225 resultados para Activated-carbon


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We investigate here the diffusion of n-decane in nanoporous MCM-41 silicas with pore diameters between 3.0 and 4.3 nm, and at various temperatures and purge flow rates, by the Zero Length Column method. A complete-time-range analysis of desorption curves is used to derive the diffusion coefficient, and the effect of pore size, purge flow rate and temperature on the diffusion character is systematically studied. The results show that the calculated low-coverage diffusivity values are strongly dependent on temperature but only weakly dependent on pore size. The study reveals that transport is controlled by intracrystalline diffusion and dominated by sorbate-sorbent interaction, with the experimental isosteric heat matching the potential energy of flat-lying n-decane molecules on the surface, determined using a united atom model. The diffusion activation energy and adsorption isosteric heat at zero loading for the different pore size MCM-41 samples vary in a narrow range respectively, and their ratio is essentially constant over the pore size range studied. The study shows that the ZLC method is an effective tool to investigate the diffusion kinetics of hydrocarbons in mesoporous MCM-41 materials. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A new approach is developed to analyze the thermodynamic properties of a sub-critical fluid adsorbed in a slit pore of activated carbon. The approach is based on a representation that an adsorbed fluid forms an ordered structure close to a smoothed solid surface. This ordered structure is modelled as a collection of parallel molecular layers. Such a structure allows us to express the Helmholtz free energy of a molecular layer as the sum of the intrinsic Helmholtz free energy specific to that layer and the potential energy of interaction of that layer with all other layers and the solid surface. The intrinsic Helmholtz free energy of a molecular layer is a function (at given temperature) of its two-dimensional density and it can be readily obtained from bulk-phase properties, while the interlayer potential energy interaction is determined by using the 10-4 Lennard-Jones potential. The positions of all layers close to the graphite surface or in a slit pore are considered to correspond to the minimum of the potential energy of the system. This model has led to accurate predictions of nitrogen and argon adsorption on carbon black at their normal boiling points. In the case of adsorption in slit pores, local isotherms are determined from the minimization of the grand potential. The model provides a reasonable description of the 0-1 monolayer transition, phase transition and packing effect. The adsorption of nitrogen at 77.35 K and argon at 87.29 K on activated carbons is analyzed to illustrate the potential of this theory, and the derived pore-size distribution is compared favourably with that obtained by the Density Functional Theory (DFT). The model is less time-consuming than methods such as the DFT and Monte-Carlo simulation, and most importantly it can be readily extended to the adsorption of mixtures and capillary condensation phenomena.


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In this work, a working model is proposed of molecular sieve silica (MSS) multistage membrane systems for CO cleanup at high temperatures (up to 500 degrees C) in a simulated fuel cell fuel processing system. Gases are described as having little interactions with each other relative to the pore walls due to low isosteric heat of adsorption on silica surfaces and high temperatures. The Arrhenius function for activated transport of pure gases was used to predict mixture concentration in the permeate and retentate streams. Simulation predicted CO could be reduced to levels below the required 50 ppmv for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell anodes at a stage H-2/CO selectivity of higher than 40 in 4 series membrane units. Experimental validation showed predicting mixture concentrations required only pure gas permeation data. This model has significant application for setting industrial stretch targets and as a robust basis for complex membrane model configurations. (c) 2006 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.


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The microstructural variation of Norit RI Extra activated carbon, progressively heated at 1373 K, was explored in terms of pore size and pore wall thickness distributions, for various periods of heating time, determined by argon adsorption at 87 K, both using an infinite as well as and finite wall thickness model. The latter approach has recently been developed in our laboratory and has been applied to several virgin carbons. The current results show significant variations in small pore size regions (< 7 angstrom) in association with strong growth of thick walls having at least three carbon sheets, as a result of heat treatment. In particular, shrinkage of the smallest pores due to strong interaction between their opposite walls as well as smoothening of carbon wall surfaces due to an increase in graphitization degree under thermal treatment have been found. Further, the results of pore wall thickness distribution are well corroborated by X-ray diffraction. The results of pore size and pore wall thickness distributions are also shown to be consistent with transmission electron microscopy analyses. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Solvation. pressure due to adsorption of fluids in porous materials is the cause of elastic deformation of an adsorbent, which is accessible to direct experimental measurements. Such a deformation contributes to the Helmholtz free energy of the whole adsorbent-adsorbate system due to accumulation of compression or tension energy by the solid. It means that in the general case the solid has to be considered as not solely a source of the external potential field for the fluid confined in the pore volume, but also as thermodynamically nonmert component of the solid-fluid system. We present analysis of nitrogen adsorption isotherms and heat of adsorption in slit graphitic pores accounting for the adsorption deformation by means of nonlocal density functional theory. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The storage of gases in porous adsorbents, such as activated carbon and carbon nanotubes, is examined here thermodynamically from a systems viewpoint, considering the entire adsorption-desorption cycle. The results provide concrete objective criteria to guide the search for the Holy Grail adsorbent, for which the adsorptive delivery is maximized. It is shown that, for ambient temperature storage of hydrogen and delivery between 30 and 1.5 bar pressure, for the optimum adsorbent the adsorption enthalpy change is 15.1 kJ/mol. For carbons, for which the average enthalpy change is typically 5.8 kJ/mol, an optimum operating temperature of about 115 K is predicted. For methane, an optimum enthalpy change of 18.8 kJ/mol is found, with the optimum temperature for carbons being 254 K. It is also demonstrated that for maximum delivery of the gas the optimum adsorbent must be homogeneous, and that introduction of heterogeneity, such as by ball milling, irradiation, and other means, can only provide small increases in physisorption-related delivery for hydrogen. For methane, heterogeneity is always detrimental, at any value of average adsorption enthalpy change. These results are confirmed with the help of experimental data from the literature, as well as extensive Monte Carlo simulations conducted here using slit pore models of activated carbons as well as atomistic models of carbon nanotubes. The simulations also demonstrate that carbon nanotubes offer little or no advantage over activated carbons in terms of enhanced delivery, when used as storage media for either hydrogen or methane.


