110 resultados para mechanical processes
This paper deals with non-Markovian behavior in atomic systems coupled to a structured reservoir of quantum electromagnetic field modes, with particular relevance to atoms interacting with the field in high-Q cavities or photonic band-gap materials. In cases such as the former, we show that the pseudomode theory for single-quantum reservoir excitations can be obtained by applying the Fano diagonalization method to a system in which the atomic transitions are coupled to a discrete set of (cavity) quasimodes, which in turn are coupled to a continuum set of (external) quasimodes with slowly varying coupling constants and continuum mode density. Each pseudomode can be identified with a discrete quasimode, which gives structure to the actual reservoir of true modes via the expressions for the equivalent atom-true mode coupling constants. The quasimode theory enables cases of multiple excitation of the reservoir to now be treated via Markovian master equations for the atom-discrete quasimode system. Applications of the theory to one, two, and many discrete quasimodes are made. For a simple photonic band-gap model, where the reservoir structure is associated with the true mode density rather than the coupling constants, the single quantum excitation case appears to be equivalent to a case with two discrete quasimodes.
Renal drug elimination is determined by glomerular filtration, tubular secretion, and tubular reabsorption. Changes in the integrity of these processes influence renal drug clearance, and these changes may not be detected by conventional measures of renal function such as creatinine clearance. The aim of the current study was to examine the analytic issues needed to develop a cocktail of marker drugs (fluconazole, rac-pindolol, para-aminohippuric acid, sinistrin) to measure simultaneously the mechanisms contributing to renal clearance. High-performance liquid chromatographic methods of analysis for fluconazole, pindolol, para-aminohippuric acid, and creatinine and an enzymatic assay for sinistrin were developed or modified and then validated to allow determination of each of the compounds in both plasma and urine in the presence of all other marker drugs. A pilot clinical study in one volunteer was conducted to ensure that the assays were suitable for quantitating all the marker drugs to the sensitivity and specificity needed to allow accurate determination of individual renal clearances. The performance of all assays (plasma and urine) complied with published validation criteria. All standard curves displayed linearity over the concentration ranges required, with coefficients of correlation greater than 0.99. The precision of the interday and intraday variabilities of quality controls for each marker in plasma and urine were all less than 11.9% for each marker. Recoveries of markers (and internal standards) in plasma and urine were all at least 90%. All markers investigated were shown to be stable when plasma or urine was frozen and thawed. For all the assays developed, there were no interferences from other markers or endogenous substances. In a pilot clinical study, concentrations of all markers could be accurately and reproducibly determined for a sufficient duration of time after administration to calculate accurate renal clearance for each marker. This article presents details of the analytic techniques developed for measuring concentrations of marker drugs for different renal elimination processes administered as a single dose to define the processes contributing to renal drug elimination.
Non-Markovian behaviour in atomic systems coupled to a structured reservoir of quantum EM field modes, such as in high Q cavities, is treated using a quasimode description, and the pseudo mode theory for single quantum reservoir excitations is obtained via Fano diagonalisation. The atomic transitions are coupled to a discrete set of (cavity) quasimodes, which are also coupled to a continuum set of (external) quasimodes with slowly varying coupling constants. Each pseudomode corresponds to a cavity quasimode, and the original reservoir structure is obtained in expressions for the equivalent atom-true mode coupling constants. Cases of multiple excitation of the reservoir are now treatable via Markovian master equations for the atom-discrete quasimode system.
