92 resultados para mosquito Culicidae
A possible role in RNA replication for interactions between conserved complementary (cyclization) sequences in the 5'- and 3'-terminal regions of Flavivirus RNA was previously suggested but never tested in vivo. Using the M-fold program for RNA secondary-structure predictions, we examined for the first time the base-pairing interactions between the covalently linked 5' genomic region (first similar to 160 nucleotides) and the 3' untranslated region (last similar to 115 nucleotides) for a range of mosquito borne Flavivirus species. Base-pairing occurred as predicted for the previously proposed conserved cyclization sequences. In order to obtain experimental evidence of the predicted interactions, the putative cyclization sequences (5' or 3') in the replicon RNA of the mosquito-borne Kunjin virus,were mutated either separately, to destroy base-pairing, or simultaneously, to restore the complementarity. None of the RNAs with separate mutations in only the 5' or only the 3' cyclization sequences was able to replicate after transfection into BHK cells, while replicon RNA with simultaneous compensatory mutations in both cyclization sequences was replication competent. This was detected by immunofluorescence for expression of the major nonstructural protein NS3 and by Northern blot analysis for amplification and accumulation of replicon RNA. We then used the M-fold program to analyze RNA secondary structure of the covalently linked 5'- and 3'-terminal regions of three tick borne virus species and identified a previously undescribed additional pair of conserved complementary sequences in locations similar to those of the mosquito borne species. They base-paired with DeltaG values of approximately -20 kcal, equivalent or greater in stability than those calculated for the originally proposed cyclization sequences. The results show that the base-pairing between 5' and 3' complementary sequences, rather than the nucleotide sequence per se, is essential for the replication of mosquito-borne Kunjin virus RNA and that more than one pair of cyclization sequences might be involved in the replication of the tick-borne Flavivirus species.
The intracellular assembly site for flaviviruses in currently not known but is presumed to be located within the lumen of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), Building on previous studies involving immunofluorescence (IF) and cryoimmunoelectron microscopy of Kunjin virus (KUN)-infected cells, we sought to identify the steps involved in the assembly and maturation of KUN. Thus, using antibodies directed against envelope protein E in IF analysis, we found the accumulation of E within regions coincident with the RER and endosomal compartments. Immunogold labeling of cryosections of infected cells indicated that E and minor envelope protein prM were localized to reticulum membranes continuous with KUN-induced convoluted membranes (CM) or paracrystalline arrays (PC) and that sometimes the RER contained immunogold-labeled virus particles. Both proteins were also observed to be labeled in membranes at the periphery of the induced CIM or PC structures, but the latter were very seldom labeled internally. Utilizing drugs that inhibit protein and/or membrane traffic throughout the cell, we found that the secretion of KUN particles late in infection was significantly affected in the presence of brefeldin A and that the infectivity of secreted particles was severely affected in the presence of monensin and N-nonyl-deoxynojirimycin. Nocodazole did not appear to affect maturation, suggesting that microtubules play no role in assembly or maturation processes. Subsequently, we showed that the exit of intact virions from the RER involves the transport of individual virions within individual vesicles en route to the Golgi apparatus. The results suggest that the assembly of virions occurs within the lumen of the RER and that subsequent maturation occurs via the secretory pathway.
The ability of 2 freshwater fishes, eastern rainbow fish Melanotaenia splendida splendida and fly-specked hardyhead Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum stercusmuscarum. native to North Queensland to prey on immature Aedes aegypti was evaluated under laboratory conditions. The predation efficiency of the 2 species was compared to the exotic guppy, Poecilia reticulata, which is commonly used as a biological control agent of mosquito larvae. Of the 3 fish species tested, M. s. splendida was shown to be the most promising agent for the biological control of Ae. aegypti that breed in wells. Melanotaenia s. splendida consumed significantly greater numbers of immature Ae. aegypti than P. reticulata, irrespective of developmental stage or light conditions. Unlike C. s. stercusmuscarum, M, s. splendida could be handled, transported, and kept in captivity for extended periods with negligible mortality. However, M. s. splendida was also an efficient predator of Litoria caerulea tadpoles, a species of native frog found in wells during the dry season. This result may limit the usefulness of M. s. splendida as a biological control agent of well-breeding Ae. aegypti and suggests that predacious copepods, Mesocyclops spp., are more suitable. However, the use of M. s. splendida as a mosquito control agent in containers that are unlikely to support frog populations (e.g., aquaculture tanks and drinking troughs) should be given serious consideration.
Although the malaria parasite was discovered more than 120 years ago, it is only during the past 20 years, following the cloning of malaria genes, that we have been able to think rationally about vaccine design and development. Effective vaccines for malaria could interrupt the life cycle of the parasite at different stages in the human host or in the mosquito. The purpose of this review is to outline the challenges we face in developing a vaccine that will limit growth of the parasite during the stage within red blood cells - the stage responsible for all the symptoms and pathology of malaria. More than 15 vaccine trials have either been completed or are in progress, and many more are planned. Success in current trials could lead to a vaccine capable of saving more than 2 million lives per year.
