203 resultados para Measurements models


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In primates, the observation of meaningful, goaldirected actions engages a network of cortical areas located within the premotor and inferior parietal lobules. Current models suggest that activity within these regions arises relatively automatically during passive action observation without the need for topdown control. Here we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to determine whether cortical activit)' associated with action observation is modulated by the strategic allocation of selective attention. Normal observers viewed movie clips of reach-to-grasp actions while performing an easy or difficult visual discrimination at the fovea. A wholebrain analysis was performed to determine the effects of attentional load on neural responses to observed hand actions. Our results suggest that cortical areas involved in action observation are significantiy modulated by attentional load. These findings have important implications for recent attempts to link the human action-observation system to response properties of "mirror neurons" in monkeys.


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We construct the Drinfeld twists ( factorizing F-matrices) of the gl(m-n)-invariant fermion model. Completely symmetric representation of the pseudo-particle creation operators of the model are obtained in the basis provided by the F-matrix ( the F-basis). We resolve the hierarchy of the nested Bethe vectors in the F-basis for the gl(m-n) supersymmetric model.


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Few prospective data from the Asia Pacific region are available relating body mass index to the risk of diabetes. Our objective was to provide reliable age, sex and region specific estimates of the associations between body mass index and diabetes. Twenty-seven cohort studies from Asia, New Zealand and Australia, including 154,989 participants, contributed 1,244,793 person-years of follow-up. Outcome data included a combination of incidence of diabetes (based on blood glucose measurements) and fatal diabetes events. Hazard ratios were calculated from Cox models, stratified by sex and cohort, and adjusted for age at risk and smoking. During follow-up (mean = 8 years), 75 fatal diabetes events and 242 new cases of diabetes were documented. There were continuous positive associations between baseline body mass index and risk of diabetes with each 2 kg/m(2) lower body mass index associated with a 27% (23-30%) lower risk of diabetes. The associations were stronger in younger age groups, and regional comparisons demonstrated slightly stronger associations in Asian than in Australasian cohorts (P = 0.04). This overview provides evidence of a strong continuous association between body mass index and diabetes in the Asia Pacific region. The results indicate considerable potential for reduction in incidence of diabetes with population-wide lowering of body mass index in this region.


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Nanocomposite materials have received considerable attention in recent years due to their novel properties. Grain boundaries are considered to play an important role in nanostructured materials. This work focuses on the finite element analysis of the effect of grain boundaries on the overall mechanical properties of aluminium/alumina composites. A grain boundary is incorporated into the commonly used unit cell model to investigate its effect on material properties. By combining the unit cell model with an indentation model, coupled with experimental indentation measurements, the ''effective'' plastic property of the grain boundary is estimated. In addition, the strengthening mechanism is also discussed based on the Estrin-Mecking model.


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An important consideration in the development of mathematical models for dynamic simulation, is the identification of the appropriate mathematical structure. By building models with an efficient structure which is devoid of redundancy, it is possible to create simple, accurate and functional models. This leads not only to efficient simulation, but to a deeper understanding of the important dynamic relationships within the process. In this paper, a method is proposed for systematic model development for startup and shutdown simulation which is based on the identification of the essential process structure. The key tool in this analysis is the method of nonlinear perturbations for structural identification and model reduction. Starting from a detailed mathematical process description both singular and regular structural perturbations are detected. These techniques are then used to give insight into the system structure and where appropriate to eliminate superfluous model equations or reduce them to other forms. This process retains the ability to interpret the reduced order model in terms of the physico-chemical phenomena. Using this model reduction technique it is possible to attribute observable dynamics to particular unit operations within the process. This relationship then highlights the unit operations which must be accurately modelled in order to develop a robust plant model. The technique generates detailed insight into the dynamic structure of the models providing a basis for system re-design and dynamic analysis. The technique is illustrated on the modelling for an evaporator startup. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd


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In this second paper, the three structural measures which have been developed are used in the modelling of a three stage centrifugal synthesis gas compressor. The goal of this case study is to determine the essential mathematical structure which must be incorporated into the compressor model to accurately model the shutdown of this system. A simple, accurate and functional model of the system is created via three structural measures. It was found that the model can be correctly reduced into its basic modes and that the order of the differential system can be reduced from 51(st) to 20(th). Of the 31 differential equational 21 reduce to algebraic relations, 8 become constants and 2 can be deleted thereby increasing the algebraic set from 70 to 91 equations. An interpretation is also obtained as to which physical phenomena are dominating the dynamics of the compressor add whether the compressor will enter surge during the shutdown. Comparisons of the reduced model performance against the full model are given, showing the accuracy and applicability of the approach. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd


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We consider the case of two cavity modes of the electromagnetic field, which are coupled via the action of a parametric amplifier. The fields are allowed to leak from the cavity and homodyne measurement is performed on one of the modes. Because of the correlations between the modes, this leads to a reduction of the variance in a quadrature of the other mode, although no measurement is performed on it directly. We discuss how this relates to the Einstein-Podolky-Rosen Gedankenexperiment.


