104 resultados para Clausocalanus spp., c1, mass
Wolbachia bacteria are common intracellular symbionts of arthropods and have been extensively studied in Drosophila. Most research focuses on two Old Word hosts, Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans, and does not take into account that some of the Wolbachia associations in these species may have evolved only after their fast global expansion and after the exposure to Wolbachia of previously isolated habitats. Here we looked at Wolbachia of Neotropical Drosophila species. Seventy-one lines of 16 Neotropical Drosophild species sampled in different regions and at different time points were analyzed. Wolbachia is absent in lines of Drosophild willistoni collected before the 1970s, but more recent samples are infected with a strain designated wWiL Wolbachia is absent in all other species of the willistoni group. Polymorphic wWil-related strains were detected in some saltans group species, with D. septentriosaltans being coinfected with at least four variants. Based on wsp and ftsZ sequence data, wWil of D. willistoni is identical to wAu, a strain isolated from D. simulans, but can be discriminated when using a polymorphic minisatellite marker. In contrast to wAu, which infects both germ line and somatic tissues of D. simulans, wWil is found exclusively in the primordial germ line cells of D. willistoni embryos. We report on a pool of closely related Wolbachia strains in Neotropical Drosophila species as a potential source for the wAu strain in D. simulans. Possible evolutionary scenarios reconstructing the infection history of wAu-like Wolbachia in Neotropical Drosophild species and the Old World species D. simulans are discussed.
Purpose: The present study was conducted to examine the impact of acute weight loss on repeat 2000-m rowing ergometer performance during a simulated multiday regatta. and to compare two different body mass management strategies between races. Methods: Competitive rowers (N = 16) were assigned to either a control (CON), partial recovery (RECpartial), or complete recovery (RECcomplete) group. Volunteers completed four trials, each separated by 48 h. No weight restrictions were imposed for the first trial. Thereafter, athletes in RECpartial and RECcomplete were required to reduce their body mass by 4% in the 24 h before trial 2, again reaching this body mass before the final two trials. No weight restrictions were imposed on CON. Aggressive nutritional recovery strategies were used in the 2 h following weigh-in for all athletes. These strategies were maintained for the 12-16 h following racing for RECcomplete with the aim of restoring at least three quarters of the original 4% body mass loss. Postrace recovery strategies were less aggressive in RECpartial; volunteers were encouraged to restore no more than half of their initial 4% body mass loss. Results: Acute weight loss increased time to complete the first at-weight performance trial by a small margin (mean 3.0, 95% CI -0.3 to 6.3 s, P = 0.07) when compared with the CON response. This effect decreased when sustained for several day,. Aggressive postrace recovery strategies tended to eliminate the effect of acute Weight loss on subsequent performance. Conclusion: Acute weight loss resulted in a small performance compromise that was reduced or eliminated when repeated over several days. Athletes should be encouraged to maximize recovery in the 12-16 h following racing when attempting to optimize subsequent performance.
'White syndrome' is considered to be the most prevalent coral disease on the Great Barrier Reef, characterised by rapid rates of lesion progression and high levels of colony mortality. This study investigated the production and translocation of photoassimilates towards white syndrome lesions (WSLs) and artificially inflicted lesions in healthy and diseased colonies of tabular Acropora spp. to determine the intra-colonial response to white syndrome using C-14 labelling. Translocation of C-14 labelled photoassimilates was preferentially orientated away from active WSLs, with minimal C-14 activity observed in the lesion borders, whilst artificial lesions (ALs) created directly opposite WSL borders showed significantly higher C-14 activity, suggesting active translocation of photoassimilates for tissue regeneration. Transport of photoassimilates in healthy coral colonies was preferentially oriented towards ALs with a higher perimeter-area ratio, although translocation towards WSL boundaries was minimal even though the lesion perimeter was often the width of the colony (> 200 cm). We suggest that the preferential orientation of photoassimilates away from WSLs may represent a deliberate strategy by the colony to induce a 'shutdown reaction' in order to preserve intra-colonial resources within areas of the colony that are more likely to survive and recover.
The frequency and intensity of disturbance on living coral reefs have been accelerating for the past few decades, resulting in a changed seascape. What is unclear but vital for management is whether this acceleration is natural or coincident only with recent human impact. We surveyed nine uplifted early to mid-Holocene (11,000-3700 calendar [cal] yr B.P.) fringing and barrier reefs along similar to 27 km at the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. We found evidence for several episodes of coral mass mortality, but frequency was < 1 in 1500 yr. The most striking mortality event extends > 16 km along the ancient coastline, occurred ca. 9100-9400 cal yr B.P., and is associated with a volcanic ash horizon. Recolonization of the reef surface and resumption of vertical reef accretion was rapid (< 100 yr), but the post-disturbance reef communities contrasted with their pre-disturbance counterparts. Assessing the frequency, nature, and long-term ecological consequences of mass-mortality events in fossil coral reefs may provide important insights to guide management of modern reefs in this time of environmental degradation and change.
