133 resultados para short-strong hydrogen bond
Six of the short dietary questions used in the 1995 National Nutrition Survey (see box below) were evaluated for relative validity both directly and indirectly and for consistency, by documenting the differences in mean intakes of foods and nutrients as measured on the 24-hour recall, between groups with different responses to the short questions. 1. Including snacks, how many times do you usually have something to eat in a day including evenings? 2. How many days per week do you usually have something to eat for breakfast? 3. In the last 12 months, were there any times that you ran out of food and couldn’t afford to buy more? 4. What type of milk do you usually consume? 5. How many serves of vegetables do you usually eat each day? (a serve = 1/2 cup cooked vegetables or 1 cup of salad vegetables) 6. How many serves of fruit do you usually eat each day? (a serve = 1 medium piece or 2 small pieces of fruit or 1 cup of diced pieces) These comparisons were made for males and females overall and for population sub-groups of interest including: age, socio-economic disadvantage, region of residence, country of birth, and BMI category. Several limitations to this evaluation of the short questions, as discussed in the report, need to be kept in mind including: · The method for comparison available (24-hour recall) was not ideal (gold standard); as it measures yesterday’s intake. This limitation was overcome by examining only mean differences between groups of respondents, since mean intake for a group can provide a reasonable approximation for ‘usual’ intake. · The need to define and identify, post-hoc, from the 24-hour recall the number of eating occasions, and occasions identified by the respondents as breakfast. · Predetermined response categories for some of the questions effectively limited the number of categories available for evaluation. · Other foods and nutrients, not selected for this evaluation, may have an indirect relationship with the question, and might have shown stronger and more consistent responses. · The number of responses in some categories of the short questions eg for food security may have been too small to detect significant differences between population sub-groups. · No information was available to examine the validity of these questions for detecting differences over time (establishing trends) in food habits and indicators of selected nutrient intakes. By contrast, the strength of this evaluation was its very large sample size, (atypical of most validation studies of dietary assessment) and thus, the opportunity to investigate question performance in a range of broad population sub-groups compared with a well-conducted, quantified survey of intakes. The results of the evaluation are summarised below for each of the questions and specific recommendations for future testing, modifications and use provided for each question. The report concludes with some general recommendations for the further development and evaluation of short dietary questions.
Grobner bases have been generalised to polynomials over a commutative ring A in several ways. Here we focus on strong Grobner bases, also known as D-bases. Several authors have shown that strong Grobner bases can be effectively constructed over a principal ideal domain. We show that this extends to any principal ideal ring. We characterise Grobner bases and strong Grobner bases when A is a principal ideal ring. We also give algorithms for computing Grobner bases and strong Grobner bases which generalise known algorithms to principal ideal rings. In particular, we give an algorithm for computing a strong Grobner basis over a finite-chain ring, for example a Galois ring.
