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The solution treatment stage of the T6 heat-treatment of Al-7%Si-Mg foundry alloys influences microstructural features such as Mg2Si dissolution, and eutectic silicon spheroidisation and coarsening. Microstructural and microanalytical studies have been conducted across a range of Sr-modified Al-7%Si alloys, with an Fe content of 0.12% and Mg contents ranging from 0.3-0.7wt%. Qualitative and quantitative metallography have shown that, in addition to the above changes, solution treatment also results in changes to the relative proportions of iron-containing intermetallic particles and that these changes are composition-dependent. While solution treatment causes a substantial transformation of pi phase to beta phase in low Mg alloys (0.3-0.4%), this change is not readily apparent at higher Mg levels (0.6-0.7%). The pi to beta transformation is accompanied by a release of Mg into the aluminum matrix over and above that which arises from the rapid dissolution of Mg2Si. Since the level of matrix Mg retained after quenching controls an alloy's subsequent precipitation hardening response, a proper understanding of this phase transformation is crucial if tensile properties are to be maximised.
This study investigated a group support programme designed to improve self-awareness deficits and psychosocial functioning in a group of chronic patients (N = 21) with acquired brain injury (ABI). The participants were on average 8.6 years (range: 1-36 years) post-injury and were seen at the Brain Injury Association of Queensland, Australia. The assessment of participants involved two standardised measures of intellectual self-awareness with collateral reports from relatives. The present study introduced a new measure called the Self-Regulation Skills Interview (SRSI) which assessed higher levels of self awareness and self-regulation skills. Psychosocial functioning was assessed using a standardised self-report measure. At baseline the group had a relatively high level of intellectual self-awareness regarding their deficits, a low to moderate level of self-regulation skills, and significant psychosocial impairment. The participants were involved in a 16-week group programme which involved components of cognitive rehabilitation, cognitive-behavioural therapy, and social skills training. A post-intervention assessment indicated that participants had significantly improved levels of self-regulation skills and psychosocial functioning. A 6-month follow-up assessment indicated that overall, participants had maintained the gains made during the programme. The important role of self-regulation skills is emphasised as the principle factor contributing to the maintenance of the gains observed.
Visual system abnormalities are commonly encountered in the fetal alcohol syndrome although the level of exposure at which they become manifest is uncertain. In this study we have examined the effects of either low (ETLD) or high dose (ETHD) ethanol, given between postnatal days 4-9, on the axons of the rat optic nerve. Rats were exposed to ethanol vapour in a special chamber for a period of 3 h per day during the treatment period. The blood alcohol concentration in the ETLD animals averaged similar to 171 mg/dl and in the ETHD animals similar to 430 mg/dl at the end of the treatment on any given day. Groups of 10 and 30-d-old mother-reared control (MRC), separation control (SC), ETLD and ETHD rats were anaesthetised with an intraperitoneal injection or ketamine and xylazine, and killed by intracardiac perfusion with phosphate-buffered glutaraldehyde. In the 10-d-old rat optic nerves there was a total of similar to 145000-165000 axons in MRC, SC and ETLD animals. About 4 % of these fibres were myelinated. The differences between these groups were not statistically significant. However, the 10-d-old ETHD animals had only about 75000 optic nerve axone (P < 0.05) of which about 2.8 % were myelinated. By 30 d of age there was a total of between 75000 90000 optic nerve axons, irrespective of the group examined. The proportion of axons which were myelinated at this age was still significantly lower (P < 0.001) in the ETHD animals (similar to 77 %) than in the other groups (about 98 %). It is concluded that the normal stages of development and maturation of the rat optic nerve axons, as assessed in this study, can be severely compromised by exposure to a relatively high (but not low) dose of ethanol between postnatal d 4 and 9.
