167 resultados para Contraction Principle
MCM-41 samples of various pore dimensions are synthesized. Plotting of nitrogen adsorption data at 77 K versus the statistical film thickness (comparison plot) reveals three distinct stages, with a characteristic of two points of inflection. The steep intermediate stage caused by capillary condensation occurred in the highly uniform mesopores. From the slopes of the sections before and after the condensation, the surface area of the mesopores is calculated. The linear portion of the last section is extrapolated to the adsorption axis of the comparison plot, and this intercept is used to obtain the volume of the mesopores. From the surface area and pore volume, average mesopore diameter is calculated, and the value thus obtained is in good agreement with the pore dimension obtained from powder X-ray diffraction measurements. The principle of the calculation as well as problems associated are discussed in detail.
Numerous studies investigating the possible role of altered Ca2+ homeostasis in hypertension have compared resting and agonist-stimulated intracellular free Ca2+ ([Ca2+](i)) in cultured aortic smooth muscle cells from spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. However, such studies have not given consistent results. Differences in the method used to load cells with the Ca2+-sensitive indicator fura-2 have been investigated here as a possible source of variability between studies. We also describe the adaptation of a fluorescence technique for the assessment of basal Ca2+ permeability in SHR and WKY through the measurement of Mn2+ influx. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that basal Ca2+ influx is elevated in cultured aortic smooth muscle cells from SHR compared to those from WKY. However, this was not reflected as a significant difference between the two strains in basal or angiotensin II (200 nmol/L)stimulated [Ca2+](i). Furthermore, this result was not dependent on the protocol used to load cells with fura-2. Hence, measurement of bulk [Ca2+](i) does not appear to be the most sensitive parameter for altered Ca2+ homeostasis in SHR. Other compartments of the cell may better reflect altered Ca2+ fluxes in hypertension and are discussed in this work.
DsbA is a protein-folding catalyst from the periplasm of Escherichia coli that interacts with newly translocated polypeptide substrate and catalyzes the formation of disulfide bonds in these secreted proteins. The precise nature of the interaction between DsbA and unfolded substrate is not known. Here, we give a detailed analysis of the DsbA crystal structure, now refined to 1.7 Angstrom, and present a proposal for its interaction with peptide. The crystal structure of DsbA implies flexibility between the thioredoxin and helical domains that may be an important feature for the disulfide transfer reaction. A hinge point for domain motion is identified-the typo IV beta-turn Phe 63-Met 64-Gly 65-Gly 66, which connects the two domains. Three unique features on the active site surface of the DsbA molecule-a groove, hydrophobic pocket, and hydrophobic patch-form an extensive uncharged surface surrounding the active-sits disulfide. Residues that contribute to these surface features are shown to be generally conserved in eight DsbA homologues. Furthermore, the residues immediately surrounding the active-site disulfide are uncharged in all nine DsbA proteins. A model for DsbA-peptide interaction has been derived from the structure of a human thioredoxin:peptide complex. This shows that peptide could interact with DsbA in a manner similar to that with thioredoxin. The active-site disulfide and all three surrounding uncharged surface features of DsbA could, in principle, participate in the binding or stabilization of peptide.
The influence of respiratory activity of the abdominal muscles on their reaction time in a postural task was evaluated. The electromyographic (EMG) onsets of the abdominal muscles and deltoid were evaluated in response to shoulder flexion initiated by a visual stimulus occurring at random throughout the respiratory cycle. Increased activity of the abdominal muscles was produced by inspiratory loading, forced expiration below functional residual capacity, and a static glottis-closed expulsive maneuver. During quiet breathing, the latency between activation of the abdominal muscles and deltoid was not influenced by the respiratory cycle. When respiratory activity of the abdominal muscles increased, the EMG onset of transversus abdominis and internal oblique, relative to deltoid, was significantly earlier for movements beginning in expiration, compared with inspiration [by 97-107 ms (P < 0.01) and 64-90 ms (P < 0.01), respectively]. However, the onset of transversus abdominis EMG was delayed by 31-54 ms (P < 0.01) when movement was performed during a static expulsive effort, compared with quiet respiration. Thus changes occur in early anticipatory contraction of transversus abdominis during respiratory tasks but they cannot be explained simply by existing activation of the motoneuron pool.
