99 resultados para SURFACTANT REACTOR
Doped ceria (CeO2) compounds are fluorite type oxides that show oxygen ionic conductivity higher than yttria stabilized zirconia, in oxidizing atmosphere. In order to improve the conductivity, the effective index was suggested to maximize the oxygen ionic conductivity in doped CeO2 based oxides. In addition, the true microstructure of doped CeO2 was observed at atomic scale for conclusion of conduction mechanism. Doped CeO2 had small domains (10-50 nm) with ordered structure in a grain. It is found that the electrolytic properties strongly depended on the nano-structural feature at atomic scale in doped CeO2 electrolyte.
Laser heating Ar-40/Ar-39 geochronology provides high analytical precision and accuracy, mum-scale spatial resolution. and statistically significant data sets for the study of geological and planetary processes, A newly commissioned Ar-40/Ar-39 laboratory at CPGeo/USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil, equips the Brazilian scientific community with a new powerful tool applicable to the study of geological and cosmochemical processes. Detailed information about laboratory layout, environmental conditions, and instrumentation provides the necessary parameters for the evaluation of the CPGeo/USp Ar-40/Ar-39 suitability to a diverse range of applications. Details about analytical procedures, including mineral separation, irradiation at the IPEN/CNEN reactor at USP, and mass spectrometric analysis enable potential researchers to design the necessary sampling and sample preparation program suitable to the objectives of their study. Finally, the results of calibration tests using Ca and K salts and glasses, international mineral standards, and in-house mineral standards show that the accuracy and precision obtained at the Ar-40/Ar-39 laboratory at CPGeo/USP are comparable to results obtained in the most respected laboratories internationally. The extensive calibration and standardization procedures under-taken ensure that the results of analytical studies carried out in our laboratories will gain immediate international credibility, enabling Brazilian students and scientists to conduct forefront research in earth and planetary sciences.
Langmuir monolayer films of the tetracationic porphyrin tetrakis(octadecyl-4-pyridin ium)porphyrinatozinc(II) bromide on various salt containing subphases were analyzed using surface pressure-area isotherms and X-ray reflectivity. The use of these complementary techniques showed that the porphyrin molecules undergo changes in conformation upon compression. Two main phases were identified, one in which the porphyrin moiety is parallel to the subphase and one in which the porphyrin moiety is tilted out of the plane. The addition of different salts into the subphase brought about changes in film behaviour, which are explained in terms of a lyotropic series. Copyright (C) 2002 Society of Porphyrins,& Phthalocyanines.
The formation of CdS nanoparticles by reacting mixed Langmuir-Blodgett films of arachidic acid and either octadecylamine or dimethyldioctadecylammonium nitrate on a cadmium-containing subphase with hydrogen sulfide gas has resulted in the identification of a number of structural changes, observed using grazing incidence X-ray diffraction. In the case of octadecylamine, the structure after reaction is a hexagonal close-packed array of surfactant-stabilized nanoclusters, with a lattice constant of a = 17.65 Angstrom. In both octadecylamine and dimethyldioctadecylammonium nitrate films, the presence of a unit cell tilted at 38degrees to the plane of the substrate was found. Despite these changes, the average nanoparticle size was unaffected by the addition of either second component to the film.
The Oscillatory baffled reactor (OBR) can be used to produce particles with controlled size and morphology, in batch or continuous flow. This is due to the effect of the superimposed oscillations that radially mixes fluid but still allows plug-flow (or close to plug flow) behaviour in a continuous system. This mixing, combined with a close to a constant level of turbulence intensity in the reactor, leads to tight droplet and subsequent product particle size distributions. By applying population balance equations together with experimental droplet size distributions, breakage rates of droplets can be determined and this is a useful tool for understanding the product engineering in OBRs. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.
Quaternary ammonium surfactants were used to control the pore structure of bentonite intercalated with a mixed hydro-sol of silicon and titanium. Porous clay heterostructures of alumina and laponite were prepared in the presence of polyethylene oxide (PEO) surfactants. Participation of the surfactants in the synthesis results in significant changes in the structure of porous clay products. Surfactants are involved in different mechanisms, In the case of bentonite, the mean size of the framework pores was directly proportional to the chain length of the quaternary ammonium surfactants. This indicates a molecular templating mechanism, similar to that observed in the synthesis of MCM41. However, in the case of laponite, the size and volume of the mesopores were related to the amount of PEO surfactants used. By using an appropriate surfactant, we can obtain highly porous clays with various pore structures. Introducing surfactants during intercalation is an efficient strategy for the molecular engineering of porous clay adsorbents and catalysts. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The pore structure formation in bentonite, pillared with a mixed sol of silicon and titanium hydroxides and treated subsequently with quaternary ammonium surfactants, is investigated. The surfactant micelles act as a template, similar to their role in MCM41 synthesis. Because both the surfactant micelles and the sol particles are positively charged, it is greatly favorable for them to form meso-phase assembles in the galleries between the clay layers that bear negative charges. Besides, the sol particles do not bond the clay layers strongly as other kinds of pillar precursors do, so that the treatment with surfactants can result in radical structure changes in sol-pillared clays. This allows us to tailor the pore structure of these porous clays by choice of surfactant. The surfactant treatment also results in profound increases in porosity and improvement in thermal stability. Therefore, the product porous clays have great potential to be Used to deal with large molecules or at high operating temperatures. We also found that titanium in these samples is highly dispersed in the silica matrix rather than existing in the form of small particles of pure titania. Such highly dispersed Ti active centers may offer excellent activities for catalytic oxidation reactions such as alkanes into alcohols and ketones.
