168 resultados para SURFACE LIQUID
Motivated by the unconventional properties and rich phase diagram of NaxCoO2 we consider the electronic and magnetic properties of a two-dimensional Hubbard model on an isotropic triangular lattice doped with electrons away from half-filling. Dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) calculations predict that for negative intersite hopping amplitudes (t < 0) and an on-site Coulomb repulsion, U, comparable to the bandwidth, the system displays properties typical of a weakly correlated metal. In contrast, for t > 0 a large enhancement of the effective mass, itinerant ferromagnetism, and a metallic phase with a Curie-Weiss magnetic susceptibility are found in a broad electron doping range. The different behavior encountered is a consequence of the larger noninteracting density of states (DOS) at the Fermi level for t > 0 than for t < 0, which effectively enhances the mass and the scattering amplitude of the quasiparticles. The shape of the DOS is crucial for the occurrence of ferromagnetism as for t > 0 the energy cost of polarizing the system is much smaller than for t < 0. Our observation of Nagaoka ferromagnetism is consistent with the A-type antiferromagnetism (i.e., ferromagnetic layers stacked antiferromagnetically) observed in neutron scattering experiments on NaxCoO2. The transport and magnetic properties measured in NaxCoO2 are consistent with DMFT predictions of a metal close to the Mott insulator and we discuss the role of Na ordering in driving the system towards the Mott transition. We propose that the Curie-Weiss metal phase observed in NaxCoO2 is a consequence of the crossover from a bad metal with incoherent quasiparticles at temperatures T > T-* and Fermi liquid behavior with enhanced parameters below T-*, where T-* is a low energy coherence scale induced by strong local Coulomb electron correlations. Our analysis also shows that the one band Hubbard model on a triangular lattice is not enough to describe the unusual properties of NaxCoO2 and is used to identify the simplest relevant model that captures the essential physics in NaxCoO2. We propose a model which allows for the Na ordering phenomena observed in the system which, we propose, drives the system close to the Mott insulating phase even at large dopings.
Integral mass conservation was widely accepted for the solute coupling to solve solute redistribution during equiaxed solidification so far. The present study revealed that the integral form was invalid for moving boundary problems as it could not represent the mass balance at the moving interface. Accordingly, differential mass conservation at the solid/liquid interface was used to solve solute diffusion for spherical geometry. The model was applied for hydrogen diffusion in solidification to validate that the hydrogen enrichment was significant and depended on the growth rate. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.
Molecular dynamics simulations are used to study the interaction of low-energy Ar atoms with the Ni(001) surface, Angular scattering distributions, in and out of the plane of incidence, are investigated as a function of incident energy, angles of incidence, crystallographic orientation of the incident beam and surface temperature. The results show a clear transition to the structure scattering regime at around 2 eV. However, at lower energies, two sub-regimes are revealed by the simulations, Far energies up to 250 meV, scattering is mainly diffuse, and significant trapping on the surface is observed, At energies above this level, lobular patterns start to form and trapping decreases with the increase in energy, Generally, there is a weak temperature dependence, but variations in the angle of incidence and/or changes in the crystallographic direction, generate significant changes in the scattering patterns.
DsbA is a protein-folding catalyst from the periplasm of Escherichia coli that interacts with newly translocated polypeptide substrate and catalyzes the formation of disulfide bonds in these secreted proteins. The precise nature of the interaction between DsbA and unfolded substrate is not known. Here, we give a detailed analysis of the DsbA crystal structure, now refined to 1.7 Angstrom, and present a proposal for its interaction with peptide. The crystal structure of DsbA implies flexibility between the thioredoxin and helical domains that may be an important feature for the disulfide transfer reaction. A hinge point for domain motion is identified-the typo IV beta-turn Phe 63-Met 64-Gly 65-Gly 66, which connects the two domains. Three unique features on the active site surface of the DsbA molecule-a groove, hydrophobic pocket, and hydrophobic patch-form an extensive uncharged surface surrounding the active-sits disulfide. Residues that contribute to these surface features are shown to be generally conserved in eight DsbA homologues. Furthermore, the residues immediately surrounding the active-site disulfide are uncharged in all nine DsbA proteins. A model for DsbA-peptide interaction has been derived from the structure of a human thioredoxin:peptide complex. This shows that peptide could interact with DsbA in a manner similar to that with thioredoxin. The active-site disulfide and all three surrounding uncharged surface features of DsbA could, in principle, participate in the binding or stabilization of peptide.