Purpose: To determine whether a significant relationship exists between fat mass (FM) development and physical activity (PA) and/or sugar-sweetened drink (SD) consumption in healthy boys and girls aged 8-19 yr. Methods: A total of 105 males and 103 females were assessed during childhood and adolescence for a maximum of 7 yr and a median of 5 yr. Height was measured biannually. Fat-free mass (FFM) and FM were assessed annually by dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA). PA was evaluated two to three times annually using the PAQ-C/A. Energy intake and SD were assessed using a 24-h dietary intake questionnaire also completed two to three times per year. Years from peak height velocity were used as a biological maturity age indicator. Multilevel random effects models were used to test the relationship. Results: When controlling for maturation, FFM, and energy intake adjusted for SD, PA level was negatively related to FM development in males (P < 0.05) but not in females (P > 0.05). In contrast, there was no relationship between SD and FM development of males or females (P > 0.05). There was also no interaction effect between SD and PA (P > 0.05) with FM development. Conclusion: This finding tends support to the idea that increasing PA in male youths aids in the control of FM development. Models employed showed no relationship between SD and FM in either gender.
Structure and dynamics of the Shapley Supercluster - Velocity catalogue, general morphology and mass
We present results of our wide-field redshift survey of galaxies in a 285 square degree region of the Shapley Supercluster (SSC), based on a set of 10 529 velocity measurements (including 1201 new ones) on 8632 galaxies obtained from various telescopes and from the literature. Our data reveal that the main plane of the SSC (v approximate to 14 500 km s(-1)) extends further than previous estimates, filling the whole extent of our survey region of 12 degrees by 30 degrees on the sky (30 x 75 h(-1) Mpc). There is also a connecting structure associated with the slightly nearer Abell 3571 cluster complex (v approximate to 12 000 km s(-1)). These galaxies seem to link two previously identified sheets of galaxies and establish a connection with a third one at v = 15 000 km s(-1) near RA = 13(h). They also tend to fill the gap of galaxies between the foreground Hydra-Centaurus region and the more distant SSC. In the velocity range of the Shapley Supercluster (9000 km s(-1) < cz < 18 000 km s(-1)), we found redshift-space overdensities with b(j) < 17.5 of similar or equal to 5.4 over the 225 square degree central region and similar or equal to 3.8 in a 192 square degree region excluding rich clusters. Over the large region of our survey, we find that the intercluster galaxies make up 48 per cent of the observed galaxies in the SSC region and, accounting for the different completeness, may contribute nearly twice as much mass as the cluster galaxies. In this paper, we discuss the completeness of the velocity catalogue, the morphology of the supercluster, the global overdensity, and some properties of the individual galaxy clusters in the Supercluster.
Sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPS) is a key enzyme in the pathway of sucrose synthesis. Five different gene families encoding SPS have been reported in the Poaceae [Castleden CK, Aoki N, Gillespie VJ, MacRae EA, Quick WP, Buchner P, Foyer CH, Furbank RT, Lunn JE (2004) Evolution and function of the sucrose-phosphate synthase gene families in wheat and othergrasses. PlantPhysiology 135, 1753-1764]. Expression of the five families in leaf and stem tissues of Saccharum spp. at different stages of development was determined by quantitative real-time PCR. The type B and C families of SPS genes were predominantly expressed in both immature and mature leaves, whereas the two subfamilies making up the type D family were expressed at similar levels in all tissues examined. In the type A family, expression was lowest in leaves and increased from the meristem region down to internode 7 of the stem.
A fast, reproducible, and efficient transformation procedure employing Agrobacterium rhizogenes was developed for Phaseolus vulgaris L. wild accessions, landraces, and cultivars and for three other species belonging to the genus Phaseolus: R coccineus, P lunatus, and P acutifolius. Induced hairy roots are robust and grow quickly. The transformation frequency is between 75 and 90% based on the 35-S promoter-driven green fluorescent protein and beta-glucuronidase expression reporter constructs. When inoculated with Rhizobium tropici, transgenic roots induce normal determinate nodules that fix nitrogen as efficiently as inoculated standard roots. The A. rhizogenes-induced hairy root transformation in the genus Phaseolus sets the foundation for functional genomics programs focused on root physiology, root metabolism, and root-microbe interactions.
