94 resultados para Tissue Macrophages
Involvement of nerve tissue may contribute to the persistence of pain following a whiplash injury. This study aimed to investigate responses to the brachial plexus provocation test (BPPT) in 156 subjects with chronic whiplash associated disorder (WAD) with and without associated arm pain and 95 asymptomatic control subjects. The range of elbow extension (ROM) and visual analogue scale (VAS) pain scores were measured. Subjects with chronic WAD demonstrated significantly less ROM and higher VAS scores with the BPPT than the asymptomatic subjects (P
The application of tape to deload soft tissue is used in the management of thoracic spine pain. A reported clinical feature of this treatment is reduced tenderness of the spine during postero-anterior mobilizations. A randomized, single blind, placebo controlled, repeated measures design study was employed to investigate the effects of deloading tape on pressure pain threshold measurements at the level of the T7 spinous process in an asymptomatic group of 24 subjects. Pressure pain thresholds were assessed prior to and following the application of deloading tape, placebo sham tape and no-tape control conditions. All subjects received all three conditions in a randomized order on three separate days. Differences between the pre- and post-measurements were used as indicators of change in a subject's pressure pain threshold. No significant change in pressure pain threshold measurements was found between conditions. In summary, this study demonstrated that deloading tape applied to the level of the T7 spinous process did not significantly change pressure pain threshold measurements in asymptomatic subjects, raising the possibility that any pain relieving effect may well be conditional upon pain being present. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background Diastolic dysfunction induced by ischemia may alter transmitral blood flow, but this reflects global ventricular function, and pseudonormalization may occur with increased preload. Tissue Doppler may assess regional diastolic function and is relatively load-independent, but limited data exist regarding its application to stress testing. We sought to examine the stress response of regional diastolic parameters to dobutomine echocardiography (DbE). Methods Sixty-three patients underwent study with DbE: 20 with low probability of coronary artery disease (CAD) and 43 with CAD who underwent angiography. A standard DbE protocol was used, and segments were categorized as ischemic, scar, or normal. Color tissue Doppler was acquired at baseline and peak stress, and waveforms in the basal and mid segments were used to measure early filling (Em), late filling (Am), and E deceleration time. Significant CAD was defined by stenoses >50% vessel diameter. Results Diastolic parameters had limited feasibility because of merging of Em and Am waves at high heart rates and limited reproducibility. Nonetheless, compared with normal segments, segments subtended with significant stenoses showed a lower Em velocity at rest (6.2 +/- 2.6 cm/s vs 4.8 +/- 2.2 cm/s, P < .0001) and peak (7.5 +/- 4.2 cm/s vs 5.1 +/- 3.6 cm/s, P < .0001), Abnormal segments also showed a shorter E deceleration time (51 +/- 27 ms vs 41 +/- 27 ms, P = .0001) at base and peak. No changes were documented in Am. The same pattern was seen with segments identified as ischemic with wall motion score. However, in the absence of ischemia, segments of patients with left ventricular hypertrophy showed a lower Em velocity, with blunted Em responses to stress. Conclusion Regional diastolic function is sensitive to ischemia. However, a number of practical limitations limit the applicability of diastolic parameters for the quantification of stress echocardiography.
Adipose tissue is a highly active endocrine organ secreting a range of soluble products with both local and distant actions. These hormones have important roles in metabolism, reproduction, cardiovascular function and immunity. It is now evident that adipose endocrine function directly influences other organ systems, including the brain, liver and skeletal muscle. The endocrine function of adipose tissue is significantly regulated by nutritional status, and both are inextricably linked to the energy storage role of adipose tissue. This chapter highlights the endocrinology of adipose tissue by concentrating on functional aspects of the secreted products. The data of particular relevance to humans are highlighted, and areas in need of future research are suggested.
