108 resultados para Spatial Light Modulators


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Most Internet search engines are keyword-based. They are not efficient for the queries where geographical location is important, such as finding hotels within an area or close to a place of interest. A natural interface for spatial searching is a map, which can be used not only to display locations of search results but also to assist forming search conditions. A map-based search engine requires a well-designed visual interface that is intuitive to use yet flexible and expressive enough to support various types of spatial queries as well as aspatial queries. Similar to hyperlinks for text and images in an HTML page, spatial objects in a map should support hyperlinks. Such an interface needs to be scalable with the size of the geographical regions and the number of websites it covers. In spite of handling typically a very large amount of spatial data, a map-based search interface should meet the expectation of fast response time for interactive applications. In this paper we discuss general requirements and the design for a new map-based web search interface, focusing on integration with the WWW and visual spatial query interface. A number of current and future research issues are discussed, and a prototype for the University of Queensland is presented. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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P2X(1)-type purinoceptors, have been shown to mediate fast transmission between sympathetic varicosities and smooth muscle cells in the mouse vas deferens but the spatial organization of these receptors on the smooth muscle cells remains inconclusive. Voltage clamp techniques were used to estimate the amplitudes of spontaneous excitatory junction currents (SEJCs) in cells of the vas deferens longitudinal smooth muscle layer. These currents involved the activation of about 6% of the P2X-type channels present on the cell, as compared to whole cell currents produced when isolated smooth muscle cells were exposed to maximal concentrations of either ATP or alpha,beta -MeATP. Immunofluorescence staining of the vas deferens with antibodies against P2X(1) receptor showed a diffuse, grainy distribution over the entire membrane of each smooth muscle cell. Anti-P2X(1) staining was not markedly clustered beneath anti-SV2-stained sympathetic varicosities. Similar results were obtained for cells in the urinary bladder. During development, P2X(1) mRNA was detected as early as embryonic day 15 (E15). Increasing intensities of diffuse immunostaining for P2X(1) were observed in the walls of the bladder, tail artery, and aorta from E15 until 6 weeks postnatal. The vas deferens showed increasing intensities of diffuse staining of its smooth muscle layers between 2 and 6 weeks postnatal, consistent with the time-course of development of fast purinergic transmission described previously. Together, the results suggest that the response of smooth muscle of the vas deferens to ATP released from sympathetic varicosities relies on rapidly desensitizing P2X(1) receptors, distributed diffusely across the smooth muscle cell surface. Synapse 42:1-11, 2001. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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In the past century, the debate over whether or not density-dependent factors regulate populations has generally focused on changes in mean population density, ignoring the spatial variance around the mean as unimportant noise. In an attempt to provide a different framework for understanding population dynamics based on individual fitness, this paper discusses the crucial role of spatial variability itself on the stability of insect populations. The advantages of this method are the following: (1) it is founded on evolutionary principles rather than post hoc assumptions; (2) it erects hypotheses that can be tested; and (3) it links disparate ecological schools, including spatial dynamics, behavioral ecology, preference-performance, and plant apparency into an overall framework. At the core of this framework, habitat complexity governs insect spatial variance. which in turn determines population stability. First, the minimum risk distribution (MRD) is defined as the spatial distribution of individuals that results in the minimum number of premature deaths in a population given the distribution of mortality risk in the habitat (and, therefore, leading to maximized population growth). The greater the divergence of actual spatial patterns of individuals from the MRD, the greater the reduction of population growth and size from high, unstable levels. Then, based on extensive data from 29 populations of the processionary caterpillar, Ochrogaster lunifer, four steps are used to test the effect of habitat interference on population growth rates. (1) The costs (increasing the risk of scramble competition) and benefits (decreasing the risk of inverse density-dependent predation) of egg and larval aggregation are quantified. (2) These costs and benefits, along with the distribution of resources, are used to construct the MRD for each habitat. (3) The MRD is used as a benchmark against which the actual spatial pattern of individuals is compared. The degree of divergence of the actual spatial pattern from the MRD is quantified for each of the 29 habitats. (4) Finally, indices of habitat complexity are used to provide highly accurate predictions of spatial divergence from the MRD, showing that habitat interference reduces population growth rates from high, unstable levels. The reason for the divergence appears to be that high levels of background vegetation (vegetation other than host plants) interfere with female host-searching behavior. This leads to a spatial distribution of egg batches with high mortality risk, and therefore lower population growth. Knowledge of the MRD in other species should be a highly effective means of predicting trends in population dynamics. Species with high divergence between their actual spatial distribution and their MRD may display relatively stable dynamics at low population levels. In contrast, species with low divergence should experience high levels of intragenerational population growth leading to frequent habitat-wide outbreaks and unstable dynamics in the long term. Six hypotheses, erected under the framework of spatial interference, are discussed, and future tests are suggested.