Ovaries (n = 140) from 70 mixed-age multiparous, lactating Brahman cross (3/4-7/8 Bos indicus) cows were used to examine the hypothesis that counts of follicles visible on the surface of the ovaries of Bos indicus cows and their classification into diameter size classes, are closely correlated with numbers of follicles in those size classes found by complete dissection of the ovary. immediately after ovariectomy, mean diameters (long and short axes averaged) of all follicles greater than or equal to 2 mm visible on the surface of each ovary were measured. All follicles greater than or equal to 2 mm were dissected from the ovaries, excess stroma removed and follicle diameters measured under a stereomicroscope using an ocular graticule. For each ovary, follicles were classified in either small (8 mm) categories based on either diameters of surface or dissected follicles. Data for numbers of surface and dissected follicles (mean +/- SE) in small, medium, large categories and total follicle numbers, respectively, were 24.4 +/- 1.6 vs. 28.0 +/- 1.9, 1.6 +/- + 0.2 vs. 11.6 +/- 1.0, 0.5 +/- 0.1 vs. 0.7 +/- 0.1 and 26.4 +/- 1.6 vs. 40.4 +/- 2.5. Correlation coefficients (r) for counts of surface and dissected follicles in small, medium, large and total follicle numbers were 0.76, 0.40, 0.69 and 0.79, respectively. Medium size follicles presented only a small translucent area on the surface of the ovary, leading to an underestimate of numbers when categorised by surface evaluation. Counts of follicles visible on the surface of the ovaries of Bos indicus cows and their classification into size classes based on estimated diameter, are closely correlated with numbers of follicles in those size classes found at dissection of the ovary for small (8 mm) and total follicles but not for medium sized (4-8 mm) follicles. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
This study provides an investigation of the availability of octyl salicylate (OS), a common sunscreen agent, from liquid paraffin and the effect of OS on skin permeability. A model membrane system to isolate the vehicle effect from membrane permeability has been developed. Partitioning of OS between liquid paraffin and aqueous receptor phases was conducted. Partition coefficients increased with increase in OS concentration. A range of OS concentrations in liquid paraffin was diffused across human epidermis and synthetic membranes into 4% bovine serum albumin in phosphate-buffered saline and 50% ethanol. Absorption profiles of OS obtained from silicone and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) membranes were similar to each other but higher than for the high-density polyethylene [HDPE (3 times)] membrane and human epidermis (15 times). The steady state fluxes and apparent permeability coefficients (K-p') obtained from the diffusion studies showed the same trends with all membranes, except for the HDPE membrane which showed greater increase in flux and K-p' at concentrations above 30%. IR spectra showed that several bands of OS were shifted with concentrations, and the molecular models further suggested that the main contribution to the self-association is from non-1,4 van der Waals interactions.
A comprehensive study was conducted on mesoporous MCM-41. Spectroscopic examinations demonstrated that three types of silanol groups, i.e., single, (SiO)(3)Si-OH, hydrogen-bonded, (SiO)(3)Si-OH-OH-Si(SiO)(3), and geminal, (SiO)(2)Si(OH)(2), can be observed. The number of silanol groups/nm(2), alpha(OH), as determined by NMR, varies between 2.5 and 3.0 depending on the template-removal methods. All these silanol groups were found to be the active sites for adsorption of pyridine with desorption energies of 91.4 and 52.2 kJ mol(-1), respectively. However, only free silanol groups (involving single and geminal silanols) are highly accessible to the silylating agent, chlorotrimethylsilane. Silylation can modify both the physical and chemical properties of MCM-41.
Cell-surface proteoglycans have been known to be involved in many functions including interactions with components of the extracellular microenvironment, and act as co-receptors which bind and modify the action of various growth factors and cytokines. The purpose of this study was to determine the regulation by growth factors and cytokines on cell-surface proteoglycan gene expression in cultured human periodontal ligament (PDL) cells. Subconfluent, quiescent PDL cells were treated with various concentrations of serum, bFGF, PDGF-BB, TGF-beta1, IL-1 beta, and IFN-gamma. RT-PCR technique was used, complemented with Northern blot for syndecan-1, to examine the effects of these agents on the mRNA expression of five cell-surface proteoglycans (syndecan-1, syndecan-2, syndecan-4, glypican and betaglycan). Syndecan-1 mRNA levels increased in response to serum, bFGF and PDGF-BB, but decreased in response to TGF-beta1, IL-1 beta and IFN-gamma. In contrast, syndecan-2 mRNA levels were upregulated by TCF-beta1 and IL-1 beta stimulation, but remained unchanged with the other agents. Betaglycan gene expression decreased in response to serum, but was upregulated by TCF-beta1 and unchanged by the other stimulants. Additionally, syndecan-4 and glypican were not significantly altered in response to the regulator molecules studied, with the exception that glypican is decreased in response to IFN-gamma. These data demonstrate that the gene expression of the five cell-surface proteoglycans studied is differentially regulated in PDL cells lending support to the nation of distinct functions for these cell-surface proteoglycans. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, inc.
Cell-surface proteoglycans are involved in lymphocyte migration and activation. This study investigated the expression of syndecan-1, syndecan-4, and glypican in peripheral blood lymphocytes and by lymphocytes in variously inflamed periodontal tissues. Gingival specimens from healthy, gingivitis, or chronic periodontitis sites were stained by means of antibodies against B- and T-lymphocytes and also syndecan-1, syndecan-4, and glypican. Syndecan-1 expression by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from healthy, gingivitis, and chronic periodontitis subjects was assessed by flow cytometry. Syndecan-1 was expressed by B-cells/plasma cells but not T-cells in both gingivitis and chronic periodontitis lesions, Both B-cells/plasma cells and T-cells in gingivitis and chronic periodontitis expressed syndecan-4. Glypican was expressed only by macrophages. Stimulation of PBMC with mitogens and growth factors modulated syndecan-1 expression in both the T- and B-cells. Thus, cell-surface proteoglycan expression by lymphocytes in periodontal inflammation is cell-type-specific and may be modulated by inflammation.