Objective: To evaluate the impact of increasing the minimum resupply period for prescriptions on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) in November 1994. The intervention was designed to reduce the stockpiling of medicines used for chronic medical conditions under the PBS safety net. Methods: Interrupted times series regression analyses were performed on 114 months of PBS drug utilisation data from January 1991 to June 2000. These analyses assessed whether there had been a significant interaction between the onset of the intervention in November 1994 and the extreme levels of drug utilisation in the months of December (peak utilisation) and January (lowest utilisation) respectively. Both serial and 12-month lag autocorrelations were controlled for. Results: The onset of the intervention was associated with a significant reduction in the December peak in drug utilisation; after the introduction of the policy there were 1,150,196 fewer proscriptions on average or that month (95% Cl 708,333-1,592,059). There was, however, no significant change in the low level of utilisation in January. The effect of the policy appears to be decreasing across successive postintervention years. though the odds of a prescription being dispensed in December remained significantly lower in 1999 compared to each of the pre-intervention years (11% vs. 14%) Conclusion: Analysis of the impact of increasing the re-supply period for PBS prescriptions showed that the magnitude of peak utilisation in December had been markedly reduced by the policy, though this effect appears to be decreasing over time. Continued monitoring and policy review is warranted in order to ensure that the initial effect of the intervention be maintained.
Background: Between 1998 and 1999, a burden of disease assessment was carried out in Victoria, Australia applying and improving on the methods of the Global Burden of Disease Study. This paper describes the methods and results of the calculations of the burden due to 22 mental disorders, adding 14 conditions not included in previous burden of disease estimates, Methods: The National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing provided recent data on the occurrence of the major adult mental disorders in Australia. Data from international studies and expert advice further contributed to the construction of disease models, describing each condition in terms of incidence, average duration and level of severity, with adjustments for comorbidity with other mental disorders. Disability weights for the time spent in different states of mental ill health were borrowed mainly from a study in the Netherlands, supplemented by weights derived in a local extrapolation exercise. Results: Mental disorders were the third largest group of conditions contributing to the burden of disease in Victoria, ranking behind cancers and cardiovascular diseases. Depression was the greatest cause of disability in both men and women. Eight other mental disorders in men and seven in women ranked among the top twenty causes of disability. Conclusions: Insufficient information on the natural history of many of the mental disorders, the limited information on the validity of mental disorder diagnoses in community surveys and considerable differences between ICD-10 and DSM-IV defined diagnoses were the main concerns about the accuracy of the estimates. Similar and often greater concerns have been raised in relation to the estimation of the burden from common non-fatal physical conditions such as asthma, diabetes and osteoarthritis. In comparison, psychiatric epidemiology can boast greater scientific rigour in setting standards for population surveys.
Most Western countries have, for some time, provided income support and/or taxation relief to parents with children in their care. The significant amount of research into the costs of children to couple and sole parent households has been important in assessing and developing family support policies. Changing societal expectations about the level of involvement of fathers in child rearing activities has highlighted the need to understand the costs facing usually male non-resident parents in having contact with their children. The budget standards methodology is used in this paper to estimate the costs for non-resident parents exercising regular contact with their children. Costs of contact are found to be high. For contact with one child for 20 per cent of the year, costs of contact represent about 40 per cent of the costs of that same child in an intact couple household with a medium income and more than half of the costs of that child in a household with low income. Household infrastructure and transportation is the reason for high costs. One implication of this finding is that the total cost of children substantially increases when parents separate. The article discusses some policy implications of these findings. This research is of relevance to social security, taxation, family law and child support policies and administration.