The dependence of currents through the cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels of mammalian olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) on the concentration of NaCl was studied in excised inside-out patches from their dendritic knobs using the patch-clamp technique. With a saturating concentration (100 mu M) of adenosine 3', 5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP), the changes in the reversal potential of macroscopic currents were studied at NaCl concentrations from 25 to 300 mM. In symmetrical NaCl solutions without the addition of divalent cations, the current-voltage relations were almost linear, reversing close to O mV. When the external NaCl concentration was maintained at 150 mM and the internal concentrations were varied, the reversal potentials of the cAMP-activated currents closely followed the Na+ equilibrium potential indicating that P-Cl/P-Na approximate to 0. However, at low external NaCl concentrations (less than or equal to 100 mM) there was some significant chloride permeability. Our results further indicated that Na+ currents through these channels: (i) did not obey the independence principle; (ii) showed saturation kinetics with K(m)s in the range of 100-150 mM and (iii) displayed a lack of voltage dependence of conductance in asymmetric solutions that suggested that ion-binding sites were situated midway along the channel. Together, these characteristics indicate that the permeation properties of the olfactory CNG channels are significantly different from those of photoreceptor CNG channels.
1. Mechanically skinned fibres from skeletal muscles of the rat, toad and yabby were used to investigate the effect of saponin treatment on sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ loading properties. The SR was loaded submaximally under control conditions before and after treatment with saponin and SR Ca2+ was released with caffeine. 2. Treatment with 10 mu g ml(-1) saponin greatly reduced the SR Ca2+ loading ability of skinned fibres from the extensor digitorum longus muscle of the rat with a rate constant of 0.24 min(-1). Saponin concentrations up to 150 mu g ml(-1) and increased exposure time up to 30 min did not further reduce the SR Ca2+ loading ability of the SR, which indicates that the inhibitory action of 10-150 mu g ml(-1) saponin is not dose dependent. The effect of saponin was also not dependent on the state of polarization of the transverse-tubular system. 3. Treatment with saponin at concentrations up to 100 mu g ml(-1) for 30 min did not affect the Ca2+ loading ability of SR in skinned skeletal muscle fibres from the twitch portion of the toad iliofibularis muscle but SR Ca2+ loading ability decreased markedly with a time constant of 0.22 min(-1) in the presence of 150 mu g ml(-1) saponin. 4. The saponin dependent increase in permeability could be reversed in both rat and toad fibres by short treatment with 6 mu M Ruthenium Red, a potent SR Ca2+ channel blocker, suggesting that saponin does affect the SR Ca2+ channel properties in mammalian and anuran skeletal muscle. 5. Treatment of skinned fibres of long sarcomere length (> 6 mu m) from the claw muscle of the yabby (a freshwater decapod crustacean) with 10 mu g ml(-1) saponin for 30 min abolished the ability of the SR to load Ca2+, indicating that saponin affects differently the SR from skeletal muscles of mammals, anurans and crustaceans. 6. is concluded that at relatively low concentrations, saponin causes inhibition of the skeletal SR Ca2+ loading ability in a species dependent manner, probably by increasing the Ca2+ loss through SR Ca2+ release channels.
Willingness to pay for conservation of the Asian elephant in Sri Lanka: A contingent valuation study
Results from a CVM survey of willingness to pay for the conservation of the Asian elephant of a sample of urban residents in three selected housing schemes in Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, are reported. Face– to–face surveys were conducted using an interview schedule. A non-linear logit regression model was constructed to analyse the respondents’ responses for the payment principle questions and to identify the factors that influence their responses. We investigate whether urban residents’ WTP for the conservation of elephants is sufficient to compensate farmers for the damage caused by elephants, and consequently to raise farmers’ tolerance of the presence of elephants on the farming fields. We find that beneficiaries (the urban residents) could compensate losers (the farmers in the HEC affected areas) and be better off than in the absence of elephants in Sri Lanka. This suggests that there is a strong economic case for the conservation of the wild elephant population in Sri Lanka. However, we have insufficient data to determine Sri Lanka’s optimal elephant population in the Kaldor-Hicks sense.