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Several procedures for calculating the heat of adsorption from Monte Carlo simulations for a heterogeneous adsorbent are presented. Simulations have been performed to generate isotherms for nitrogen at 77 K and methane at 273.15 K in graphitic slit pores of various widths. The procedures were then applied to calculate the heat of adsorption of an activated carbon with an arbitrary pore size distribution. The consistency of the different procedures shows them to be correct in calculating interaction energy contributions to the heat of adsorption. The currently favored procedure for this type of calculation, from the literature, is shown to be incorrect and in serious error when calculating the heat of adsorption of activated carbon.


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We have measured the adsorption equilibrium and kinetics of carbon dioxide on a commercially available activated carbon by two methods; permeation and batch adsorption. The two methods are compared and found to yield consistent results. All experiments are performed at low pressure (


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Previous experimental studies showed that the presence of O-2 greatly enhances NO-carbon reaction while it depresses N2O-carbon reaction on carbon surfaces. A popular explanation for the rate increase is that the addition of O-2 results in a large number of reactive carbon-oxygen complexes, and decomposition of these complexes produces many more active sites. The explanation for the latter is that excess O-2 simply blocks the active sites, thus reducing the rate of N2O-carbon reaction. The contradiction is that O-2 can also occupy active sites in NO-carbon reaction and produce active sites in N2O-carbon reduction. By using ab initio calculation, we find that the opposite roles of O-2 are caused by the different manners of N2O and NO adsorption on the carbon surface. In the presence of excess O-2, most Of the active sites are occupied by oxygen groups. In the competition for the remaining active sites, NO is more likely to chemisorb in the form of NO2 and NO chemisorption is mon thermodynamically favorable than O-2 chemisorption. By contrast, the presence of excess O-2 makes N2O chemisorption much less thermally stable either on the consecutive edge sites or edge sites isolated by semiquinone oxygen. A detailed analysis and discussion of the reaction mechanism of N-2 formation from NO- and N2O-carbon reaction in the presence of O-2 is presented in this paper.


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Regulation of the expression of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) reductase was investigated in the purple phototrophic bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus. Under phototrophic, anaerobic conditions with malate as carbon source, DMSO caused an approximately 150-fold induction of DMSO reductase activity. The response regulator DorR was required for DMSO-dependent induction and also appeared to slightly repress DMSO reductase expression in the absence of substrate. Likewise, when pyruvate replaced malate as carbon source there was an induction of DMSO reductase activity in cells grown at low light intensity (16 W m(-2)) and again this induction was dependent on DorR. The level of DMSO reductase activity in aerobically grown cells was elevated when pyruvate replaced malate as carbon source. One possible explanation for this is that acetyl phosphate, produced from pyruvate, may activate expression of DMSO reductase by direct phosphorylation of DorR, leading to low levels of induction of dor gene expression in the absence of DMSO. A mutant lacking the global response regulator of photosynthesis gene expression, RegA, exhibited high levels of DMSO reductase in the absence of DMSO, when grown phototrophically with malate as carbon source. This suggests that phosphorylated RegA acts as a repressor of dor operon expression under these conditions. It has been proposed elsewhere that RegA-dependent expression is negatively regulated by the cytochrome cbb(3) oxidase. A cco mutant lacking cytochrome cbb(3) exhibited significantly higher levels of Phi[dorA::lacZ] activity in the presence of DMSO compared to wild-type cells and this is consistent with the above model. Pyruvate restored DMSO reductase expression in the regA mutant to the same pattern as found in wild-type cells. These data suggest that R. capsulatus contains a regulator of DMSO respiration that is distinct from DorR and RegA, is activated in the presence of pyruvate, and acts as a negative regulator of DMSO reductase expression.