Heterogeneous copper catalyst was developed using the mesoporous molecular sieve MCM-41 as the catalyst support. Copper was impregnated onto the support. Catalysts with different copper loadings were obtained. The performance of the developed catalysts was evaluated in photochemically enhanced oxidation of phenol using hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant. The catalyst was found to significantly increase the oxidation rate and enhance the removal level of phenol with UV light present. The effects of copper loading on the catalyst, photo (UV), H2O2 concentration, and catalyst dosage on the photo-oxidation of phenol were studied. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
In previous studies we have shown that the sensitivity of melanoma cell lines to tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL)induced apoptosis was determined largely by the level of expression of death receptor TRAIL receptor 2 on the cells. However, approximately one-third of melanoma cell lines were resistant to TRAIL, despite expression of high levels of TRAIL receptor 2. The present studies show that these cell lines had similar levels of TRAIL-induced activated caspase-3 as the TRAIL-sensitive lines, but the activated caspase-3 did not degrade substrates downstream of caspase-3 [inhibitor of caspase-activated DNase and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase]. This appeared to be due to inhibition of caspase-3 by X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP) because XIAP was bound to activated caspase-3, and transfection of XIAP into TRAIL-sensitive cell lines resulted in similar inhibition of TRAIL-induced apoptosis. Conversely, reduction of XIAP levels by overexpression of Smac/ DIABLO in the TRAIL-resistant melanoma cells was associated with the appearance of catalytic activity by caspase-3 and increased TRAIL-induced apoptosis. TRAIL was shown to cause release of Smac/DIABLO from mitochondria, but this release was greater in TRAIL-sensitive cell lines than in TRAIL-resistant cell lines and was associated with downregulation of XIAP levels. Furthermore, inhibition of Smac/DIABLO release by overexpression of Bcl-2 inhibited down-regulation of XIAP levels. These results suggest that Smac/DIABLO release from mitochondria and its binding to XIAP are an alternative pathway by which TRAIL induces apoptosis of melanoma, and this pathway is dependent on the release of activated caspase-3 from inhibition by XIAP and possibly other inhibitor of apoptosis family members.
Background. We report on the epidemiology of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the Australian community, including information on lifetime exposure to trauma, 12-month prevalence of PTSD, sociodemographic correlates and co-morbidity. Methods. Data were obtained from a stratified sample of 10641 participants as part of the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Well-being. A modified version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview was used to determine the presence of PTSD, as well as other DSM-IV anxiety, affective and substance use disorders. Results. The estimated 12-month prevalence of PTSD was 1.33%, which is considerably lower than that found in comparable North American studies. Although females were at greater risk than males within the subsample of those who had experienced trauma, the large gender differences noted in some recent epidemiological research were not replicated. Prevalence was elevated among the never married and previously married respondents, and was lower among those aged over 55. For both men and women, rape and sexual molestation were the traumatic events most likely to be associated with PTSD. A high level of Axis I co-morbidity was found among those persons with PTSD Conclusions. PTSD is a highly prevalent disorder in the Australian community and is routinely associated with high rates of anxiety, depression and substance disorders. Future research is needed to investigate rates among other populations outside the North American continent.
Studies of functional brain imaging in humans and single cell recordings in monkeys have generally shown preferential involvement of the medially located supplementary motor area (SMA) in self-initiated movement and the lateral premotor cortex in externally cued movement. Studies of event-related cortical potentials recorded during movement preparation, however, generally show increased cortical activity prior to self-initiated movements but little activity at early stages prior to movements that are externally cued at unpredictable times. In this study, the spatial location and relative timing of activation for self-initiated and externally triggered movements were examined using rapid event-related functional MRI. Twelve healthy right-handed subjects were imaged while performing a brief finger sequence movement (three rapid alternating button presses: index-middle-index finger) made either in response to an unpredictably timed auditory cue (between 8 to 24 s after the previous movement) or at self-paced irregular intervals. Both movement conditions involved similar strong activation of medial motor areas including the pre-SMA, SMA proper, and rostral cingulate cortex, as well as activation within contralateral primary motor, superior parietal, and insula cortex. Activation within the basal ganglia was found for self-initiated movements only, while externally triggered movements involved additional bilateral activation of primary auditory cortex. Although the level of SMA and cingulate cortex activation did not differ significantly between movement conditions, the timing of the hemodynamic response within the pre-SMA was significantly earlier for self-initiated compared with externally triggered movements. This clearly reflects involvement of the pre-SMA in early processes associated with the preparation for voluntary movement. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science.
