101 resultados para herbicide mixtures


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A method based on isothermal calorimetry is described for the direct kinetic assay of pyruvate kinase. In agreement with earlier findings based on the standard coupled assay system for this enzyme in the presence of a fixed ADP concentration, the essentially rectangular hyperbolic dependence of initial velocity upon phosphoenolpyruvate concentration is rendered sigmoidal by the allosteric inhibitor phenylalanine. This effect of phenylalanine can be countered by including a high concentration of a space- filling osmolyte such as proline in the reaction mixtures. This investigation thus affords a dramatic example that illustrates the need to consider potential consequences of thermodynamic nonideality on the kinetics of enzyme reactions in crowded molecular environments such as the cell cytoplasm.


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This paper presents a new theory of hypersonic blunt-nose shock standoff, based on a compressibility coordinate transformation for inviscid flow. It embraces a wide range of nonequilibrium shock-layer chemistry and gas mixtures including ionization and freestream dissociation. An extended binary scaling property of the analysis is also demonstrated. Specific application is made here to the family of arbitrarily diluted dissociating diatomic gases, with parametric study results presented for the scaled shock standoff distance as a function of an appropriate blunt-nose region Damkohler number. Comparisons with other theories and data in the case of nitrogen are also given and discussed.


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Aims: To examine the effects of acidified acidogenically fermented piggery effluent containing Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA) on shiga-toxigenic and resident strains of Escherichia coli (E. coli) as part of the development of a waste treatment process. Methods and Results: Four shiga-toxigenic E. coli strains (O157:H7, 091.H-, 0111.H-, and 0123.H-) and four non-toxic resident enzootic strains were all killed by 3 h treatment with fermented piggery effluent liquor (153 mmol l(-1) total VFA) at pH 4.3. The shiga-toxigenic strains showed greater sensitivity after 1 h of treatment. The fermented liquor at pH 6.8 was not inhibitory. Conclusions: The shiga-toxigenic strains were no more resistant to the toxic effects of VFA than the non-toxic strains tested. Significance and Impact of the Study: Shiga-toxigenic strains and resident enzootic non-toxigenic strains are equally susceptible to inactivation by this waste treatment process and by acidified VFA in general.