Anderson theorizes that development of the aquaculture of a species of fish (also captured in an open-access fishery) favours the conservation of its wild stocks, if competitive market conditions prevail. However, this theory is shown to be subject to significant limitations. While this is less so within his model, it is particularly so in an extended one outlined here. The extended model allows for the possibility that aquaculture development can impact negatively on wild stocks thereby shifting the supply curve of the capture fishery, or raise the demand for the fish species subject both to aquaculture and capture. Such development can threaten wild stocks and their biodiversity. While aquaculture development could in principle have no impact on the biodiversity of wild stocks or even raise aquatic biodiversity overall, its impact in the long-term probably will be one of reducing aquatic diversity both in the wild and overall.
Tourism development can have positive and/or negative impacts on wildlife. However, if tourism is developed in accordance with the basic tenets of wildlife tourism such an activity can be sustainable and can aid the conservation of species. Based on two case studies in Queensland, Australia, this article outlines the various economic and conservation benefits arising from wildlife-based tourism. Some of the benefits are direct, such as tangible economic benefits, others are less tangible, such as increased visitors’ willingness to pay in principle for the conservation of species. Wildlife-based tourism is shown to foster political support for the conservation of species utilized for such tourism by various mechanisms. Non-consumptive uses of wildlife are not only sustainable, but may provide a viable alternative to consumptive uses.
This paper explores the feasibility of adopting an integrated economic approach to raise farmers’ tolerance of the presence of elephants on their farming lands. Responses to this approach were sought from a sample of farmers in the areas affected by human elephant conflict in the northwestern province of Sri Lanka. Results from a contingent valuation survey of their willingness to pay for a scheme to conserve elephants are also reported. Two separate logit regression analyses were undertaken to examine the factors that influence the farmers’ responses for the payment principle question and their opinions on the integrated economic approach. Although found that the majority of the respondents expressed their willingness to pay for the proposed scheme and supported for the implementation of the integrated approach, we have insufficient data yet to determine if their support and financial contribution would be sufficient to set up this programme and also to predict its economic viability. Nevertheless, the overall finding of this study provides an improved economic assessment of the farmers’ attitudes towards the wild elephant in Sri Lanka. At the same time the study shows that, contrary to commonly held assumptions, farmers in this developing country, do support wildlife conservation.
Examines visitor attitudes and whether visitors are willing to pay to enter Lamington National Park and under what circumstances they would do so. First a sample of visitors is asked a general (normative) question as to whether visitors should pay to visit Lamington National Park and in another question (positive) they are asked whether they would be more willing to pay if the money collected would be invested in the park to improve visitor facilities and for conservation work. The results show that visitors are more willing to accept the ‘user-pays’ principle if the money will be used for the benefit of the national park and its visitors. It was found that foreigners are more in support for a ‘user-pay’ fee than Australians, and among Australians, those visitors from Queensland are the least willing to accept the idea of a user-pay fee to enter the park. The results indicate that if visitors can be shown the benefits (both for visitors and for conservation) of charging an entry fee, then visitors are more likely to support such a concept than when they are unaware of the benefits of a user-fee. The study shows that on average foreigners are willing to pay more than Australians. Finally, the regression results identify significant factors influencing visitors’ attitudes and suggested amounts to visit the national park.