We recently demonstrated that suppressed bone remodeling allows microdamage to accumulate and causes reductions in some mechanical properties. However, in our previous study, I year treatment with high-dose etidronate (EHDP) did not increase microdamage accumulation in most skeletal sites of dogs in spite of complete remodeling suppression and the occurrence of spontaneous fractures of ribs and/or thoracic spinous processes. This study evaluates the effects of EHDP on microdamage accumulation and biomechanical properties before fractures occur. Thirty-six female beagles, 1-2 years old, were treated daily for 7 months with subcutaneous injections of saline vehicle (CNT) or EHDP at 0.5 (E-low) or 5 mg/kg per day (E-high). After killing, bone mineral measurement, histomorphometry, microdamage analysis, and biomechanical testing were performed. EHDP treatment suppressed intracortical and trabecular remodeling by 60%-75% at the lower dose, and by 100% at the higher dose. Osteoid accumulation caused by a mineralization deficit occurred only in the E-high group, and this led to a reduction of mineralized bone mass. Microdamage accumulation increased significantly by two- to fivefold in the rib, lumbar vertebra, ilium, and thoracic spinous process in E-low, and by twofold in the lumbar vertebra and ilium in E-high. However, no significant increase in damage accumulation was observed in ribs or thoracic spinous processes in E-high where fractures occur following 12 months of treatment. Mechanical properties of lumbar vertebrae and thoracic spinous processes were reduced significantly in both E-low and E-high. These findings suggest that suppression of bone remodeling by EHDP allows microdamage accumulation, but that osteoid accumulation reduces production of microdamage. (Bone 29:271-278; 2001) (C) 2001 by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
The basic morphology of the skeleton is determined genetically, but its final mass and architecture are modulated by adaptive mechanisms sensitive to mechanical factors. When subjected to loading, the ability of bones to resist fracture depends on their mass, material properties, geometry and tissue quality. The contribution of altered bone geometry to fracture risk is unappreciated by clinical assessment using absorptiometry because it fails to distinguish geometry and density. For example, for the same bone area and density, small increases in the diaphyseal radius effect a disproportionate influence on torsional strength of bone. Mechanical factors are clinically relevant because of their ability to influence growth, modeling and remodeling activities that can maximize, or maintain, the determinants of fracture resistance. Mechanical loads, greater than those habitually encountered by the skeleton, effect adaptations in cortical and cancellous bone, reduce the rate of bone turnover, and activate new bone formation on cortical and trabecular surfaces. In doing so, they increase bone strength by beneficial adaptations in the geometric dimensions and material properties of the tissue. There is no direct evidence to demonstrate anti-fracture efficacy for mechanical loading, but the geometric alterations engendered undoubtedly increase the structural properties of bone as an organ, increasing the resistance to fracture. Like all interventions, issues of safety also arise. Physical activities involving high strain rates, heavy lifting or impact loading may be detrimental to the joints, leading to osteoarthritis; may stimulate fatigue damage leading with some to stress fractures; or may interact pharmaceutical interventions to increase the rate of microdamage within cortical or trabecular bone.
The Lewis dwarf (DW) rat was used as a model to test the hypothesis that growth hormone (GH) is permissive for new bone formation induced by mechanical loading in vivo. Adult female Lewis DW rats aged 6.2 +/- 0.1 months (187 +/- 18 g) were allocated to four vehicle groups (DW), four GH treatment groups at 32.5 mug/100 g body mass (DWGH1), and four GH treatment groups at 65 mug/100 g (DWGH2). Saline vehicle or GH was injected intraperitoneally (ip) at 6:30 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. before mechanical loading of tibias at 7:30 a.m. A single period of 300 cycles of four-point bending was applied to right tibias at 2.0 Hz, and magnitudes of 24, 29, 38, or 48N were applied. Separate strain gauge analyses in 5 DW rats validated the selection of loading magnitudes. After loading, double-label histomorphometry was used to assess bone formation at the periosteal surface (Ps.S) and endocortical surface (Ec.S) of tibias. Comparing left (unloaded) tibias among groups, GH treatment had no effect on bone formation. Bone formation in tibias in DW rats was insensitive to mechanical loading. At the Ec.S, mechanically induced lamellar bone formation increased in the DWGH2 group loaded at 48N (p < 0.05), and no significant increases in bone formation were observed among other groups. The percentage of tibias expressing woven bone formation (Wo.B) at the Ps.S was significantly greater in the DWGH groups compared with controls (p < 0.05). We concluded that GH influences loading-related bone formation in a permissive manner and modulates the responsiveness of bone tissue to mechanical stimuli by changing thresholds for bone formation.