Abnormal left ventricular (LV) filling is common, but not universal, in hypertensive LV hypertrophy (LVH). We sought to elucidate the relative contributions of myocardial structural changes, loading and hypertrophy to LV dysfunction in 113 patients: 85 with hypertensive LVH and 28 controls without LVH and with normal filling. Patients with normal dobutamine stress echocardiography and no history of coronary artery disease were selected, in order to exclude a contribution from ischaemia or scar. Abnormal LV filling was identified in 65 LVH patients, based on Doppler measurement of transmitral filling and annular velocities. All patients underwent grey-scale and colour tissue Doppler imaging from three apical views, which were stored and analysed off line. Integrated backscatter (113) and strain rate imaging were used to detect changes in structure and function; average cyclic variation of 113, strain rate and peak systolic strain were calculated by averaging each segment. Calibrated 113 intensity, corrected for pericardial 113 intensity, was measured in the septum and posterior wall from the parasternal long-axis view. Patients with LVH differed significantly from controls with respect to all backscatter and strain parameters, irrespective of the presence or absence of abnormal LV filling. LVH patients with and without abnormal LV filling differed with regard to age, LV mass and incidence of diabetes mellitus, but also showed significant differences in cyclic variation (P < 0.01), calibrated 113 in the posterior wall (P < 0.05) and strain rate (P < 0.01), although blood pressure, heart rate and LV systolic function were similar. Multivariate logistic regression analysis demonstrated that age, LV mass index and calibrated IB in the posterior wall were independent determinants of abnormal LV filling in patients with LVH. Thus structural and functional abnormalities can be detected in hypertensive patients with LVH with and without abnormal LV filling. In addition to age and LVH, structural (not functional) abnormalities are likely to contribute to abnormal LV filling, and may be an early sign of LV damage. 113 is useful for the detection of myocardial abnormalities in patients with hypertensive LVH.
Increasingly, cystic fibrosis (CF) is regarded as an inflammatory disorder where the response of the lung to Pseudomonas aeruginosa is exaggerated as a consequence of processes mediated by the product of the CF gene, CFTR. Of importance to any gene-replacement strategy for treatment of CF is the identification of the cell type(s) within the lung milieu that need to be corrected and an indication whether this is sufficient to restore a normal inflammatory response and bacterial clearance. We generated G551D CF mice transgenically expressing the human CFTR gene in two tissue compartments previously demonstrated to mediate a CFTR-dependent inflammatory response: lung epithelium and alveolar macrophages. Following chronic pulmonary infection with P. aeruginosa, CF mice with epithelial-expressed but not macrophage-specific CFTR showed an improvement in pathogen clearance and inflammatory markers compared with control CF animals. Additionally, these data indicate the general role for epithelial cell-mediated events in the response of the lung to bacterial pathogens and the importance of CFTR in mediating these processes.
During bacterial infections, the balance between resolution of infection and development of sepsis is dependent upon the macrophage response to bacterial products. We show that priming of murine bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMMs) with CSF-1 differentially regulates the response to two such stimuli, LPS and immunostimulatory (CpG) DNA. CSF-1 pretreatment enhanced IL-6, IL-12, and TNF-alpha production in response to LPS but suppressed the same response to CpG DNA. CSF-1 also regulated cytokine gene expression in response to CpG DNA and LPS; CpG DNA-induced IL-12 p40, IL-12 p35, and TNF-alpha mRNAs were all suppressed by CSF-1 pretreatment. CSF-1 pretreatment enhanced LPS-induced IL-12 p40 mRNA but not TNF-alpha and IL-12 p35 mRNAs, suggesting that part of the priming effect is posttranscriptional. CSF-1 pretreatment also suppressed CpG DNA-induced nuclear translocation of NF-kappaB and phosphorylation of the mitogen-activated protein kinases p38 and extracellular signal-related kinases-1/2 in BMMs, indicating that early events in CpG DNA signaling were regulated by CSF-1. Expression of Toll-like receptor (TLR)9, which is necessary for responses to CpG DNA, was markedly suppressed by CSF-1 in both BMMs and thioglycolate-elicited peritoneal macrophages. CSF-1 also down-regulated expression of TLR1, TLR2, and TLR6, but not the LPS receptor, TLR4, or TLR5. Hence, CSF-1 may regulate host responses to pathogens through modulation of TLR expression. Furthermore, these results suggest that CSF-1 and CSF-1R antagonists may enhance the efficacy of CpG DNA in vivo.
