116 resultados para Law|Psychology, Psychometrics
This study uses a simulated civil trial to examine the effect of a male expert's testimony in a male-dominated industry as compared to a female expert's testimony in a traditionally female-dominated industry. ... As noted by Cooper et al., research on persuasion has reliably demonstrated that, under conditions of message complexity, people rely on heuristic cues rather than the content of the message when judging its validity. ... Similarly, Swenson, Nash, and Roos determined that a female expert witness in a child custody dispute was perceived as possessing greater expertise than a male expert, although this difference was only marginally significant. Findings from an unpublished dissertation, which investigated the influence of expert gender in a case involving child sexual abuse, also found some support, in terms of whether or not jurors reached a verdict in a specified period of time or remained hung, for the hypothesis that a female expert would be more influential than her male counterpart. ... Within each of these trial domains (construction, women's clothing), the second experimental variable was manipulated by varying the gender of the plaintiff's expert witness, with half of the participants receiving testimony from a female expert (Dr. Elizabeth Pinder) and half of the participants receiving testimony from a male expert (Dr. Michael Pinder).
Challenges posed to copyright law in the digital age is most evident in A and M Records Inc v Napster Inc - the various court rulings indicate that Napster is likely to be held responsible for massive copyright infringement should the case come to a full trial - implications for Australian copyright law, the recording industry and individual artists - globalisation may hinder the ability of the recording industry to prevent mass copyright infringement.