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The mechanism underlying segregation in liquid fluidized beds is investigated in this paper, A binary fluidized bed system not at a stable equilibrium condition. is modelled in the literature as forming a mixed part-corresponding to stable mixture-at the bottom of the bed and a pure layer of excess components always floating on the mixed part. On the basis of this model: (0 comprehensive criteria for binary particles of any type to mix/segregate, and (ii) mixing, segregation regime map in terms of size ratio and density ratio of the particles for a given fluidizing medium, are established in this work. Therefore, knowing the properties of given particles, a second type of particles can be chosen in order to avoid or to promote segregation according to the particular process requirements. The model is then advanced for multicomponent fluidized beds and validated against experimental results observed for ternary fluidized beds. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The binary diffusivities of water in low molecular weight sugars; fructose, sucrose and a high molecular weight carbohydrate; maltodextrin (DE 11) and the effective diffusivities of water in mixtures of these sugars (sucrose, glucose, fructose) and maltodextrin (DE 11) were determined using a simplified procedure based on the Regular Regime Approach. The effective diffusivity of these mixtures exhibited both the concentration and molecular weight dependence. Surface stickiness was observed in all samples during desorption, with fructose exhibiting the highest and maltodextrin the lowest. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A glasshouse study was undertaken to determine if the zeolite mineral clinoptilolite from an Australian deposit in combination with rock phosphate (RP) could significantly enhance the uptake of P by sunflowers. The zeolite/RP combination was intended to act as an exchange-fertiliser, with Ca2+ exchanging onto the zeolite in response to plant uptake of nutrient cations (NH4+ or K) enhancing the dissolution of the RP. A reactive RP (Sechura) and a relatively non-reactive RP (Duchess) were examined. Zeolite was used in Ca2+-, K+- and NH4+-saturated forms at ratios of 3.5:1 and 7:1 with RP; Ca2+-zeolite was considered the control, with exchange-induced dissolution possible from K+-and NH4+-zeolite, The zeolite/RP mixture was applied as a vertical band adjacent to the sunflower seedling. In addition, N was supplied as urea in an effort to determine if RP dissolution resulted from H+ release by nitrification. Phosphorus supply from the zeolite/RP system was compared with an available P source (KH2PO4). The experiment clearly demonstrated greatly enhanced plant uptake of P from RP when applied in combination with NH4-zeolite, though the P uptake was lower than that from the soluble P source. The zeolite/RP interaction was much more effective with the reactive R-P than the non-reactive material, Within the NH4+-zeolite/RP band, root proliferation was greatly increased, as would be expected in an exchange-fertiliser system. The K+-zeolite system did not produce a significantly greater yield than the Ca2+-zeolite control, probably because adequate K+ supply from the basal application reduced uptake within the zeolite/RP band, thus reducing the extent of exchange-induced dissolution. Nevertheless, increased root proliferation within the band was observed, implying that exchange-induced dissolution may also be possible from this system. The zeolite/RP system offers the considerable advantage of P release in response to plant demand and is unique in this regard. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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An important feature of improving lattice gas models and classical isotherms is the incorporation of a pore size dependent capacity, which has hitherto been overlooked. In this paper, we develop a model for predicting the temperature dependent variation in capacity with pore size. The model is based on the analysis of a lattice gas model using a density functional theory approach at the close packed limit. Fluid-fluid and solid-fluid interactions are modeled by the Lennard-Jones 12-6 potential and Steele's 10-4-3, potential respectively. The capacity of methane in a slit-shaped carbon pore is calculated from the characteristic parameters of the unit cell, which are extracted by minimizing the grand potential of the unit cell. The capacities predicted by the proposed model are in good agreement with those obtained from grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation, for pores that can accommodate up to three adsorbed layers. Single particle and pair distributions exhibit characteristic features that correspond to the sequence of buckling and rhombic transitions that occur as the slit pore width is increased. The model provides a useful tool to model continuous variation in the microstructure of an adsorbed phase, namely buckling and rhombic transitions, with increasing pore width. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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The kinetics of single component adsorption on activated carbon is investigated here using a heterogeneous vacancy solution theory (VST) of adsorption. The adsorption isotherm is developed to account for the adsorbate non-ideality due to the size difference between the adsorbate molecule and the vacant site, while incorporating adsorbent heterogeneity through a pore-width-related potential energy. The transport process in the bidisperse carbon considers coupled mass transfer in both macropore and micropore phases simultaneously. Adsorbate diffusion in the micropore network is modeled through effective medium theory, thus considering pore network connectivity in the adsorbent, with the activation energy for adsorbate diffusion related to the adsorption energy, represented by the Steele 10-4-3 potential for carbons. Experimental data of five hydrocarbons, CO2 and SO2 on Ajax carbon at multiple temperatures, as well as three hydrocarbons on Norit carbon at three temperatures are first fitted by the heterogeneous VST model to obtain the isotherm parameters, followed by application of the kinetic model to uptake data on carbon particles of different sizes and geometry at various temperatures. For the hydrocarbons studied, the model can successfully correlate the experimental data for both adsorption equilibrium and kinetics. However, there is some deviation in the fit of the desorption kinetics for polar compounds such as CO2 and SO2, due to the inadequacy of the L-J potential model in this case. The significance of viscous transport in the micropores is also considered here and found to be negligible, consistent with recent molecular simulation studies. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A heterogeneous modified vacancy solution model of adsorption developed is evaluated. The new model considers the adsorption process through a mass-action law and is thermodynamically consistent, while maintaining the simplicity in calculation of multicomponent adsorption equilibria, as in the original vacancy solution theory. It incorporates the adsorbent heterogeneity through a pore-width-related potential energy, represented by Steele's 10-4-3 potential expression. The experimental data of various hydrocarbons, CO2 and SO2 on four different activated carbons - Ajax, Norit, Nuxit, and BPL - at multiple temperatures over a wide range of pressures were studied by the heterogeneous modified VST model to obtain the isotherm parameters and micropore-size distribution of carbons. The model successfully correlates the single-component adsorption equilibrium data for all compounds studied on various carbons. The fitting results for the vacancy occupancy parameter are consistent with the pressure change on different carbons, and the effect of pore heterogeneity is important in adsorption at elevated pressure. It predicts binary adsorption equilibria better than the IAST scheme, reflecting the significance of molecular size nonideality.