Reports results from a contingent valuation survey of willingness to pay for the conservation of the Asian elephant of a sample of urban residents living in three selected housing schemes in Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka. Face–to–face surveys were conducted using an interview schedule. A non-linear logit regression model is used to analyse the respondents’ responses for the payment principle questions and to identify the factors that influence their responses. We investigate whether urban residents’ willingness to pay for the conservation of elephants is sufficient to compensate farmers for the damage caused by elephants. We find that the beneficiaries (the urban residents) could compensate losers (the farmers in the areas affected by human–elephant conflict) and be better off than in the absence of elephants in Sri Lanka. Therefore, there is a strong economic case for the conservation of the wild elephant population in Sri Lanka. However, we have insufficient data to determine the optimal level of this elephant population in the Kaldor-Hicks sense. Nevertheless, the current population of elephant in Sri Lanka is Kaldor-Hicks preferable to having none.
Humans play a role in deciding the fate of species in the current extinction wave. Because of the previous Similarity Principle, physical attractiveness and likeability, it has been argued that public choice favours the survival of species that satisfy these criteria at the expense of other species. This paper empirically tests this argument by considering a hypothetical ‘Ark’ situation. Surveys of 204 members of the Australian public inquired whether they are in favour of the survival of each of 24 native mammal, bird and reptile species (prior to and after information provision about each species). The species were ranked by percentage of ‘yes’ votes received. Species composition by taxon in various fractions of the ranking was determined. If the previous Similarity Principle holds, mammals should rank highly and dominate the top fractions of animals saved in the hierarchical list. We find that although mammals would be over-represented in the ‘Ark’, birds and reptiles are unlikely to be excluded when social choice is based on numbers ‘voting’ for the survival of each species. Support for the previous Similarity Principle is apparent particularly after information provision. Public policy implications of this are noted and recommendations are given.
There are two main types of data sources of income distributions in China: household survey data and grouped data. Household survey data are typically available for isolated years and individual provinces. In comparison, aggregate or grouped data are typically available more frequently and usually have national coverage. In principle, grouped data allow investigation of the change of inequality over longer, continuous periods of time, and the identification of patterns of inequality across broader regions. Nevertheless, a major limitation of grouped data is that only mean (average) income and income shares of quintile or decile groups of the population are reported. Directly using grouped data reported in this format is equivalent to assuming that all individuals in a quintile or decile group have the same income. This potentially distorts the estimate of inequality within each region. The aim of this paper is to apply an improved econometric method designed to use grouped data to study income inequality in China. A generalized beta distribution is employed to model income inequality in China at various levels and periods of time. The generalized beta distribution is more general and flexible than the lognormal distribution that has been used in past research, and also relaxes the assumption of a uniform distribution of income within quintile and decile groups of populations. The paper studies the nature and extent of inequality in rural and urban China over the period 1978 to 2002. Income inequality in the whole of China is then modeled using a mixture of province-specific distributions. The estimated results are used to study the trends in national inequality, and to discuss the empirical findings in the light of economic reforms, regional policies, and globalization of the Chinese economy.
Calponins are proteins present in vertebrate smooth musculature where they occur in association with thin myofilaments. Calponins are not present in vertebrate or invertebrate striated muscles. The blood fluke Schistosoma japonicum expresses a 38.3-kDa protein that bears substantial homology with vertebrate calponin and occurs entirely within smooth musculature of adults. Calponin-like immunoreactivity has been demonstrated in smooth muscles of many invertebrate phyla. The Schistosoma japonicum calponin has been localised in smooth myofibrils of adults where it is associated with myofilaments and sarcoplasmic reticulum. In this study, the ultrastructural localisation of the protein in muscles of S. japonicum cercariae is described. The protein is present in smooth muscles of the forebody and the stratified muscle of the tail. Within the stratified layer, the protein occurs predominantly in transverse arrays of sarcoplasmic reticulum. The localisation data suggest that the calponin-like protein of S. japonicum is involved in contraction of the stratified tail muscle. Furthermore, the presence of a calponin system in the stratified muscle suggests that this muscle is simply a superior form of muscle, closely related to smooth muscles that use a caldesmin-calponin system in contraction. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.