The majority of small-cell lung cancers (SCLCs) express p16 but not pRb, Given our previous study showing loss of pRb in Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC)/neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin and the clinicopathological similarities between SCLC acid MCC, we wished to determine if this was also the case in MCC, Twenty-nine MCC specimens from 23 patients were examined for deletions at 10 loci on 9p and I on 9p. No loss of heterozygosity (LO H) was peen in 9 patients including 2 for which tumour and cell line DNAs were examined. Four patients had LOH for all informative loci on 9p, Ten tumours showed more limited regions of loss on 9p, and from these 2 common regions of deletion were determined, Half of all informative cases had LOH at D95168, the most telomeric marker examined, and 3 specimens showed loss of only D9S168, A second region (InFNA-D9S126) showed L0H in 10(44%) cases, and case MCC26 showed LOH for only D9S126, implicating genes centromeric of the CDKN2A locus. No mutations in the coding regions of p16 were seen in 7 cell lines tested, and reactivity to anti-p16 antibody was seen in all Il tumour specimens examined and in 6 of 7 cell lines from 6 patients. Furthermore, all cell lines examined reacted with anti-p 14' antibody, These results suggest that neither transcript of the CDKN2A locus is the target of deletions on 9p in MCC and imply the existence of tumour-suppressor genes mapping both centromeric and telomeric of this locus. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Previous genetic analyses of psychosis proneness have been limited by their small sample size. For the purposes of large-scale screening, a 12-item questionnaire was developed through a two-stage process of reduction from the full Chapman and Chapman scales. 3685 individuals (including 1438 complete twin pairs) aged 18–25 years and enrolled in the volunteer Australian Twin Registry returned a mail questionnaire which included this psychosis proneness scale and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. Despite the brevity of the questionnaire, item and factor analysis identified four unambiguous and essentially uncorrelated scales. There were (1) Perceptual Aberration – Magical Ideation; (2) Hypomania – Impulsivity/Nonconformity; (3) Social Anhedonia and (4) Physical Anhedonia. Model-fitting analyses showed additive genetic and specific environmental factors were sufficient for three of the four scales, with the Social Anhedonia scale requiring also a parameter for genetic dominance. There was no evidence for the previously hypothesised sex differences in the genetic determination of psychosis-proneness. The potential value of multivariate genetic analysis to examine the relationship between these four scales and dimensions of personality is discussed. The growing body of longitudinal evidence on psychosis-proneness suggests the value of incorporating this brief measure into developmental twin studies.
The effects of short- and long-term exposure of cells to elevated cyclic adenosine monophosphate (c-AMP), using dibutyryl-c-AMP, 8-bromo-c-AMP, cholera toxin or forskolin, or cyclic guanosine monophosphate (c-GMP), using dibutyryl-c-GMP or 8-bromo-c-GMP, on the activity and expression of the noradrenaline transporter (NAT) were examined. Short- or long-term c-GMP elevation had no effects on H-3-noradrenaline uptake by rat PC12 phaeochromocytoma cells or human SK-N-SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. Short-term c-AMP elevation (for 17 min experiment duration) caused a decrease in H-3-noradrenaline uptake by PC12 cells, but had no effects on SK-N-SH-SY5Y cells or COS-7 cells transfected with human or rat NAT cDNA. c-AMP did not affect H-3-nisoxetine binding to PC12 cells. Long-term (24 h) exposure to elevated c-AMP levels caused a decrease in H-3-noradrenaline uptake and NAT mRNA in PC12 cells, but had no effects on SK-N-SH-SY5Y cells and caused a small increase in H-3-noradrenaline uptake in COS-7 cells heterologously expressing rat or human NAT. Hence, c-AMP, but not c-GMP, causes a cell type-dependent reduction in NAT activity after short-term exposure and a reduction in NAT expression after long-term exposure. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Numerous studies have now established that there is a strong association between small solute clearance and improved outcomes in peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients. Preservation of both renal and peritoneal clearances is therefore of paramount importance, although very few trials have satisfactorily addressed this critical issue. Observational studies have suggested that the groups most at risk of loss of residual renal function are women, non-whites, diabetic patients, patients with congestive cardiac failure, patients who experience frequent episodes of peritonitis and, possibly, patients treated with automated PD (APD). There have been no controlled trials of renoprotective therapies in PD patients, but reasonable strategies for preventing renal functional decline include avoidance of nephrotoxins and infection, maintenance of adequate blood pressure, abstinence from smoking and possibly administration of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and/or calcium channel blockers. In contrast, peritoneal small solute removal can be maximized by augmenting fill volume, increasing exchange frequency and using either long-dwell continuous ambulatory PD (CAPD) or short-dwell (APD) therapies to suit individual patients' transport characteristics. Tidal PD may additionally increase solute clearance, although studies have reported conflicting findings. Preservation of membrane function may be achieved by minimizing episodes of peritonitis and avoiding hypertonic glucose exchanges. Newer peritoneal dialysates, such as icodextrin, amino acids, bicarbonate-buffered solutions and aldehyde-poor fluids, are more biocompatible in experimental models of PD, but their long-term clinical safety and efficacy have not yet been established by clinical trials. Moreover, no trials have demonstrated an independent effect of peritoneal clearance on patient outcomes. Further studies determining the relative value of renal and peritoneal clearances are therefore urgently required in order to optimize dialytic adequacy for PD patients.