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Density functional theory for adsorption in carbons is adapted here to incorporate a random distribution of pore wall thickness in the solid, and it is shown that the mean pore wall thickness is intimately related to the pore size distribution characteristics. For typical carbons the pore walls are estimated to comprise only about two graphene layers, and application of the modified density functional theory approach shows that the commonly used assumption of infinitely thick walls can severely affect the results for adsorption in small pores under both supercritical and subcritical conditions. Under supercritical conditions the Henry's law coefficient is overpredicted by as much as a factor of 2, while under subcritical conditions pore wall heterogeneity appears to modify transitions in small pores into a sequence of smaller ones corresponding to pores with different wall thicknesses. The results suggest the need to improve current pore size distrubution analysis methods to allow for pore wall heterogeneity. The density functional theory is further extended here to allow for interpore adsorbate interactions, and it appears that these interaction are negligible for small molecules such as nitrogen but significant for more strongly interacting heavier molecules such as butane, for which the traditional independent pore model may not be adequate.


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The rheological behaviour of nine unprocessed Australian honeys was investigated for the applicability of the Williams-Landel-Ferry (WLF) model. The viscosity of the honeys was obtained over a range of shear rates (0.01-40 s(-1)) from 2degrees to 40 degreesC, and all the honeys exhibited Newtonian behaviour with viscosity reducing as the temperature was increased. The honeys with high moisture were of lower viscosity, The glass transition temperatures of the honeys, as measured with a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), ranged from -40degrees to -46 degreesC, and four models (WLF. Arrhenius, Vogel-Tammann-Fulcher (VTF), and power-law) were investigated to describe the temperature dependence of the viscosity. The WLF was the most suitable and the correlation coefficient averaged 0.999 +/- 0.0013 as against 0.996 +/- 0.0042 for the Arrhenius model while the mean relative deviation modulus was 0-12% for the WLF model and 10-40% for the Arrhenius one. With the universal values for the WLF constants, the temperature dependence of the viscosity was badly predicted. From non-linear regression analysis, the constants of the WLF models for the honeys were obtained (C-1 = 13.7-21.1: C-2 = 55.9-118.7) and are different from the universal values. These WLF constants will be valuable for adequate modeling of the rheology of the honeys, and they can be used to assess the temperature sensitivity of the honeys. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Anew thermodynamic approach has been developed in this paper to analyze adsorption in slitlike pores. The equilibrium is described by two thermodynamic conditions: the Helmholtz free energy must be minimal, and the grand potential functional at that minimum must be negative. This approach has led to local isotherms that describe adsorption in the form of a single layer or two layers near the pore walls. In narrow pores local isotherms have one step that could be either very sharp but continuous or discontinuous benchlike for a definite range of pore width. The latter reflects a so-called 0 --> 1 monolayer transition. In relatively wide pores, local isotherms have two steps, of which the first step corresponds to the appearance of two layers near the pore walls, while the second step corresponds to the filling of the space between these layers. All features of local isotherms are in agreement with the results obtained from the density functional theory and Monte Carlo simulations. The approach is used for determining pore size distributions of carbon materials. We illustrate this with the benzene adsorption data on activated carbon at 20, 50, and 80 degreesC, argon adsorption on activated carbon Norit ROX at 87.3 K, and nitrogen adsorption on activated carbon Norit R1 at 77.3 K.