Keratinocyte Growth factor (KGF) is an epithelial cell growth factor of the fibroblast growth factor family and is produced by fibroblasts and microvascular endothelium in response to proinflammatory cytokines and steroid hormones. KGF is a heparin binding growth factor that exerts effects on epithelial cells in a paracrine fashion through interaction with KGF receptors. Preclinical data has demonstrated that KGF can prevent lung and gastrointestinal toxicity following chemotherapy and radiation and preliminary clinical data in the later setting supports these findings. In the experimental allogeneic bone marrow transplant scenario KGF has shown significant ability to prevent graft-versus-host disease by maintaining gastrointestinal tract integrity and acting as a cytokine shield to prevent subsequent proinflammatory cytokine generation. Within this setting KGF has also shown an ability to prevent experimental idiopathic pneumonia syndrome by stimulating production of surfactant protein A, promoting alveolar epithelialization and attenuating immune-mediated injury. Perhaps most unexpectantly, KGF appears able to maintain thymic function during allogeneic stern cell transplantation and so promote T cell engraftment and reconstitution. These data suggest that KGF will find a therapeutic role in the prevention of epithelial toxicity following intensive chemotherapy and radiotherapy protocols and in allogeneic stem cell transplantation.
Recently, two fresh water species, 'Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans' and 'Candidatus Kuenenia stuttgartiensis', and one marine species, 'Candidatus Scalindua sorokinii', of planctomycete anammox bacteria have been identified. 'Candidatus Scalindua sorokinii' was discovered in the Black Sea, and contributed substantially to the loss of fixed nitrogen. All three species contain a unique organelle-the anammoxosome-in their cytoplasm. The anammoxosome contains the hydrazine/hydroxylamine oxidoreductase enzyme, and is thus the site of anammox catabolism. The anammoxosome is surrounded by a very dense membrane composed almost exclusively of linearly concatenated cyclobutane-containing lipids. These so-called 'ladderanes' are connected to the glycerol moiety via both ester and ether bonds. In natural and man-made ecosystems, anammox bacteria can cooperate with aerobic ammonium-oxidising bacteria, which protect them from harmful oxygen, and provide the necessary nitrite. The cooperation of these two groups of ammonium-oxidising bacteria is the microbial basis for a sustainable one reactor system, CANON (completely autotrophic nitrogen-removal over nitrite) to remove ammonia from high strength wastewater.
A molecular approach was used to investigate a recently described candidate division of the domain Bacteria, TM7, currently known only from environmental 16S ribosomal DNA sequence data, A number of TM7-specific primers and probes were designed and evaluated. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of a laboratory scale bioreactor using two independent TM7-specific probes revealed a conspicuous sheathed-filament morphotype, fortuitously enriched in the reactor. Morphologically, the filament matched the description of the Eikelboom morphotype 0041-0675 widely associated with bulking problems in activated-sludge wastewater treatment systems. Transmission electron microscopy of the bioreactor sludge demonstrated that the sheathed-filament morphotype had a typical gram-positive cell envelope ultrastructure. Therefore, TM7 is only the third bacterial lineage recognized to have gram-positive representatives. TM7-specific FISH analysis of two full-scale wastewater treatment plant sludges, including the one used to seed the laboratory scale reactor, indicated the presence of a number of morphotypes, including sheathed filaments. TM7-specific PCR clone libraries prepared from the two full-scale sludges yielded 23 novel TM7 sequences. Three subdivisions could be defined based on these data and publicly available sequences. Environmental sequence data and TM7-specific FISH analysis indicate that members of the TM7 division are present in a variety of terrestrial, aquatic, and clinical habitats. A highly atypical base substitution (Escherichia coli position 912; C to U) for bacterial 16S rRNAs was present in almost all TM7 sequences, suggesting that TM7 bacteria, like Archaea, may be streptomycin resistant at the ribosome level.
Complete biological nutrient removal (BNR) in a single tank, sequencing batch reactor (SBR) process, is demonstrated here at full-scale on a typical domestic wastewater. The unique feature of the UniFed process is the introduction of the influent into the settled sludge blanket during the settling and decant periods of the SBR operation. This achieves suitable conditions for denitrification and anaerobic phosphate release which is critical to successful biological phosphorus removal, It also achieves a selector effect, which helps in generating a compact, well settling biomass in the reactor. The results of this demonstration show that it is possible to achieve well over 90% removal of GOD, nitrogen and phosphorus in such a process. Effluent quality achieved over a six-month operating period directly after commissioning was: 29 mg/l GOD, 0.5 mg/l NH4-N, 1.5 mg/l NOx-N and 1.5 mg/l PO4-P (50%-iles of daily samples). During an 8-day, intensive sampling period, the effluent BOD5 was
Development of a granular sludge with high strength, high biological activity and a narrow settling distribution is necessary for optimal operation of high-rate upflow anaerobic treatment systems. Several studies have compared granules produced from different wastewaters but these have largely been from laboratory-fed reactors or compared granules from full-scale reactors fed similar wastewater types. Though two authors have commented on the inferiority of granules produced by a protein-based feed, the properties of these granules have not been characterised. In this paper, granules from full-scale reactors treating fruit and vegetable cannery effluent, two brewery effluents and a pig abattoir (slaughterhouse) were compared in terms of basic composition, size distribution, density, settling velocity, shear strength, and EPS content. The results supported previous qualitative observations by other researchers that indicate granule properties depend more on wastewater type rather than reactor design or operating conditions such as pre-acidification level. The cannery-fed granules bad excellent shear strength, settling distribution and density. Granules from the two brewery-fed reactors had statistically the same bulk properties, which were still acceptable for upflow applications. The protein-grown granule had poor strength and settling velocity. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.