108 resultados para Quadrature Coils
We report the experimental demonstration of quantum teleportation of the quadrature amplitudes of a light field. Our experiment was stably locked for long periods, and was analyzed in terms of fidelity F and with signal transfer T-q=T++T- and noise correlation V-q=Vinparallel to out+Vinparallel to out-. We observed an optimum fidelity of 0.64+/-0.02, T-q=1.06+/-0.02, and V-q=0.96+/-0.10. We discuss the significance of both T-q>1 and V-q
Results of experiments recently performed are reported, in which two optical parametric amplifiers were set up to generate two independently quadrature squeezed continuous wave laser beams. The transformation of quadrature squeezed states into polarization squeezed states and into states with spatial quantum correlations is demonstrated. By utilizing two squeezed laser beams, a polarization squeezed state exhibiting three simultaneously squeezed Stokes operator variances was generated. Continuous variable polarization entanglement was generated and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox was observed. A pair of Stokes operators satisfied both the inseparability criterion and the conditional variance criterion. Values of 0.49 and 0.77, respectively, were observed, with entanglement requiring values below unity. The inseparability measure of the observed quadrature entanglement was 0.44. This value is sufficient for a demonstration of quantum teleportation, which is the next experimental goal of the authors.
We generate and characterize continuous variable polarization entanglement between two optical beams. We first produce quadrature entanglement, and by performing local operations we transform it into a polarization basis. We extend two entanglement criteria, the inseparability criteria proposed by Duan et al (2000 Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 2722) and the Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen (EPR) paradox criteria proposed by Reid and Drummond (1988 Phys. Rev. Lett. 60 2731), to Stokes operators; and use them to characterize the entanglement. Our results for the EPR paradox criteria are visualized in terms of uncertainty balls on the Poincaré sphere. We demonstrate theoretically that using two quadrature entangled pairs it is possible to entangle three orthogonal Stokes operators between a pair of beams, although with a bound √3 times more stringent than for the quadrature entanglement.
This paper investigates the nonlinear vibration of imperfect shear deformable laminated rectangular plates comprising a homogeneous substrate and two layers of functionally graded materials (FGMs). A theoretical formulation based on Reddy's higher-order shear deformation plate theory is presented in terms of deflection, mid-plane rotations, and the stress function. A semi-analytical method, which makes use of the one-dimensional differential quadrature method, the Galerkin technique, and an iteration process, is used to obtain the vibration frequencies for plates with various boundary conditions. Material properties are assumed to be temperature-dependent. Special attention is given to the effects of sine type imperfection, localized imperfection, and global imperfection on linear and nonlinear vibration behavior. Numerical results are presented in both dimensionless tabular and graphical forms for laminated plates with graded silicon nitride/stainless steel layers. It is shown that the vibration frequencies are very much dependent on the vibration amplitude and the imperfection mode and its magnitude. While most of the imperfect laminated plates show the well-known hard-spring vibration, those with free edges can display soft-spring vibration behavior at certain imperfection levels. The influences of material composition, temperature-dependence of material properties and side-to-thickness ratio are also discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper investigates the non-linear bending behaviour of functionally graded plates that are bonded with piezoelectric actuator layers and subjected to transverse loads and a temperature gradient based on Reddy's higher-order shear deformation plate theory. The von Karman-type geometric non-linearity, piezoelectric and thermal effects are included in mathematical formulations. The temperature change is due to a steady-state heat conduction through the plate thickness. The material properties are assumed to be graded in the thickness direction according to a power-law distribution in terms of the volume fractions of the constituents. The plate is clamped at two opposite edges, while the remaining edges can be free, simply supported or clamped. Differential quadrature approximation in the X-axis is employed to convert the partial differential governing equations and the associated boundary conditions into a set of ordinary differential equations. By choosing the appropriate functions as the displacement and stress functions on each nodal line and then applying the Galerkin procedure, a system of non-linear algebraic equations is obtained, from which the non-linear bending response of the plate is determined through a Picard iteration scheme. Numerical results for zirconia/aluminium rectangular plates are given in dimensionless graphical form. The effects of the applied actuator voltage, the volume fraction exponent, the temperature gradient, as well as the characteristics of the boundary conditions are also studied in detail. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
Recently, a 3D phantom that can provide a comprehensive and accurate measurement of the geometric distortion in MRI has been developed. Using this phantom, a full assessment of the geometric distortion in a number of clinical MRI systems (GE and Siemens) has been carried out and detailed results are presented in this paper. As expected, the main source of geometric distortion in modern superconducting MRI systems arises from the gradient field nonlinearity. Significantly large distortions with maximum absolute geometric errors ranged between 10 and 25 mm within a volume of 240 x 240 x 240 mm(3) were observed when imaging with the new generation of gradient systems that employs shorter coils. By comparison, the geometric distortion was much less in the older-generation gradient systems. With the vendor's correction method, the geometric distortion measured was significantly reduced but only within the plane in which these 2D correction methods were applied. Distortion along the axis normal to the plane was, as expected, virtually unchanged. Two-dimensional correction methods are a convenient approach and in principle they are the only methods that can be applied to correct geometric distortion in a single slice or in multiple noncontiguous slices. However, these methods only provide an incomplete solution to the problem and their value can be significantly reduced if the distortion along the normal of the correction plane is not small. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) thermal model has been developed to compute the temperature elevation in the Sprague Dawley rat due to electromagnetic energy deposition in high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The field strengths examined ranged from 11.75-23.5 T (corresponding to H-1 resonances of 0.5-1 GHz) and an N-stub birdcage resonator was used to both transmit radio-frequency energy and receive the MRI signals. With an in-plane resolution of 1.95 mm, the inhomogeneous rat phantom forms a segmented model of 12 different tissue types, each having its electrical and thermal parameters assigned. The steady-state temperature distribution was calculated using a Pennes 'bioheat' approach. The numerical algorithm used to calculate the induced temperature distribution has been successfully validated against analytical solutions in the form of simplified spherical models with electrical and thermal properties of rat muscle. As well as assisting with the design of MRI experiments and apparatus, the numerical procedures developed in this study could help in future research and design of tumour-treating hyperthermia applicators to be used on rats in vivo.
