152 resultados para self-reports, movement patterns, heart monitors, physical activity, and observation.
Background: Aflifle a growing literature supports the effectiveness of physical activity interventions delivered in the primary care setting, few studies have evaluated efforts to increase physician counseling on physical activity during routine practice (i.e., outside the context of controlled research). This paper reports the results of a dissemination trial of a primary care-based physical activity counseling intervention conducted within the context of a larger, multi-strategy, Australian community-based, physical activity intervention, the 10,000 Steps Rockhampton Project. Methods: All 23 general practices and 66 general practitioners (GPs, the Australian equivalent of family physicians) were invited to participate. Practice visits were made to consenting practices during which instruction in brief physical activity counseling was offered, along with physical activity promotion resources (print materials and pedometers). The evaluation, guided by the RE-AIM framework, included collection of process data, as well as pre-and post-inteivention data from a mailed GP survey, and data from the larger project's random-digit-dialed, community-based, cross-sectional telephone survey that was conducted in Rockhampton and a comparison community, Results: Ninety-one percent of practices were visited by 10,000 Steps staff and agreed to participate, with 58% of GPs present during the visits. General practitioner survey response rates were 67% (n =44/66 at baseline) and 71% (n =37/52, at 14-month follow-up). At follow-up, 62% had displayed the poster, 81% were using the brochures, and 70% had loaned pedometers to patients, although the number loaned was relatively small. No change was seen in GP self-report of the percentage of patients counseled on physical activity. However, data from the telephone surveys showed a 31% increase in the likelihood of recalling GP advice on physical activity in Rockhampton (95% confidence interval [CI]=1.11-1.54) compared to a 16% decrease (95% CI=0.68-1.04) in the comparison community. Conclusions: This dissemination study achieved high rates of GP uptake, reasonable levels of implementation, and a significant increase in the number of community residents counseled on physical activity. These results suggest that evidence-based primary care physical activity counseling protocols can be translated into routine practice, although the initial and ongoing investment of time to develop partnerships with relevant healthcare organizations, and the interest generated by the overall 10,000 Steps program should not be underestimated. ((C) 2004 American journal of Preventive Medicine.
Purpose: The aims of this study were to investigate the relationships and agreement between average number of steps taken per day and compliance with Australian physical activity guidelines in a sample of working Australian adults. Methods: One hundred-eighty-five adults wore a pedometer and recorded the number of steps taken each day for 7 d. On the 8th day, they completed a self-report survey that asked about frequency and duration of different activities during the previous week. Results: The average number of steps per day was 8543 (standard deviation = 2466) for men (n = 74) and 9093 (2926) for women (n = 111; no significant difference). Just over half the men (53%) and 45% of the women met the current national physical activity guidelines (no significant difference). Average number of steps per day was higher in those who met the guidelines [9547 (2655), n = 89] than in those who did not [8220 (2702), n = 96; P
The transition from adolescence to young adulthood is associated with a sharp decline in physical activity, particularly for women. This article explores the relations between physical activity status and change and status and change in four life domains: residential independence, employment status, relationship status, and motherhood. Two waves of survey data from a representative sample of 8,545 Australian women, aged 18-23 at Survey 1 and 22-27 at Survey 2, were analyzed. Cross-sectionally, physical inactivity was most strongly related to being a mother married, and not being in the labor force. Longitudinally, decreases in physical activity were most strongly associated with moving into a live-in relationship, with getting married, and with becoming a mother When considered in combination, women who were married with children and not employed outside the home were the most likely to be physically inactive. The data suggest that adoption of adult statuses, particularly traditional roles involving family relationships and motherhood, is associated with reductions in physical activity for these women, although it is possible that the effect is driven by socioeconomic factors associated with early transitions. The data suggest a need for interventions to promote continued physical activity among young women who cohabit or marry and among those not in the workforce, in addition to those supporting young mothers to be physically active.