Regeneration of osseous defects by a tissue-engineering approach provides a novel means of treatment utilizing cell biology, materials science, and molecular biology. In this study the concept of tissue engineering was tested with collagen type I matrices seeded with cells with osteogenic potential and implanted into sites where osseous damage had occurred. Explant cultures of cells from human alveolar bone and gingiva were established. When seeded into a three-dimensional type I collagen-based scaffold, the bone-derived cells maintained their osteoblastic phenotype as monitored by mRNA and protein levels of the bone-related proteins including bone sialoprotein, osteocalcin, osteopontin, bone morphogenetic proteins 2 and 4, and alkaline phosphatase. These in vitro-developed matrices were implanted into critical-size bone defects in skulls of immunodeficient (SCID) mice. Wound healing was monitored for up to 4 weeks. When measured by microdensitometry the bone density within defects filled with osteoblast-derived matrix was significantly higher compared with defects filled with either collagen scaffold alone or collagen scaffold impregnated with gingival fibroblasts. New bone formation was found at all the sites treated with the osteoblast-derived matrix at 28 days, whereas no obvious new bone formation was identified at the same time point in the control groups. In situ hybridization for the human-specific Alu gene sequence indicated that the newly formed bone tissue resulted from both transplanted human osteoblasts and endogenous mesenchymal stem cells. The results indicate that cells derived from human alveolar bone can be incorporated into bioengineered scaffolds and synthesize a matrix, which on implantation can induce new bone formation.
A foliar rating system was developed to assess the progress of Fusarium wilt ( Panama disease) caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense in seven banana cultivars differing in their resistance to race 1 of the pathogen. Plantlets were transplanted into unamended soil naturally infested with the pathogen, soil amended with urea and soil amended with aged chicken manure. A corm invasion score was also developed to assess the accuracy of the foliar symptom score as an indicator of cultivar resistance. On the basis of foliar symptom scores alone, the response of five of the seven cultivars in the chicken manure treatment corresponded to their known field response. However, the response of the other two cultivars, both susceptible to the pathogen in the field, fell into two categories. One had a high foliar symptom score and a correspondingly high corm invasion score, whereas the other had a low foliar symptom score and a high corm invasion score. Breeders need to be aware of the two categories of susceptible response, if inferior breeding material is to be rejected early on in a breeding program.
The use of human brain tissue obtained at autopsy for neurochemical, pharmacological and physiological analyses is reviewed. RNA and protein samples have been found suitable for expression profiling by techniques that include RT-PCR, cDNA microarrays, western blotting, immunohistochemistry and proteomics. The rapid development of molecular biological techniques has increased the impetus for this work to be applied to studies of brain disease. It has been shown that most nucleic acids and proteins are reasonably stable post-mortem. However, their abundance and integrity can exhibit marked intra- and intercase variability, making comparisons between case-groups difficult. Variability can reveal important functional and biochemical information. The correct interpretation of neurochemical data must take into account such factors as age, gender, ethnicity, medicative history, immediate ante-mortem status, agonal state and post-mortem and post-autopsy intervals. Here we consider issues associated with the sampling of DNA, RNA and proteins using human autopsy brain tissue in relation to various ante- and post-mortem factors. We conclude that valid and practical measures of a variety of parameters may be made in human brain tissue, provided that specific factors are controlled.