We present an experimental analysis of quadrature entanglement produced from a pair of amplitude squeezed beams. The correlation matrix of the state is characterized within a set of reasonable assumptions, and the strength of the entanglement is gauged using measures of the degree of inseparability and the degree of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox. We introduce controlled decoherence in the form of optical loss to the entangled state, and demonstrate qualitative differences in the response of the degrees of inseparability and EPR paradox to this loss. The entanglement is represented on a photon number diagram that provides an intuitive and physically relevant description of the state. We calculate efficacy contours for several quantum information protocols on this diagram, and use them to predict the effectiveness of our entanglement in those protocols.
We derive optimal cloning limits for finite Gaussian distributions of coherent states and describe techniques for achieving them. We discuss the relation of these limits to state estimation and the no-cloning limit in teleportation. A qualitatively different cloning limit is derived for a single-quadrature Gaussian quantum cloner.
We analyse the relation between local two-atom and total multi-atom entanglements in the Dicke system composed of a large number of atoms. We use concurrence as a measure of entanglement between two atoms in the multi-atom system, and the spin squeezing parameter as a measure of entanglement in the whole n-atom system. In addition, the influence of the squeezing phase and bandwidth on entanglement in the steady-state Dicke system is discussed. It is shown that the introduction of a squeezed field leads to a significant enhancement of entanglement between two atoms, and the entanglement increases with increasing degree of squeezing and bandwidth of the incident squeezed field. In the presence of a coherent field the entanglement exhibits a strong dependence on the relative phase between the squeezed and coherent fields, that can jump quite rapidly from unentangled to strongly entangled values when the phase changes from zero to pi. We find that the jump of the degree of entanglement is due to a flip of the spin squeezing from one quadrature component of the atomic spin to the other component when the phase changes from zero to pi. We also analyse the dependence of the entanglement on the number of atoms and find that, despite the reduction in the degree of entanglement between two atoms, a large entanglement is present in the whole n-atom system and the degree of entanglement increases as the number of atoms increases.
We propose a new coherent state quantum key distribution protocol that eliminates the need to randomly switch between measurement bases. This protocol provides significantly higher secret key rates with increased bandwidths than previous schemes that only make single quadrature measurements. It also offers the further advantage of simplicity compared to all previous protocols which, to date, have relied on switching.
Recent experimental measurements of atomic intensity correlations through atom shot noise suggest that atomic quadrature phase correlations may soon be measured with a similar precision. We propose a test of local realism with mesoscopic numbers of massive particles based on such measurements. Using dissociation of a Bose-Einstein condensate of diatomic molecules into bosonic atoms, we demonstrate that strongly entangled atomic beams may be produced which possess Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) correlations in field quadratures in direct analogy to the position and momentum correlations originally considered by EPR.
We realize an end-to-end no-switching quantum key distribution protocol using continuous-wave coherent light. We encode weak broadband Gaussian modulations onto the amplitude and phase quadratures of light beams. Our no-switching protocol achieves high secret key rate via a post-selection protocol that utilizes both quadrature information simultaneously. We establish a secret key rate of 25 Mbits/s for a lossless channel and 1 kbit/s for 90% channel loss, per 17 MHz of detected bandwidth, assuming individual Gaussian eavesdropping attacks. Since our scheme is truly broadband, it can potentially deliver orders of magnitude higher key rates by extending the encoding bandwidth with higher-end telecommunication technology.
Solutions employing perturbation stiffness or viscous hourglass control with one-point quadrature finite elements often exhibit spurious modes in the intermediate frequency range. These spurious frequencies are demonstrated in several examples and their origin is explained. Then it is shown that by critically damping the hourglass modes, these spurious mid-range frequency modes can be suppressed. Estimates of the hourglass frequency and damping coefficients are provided for the plane 4-node quadrilateral and a 4-node shell element. Results are presented that show almost complete annihilation of spurious intermediate frequency modes for both linear and non-linear problems. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
We show that two evanescently coupled χ((2)) parametric down-converters inside a Fabry-Perot cavity provide a tunable source of quadrature squeezed light, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) correlations and quantum entanglement. Analyzing the operation in the below threshold regime, we show how these properties can be controlled by adjusting the coupling strengths and the cavity detunings. As this can be implemented with integrated optics, it provides a possible route to rugged and stable EPR sources.