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The dynamic response of dry masonry columns can be approximated with finite-difference equations. Continuum models follow by replacing the difference quotients of the discrete model by corresponding differential expressions. The mathematically simplest of these models is a one-dimensional Cosserat theory. Within the presented homogenization context, the Cosserat theory is obtained by making ad hoc assumptions regarding the relative importance of certain terms in the differential expansions. The quality of approximation of the various theories is tested by comparison of the dispersion relations for bending waves with the dispersion relation of the discrete theory. All theories coincide with differences of less than 1% for wave-length-block-height (L/h) ratios bigger than 2 pi. The theory based on systematic differential approximation remains accurate up to L/h = 3 and then diverges rapidly. The Cosserat model becomes increasingly inaccurate for L/h < 2 pi. However, in contrast to the systematic approximation, the wave speed remains finite. In conclusion, considering its relative simplicity, the Cosserat model appears to be the natural starting point for the development of continuum models for blocky structures.


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When linear equality constraints are invariant through time they can be incorporated into estimation by restricted least squares. If, however, the constraints are time-varying, this standard methodology cannot be applied. In this paper we show how to incorporate linear time-varying constraints into the estimation of econometric models. The method involves the augmentation of the observation equation of a state-space model prior to estimation by the Kalman filter. Numerical optimisation routines are used for the estimation. A simple example drawn from demand analysis is used to illustrate the method and its application.


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Changes in molecular motion in blends of PEO-PVPh have been studied using measurements of C-13 T-1 rho relaxation times. C-13 T-1 rho relaxation has been confirmed as arising from spin-lattice interactions by observation of the variation in T-1 rho with rf field strength and temperature. In the pure homopolymers a minimum in T-1 rho is observed at ca. 50 K above the glass transition temperatures detected by DSC. After blending, the temperature of the minimum in T-1 rho for PEO increased, while that for PVPh decreased, however, the minima, which correspond to the temperatures where the average correlation times for reorientation are close to 3.1 mu s, are separated by 45 K (in a 45% PEO-PVPh blend). These phenomena are explained in terms of the local nature of T-1 rho measurements. The motions of the individual homopolymer chains are only partially coupled in the blend. A short T-1 rho has been observed for protonated aromatic carbons, and assigned to phenyl rings undergoing large-angle oscillatory motion, The effects of blending, and temperature, on the proportion of rings undergoing oscillatory motion are analyzed.


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The spatial and temporal evolution of a depleted atomic distribution created by laser enhanced ionisation (LEI) was employed to determine both a diffusion coefficient for sodium (Na) and an electron (e(-)) and sodium ion recombination rate coefficient in an analytical air-C2H2 flame. A depleted distribution of neutral sodium atoms was produced in a flame by ionising approximately 80% of the irradiated sodium atoms in a well defined region using a two step LEI excitation scheme. Following depletion by ionisation, planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) images of the depleted region recorded the diffusion and decay of the depleted Na distribution for different depletion-probe delays. From measurements of the diffused width of the distribution, an accurate diffusion coefficient D = (1.19 +/- 0.03) x 10(-3) m(2) s(-1) for Na was determined in teh burnt gases of the flame. Measurements of the integrated fluorescence intensity in the depleted region for different depletion-probe delays were related to an increase in atomic sodium concentration caused by electron-ion recombination. At high concentrations (greater than or equal to 50 mu g ml(-1)), where the electron and ion concentrations in the depleted region were assumed equal, a recombination rate coefficient of 4.2 x 10(-9) cm(3) s(-1) was calculated. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Quantum information theory, applied to optical interferometry, yields a 1/n scaling of phase uncertainty Delta phi independent of the applied phase shift phi, where n is the number of photons in the interferometer. This 1/n scaling is achieved provided that the output state is subjected to an optimal phase measurement. We establish this scaling law for both passive (linear) and active (nonlinear) interferometers and identify the coefficient of proportionality. Whereas a highly nonclassical state is required to achieve optimal scaling for passive interferometry, a classical input state yields a 1/n scaling of phase uncertainty for active interferometry.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of various attitude-behavior theories in explaining alcohol use among young adults. The theory of reasoned action (TRA), the theory of planned behavior and an extension of the TRA that incorporates past behavior were compared by the method of maximum-likelihood estimation, as implemented in LISREL for Windows 8.12. Method: Respondents consisted of 122 university students (82 female) who were questioned about their attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, past behavior and intentions relating to drinking behavior. Students received course credit for their participation in the research. Results: Overall, the results suggest that the extension of the theory of reasoned action which incorporates past behavior provides the best fit to the data. For these young adults, their intentions to drink alcohol were predicted by their past behavior as well as their perceptions of what important others think they should do (subjective norm). Conclusions: The main conclusions drawn from the research concern the importance of focusing on normative influences and past behavior in explaining young adult alcohol use. Issues regarding the relative merit of various alternative models and the need for greater clarity in the measure of attitudes are also discussed.


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The thermally induced optical nonlinearity in a chlorophyll ethanol solution is examined. A theory is presented which shows good agreement with experiment. The theory models an optically thick but physically thin medium whose only heat transport mechanism is conduction. An average nz was found for the medium which corresponds well with previous results but the thermal medium is shown to be fundamentally different from a Kerr medium.