Background and Purpose-Few reliable estimates of the long-term functional outcome after stroke are available. This population-based study aimed to describe disability, dependency, and related independent prognostic factors at 5 years after,a first-ever stroke in patients in Perth, Western Australia. Methods-All individuals with a suspected acute stroke who were resident in a geographically defined region (population, 138 708) of Perth, Western Australia, were registered prospectively and assessed according to standardized diagnostic criteria over a period of 18 months in 1989 to 1990. Patients were followed up prospectively at 4 and 12 months and 5 years after the index event. Results-There were 370 cases of first-ever stroke, and 277 patients survived to 30 days. Of these early survivors, 152 (55%) were alive at 5 years, and among those who were neither institutionalized (n=146) nor disabled (n=129) at the time of their stroke, 21 (14%) were institutionalized in a nursing home, and 47 (36%) were disabled. The most important predictors of death or disability at 5 years were increasing age, baseline disability defined by a Barthel Index score of <20/20 (odds ratio [OR], 6.3; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.7 to 14), moderate hemiparesis (OR, 2.7. 95% CI, 1.1 to 6.2), severe hemiparesis (OR, 4.5; 95% CI, 1.1 to 19), and recurrent stroke (OR, 9.4; 95% CI, 3.0 to 30). A low level of activity before the stroke was a significant predictor of institutionalization, and subsequent recurrent stroke was a consistent, independent predictor of institutionalization, disability, and death or institutionalization, increasing the odds of each of these 3 adverse outcomes by 5- to 15-fold. Conclusions-Among 30-day survivors of first-ever stroke, about half survive 5 years; of survivors, one third remain disabled, and I in 7 are in permanent institutional care. The major modifiable predictors of poor long-term outcome are a low level of activity before the stroke and subsequent recurrent stroke. Efforts to increase physical activity among the elderly and to prevent recurrent stroke in survivors of a first stroke are likely to reduce the long-term burden of cerebrovascular disease.
Aberrant dendritic cell (DC) development and function may contribute to autoimmune disease susceptibility. To address this hypothesis at the level of myeloid lineage-derived DC we compared the development of DC from bone marrow progenitors in vitro and DC populations in vivo in autoimmune diabetes-prone nonbese diabetic (NOD) mice, recombinant congenic nonbese diabetes-resistant (NOR) mice, and unrelated BALB/c and C57BL/6 (BL/6) mice. In GM-CSF/IL-4-supplemented bone marrow cultures, DC developed in significantly greater numbers from NOD than from NOR, BALB/c, and BL/6 mice. Likewise, DC developed in greater numbers from sorted (lineage(-)IL-7Ralpha(-)SCA-1(-)c-kit(+)) NOD myeloid progenitors in either GM-CSF/IL-4 or GM-CSF/stem cell factor (SCF)/TNF-alpha. [H-3]TdR incorporation indicated that the increased generation of NOD DC was due to higher levels of myeloid progenitor proliferation. Generation of DC with the early-acting hematopoietic growth factor, flt3 ligand, revealed that while the increased DC-generative capacity of myeloid-committed progenitors was restricted to NOD cells, early lineage-uncommitted progenitors from both NOD and NOR had increased DC-gencrative capacity relative to BALB/c and BL/6. Consistent with these findings, NOD and NOR mice had increased numbers of DC in blood and thymus and NOD had an increased proportion of the putative myeloid DC (CD11c(+)CD11b(+)) subset within spleen. These findings demonstrate that diabetes-prone NOD mice exhibit a myeloid lineage-specific increase in DC generative capacity relative to diabetes-resistant recombinant congenic NOR mice. We propose that an imbalance favoring development of DC from myeloid-committed progenitors predisposes to autoimmune disease in NOD mice.
The immunosurveillance of transformed cells by the immune system remains one of the most controversial and poorly understood areas of immunity. Gene-targeted mice have greatly aided our understanding of the key effector molecules in tumor immunity. Herein, we describe spontaneous tumor development in gene-targeted mice lacking interferon (IFN)-gamma and/or perform (pfp), or the immunoregulatory cytokines, interleukin (IL)-12, IL-18, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). Both IFN-gamma and pfp were critical for suppression of lymphomagenesis, however the level of protection afforded by IFN-gamma was strain specific. Lymphomas arising in IFN-gamma deficient mice were very nonimmunogenic compared with those derived from pfp-deficient mice, suggesting a comparatively weaker immunoselection pressure by IFN-gamma. Single loss of IL-12, IL-18, or TNF was not sufficient for spontaneous tumor development. A significant incidence of late onset adenocarcinoma observed in both IFN-gamma- and pfp-deficient mice indicated that some epithelial tissues were also subject to immunosurveillance.
