptor and GH-binding protein in mouse preimplantation embryos of all stages from fertilized eggs (day 1) to blastocysts (day 4). An antibody specific to the cytoplasmic region of the GH receptor revealed receptor protein expression, first in two-cell embryos, the stage of activation of the embryonic genome (day 2), and in all subsequent stages, In cleavage-stage embryos this immunoreactivity was localized mainly to the nucleus, but clear evidence of membrane labeling was apparent in blastocysts. GH receptor immunoreactivity was also observed in cumulus cells associated with unfertilized oocytes but not in the unfertilized oocytes. The blastocyst receptor was demonstrated to be functional, exhibiting the classic bell-shaped dose-response curves for GH stimulation of both 3-O-methyl glucose transport and protein synthesis. Maximal stimulation of 40-50% was seen for both responses at less than 1 ng/ml recombinant GH, suggesting a role for maternal GK. However mRNA transcripts for GH were also detected from the morula stage (day 3) by using reverse transcription-PCR, and GH immunoreactivity was seen in blastocysts. These observations raise the possibility of a paracrine/autocrine GH loop regulating embryonic development in its earliest stages.


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Although N-CAM has previously been implicated in the growth and fasciculation of axons, the development of axon tracts in transgenic mice with a targeted deletion of the 180-kD isoform of the neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM-180) appears grossly normal in comparison to wild-type mice. We examined the organization of the olfactory nerve projection from the olfactory neuroepithelium to glomeruli in the olfactory bulb of postnatal N-CAM-180 null mutant mice. Immunostaining for olfactory marker protein revealed the normal presence of fully mature primary olfactory neurons within the olfactory neuroepithelium of mutant mice. The axons of these neurons form an olfactory nerve, enter the nerve fiber layer of the olfactory bulb, and terminate in olfactory glomeruli as in wild-type control animals. The olfactory bulb is smaller and the nerve fiber layer is relatively thicker in mutants than in wild-type mice. Previous studies have revealed that the plant lectin Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA) clearly stains the perikarya and axons of a subpopulation of primary olfactory neurons. Thus, DBA staining enabled the morphology of the olfactory nerve pathway to be examined at higher resolution in both control and mutant animals. Despite a normal spatial pattern of DBA-stained neurons within the nasal cavity, there was a distorted axonal projection of these neurons onto the surface of the olfactory bulb in N-CAM-180 null mutants. In particular, DBA-stained axons formed fewer and smaller glomeruli in the olfactory bulbs of mutants in comparison to wild-type mice. Many primary olfactory axons failed to exit the nerve fiber layer and contribute to glomerular formation. These results indicate that N-CAM-180 plays an important role in the growth and fasciculation of primary olfactory axons and is essential for normal development of olfactory glomeruli. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.