A small disturbance in the axisymmetric, bathtub-like flow with strong vorticity is considered and the asymptotic representation of the solution is found. It is shown that if the disturbance is smaller than a certain critical scale, the conventional strong vortex approximation cannot describe the field generated by the disturbance not only in the vicinity of the disturbance but also at the distances much larger than the critical scale. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.
Theoretical and numerical analysis is performed for an inviscid axisymmetric vortical bathtub-type flow. The level of vorticity is kept high so that the image of the flow on the radial-axial plane (r-z plane) is not potential. The most significant findings are: (1) the region of validity of the strong vortex approximation is separated from the drain by a buffer region, (2) the power-law asymptote of the stream function, specified by Delta Psi similar to r(4/3) Deltaz, appears near the axis when vorticity in the flow is sufficiently strong and (3) the local Rossby number in the region of the 4/3 power-law the initial vorticity level in the flow and the global Rossby number.
The 12 cysteine residues in the flavivirus NS1 protein are strictly conserved, suggesting that they form disulfide bonds that are critical for folding the protein into a functional structure. In this study, we examined the intramolecular disulfide bond arrangement of NS1 of Murray Valley encephalitis virus and elucidated three of the six cysteine-pairing arrangements. Disulfide linkages were identified by separating tryptic-digested NS1 by reverse-phase high pressure liquid chromatography and analysing the resulting peptide peaks by protein sequencing, amino acid analysis and/or electrospray mass spectrometry. The pairing arrangements between the six amino-terminal cysteines were identified as follows: Cys(4)-Cys(15), Cys(55)-Cys(143) and Cys(179)-Cys(223). Although the pairing arrangements between the six carboxyterminal cysteines were not determined, we were able to eliminate several cysteine-pairing combinations. Furthermore, we demonstrated that all three putative N-linked glycosylation sites of NS1 are utilized and that the Asn(207) glycosylation site contains a mannose-rich glycan.
This paper proposed a novel model for short term load forecast in the competitive electricity market. The prior electricity demand data are treated as time series. The forecast model is based on wavelet multi-resolution decomposition by autocorrelation shell representation and neural networks (multilayer perceptrons, or MLPs) modeling of wavelet coefficients. To minimize the influence of noisy low level coefficients, we applied the practical Bayesian method Automatic Relevance Determination (ARD) model to choose the size of MLPs, which are then trained to provide forecasts. The individual wavelet domain forecasts are recombined to form the accurate overall forecast. The proposed method is tested using Queensland electricity demand data from the Australian National Electricity Market. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The present research investigated attentional blink startle modulation at lead intervals of 60, 240 and 3500 ms. Letters printed in Gothic or standard fonts, which differed in rated interest, but not valence, served as lead stimuli. Experiment I established that identifying letters as vowels/consonants took longer than reading the letters and that performance in both tasks was slower if letters were printed in Gothic font. In Experiment 2, acoustic blink eliciting stimuli were presented 60, 240 and 3500 ms after onset of the letters in Gothic and in standard font and during intertrial intervals. Half the participants (Group Task) were asked to identify the letters as vowels/consonants whereas the others (Group No-Task) did not perform a task. Relative to control responses, blinks during letters were facilitated at 60 and 3500 ms lead intervals and inhibited at the 240 ms lead interval for both conditions in Group Task. Differences in blink modulation across lead intervals were found in Group No-Task only during Gothic letters with blinks at the 3500 ms lead interval facilitated relative to control blinks. The present results confirm previous findings indicating that attentional processes can modulate startle at very short lead intervals. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.