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A model for binary mixture adsorption accounting for energetic heterogeneity and intermolecular interactions is proposed in this paper. The model is based on statistical thermodynamics, and it is able to describe molecular rearrangement of a mixture in a nonuniform adsorption field inside a cavity. The Helmholtz free energy obtained in the framework of this approach has upper and lower limits, which define a permissible range in which all possible solutions will be found. One limit corresponds to a completely chaotic distribution of molecules within a cavity, while the other corresponds to a maximum ordered molecular structure. Comparison of the nearly ideal O-2-N-2-zeolite NaX system at ambient temperature with the system Of O-2-N-2-zeolite CaX at 144 K has shown that a decrease of temperature leads to a molecular rearrangement in the cavity volume, which results from the difference in the fluid-solid interactions. The model is able to describe this behavior and therefore allows predicting mixture adsorption more accurately compared to those assuming energetic uniformity of the adsorption volume. Another feature of the model is its ability to correctly describe the negative deviations from Raoult's law exhibited by the O-2-N-2-CaX system at 144 K. Analysis of the highly nonideal CO2-C2H6-zeolite NaX system has shown that the spatial molecular rearrangement in separate cavities is induced by not only the ion-quadrupole interaction of the CO2 molecule but also the significant difference in molecular size and the difference between the intermolecular interactions of molecules of the same species and those of molecules of different species. This leads to the highly ordered structure of this system.


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In this paper we analyzed the adsorption of gases and vapors on graphitised thermal carbon black by using a modified DFT-lattice theory, in which we assume that the behavior of the first layer in the adsorption film is different from those of second and higher layers. The effects of various parameters on the topology of the adsorption isotherm were first investigated, and the model was then applied in the analysis of adsorption data of numerous substances on carbon black. We have found that the first layer in the adsorption film behaves differently from the second and higher layers in such a way that the adsorbate-adsorbate interaction energy in the first layer is less than that of second and higher layers, and the same is observed for the partition function. Furthermore, the adsorbate-adsorbate and adsorbate-adsorbent interaction energies obtained from the fitting are consistently lower than the corresponding values obtained from the viscosity data and calculated from the Lorentz-Berthelot rule, respectively.


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Recent laboratory studies have demonstrated that Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) (family Bromoviridae) can be readily transmitted when thrips and virus-bearing pollen are placed together on to test plants. For this transmission mechanism to result in stonefruit tree infection in the field, PNRSV-bearing pollen must be deposited onto surfaces of stonefruit trees on which thrips also occur. In a previous paper, we demonstrated that almost all pollen in a PNRSV-infected Japanese plum orchard in southeastern Queensland was deposited onto flowers, whereas few grains occurred on leaves and none on stems. Here, we present results of our investigation of thrips species composition, distribution and abundance on stonefruit trees in the same study area as our previous pollen deposition study. We collected a total of 2010 adult thrips from 13 orchards during the 1989, 1991 and 1992 flowering seasons of which all but 14 were in the suborder Terebrantia. Most (97.4%) terebrantian thrips were of three species, Thrips imaginis, Thrips australis and Thrips tabaci. Thrips tabaci as well as species mixtures that included T imaginis, T australis and T tabaci have been shown to transmit PNRSV via infected pollen in laboratory tests. Adult thrips were frequently collected from flowers but rarely from leaves and never from stems. Large and significant differences in numbers of T imaginis, T australis and T tabaci adults in flowers occurred among orchards and between seasons. No factor was conclusively related to thrips numbers but flowers of late-flowering stonefruit varieties tended to hold more thrips than those of early-flowering varieties. Our results indicate that the common thrips species present on stonefruit trees in the Granite Belt are also ones previously shown to transmit PNRSV via infected pollen in the laboratory and that these thrips are concentrated in stonefruit flowers where most stonefruit pollen is deposited. These results contribute to mounting circumstantial evidence that stonefruit flowers may be inoculated with PNRSV via an interaction of thrips with virus-bearing pollen and that this transmission mechanism may be an important cause of new tree infections in the field.