Murray Valley encephalitis (MVE) virus is a mosquito-borne flavivirus causing severe encephalitis with a resultant high morbidity and mortality. In the period 1989-1993. we undertook a cross-sectional and longitudinal studs by annually screening members of a small remote Aboriginal community in northwestern Australia for MVE virus antibodies. Of the estimated 250-300 people in the community. 249 were tested, and 52.6% had positive serology to MVE. The proportion testing positive increased with increasing age group. and males were slightly more likely to be positive than females. During the study period. a high proportion of the population seroconverted to MVE: the clinical/subclinical ratio seems to be lower than previously reported. Although MVE is mostly asymptomatic, the devastating consequences of clinical illness indicate that advice should be provided regarding the avoidance of mosquito bites. Our longitudinal study showed that the risk of seroconversion was similar for each age group. not just the young.
A semi-nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was evaluated for detection of Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus in infected mosquitoes stored under simulated northern Australian summer conditions. The effect of silica gel, thymol, and a combination of the two on RNA stability and virus viability in dead mosquitoes were also examined. While JE virus RNA was relatively stable in mosquitoes held for up to 14 days after death, viable virus was not detected after day 1. Thymol vapor inhibited fungal contamination. Detection of single mosquitoes infected with JE virus in large pools of mosquitoes was also investigated. Single laboratory-infected mosquitoes were detected in pools of less than or equal to200 mosquitoes and in pools diluted to 0.2/100 and 0.1/100 mosquitoes, using the semi-nested PCR. However, the ability to detect live virus decreased as pool size increased. The semi-nested PCR proved more expensive than virus isolation for pools of 100 mosquitoes. However, the semi-nested PCR was faster and more economical using larger pools. Results indicate that surveillance of JE virus in mosquitoes using the semi-nested PCR is an alternative to monitoring seroconversions in sentinel pigs.
An antigen capture immunoassay to detect West Nile (WN) virus antigen in infected mosquitoes and avian tissues has been developed. With this assay purified WN virus was detected at a concentration of 32 pg/0.1 ml, and antigen in infected suckling mouse brain and laboratory-infected mosquito pools could be detected when the WN virus titer was 10(2.1) to 10(3.7) PFU/0.1 ml. In a blindly coded set of field-collected mosquito pools (n = 100), this assay detected WN virus antigen in 12 of 18 (66.7%) TaqMan-positive pools, whereas traditional reverse transcriptase PCR detected 10 of 18 (55.5%) positive pools. A sample set of 73 organ homogenates from naturally infected American crows was also examined by WN virus antigen capture immunoassay and TaqMan for the presence of WN virus. The antigen capture assay detected antigen in 30 of 34 (88.2%) TaqMan-positive tissues. Based upon a TaqMan-generated standard curve of infectious WN virus, the limit of detection in the antigen capture assay for avian tissue homogenates was approximately 10(3) PFU/0.1 ml. The recommended WN virus antigen capture protocol, which includes a capture assay followed by a confirmatory inhibition assay used to retest presumptive positive samples, could distinguish between the closely related WN and St. Louis encephalitis viruses in virus-infected mosquito pools and avian tissues. Therefore, this immunoassay demonstrates adequate sensitivity and specificity for surveillance of WN virus activity in mosquito vectors and avian hosts, and, in addition, it is easy to perform and relatively inexpensive compared with the TaqMan assay.
Anophelines were sampled from 82 locations oil Buka and Bougainville islands in Papua New Guinea by larval collections, carbon dioxide-baited Mosquito traps, and human biting catches. Anopheles farauti s.s. was collected in larval Surveys but infrequently in mosquito traps on both islands; on Buka Island this species was readily collected in human biting catches. Anopheles faraunti 2 was commonly collected in larval surveys on both islands however. it was not collected in either mosquito traps or human biting catches. Anopheles punctulatus was found only on Buka Island, where it was commonly collected as larvae, but rarely in human biting catches and mosquito traps. Anopheles lungae was collected Lis larvae from only I site on Bougainville. Anopheles farauti s.s. led consistently throughout the night (1900-0600 h): small peaks at midnight and dawn were not statistically significant. Of 1,156 An. farauti s.s. specimens examined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for malaria sporozoites. 20 were found to be positive: 12 were positive for Plasmodium falciparum and 8 were positive for P. vivax (247 variant = 5: 210 variant = 3). Anopheles farauti s.s. seems to be the major malaria vector on these islands, whereas An. punctulatus may play a minor role on Buka Island. Anophele farauti 2 is unlikely to be involved in malaria transmission on Buka or Bougainville islands.