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Ontogenetic changes in the photoresponse of larvae from the demosponge Reneira sp. were studied by analyzing the swimming paths of individual larvae exposed to diffuse white light. Larvae swam upward upon release from the adult, but were negatively phototactic until at least 12 hours after release. The larval photoreceptors are presumed to be a posterior ring of columnar monociliated epithelial cells that possess 120-mum-long cilia and pigment-filled protrusions. A sudden increase in light intensity caused these cilia to become rigidly straight. If the light intensity remained high, the cilia gradually bent over the pigmented vesicles in the adjacent cytoplasm, and thus covered one entire pole of the larva. The response was reversed upon a sudden decrease in light intensity. The ciliated cells were sensitive to changes in light intensity in larvae of all ages. This response is similar to the shadow response in tunicate larvae or the shading of the photoreceptor in Euglena and is postulated to allow the larvae to steer away from brighter light to darker areas, such as under coral rubble-the preferred site of the adult sponge on the reef flat. In the absence of a coordinating system in cellular sponges, the spatial organization and autonomous behavior of the pigmented posterior cells control the rapid responses to light shown by these larvae.


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In situ hybridization to mRNA in embryo sections or wholemount embryos is one of the most powerful analytical tools available to the molecular developmental biologist. For many workers, this procedure provides the first insights into the function of newly isolated genes, allowing the formulation of hypotheses and setting the course for further research. This paper presents a personal historical perspective of the development of in situ hybridization, looks at the theory and practice of the technique, summarizes the current state of the art, and speculates on possible directions for the future as a tool in functional genomics.


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The three-dimensional structures of leucine-rich repeat (LRR) -containing proteins from five different families were previously predicted based on the crystal structure of the ribonuclease inhibitor. using an approach that combined homology-based modeling, structure-based sequence alignment of LRRs, and several rational assumptions. The structural models have been produced based on very limited sequence similarity, which, in general. cannot yield trustworthy predictions. Recently, the protein structures from three of these five families have been determined. In this report we estimate the quality of the modeling approach by comparing the models with the experimentally determined structures. The comparison suggests that the general architecture, curvature, interior/exterior orientations of side chains. and backbone conformation of the LRR structures can be predicted correctly. On the other hand. the analysis revealed that, in some cases. it is difficult to predict correctly the twist of the overall super-helical structure. Taking into consideration the conclusions from these comparisons, we identified a new family of bacterial LRR proteins and present its structural model. The reliability of the LRR protein modeling suggests that it would be informative to apply similar modeling approaches to other classes of solenoid proteins.