This study describes the derivation of two new lines of transgenic mice that express Cre recombinase under the control of tyrosinase transcriptional elements. To determine the suitability of the Tyrosinase-Cre transgene for tissue-specific gene ablation studies, a fate map of Cre expression domains was determined using the Z/AP reporter strain. It was shown that Cre-expressing cells contribute to a wide array of neural crest and neuroepithelial-derived lineages. The melanocytes of the harderian gland and eye choroid, sympathetic cephalic ganglia, leptomeninges of the telencephalon, as well as cranial nerves (V), (VII), and (IX) are derived either fully or partly from Cre-expressing cephalic crest. The cells contributing to the cranial nerves were the first to exhibit Cre expression at E10.5 as they were migrating into the branchial arches. The melanocytes, chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla, and dorsal root ganglia are derived from trunk neural crest that either express Cre or were derived from Cre-expressing precursors. An array of brain tissue including the basal forebrain, hippocampus, olfactory bulb, and the granule cell layer of the lateral cerebellum, as well as the retinal pigmented epithelium and glia of the optic nerve originate from Cre-expressing neuroepithelial cells. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
In order to establish the relationship between solute lipophilicity and skin penetration (including flux and concentration behavior), we examined the in vitro penetration and membrane concentration of a series of homologous alcohols (C2-C10) applied topically in aqueous solutions to human epidermal, full-thickness, and dermal membranes. The partitioning/distribution of each alcohol between the donor solution, stratum corneum, viable epidermis, dermis, and receptor phase compartments was determined during the penetration process and separately to isolated samples of each tissue type. Maximum flux and permeability coefficients are compared for each membrane and estimates of alcohol diffusivity are made based on flux/concentration data and also the related tissue resistance (the reciprocal of permeability coefficient) for each membrane type. The permeability coefficient increased with increasing lipophilicity to alcohol C8 (octanol) with no further increase for C10 (decanol). Log vehicle:stratum corneum partition coefficients were related to logP , and the concentration of alcohols in each of the tissue layers appeared to increase with lipophilicity. No difference was measured in the diffusivity of smaller more polar alcohols in the three membranes; however, the larger more lipophilic solutes showed slower diffusivity values. The study showed that the dermis may be a much more lipophilic environment than originally believed and that distribution of smaller nonionized solutes into local tissues below a site of topical application may be estimated based on knowledge of their lipophilicity alone.
Early pregnancy factor (EPF) is a secreted protein with immunosuppressive and growth factor properties that has been shown to suppress acute experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) induced with myelin basic protein (MBP) in Lewis rats. EAE is associated with infiltration of the central nervous system (CNS) with inflammatory cells. Spontaneous recovery involves the loss of T lymphocytes from the CNS and the selective apoptosis of Vbeta8.2(+) cells. In the present study, T cell, macrophage (CD11b/c(+)) and B cell (CD45RA(+)) populations in spinal cord and popliteal lymph nodes (LN) of Lewis rats with EAE were quantitated and apoptosis was studied. Rats were treated with EPF or vehicle. Following treatment on day 14 after inoculation with MBP, neither 1 x 100 mug nor 2 x 100 mug doses of EPF affected the total number of cells infiltrating the spinal cord on day 15, although the higher dose caused a decrease in the number of CD5(+) and CD11b/c(+) cells. Treatment with 2 x 100 mug/day from days 10 to 14 decreased the total number of infiltrating cells, and the numbers of CD5(+), CD11b/c(+) and CD45RA(+) cells. Apoptosis was unaffected. No alteration on the number or type of inflammatory cells in the popliteal LN was observed after treatment on days 10-14. However, treatment with EPF from days 0 to 11 increased the total number of T and B cells and CD5(+) T cells found on day 12 in the LN. Similarly, there was an increase in the frequency of MBP-reactive cells in the LN as determined by limiting dilution analysis. These results suggest that EPF treatment reduces the numbers of lymphocytes and macrophages in the CNS, possibly through an effect on cell trafficking. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.