We used a network of 20 carbon dioxide- and octenol-supplemented light traps to sample adult mosquitoes throughout Russell Island in southern Moreton Bay, south-east Queensland. Between February and April 2001, an estimated 1365 564 adult female mosquitoes were collected. In contrast to an average catch of 9754 female mosquitoes per trap night on Russell Island, reference traps set on Macleay Island and on the mainland returned average catches of 3172 and 222, respectively. On Russell Island, Ochlerotatus vigilax (Skuse), Coquillettidia linealis (Skuse), Culex annulirostris Skuse and Verrallina funerea (Theobald), known or suspected vectors of Ross River (RR) and/or Barmah Forest (BF) viruses, comprised 89.6% of the 25 taxa collected. When the spatial distributions of the above species were mapped and analysed using local spatial statistics, all were found to be present in highest numbers towards the southern end of the island during most of the 7 weeks. This indicated the presence of more suitable adult harbourage sites and/or suboptimal larval control efficacy. As immature stages and the breeding habitat of Cq. linealis are as yet undescribed, this species in particular presents a considerable impediment to proposed development scenarios. The method presented here of mapping the numbers of mosquitoes throughout a local government area allows specific areas that have high vector numbers to be defined.
We describe remarkable success in controlling dengue vectors, Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse), in 6 communes with 11,675 households and 49,647 people in the northern provinces of Haiphong, Hung Yen, and Nam Dinh in Vietnam. The communes were selected for high-frequency use of large outdoor concrete tanks and wells. These were found to be the source of 49.6-98.4% of Ae. aegypti larvae, which were amenable to treatment with local Mesocyclops, mainly M. woutersi Van der Velde, M. aspericornis (Daday) and M. thermocyclopoides Harada. Knowledge, attitude, and practice surveys were performed to determine whether the communities viewed dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever as a serious health threat; to determine their knowledge of the etiology, attitudes, and practices regarding control methods including Mesocyclops; and to determine their receptivity to various information methods. On the basis of the knowledge, attitude, and practice data, the community-based dengue control program comprised a system of local leaders, health volunteer teachers, and schoolchildren, supported by health professionals. Recycling of discards for economic gain was enhanced, where appropriate, and this, plus 37 clean-up campaigns, removed small containers unsuitable for Mesocyclops treatment. A previously successful eradication at Phan Boi village (Hung Yen province) was extended to 7 other villages forming Di Su commune (1,750 households) in the current study. Complete control was also achieved in Nghia Hiep (Hung Yen province) and in Xuan Phong (Nam Dinh province); control efficacy was greater than or equal to 99.7% in the other 3 communes (Lac Vien in Haiphong, Nghia Dong, and Xuan Kien in Nam Dinh). Although tanks and wells were the key container types of Ae. aegypti productivity, discarded materials were the source of 51% of the standing crop of Ae. albopictus. Aedes albopictus larvae were eliminated from the 3 Nam Dinh communes, and 86-98% control was achieved in the other 3 communes. Variable dengue attack rates made the clinical and serological comparison of control and untreated communes problematic, but these data indicate that clinical surveillance by itself is inadequate to monitor dengue transmission.
The Japanese encephalitis virus serocomplex is a group of mosquito-borne flaviviruses that cause severe encephalitic disease in humans. The recent emergence of several members of this serocomplex in geographic regions where other closely related flaviviruses are endemic has raised urgent human health issues. Thus, the impact of vaccination against one of these neurotropic virus on the outcome of infection with a second, serologically related virus is unknown. We show here that immunity against Murray Valley encephalitis virus in vaccinated mice can cross-protect but also augment disease severity following challenge with Japanese encephalitis virus. Immunepotentiation of heterologous flavivirus disease was apparent in animals immunized with a 'killed' virus preparation when humoral antiviral immunty of low magnitude was elicited. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective To develop and validate specific, sensitive and rapid diagnostic tests using RT-PCR for the detection of Ross River virus (RRV), Kunjin virus (KV) and Murray Valley encephalitis virus (MVEV) infections in horses. Methods Primer sets based on nucleotide sequence encoding the envelope glycoprotein E2 of RRV and on the nonstructural protein 5 (NS5) of KV and MVEV were designed and used in single round PCRs to test for the respective viruses in infected cell cultures and, in the case of RRV, in samples of horse blood and synovial fluid. Results The primer pairs designed for each of the three viruses amplified a product of expected size from prototype viruses that were grown in cell culture. The identity of each of the products was confirmed by nucleotide sequencing indicating that in the context used the RT-PCRs were specific. RRV was detected in serums from 8 horses for which there were clinical signs consistent with RRV infection such that an acute-phase serum sample was taken and submitted for RRV serology testing. The RRV RT-PCR was analytically sensitive in that it was estimated to detect as little as 50 TCID50 of RRV per mL of serum and was specific in that the primer pairs did not amplify other products from the 8 serum samples. The RRV primers also detected virus in three independent mosquito pools known to contain RRV by virus isolation in cell culture. Samples from horses suspected to be infected with KV and MVEV were not available. Conclusion Despite much anecdotal and serological evidence for infection of horses with RRV actual infection and associated clinical disease are infrequently confirmed. The availability of a specific and analytically sensitive RT-PCR for the detection of RRV provides additional opportunities to confirm the presence of this virus in clinical samples. The RTPCR primers for the diagnosis of KV and MVEV infections were shown to be specific for cell culture grown viruses but the further validation of these tests requires the availability of appropriate clinical samples from infected horses.