161 resultados para three-tier architecture
The combined approach of the molecular-kinetic and hydrodynamic theories for description of the motion of three-phase gas-liquid-solid contact lines has been examined using the Wilhelmy plate method. The whole dynamic meniscus has been divided into molecular, hydrodynamic, and static-like regions. The Young-Laplace equation and the molecular-kinetic and hydrodynamic dewetting theories have been applied to describe the meniscus profiles and contact angle. The dissipative forces accompanying the dynamic dewetting have also been investigated. The experiments with a Wilhelmy plate made from an acrylic polymer sheet were carried out using a computerized apparatus for contact angle analysis (OCA 20, DataPhysics, Germany). The extrapolated dynamic contact angle versus velocity of the three-phase contact line for Milli-Q water and 5 x 10(-4) M SDBS solution was experimentally obtained and compared with the combined MHD models with low and moderate Reynolds numbers. The models predict similar results for the extrapolated contact angle. SDBS decreases the equilibrium contact angle and increases the molecular jumping length but does not affect the molecular frequency significantly. The hydrodynamic deformation of the meniscus, viscous dissipation, and friction were also influenced by the SDBS surfactant. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to explore the feasibility of an exercise scientist (ES) working in general practice to promote physical activity (PA) to 55 to 70 year old adults. Participants were randomised into one of three groups: either brief verbal and written advice from a general practitioner (GP) (G1, N=9); or individualised counselling and follow-up telephone calls from an ES, either with (G3, N=8) or without a pedometer (G2, N=11). PA levels were assessed at week 1, after the 12-wk intervention and again at 24 weeks. After the 12-wk intervention, the average increase in PA was 116 (SD=237) min/wk; N=28, p < 0.001. Although there were no statistically significant between-group differences, the average increases in PA among G2 and G3 participants were 195 (SD=207) and 138 (SD=315) min/wk respectively, compared with no change (0.36, SD=157) in G1. After 24 weeks, average PA levels remained 56 (SD=129) min/wk higher than in week 1. The small numbers of participants in this feasibility study limit the power to detect significant differences between groups, but it would appear that individualised counselling and follow-up contact from an ES, with or without a pedometer, can result in substantial changes in PA levels. A larger study is now planned to confirm these findings.
Numerical methods are used to simulate the double-diffusion driven convective pore-fluid flow and rock alteration in three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zones. The double diffusion is caused by a combination of both the positive upward temperature gradient and the positive downward salinity concentration gradient within a three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zone, which is assumed to be more permeable than its surrounding rocks. In order to ensure the physical meaningfulness of the obtained numerical solutions, the numerical method used in this study is validated by a benchmark problem, for which the analytical solution to the critical Rayleigh number of the system is available. The theoretical value of the critical Rayleigh number of a three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zone system can be used to judge whether or not the double-diffusion driven convective pore-fluid flow can take place within the system. After the possibility of triggering the double-diffusion driven convective pore-fluid flow is theoretically validated for the numerical model of a three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zone system, the corresponding numerical solutions for the convective flow and temperature are directly coupled with a geochemical system. Through the numerical simulation of the coupled system between the convective fluid flow, heat transfer, mass transport and chemical reactions, we have investigated the effect of the double-diffusion driven convective pore-fluid flow on the rock alteration, which is the direct consequence of mineral redistribution due to its dissolution, transportation and precipitation, within the three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zone system. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
PHWAT is a new model that couples a geochemical reaction model (PHREEQC-2) with a density-dependent groundwater flow and solute transport model (SEAWAT) using the split-operator approach. PHWAT was developed to simulate multi-component reactive transport in variable density groundwater flow. Fluid density in PHWAT depends not on only the concentration of a single species as in SEAWAT, but also the concentrations of other dissolved chemicals that can be subject to reactive processes. Simulation results of PHWAT and PHREEQC-2 were compared in their predictions of effluent concentration from a column experiment. Both models produced identical results, showing that PHWAT has correctly coupled the sub-packages. PHWAT was then applied to the simulation of a tank experiment in which seawater intrusion was accompanied by cation exchange. The density dependence of the intrusion and the snow-plough effect in the breakthrough curves were reflected in the model simulations, which were in good agreement with the measured breakthrough data. Comparison simulations that, in turn, excluded density effects and reactions allowed us to quantify the marked effect of ignoring these processes. Next, we explored numerical issues involved in the practical application of PHWAT using the example of a dense plume flowing into a tank containing fresh water. It was shown that PHWAT could model physically unstable flow and that numerical instabilities were suppressed. Physical instability developed in the model in accordance with the increase of the modified Rayleigh number for density-dependent flow, in agreement with previous research. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Different abrasive wear tests have been applied to materials with hardnesses ranging from 80 HV (aluminium) to 1700 HV (tungsten carbide). The tests were: dry sand rubber wheel (DSRbrW); a similar test using a steel wheel (DSStlW); a new combined impact-abrasion test (FIA). The DSRbrW results were as expected, giving generally decreasing wear with increasing hardness. White cast irons and tool steels containing coarse, hard carbide particles performed better than more homogeneous materials of comparable hardness. When normalized to load and distance, the DSStlW results for the homogeneous materials were similar to the DSRbrW results. The multi-phase materials performed poorly in the DSStlW test, with volume loss for high-speed steel (880 HV) higher than that of aluminium. Within this group, wear increased with increasing hardness. These unexpected results are explained in terms of (a) differential friction coefficients of wheel and specimen, (b) increased fracture of sand, and (c) introduction of microfracture wear mechanisms. The FIA combined impact-abrasion results lacked clear correlations with hardness. The span of relative wear rates was similar to that reported for materials in ball mills. White cast irons at maximum hardness performed fairly poorly and showed evidence of microfracture. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.
