83 resultados para TUNNEL-JUNCTIONS
Classical cadherins mediate cell recognition and cohesion in many tissues of the body. It is increasingly apparent that dynamic cadherin contacts play key roles during morphogenesis and that a range of cell signals are activated as cells form contacts with one another. It has been difficult, however, to determine whether these signals represent direct downstream consequences of cadherin ligation or are juxtacrine signals that are activated when cadherin adhesion brings cell surfaces together but are not direct downstream targets of cadherin signaling. In this study, we used a functional cadherin ligand (hE/Fc) to directly test whether E-cadherin ligation regulates phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) and Rac signaling. We report that homophilic cadherin ligation recruits Rae to nascent adhesive contacts and specifically stimulates Rae signaling. Adhesion to hE/Fc also recruits PI 3-kinase to the cadherin complex, leading to the production of phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate in nascent cadherin contacts. Rae activation involved an early phase, which was PI 3-kinase-independent, and a later amplification phase, which was inhibited by wortmannin. PI 3-kinase and Rae activity were necessary for productive adhesive contacts to form following initial homophilic ligation. We conclude that E-cadherin is a cellular receptor that is activated upon homophilic ligation to signal through PI 3-kinase and Rae. We propose that a key function of these cadherin-activated signals is to control adhesive contacts, probably via regulation of the actin cytoskeleton, which ultimately serves to mediate adhesive cell-cell recognition.
The decision of the embryonic gonad to differentiate as either a testis or an ovary is a critical step in vertebrate development. The molecular basis of this decision has been the focus of much study, particularly over the past decade. Here we contrast the knowledge of early gonadal development and the switch to testis differentiation with the lack of molecular understanding of ovarian development at early stages. We review current knowledge regarding mechanisms of ovarian morphogenesis and propose a model for the hierarchical control of development of the fetal ovary, incorporating the few genes already known to be important and several signals or factors that are hypothesised to exist in the early ovary.
Whole body studies of Plotosus tandanus revealed that ampullary pores occur over the entire body of the fish, but are in higher concentrations in the head region. These pores give rise to a short canal (50-60 mum) produced by columnar epithelial cells bound together by tight junctions and desmosomes. At the junction. of the canal and the ampulla, cuboidal epithelial cells make up the wall. The ampulla consists of layers of collagen fibers that surround flattened epithelial cells in the lateral regions and give rise to supportive cells-that encase a small number of receptor cells (10-15). The ampullary wall comprises several types of cells that are adjoined via tight junctions and desmosomes between cell types. The ovoid receptor cells possess microvilli along the luminar apical area. Beneath this area, the cells are rich in mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum. An unmyelinated neuron adjoins with each receptor cell opposite multiple presynaptic bodies. This form of microampulla has not been previously described within the Family Plotosidae. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Intraerythrocytic bodies identified as haemogregarine gamonts were found in 29% of 97 brown tree snakes (Boiga irregularis) examined during a haematological survey of reptiles in Australasia during 1994-1998. The morphological characteristics of the parasites were consistent with those of Haemogregarina boigae Mackerras, 1961, although the gamonts were slightly larger and lacked red caps but contained distinctive polar grey capsules. Gamonts did not distend host cells but laterally displaced their nuclei. They were contained within parasitophorous vacuoles and possessed typical apicomplexan organelles, including a conoid, polar rings, rhoptries and micronemes. Schizonts producing up to 30 merozoites were detected in endothelial cells of the lungs of 11 snakes. The absence of erythrocytic schizogony suggests the parasites belong to the genus Hepatozoon. Electron microscopy also revealed the presence of curious encapsulated organisms in degenerating erythrocytes. These stages did not possess apical complex organelles and were surrounded by thick walls containing circumferential junctions and interposed strips reminiscent of oocyst sutures.
Heat transfer levels have been investigated behind a rearward-facing step in a superorbital expansion tube. The heat transfer was measured along a flat plate and behind 2 and 3mm steps with the same length to step height ratio. Results were obtained with air as the test gas at speeds of 6.76kms(-1) and 9-60kms(-1) corresponding to stagnation enthalpies of 26MJ/kg and 48MJ/kg respectively. A laminar boundary layer was established on the flat plate and measured heat transfer levels were consistent with classical empirical correlations. In the case of flow behind a step, the measurements showed a gradual rise in heat transfer from the rear of the step to a plateau several step heights downstream for both flow conditions. Reattachment distance was estimated to be approximately 1.6 step heights downstream of the 2mm step at the low enthalpy condition through the use of flow visualisation.
Skin-friction measurements are reported for high-enthalpy and high-Mach-number laminar, transitional and turbulent boundary layers. The measurements were performed in a free-piston shock tunnel with air-flow Mach number, stagnation enthalpy and Reynolds numbers in the ranges of 4.4-6.7, 3-13 MJ kg(-1) and 0.16 x 10(6)-21 x 10(6), respectively. Wall temperatures were near 300 K and this resulted in ratios of wall enthalpy to flow-stagnation enthalpy in the range of 0.1-0.02. The experiments were performed using rectangular ducts. The measurements were accomplished using a new skin-friction gauge that was developed for impulse facility testing. The gauge was an acceleration compensated piezoelectric transducer and had a lowest natural frequency near 40 kHz. Turbulent skin-friction levels were measured to within a typical uncertainty of +/-7%. The systematic uncertainty in measured skin-friction coefficient was high for the tested laminar conditions; however, to within experimental uncertainty, the skin-friction and heat-transfer measurements were in agreement with the laminar theory of van Driest (1952). For predicting turbulent skin-friction coefficient, it was established that, for the range of Mach numbers and Reynolds numbers of the experiments, with cold walls and boundary layers approaching the turbulent equilibrium state, the Spalding & Chi (1964) method was the most suitable of the theories tested. It was also established that if the heat transfer rate to the wall is to be predicted, then the Spalding & Chi (1964) method should be used in conjunction with a Reynolds analogy factor near unity. If more accurate results are required, then an experimentally observed relationship between the Reynolds analogy factor and the skin-friction coefficient may be applied.
The endocytosis of E-cadherin has recently emerged as an important determinant of cadherin function with the potential to participate in remodeling adhesive contacts. In this study we focused on the initial fate of E-cadherin when it predominantly exists free on the cell surface prior to adhesive binding or incorporation into junctions. Surface-labeling techniques were used to define the endocytic itinerary of E-cadherin in MCF-7 cells and in Chinese hamster ovary cells stably expressing human E-cadherin. We found that in this experimental system E-cadherin entered a transferrin-negative compartment before transport to the early endosomal compartment, where it merged with classical clathrin-mediated uptake pathways. E-cadherin endocytosis was inhibited by mutant dynamin, but not by an Eps15 mutant that effectively blocked transferrin internalization. Furthermore, sustained signaling by the ARF6 GTPase appeared to trap endocytosed E-cadherin in large peripheral structures. We conclude that in isolated cells unbound E-cadherin on the cell surface is predominantly endocytosed by a clathrin-independent pathway resembling macropinocytotic internalization, which then fuses with the early endosomal system. Taken with earlier reports, this suggests the possibility that multiple pathways exist for E-cadherin entry into cells that are likely to reflect cell context and regulation.