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An investigation of the role of oxygen in the nitrous oxide/carbon reaction was carried out on various carbon samples (both graphitic and nongraphitic) over a range of temperatures and partial pressures. Previous work reported that oxygen strongly inhibited the nitrous oxide/carbon reaction. Large ratios of O-2/N2O were used in all previous work. In this work, the O-2/N2O ratio was kept below 1, and we found that oxygen did not inhibit the rate of the C + N2O reaction. Instead, the rate of the reaction in the presence of oxygen was essentially that predicted by the two independent reactions, nitrous oxide/carbon and oxygen/carbon, occurring simultaneously. A simple theoretical explanation is given for the observations, both past and present, on the basis of competitive chemisorption of nitrous oxide and oxygen on active sites.


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Dinoflagellates exist in symbiosis with a number of marine invertebrates including giant clams, which are the largest of these symbiotic organisms. The dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium sp.) live intercellularly within tubules in the mantle of the host clam. The transport of inorganic carbon (Ci) from seawater to Symbiodinium (=zooxanthellae) is an essential function of hosts that derive the majority of their respiratory energy from the photosynthate exported by the zooxanthellae. Immunolocalisation studies show that the host has adapted its physiology to acquire, rather than remove CO2, from the haemolymph and clam tissues. Two carbonic anhydrase (CA) isoforms (32 and 70 kDa) play an essential part in this process. These have been localised to the mantle and gill tissues where they catalyse the interconversion of HCO3- to CO2, which then diffuses into the host tissues. The zooxanthellae exhibit a number of strategies to maximise Ci acquisition and utilisation. This is necessary as they express a form II Rubisco that has poor discrimination between CO2 and O-2. Evidence is presented for a carbon concentrating mechanism (CCM) to overcome. this disadvantage. The CCM incorporates the presence of a light-activated CA activity, a capacity to take up both HCO3- and CO2, an ability to accumulate an elevated concentration of Ci within the algal cell, and localisation of Rubisco to the pyrenoid. These algae also express both external and intracellular CAs, with the intracellular isoforms being localised to the thylakoid lumen and pyrenoid. These results have been incorporated into a model that explains the transport of Ci from seawater through the clam to the zooxanthellae.


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A thermodynamic approach is developed in this paper to describe the behavior of a subcritical fluid in the neighborhood of vapor-liquid interface and close to a graphite surface. The fluid is modeled as a system of parallel molecular layers. The Helmholtz free energy of the fluid is expressed as the sum of the intrinsic Helmholtz free energies of separate layers and the potential energy of their mutual interactions calculated by the 10-4 potential. This Helmholtz free energy is described by an equation of state (such as the Bender or Peng-Robinson equation), which allows us a convenient means to obtain the intrinsic Helmholtz free energy of each molecular layer as a function of its two-dimensional density. All molecular layers of the bulk fluid are in mechanical equilibrium corresponding to the minimum of the total potential energy. In the case of adsorption the external potential exerted by the graphite layers is added to the free energy. The state of the interface zone between the liquid and the vapor phases or the state of the adsorbed phase is determined by the minimum of the grand potential. In the case of phase equilibrium the approach leads to the distribution of density and pressure over the transition zone. The interrelation between the collision diameter and the potential well depth was determined by the surface tension. It was shown that the distance between neighboring molecular layers substantially changes in the vapor-liquid transition zone and in the adsorbed phase with loading. The approach is considered in this paper for the case of adsorption of argon and nitrogen on carbon black. In both cases an excellent agreement with the experimental data was achieved without additional assumptions and fitting parameters, except for the fluid-solid potential well depth. The approach has far-reaching consequences and can be readily extended to the model of adsorption in slit pores of carbonaceous materials and to the analysis of multicomponent adsorption systems. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).


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The integrated control of nitrate recirculation and external carbon addition in a predenitrification biological wastewater treatment system is studied. The proposed control structure consists of four feedback control loops, which manipulate the nitrate recirculation and the carbon dosage flows in a highly coordinated manner such that the consumption of external carbon is minimised while the nitrate discharge limits (based on both grab and composite samples) are met. The control system requires the measurement of the nitrate concentrations at the end of both the anoxic and the aerobic zones. Distinct from ordinary control systems, which typically minimise the variation in the controlled variables, the proposed control system essentially maximises the diurnal variation of the effluent nitrate concentration and through this maximises the use of influent COD for denitrification, thus minimising the requirement for external carbon source. Simulation studies using a commonly accepted simulation benchmark show that the controlled system consistently achieves the designated effluent quality with minimum costs.


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The solubility of ethyl propionate, ethyl butyrate, and ethyl isovalerate in supercritical carbon dioxide was measured at temperature ranging from 308.15 to 333.15 K and pressure ranging from 85 to 195 bar. At the same temperature, the solubility of these compounds increases with pressure. The crossover pressure region was also observed in this study. The experimental data were correlated by the semi-empirical Chrastil equation and Peng-Robinson equation of state (EOS) using several mixing rules. The Peng-Robinson EOS gives better solubility prediction than the empirical Chrastil equation. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.