The efficient and correct folding of bacterial disulfide bonded proteins in vivo is dependent upon a class of periplasmic oxidoreductase proteins called DsbA, after the Escherichia coli enzyme. In the pathogenic bacterium Vibrio cholerae, the DsbA homolog (TcpG) is responsible for the folding, maturation and secretion of virulence factors. Mutants in which the tcpg gene has been inactivated are avirulent; they no longer produce functional colonisation pill and they no longer secrete cholera toxin. TcpG is thus a suitable target for inhibitors that could counteract the virulence of this organism, thereby preventing the symptoms of cholera. The crystal structure of oxidized TcpG (refined at a resolution of 2.1 Angstrom) serves as a starting point for the rational design of such inhibitors. As expected, TcpG has the same fold as E. coli DsbA, with which it shares similar to 40% sequence identity. Ln addition, the characteristic surface features of DsbA are present in TcpG, supporting the notion that these features play a functional role. While the overall architecture of TcpG and DsbA is similar and the surface features are retained in TcpG, there are significant differences. For example, the kinked active site helix results from a three-residue loop in DsbA, but is caused by a proline in TcpG (making TcpG more similar to thioredoxin in this respect). Furthermore, the proposed peptide binding groove of TcpG is substantially shortened compared with that of DsbA due to a six-residue deletion. Also, the hydrophobic pocket of TcpG is more shallow and the acidic patch is much less extensive than that of E. coli DsbA. The identification of the structural and surface features that are retained or are divergent in TcpG provides a useful assessment of their functional importance in these protein folding catalysts and is an important prerequisite for the design of TcpG inhibitors. (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited.
Homocystinuria, due to a deficiency of the enzyme cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS), is an inborn error of sulphur-amino acid metabolism, This is an autosomal recessive disease which results in hyperhomocysteinaemia and a wide range of clinical features, including optic lens dislocation, mental retardation, skeletal abnormalities and premature thrombotic events, We report the identification of 5 missense mutations in the protein-coding region of the CBS gene from 3 patients with pyridoxine-nonresponsive homocystinuria. Reverse-transcription PCR was used to amplify CBS cDNA from each patient and the coding region was analysed by direct sequencing, The mutations detected included 3 novel (1058C --> T, 992C --> A and 1316G --> A) and 2 previously identified (430G --> A and 833C --> T) base alterations in the CBS cDNA, Each of these mutations predicts a single amino acid substitution in the CBS polypeptide, Appropriate cassettes of patient CBS cDNA, containing each of the above defined mutations, were used to replace the corresponding cassettes of normal CBS cDNA sequence within the bacterial expression vector pT7-7. These recombinant mutant and normal CBS constructs were expressed in Escherichia coli cells and the catalytic activities of the mutant proteins were compared with normal. All of the mutant proteins exhibited decreased catalytic activity in vitro, which confirmed the association between the individual mutation and CBS dysfunction in each patient.
DsbA, a 21-kDa protein from Escherichia coli, is a potent oxidizing disulfide catalyst required for disulfide bond formation in secreted proteins. The active site of DsbA is similar to that of mammalian protein disulfide isomerases, and includes a reversible disulfide bond formed from cysteines separated by two residues (Cys3O-Pro31-His32-Cys33). Unlike most protein disulfides, the active-site disulfide of DsbA is highly reactive and the oxidized form of DsbA is much less stable than the reduced form at physiological pH. His32, one of the two residues between the active-site cysteines, is critical to the oxidizing power of DsbA and to the relative instability of the protein in the oxidized form. Mutation of this single residue to tyrosine, serine, or leucine results in a significant increase in stability (of similar to 5-7 kcal/mol) of the oxidized His32 variants relative to the oxidized wild-type protein. Despite the dramatic changes in stability, the structures of all three oxidized DsbA His32 Variants are very similar to the wild-type oxidized structure, including conservation of solvent atoms near the active-site residue, Cys3O. These results show that the His32 residue does not exert a conformational effect on the structure of DsbA. The destabilizing effect of His32 on oxidized DsbA is therefore most likely electrostatic in nature.
We examine subnatural phase-dependent linewidths in the fluorescence spectrum of a three-level atom damped by a narrow-bandwidth squeezed vacuum in a cavity. Using the dressed-atom model approach of a strongly driven three-level cascade system, we derive the master equation of the system from which we obtain simple analytical expressions for the fluorescence spectrum. We show that the phase effects depend on the bandwidths of the squeezed vacuum and the cavity relative to the Rabi frequency of the driving fields. When the squeezing bandwidth is much larger than the Rabi frequency, the spectrum consists of five lines with only the central and outer sidebands dependent on the phase. For a squeezing bandwidth much smaller than the Rabi frequency the number of lines in the spectrum and their phase properties depend on the frequency at which the squeezing and cavity modes are centered. When the squeezing and cavity modes are centered on the inner Rabi sidebands, the spectrum exhibits five lines that are completely independent of the squeezing phase with only the inner Rabi sidebands dependent on the squeezing correlations. Matching the squeezing and cavity modes to the outer Rabi sidebands leads to the disappearance of the inner Rabi sidebands and a strong phase dependence of the central line and the outer Rabi sidebands. We find that in this case the system behaves as an individual two-level system that reveals exactly the noise distribution in the input squeezed vacuum. [S1050-2947(97)00111-X].