We report here a validated method for the quantification of a new immunosuppressant drug FTY720, using HPLC-tandem mass spectrometry. Whole blood samples (500 mu l) were subjected to liquid-liquid extraction, in the presence of an internal standard (Y-32919). Mass spectrometric detection was by selected reaction monitoring with an atmospheric pressure chemical ionization source in positive ionization mode (FTY720: m/z 308.3 -> 255.3). The assay was linear from 0.2 to 25 mu g/l (r(2) > 0.997, n = 5). The inter- and intra-day analytical recovery and imprecision for quality control samples (0.5, 7 and 15 mu g/l) were 95.8-103.2 and < 5.5%, respectively. At the lower limit of quantification (0.2 mu g/l) the interand intra-day analytical recovery was 99.0-102.8% with imprecision of < 7.6% (n = 5). The assay had a mean relative recovery of 100.5 +/- 5.8% (n = 15). Extracted samples were stable for 16 h. IFTY720 quality control samples were stable at room temperature for 16 h at 4 degrees C for at least 8 days and when taken through at least three freeze-thaw cycles. In conclusion, the method described displays analytical performance characteristics that are suitable for pharmacokinetic studies in humans. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Our objective was to assess the contribution of lean body mass (LBM) and fat body mass (FBM) to areal bone mineral density (aBMD) in women during the years surrounding menopause. We used a 12-year observational design. Participants included 75 Caucasian women who were premenopausal, 53 of whom were available for follow-up. There were two measurement periods: baseline and 12-year follow-up. At both measurement periods, bone mineral content and aBMD of the proximal femur, posterior-anterior lumbar spine, and total body was assessed using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). LBM and FBM were derived from the total-body scans. General health, including current menopausal status, hormone replace therapy use, medication use, and physical activity, was assessed by questionnaires. At the end of the study, 44% of the women were postmenopausal. After controlling for baseline aBMD, current menopausal status, and current hormone replacement therapy, we found that change in LBM was independently associated with change in aBMD of the proximal femur (P = 0.001). The cross-sectional analyses also indicated that LBM was a significant determinant of aBMD of all three DXA-scanned sites at both baseline and follow-up. These novel longitudinal data highlight the important contribution of LBM to the maintenance of proximal femur bone mass at a key time in women's life span, the years surrounding menopause.
The aim was to investigate whether the addition of supervised high intensity progressive resistance training to a moderate weight loss program (RT+WLoss) could maintain bone mineral density (BMD) and lean mass compared to moderate weight loss (WLoss) alone in older overweight adults with type 2 diabetes. We also investigated whether any benefits derived from a supervised RT program could be sustained through an additional home-based program. This was a 12-month trial in which 36 sedentary, overweight adults aged 60 to 80 years with type 2 diabetes were randomized to either a supervised gymnasium-based RT+WLoss or WLoss program for 6 months (phase 1). Thereafter, all participants completed an additional 6-month home-based training without further dietary modification (phase 2). Total body and regional BMD and bone mineral content (BMC), fat mass (FM) and lean mass (LM) were assessed by DXA every 6 months. Diet, muscle strength (1-RM) and serum total testosterone, estradiol, SHBG, insulin and IGF-1 were measured every 3 months. No between group differences were detected for changes in any of the hormonal parameters at any measurement point. In phase 1, after 6 months of gymnasium-based training, weight and FM decreased similarly in both groups (P < 0.01), but LM tended to increase in the RT+WLoss (n=16) relative to the WLoss (n = 13) group [net difference (95% CI), 1.8% (0.2, 3.5), P < 0.05]. Total body BMD and BMC remained unchanged in the RT+WLoss group, but decreased by 0.9 and 1.5%, respectively, in the WLoss group (interaction, P < 0.05). Similar, though non-significant, changes were detected at the femoral neck and lumbar spine (L2-L4). In phase 2, after a further 6 months of home-based training, weight and FM increased significantly in both the RT+WLoss (n = 14) and WLoss (n = 12) group, but there were no significant changes in LM or total body or regional BMD or BMC in either group from 6 to 12 months. These results indicate that in older, overweight adults with type 2 diabetes, dietary modification should be combined with progressive resistance training to optimize the effects on body composition without having a negative effect on bone health.
NeuropeptideY-, Y2 receptor (Y2)-, and leptin-deficient mice show similar anabolic action in cancellous bone but have not been assessed in cortical bone. Cortical bone mass is elevated in Y2(-/-) mice through greater osteoblast activity. In contrast, leptin deficiency results in reduced bone mass. We show opposing central regulation of cortical bone.