The nature of the semantic memory deficit in dementia of the Alzheimer's type (DAT) was investigated in a semantic priming task which was designed to assess both automatic and attention-induced priming effects. Ten DAT patients and 10 age-matched control subjects completed a word naming semantic priming task in which both relatedness proportion (RP) and stimulus-onset asynchrony (SOA) were varied. A clear dissociation between automatic and attentional priming effects in both groups was demonstrated; however, the DAT subjects pattern of priming deviated significantly from that of the normal controls. The DAT patients failed to produce any priming under conditions which encouraged automatic semantic processing and produced facilitation only when the RP was high. In addition, the DAT group produced hyperpriming, with significantly larger facilitation effects than the control group. These results suggest an impairment of automatic spreading activation in DAT and have implications for theories of semantic memory impairment in DAT as well as models of normal priming. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
Growing evidence supports low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (US) as an osteogenic mechanical stimulus. Its effects on isolated bone cells and on fractured bone are established. However, its effects on osteoporosis are not clear. This study examined US effects on ovariectomy (OVX) induced bone changes within the rodent hindlimb (distal femur and proximal tibia), and on normal bone in animals following sham-OVX. Animals were exposed to daily unilateral active-US and contralateral inactive-US for 12 weeks. Bone status was assessed using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and histomorphometry. Ovariectomy resulted in significant bone changes. Low-intensity pulsed US did not influence these changes. These results suggest that the US dose introduced may not be a beneficial treatment for osteoporosis, and that intact bone may be less sensitive to US than fractured bone and isolated bone cells. This may relate to the biophysical mechanisms of action of US, US-bone interactions and tissue level processes taking place.
Some materials exhibit a combustion event during mechanical alloying, which results in the rapid transformation of reactants into products, while others show a slow transformation of reactants into products, In this paper, the continuous W + C --> WC reaction is compared to the Ti + C --> TiC combustion reaction. Rietveld refinement of X-ray diffraction patterns is used to show that these particular reactions proceed through different pathways, determined by crystallographic factors of the reactants. When a crystallographic relationship exists between the reactants and the products, such as that between W and WC, the product forms slowly over a period of time. In contrast, insertion of C into the Ti structure is associated with atomic rearrangements within the crowded lattice planes and the subsequent catastrophic failure of the reactant lattices results in combustion to form TiC. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
This research is part of a project whose scope was to investigate the engineering properties of new non-commercial alloy formulations based on the Cu rich corner of the Cu-Fe-Cr ternary system with the primary aim of exploring the development of a new cost-effective high-strength, high-conductivity copper alloy. The literature indicated that Cu rich Cu-Cr and Cu-Fe alloys have been thoroughly investigated. A number of commercial alloys have been developed and these are used for a variety of applications requiring combinations of high-strength, high-conductivity and resistance to softening. Little evidence was found in the literature that the Cu rich corner of the Cu-Fe-Cr system had previously been investigated for the purpose of developing high-strength, high-conductivity copper alloys resistant to softening. The aim of these present investigations was to explore the possibility that new alloys could be developed that combined the properties of both sets of alloys, ie large precipitation hardening response combined with the ability to stabilise cold worked microstructures to high temperatures while at the same maintain high electrical conductivity. To assess the feasibility of this goal the following alloys were chosen for investigation: Cu-0.7wt%Cr-0.3wt%Fe, Cu-0.7wt%Cr-0.8wt%Fe, Cu-0.7wt%Cr-2.0wt%Fe. This paper reports on the mechanical property investigation which indicated that the Cu-0.7wt%Cr-0.3wt%Fe, and Cu-0.7wt%Cr-2.0wt%Fe alloys were worthy of further investigation. (C) 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
This paper deals with atomic systems coupled to a structured reservoir of quantum EM field modes, with particular relevance to atoms interacting with the field in photonic band gap materials. The case of high Q cavities has been treated elsewhere using Fano diagonalization based on a quasimode approach, showing that the cavity quasimodes are responsible for pseudomodes introduced to treat non-Markovian behaviour. The paper considers a simple model of a photonic band gap case, where the spatially dependent permittivity consists of a constant term plus a small spatially periodic term that leads to a narrow band gap in the spectrum of mode frequencies. Most treatments of photonic band gap materials are based on the true modes, obtained numerically by solving the Helmholtz equation for the actual spatially periodic permittivity. Here the field modes are first treated in terms of a simpler quasimode approach, in which the quasimodes are plane waves associated with the constant permittivity term. Couplings between the quasimodes occur owing to the small periodic term in the permittivity, with selection rules for the coupled modes being related to the reciprocal lattice vectors. This produces a field Hamiltonian in quasimode form. A matrix diagonalization method may be applied to relate true mode annihilation operators to those for quasimodes. The atomic transitions are coupled to all the quasimodes, and the true mode atom-EM field coupling constants (one-photon Rabi frequencies) are related to those for the quasimodes and also expressions are obtained for the true mode density. The results for the one-photon Rabi frequencies differ from those assumed in other work. Expressions for atomic decay rates are obtained using the Fermi Golden rule, although these are valid only well away from the band gaps.