Real-time Taqman(TM) RT-PCR was used to make quantitative comparisons of the levels of PrRP mRNA expression in micropunch brain samples from rats at different stages of the oestrous cycle and in lactation. The nucleus of the solitary tract and ventrolateral reticular nuclei of the medulla oblongata contained significantly (P < 0.05) greater levels of PrRP mRNA than any hypothalamic region. Within the hypothalamus, the highest level of PrRP expression was localised to the dorsomedial aspect of the ventromedial hypothalamus. All other hypothalamic regions exhibited significantly (P < 0.05) lower levels of expression, including the rostral and caudal dorsomedial hypothalamus. Very low levels of PrRP expression were observed in the arcuate nucleus, paraventricular nucleus, medial preoptic nucleus and ventrolateral aspect of the ventromedial hypothalamus. No significant changes in PrRP expression were noted in any sampled region between proestrus, oestrus or dioestrus. Similarly, PrRP expression in hypothalamic regions did not differ between lactating and non-lactating (dioestrous) animals. During validation of RT-PCR techniques we cloned and sequenced a novel splice variant of PrRP from the hypothalamus. This variant arises from alternative splicing of the donor site within exon 2, resulting in an insert of 64 base pairs and shift in the-codon:reading frame with the introduction of an early stop codon. In the hypothalamus and brainstem, mRNA expression of the variant was restricted to regions that expressed PrRP. These results suggest that PrRP expression in the hypothalamus may be more Widespread than previously reported. However, the relatively low level of PrRP in the hypothalamus and the lack of significant changes in expression during the oestrous cycle and lactation provides further evidence that PrRP is unlikely to be involved in the regulation of prolactin, secretion. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
In experiments on isolated animal muscle, the force produced during active lengthening contractions can be up to twice the isometric force, whereas in human experiments lengthening force shows only modest, if any, increase in force. The presence of synergist and antagonist muscle activation associated with human experiments in situ may partly account for the difference between animal and human studies. Therefore, this study aimed to quantify the force-velocity relationship of the human soleus muscle and assess the likelihood that co-activation of antagonist muscles was responsible for the inhibition of torque during submaximal voluntary plantar flexor efforts. Seven subjects performed submaximal voluntary lengthening, shortening(at angular, velocities of +5, -5, +15, -15 and +30, and -30degrees s(-1)) and isometric plantar flexor efforts against an ankle torque motor. Angle-specific (90degrees) measures of plantar flexor torque plus surface and intramuscular electromyography from soleus, medial gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior were made. The level of activation (30% of maximal voluntary isometric effort) was maintained by providing direct visual feedback of the soleus electromyogram to the subject. In an attempt to isolate the contribution of soleus to the resultant plantar flexion torque, activation of the synergist and antagonist muscles were minimised by: (1) flexing the knee of the test limb, thereby minimising the activation of gastrocnemius, and (2) applying an anaesthetic block to the common peroneal nerve to eliminate activation of the primary antagonist muscle, tibialis anterior and the synergist muscles, peroneus longus and peroneus brevis. Plantar flexion torque decreased significantly (P<0.05) after blocking the common peroneal nerve which was likely due to abolishing activation of the peroneal muscles which are synergists for plantar flexion. When normalised to the corresponding isometric value, the force-velocity relationship between pre- and post-block conditions was not different. In both conditions, plantar flexion torques during shortening actions were significantly less than the isometric torque and decreased at faster velocities. During lengthening actions, however, plantar flexion torques were not significantly different from isometric regardless of angular velocity. It was concluded that the apparent inhibition of lengthening torques during voluntary activation is not due to co-activation of antagonist muscles. Results are presented as mean (SEM).