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The traditional explanation for interspecific plumage colour variation in birds is that colour differences between species are adaptations to minimize the risk of hybridization. Under this explanation, colour differences between closely related species of birds represent reproductive character displacement. An alternative explanation is that interspecific variation in plumage colour is an adaptive response to variation in light environments across habitats. Under this explanation, differences in colour between closely related species are a product of selection on signal efficiency. We use a comparative approach to examine these two hypotheses, testing the effects of sympatry and habitat use, respectively, on divergence in male plumage colour. Contrary to the prediction of the Species Isolation Hypothesis, we find no evidence that sympatric pairs of species are consistently more divergent in coloration than are allopatric pairs of species. However, in agreement with the Light Environment Hypothesis, we find significant associations between plumage coloration and habitat use. All of these results remain qualitatively unchanged irrespective of the statistical methodology used to compare reflectance spectra, the body regions used in the analyses, or the exclusion of areas of plumage not used in sexual displays. Our results suggest that, in general, interspecific variation in plumage colour among birds is more strongly influenced by the signalling environment than by the risk of hybridization.


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Understanding the ecological role of benthic microalgae, a highly productive component of coral reef ecosystems, requires information on their spatial distribution. The spatial extent of benthic microalgae on Heron Reef (southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia) was mapped using data from the Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper sensor. integrated with field measurements of sediment chlorophyll concentration and reflectance. Field-measured sediment chlorophyll concentrations. 2 ranging from 23-1.153 mg chl a m(2), were classified into low, medium, and high concentration classes (1-170, 171-290, and > 291 mg chl a m(-2)) using a K-means clustering algorithm. The mapping process assumed that areas in the Thematic Mapper image exhibiting similar reflectance levels in red and blue bands would correspond to areas of similar chlorophyll a levels. Regions of homogenous reflectance values corresponding to low, medium, and high chlorophyll levels were identified over the reef sediment zone by applying a standard image classification algorithm to the Thematic Mapper image. The resulting distribution map revealed large-scale ( > 1 km 2) patterns in chlorophyll a levels throughout the sediment zone of Heron Reef. Reef-wide estimates of chlorophyll a distribution indicate that benthic Microalgae may constitute up to 20% of the total benthic chlorophyll a at Heron Reef. and thus contribute significantly to total primary productivity on the reef.


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A hybrid zone between the grasshoppers Chorthippus brunneus and C. jacobsi (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in northern Spain has been analyzed for variation in morphology and ecology. These species are readily distinguished by the number of stridulatory pegs on the hind femur. Both sexes are fully winged and inhabit disturbed habitats throughout the study area. We develop a maximum-likelihood approach to fitting a two-dimensional cline to geographical variation in quantitative traits and for estimating associations of population mean with local habitat. This method reveals a cline in peg number approximately 30 km south of the Picos de Europa Mountains that shows substantial deviations in population mean compared with the expectations of simple tension zone models. The inclusion of variation in local vegetation in the model explains a significant proportion of the residual variation in peg number, indicating that habitat-genotype associations contribute to the observed spatial pattern. However, this association is weak, and a number of populations continue to show strong deviations in mean even after habitat is included in the final model. These outliers may be the result of long-distance colonization of sites distant from the cline center or may be due to a patchy pattern of initial contact during postglacial expansion. As well as contrasting with the smooth hybrid zones described for Chorthippus parallelus, this situation also contrasts with the mosaic hybrid zones observed in Gryllus crickets and in parts of the hybrid zone between Bombina toad species, where habitat-genotype associations account for substantial amounts of among-site variation.


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Most sugarcane breeding programs in Australia use large unreplicated trials to evaluate clones in the early stages of selection. Commercial varieties that are replicated provide a method of local control of soil fertility. Although such methods may be useful in detecting broad trends in the field, variation often occurs on a much smaller scale. Methods such as spatial analysis adjust a plot for variability by using information from immediate neighbours. These techniques are routinely used to analyse cereal data in Australia and have resulted in increased accuracy and precision in the estimates of variety effects. In this paper, spatial analyses in which the variability is decomposed into local, natural, and extraneous components are applied to early selection trials in sugarcane. Interplot competition in cane yield and trend in sugar content were substantial in many of the trials and there were often large differences in the selections between the spatial and current method used by the Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations. A joint modelling approach for tonnes sugar per hectare in response to fertility trends and interplot competition is recommended.