The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the psychometric properties of a stage-specific selfefficacy scale for physical activity with classical test theory (CTT), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and item response modeling (IRM). Women who enrolled in the Women On The Move study completed a 20-item stage-specific self-efficacy scale developed for this study [n = 226, 51.1% African-American and 48.9% Hispanic women, mean age = 49.2 (67.0) years, mean body mass index = 29.7 (66.4)]. Three analyses were conducted: (i) a CTT item analysis, (ii) a CFA to validate the factor structure and (iii) an IRM analysis. The CTT item analysis and the CFA results showed that the scale had high internal consistency (ranging from 0.76 to 0.93) and a strong factor structure. Results also showed that the scale could be improved by modifying or eliminating some of the existing items without significantly altering the content of the scale. The IRM results also showed that the scale had few items that targeted high self-efficacy and the stage-specific assumption underlying the scale was rejected. In addition, the IRM analyses found that the five-point response format functioned more like a four-point response format. Overall, employing multiple methods to assess the psychometric properties of the stage-specific self-efficacy scale demonstrated the complimentary nature of these methods and it highlighted the strengths and weaknesses of this scale.
Objective: To compare the level of agreement in results obtained from four physical activity (PA) measurement instruments that are in use in Australia and around the world. Methods: 1,280 randomly selected participants answered two sets of PA questions by telephone. 428 answered the Active Australia (AA) and National Health Surveys, 427 answered the AA and CDC Behavioural Risk Factor Surveillance System surveys (BRFSS), and 425 answered the AA survey and the short International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Results: Among the three pairs of survey items, the difference in mean total PA time was lowest when the AA and NHS items were asked (difference=24) (SE:17) minutes, compared with 144 (SE:21) mins for AA/BRFSS and 406 (SE:27) mins for AA/IPAQ). Correspondingly, prevalence estimates for 'sufficiently active' were similar for AA and NHS (56% and 55% respectively), but about 10% higher when BRFSS data were used, and about 26% higher when the IPAQ items were used, compared with estimates from the AA survey. Conclusions: The findings clearly demonstrate that there are large differences in reported PA times and hence in prevalence estimates of 'sufficient activity' from these four measures. Implications: It is important to consistently use the same survey for population monitoring purposes. As the AA survey has now been used three times in national surveys, its continued use for population surveys is recommended so that trend data ever a longer period of time can be established.
Mediated physical activity interventions can reach large numbers of people at low cost. Programs delivered through the mail that target the stage of motivational readiness have been shown to increase activity. Communication technology (websites and e-mail) might provide a means for delivering similar programs. Randomized trial conducted between August and October 2001. Participants included staff at an Australian university (n=655; mean AGE=43, standard deviation, 10 years). Participants were randomized to either an 8-week, stage-targeted print program (Print) or 8-week, stage-targeted website (Web) program. The main outcome was change in self-reported physical activity.
The Flow State Scale-2 (FSS-2) and Dispositional Flow Scale-2 (DFS-2) are presented as two self-report instruments designed to assess flow experiences in physical activity. Item modifications were made to the original versions of these scales in order to improve the measurement of some of the flow dimensions. Confirmatory factor analyses of an item identification and a cross-validation sample demonstrated a good fit of the new scales. There was support for both a 9-first-order factor model and a higher order model with a global flow factor. The item identification sample yielded mean item loadings on the first-order factor of .78 for the FSS-2 and .77 for the DFS-2. Reliability estimates ranged from .80 to .90 for the FSS-2, and .81 to .90 for the DFS-2. In the cross-validation sample, mean item loadings on the first-order factor were .80 for the FSS-2, and .73 for the DFS-2. Reliability estimates ranged between .80 to .92 for the FSS-2 and .78 to .86 for the DFS-2. The scales are presented as ways of assessing flow experienced within a particular event (FSS-2) or the frequency of flow experiences in chosen physical activity in general (DFS-2).
Background: The physical environment plays an important role in influencing participation in physical activity, although which factors of the physical environment have the greatest effect on patterns of activity remain to be determined. We describe the development of a comprehensive instrument to measure the physical environmental factors that may influence walking and cycling in local neighborhoods and report on its reliability. Methods: Following consultation with experts from a variety of fields and a literature search, we developed a Systematic Pedestrian and Cycling Environmental Scan (SPACES) instrument and used it to collect data over a total of 1987 kilometers of roads in metropolitan Perth, Western Australia. The audit instrument is available from the first author on request. Additional environmental information was collected using desktop methods and geographic information systems (GIS) technology. We assessed inter- and intra-rater reliability of the instrument among the 16 observers who collected the data. Results: The observers reported that the audit instrument was easy to use. Both inter- and intra-rater reliability of the environmental scan instrument were generally high. Conclusions: Our instrument provides a reliable, practical, and easy to-use method for collecting detailed street-level data on physical environmental factors that are potential influences on walking in local neighborhoods.