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Observational data collected in the Lake Tekapo hydro catchment of the Southern Alps in New Zealand are used to analyse the wind and temperature fields in the alpine lake basin during summertime fair weather conditions. Measurements from surface stations, pilot balloon and tethersonde soundings, Doppler sodar and an instrumented light aircraft provide evidence of multi-scale interacting wind systems, ranging from microscale slope winds to mesoscale coast-to-basin flows. Thermal forcing of the winds occurred due to differential heating as a consequence of orography and heterogeneous surface features, which is quantified by heat budget and pressure field analysis. The daytime vertical temperature structure was characterised by distinct layering. Features of particular interest are the formation of thermal internal boundary layers due to the lake-land discontinuity and the development of elevated mixed layers. The latter were generated by advective heating from the basin and valley sidewalls by slope winds and by a superimposed valley wind blowing from the basin over Lake Tekapo and up the tributary Godley Valley. Daytime heating in the basin and its tributary valleys caused the development of a strong horizontal temperature gradient between the basin atmosphere and that over the surrounding landscape, and hence the development of a mesoscale heat low over the basin. After noon, air from outside the basin started flowing over mountain saddles into the basin causing cooling in the lowest layers, whereas at ridge top height the horizontal air temperature gradient between inside and outside the basin continued to increase. In the early evening, a more massive intrusion of cold air caused rapid cooling and a transition to a rather uniform slightly stable stratification up to about 2000 m agl. The onset time of this rapid cooling varied about 1-2 h between observation sites and was probably triggered by the decay of up-slope winds inside the basin, which previously countered the intrusion of air over the surrounding ridges. The intrusion of air from outside the basin continued until about mid-night, when a northerly mountain wind from the Godley Valley became dominant. The results illustrate the extreme complexity that can be caused by the operation of thermal forcing processes at a wide range of spatial scales.


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We present whole-rock and zircon rare earth element (REE) data from two early Archaean gneisses (3.81 Ga and 3.64 Ga) from the Itsaq gneiss complex, south-west Greenland. Both gneisses represent extremely rare examples of unaltered, fresh and relatively undeformed igneous rocks of such antiquity. Cathodoluminescence imaging of their zircons indicates a single crystallisation episode with no evidence for either later metamorphic and/or anatectic reworking or inheritance of earlier grains. Uniform, single-population U/Pb age data confirm the structural simplicity of these zircons. One sample, a 3.64 Ga granodioritic gneiss from the Gothabsfjord, yields a chondrite-normalised REE pattern with a positive slope from La to Lu as well as substantial positive Ce and slight negative Eu anomalies, features generally considered to be typical of igneous zircon. In contrast, the second sample, a 3.81 Ga tonalite from south of the Isua Greenstone Belt, has variable but generally much higher light REE abundances, with similar middle to heavy REE. Calculation of zircon/melt distribution coefficients (D-REE(zircon/melt)) from each sample yields markedly different values for the trivalent REE (i.e. Ce and Eu omitted) and simple application of one set of D-REE(zircon/melt) to model the melt composition for the other sample yields concentrations that are in error by up to two orders of magnitude for the light REE (La-Nd). The observed light REE overabundance in the 3.81 Ga tonalite is a commonly observed feature in terrestrial zircons for which a number of explanations ranging from lattice strain to disequilibrium crystallisation have been proposed and are further investigated herein. Regardless of the cause of light REE overabundance, our study shows that simple application of zircon/melt distribution coefficients is not an unambiguous method for ascertaining original melt composition. In this context, recent studies that use REE data to claim that > 4.3 Ga Hadean detrital zircons originally crystallised from an evolved magma, in turn suggesting the operation of geological processes in the early Earth analogous to those of the present day (e.g. subduction and melting of hydrated oceanic crust), must be regarded with caution. Indeed, comparison of terrestrial Hadean and > 3.9 Ga lunar highland zircons shows remarkable similarities in the light REE, even though subduction processes that have been used to explain the terrestrial zircons have never operated on the Moon. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.