92 resultados para Femur mineral content
The personal computer revolution has resulted in the widespread availability of low-cost image analysis hardware. At the same time, new graphic file formats have made it possible to handle and display images at resolutions beyond the capability of the human eye. Consequently, there has been a significant research effort in recent years aimed at making use of these hardware and software technologies for flotation plant monitoring. Computer-based vision technology is now moving out of the research laboratory and into the plant to become a useful means of monitoring and controlling flotation performance at the cell level. This paper discusses the metallurgical parameters that influence surface froth appearance and examines the progress that has been made in image analysis of flotation froths. The texture spectrum and pixel tracing techniques developed at the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre are described in detail. The commercial implementation, JKFrothCam, is one of a number of froth image analysis systems now reaching maturity. In plants where it is installed, JKFrothCam has shown a number of performance benefits. Flotation runs more consistently, meeting product specifications while maintaining high recoveries. The system has also shown secondary benefits in that reagent costs have been significantly reduced as a result of improved flotation control. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
To determine the effect of slurry rheology on industrial grinding performance, 45 surveys were conducted on 16 full-scale grinding mills in five sites. Four operating variables - mill throughput, slurry density, slurry viscosity and feed fines content-were investigated. The rheology of the mill discharge slurries was measured either on-line or off-line, and the data were processed using a standard procedure to obtain a full range of flow curves. Multi-linear regression was employed as a statistical analysis tool to determine whether or not rheological effects exert an influence on industrial grinding, and to assess the influence of the four mill operating conditions on mill performance in terms of the Grinding Index, a criterion describing the overall breakage of particles across the mill. The results show that slurry rheology does influence industrial grinding. The trends of these effects on Grinding Index depend upon the rheological nature of the slurry-whether the slurries are dilatant or pseudoplastic, and whether they exhibit a high or low yield stress. The interpretation of the regression results is discussed, the observed effects are summarised, and the potential for incorporating rheological principles into process control is considered, Guidelines are established to improve industrial grinding operations based on knowledge of the rheological effects. This study confirms some trends in the effect of slurry rheology on grinding reported in the literature, and extends these to a broader understanding of the relationship between slurry properties and rheology, and their effects on industrial milling performance. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Ten surveys of the ball milling circuit at the Mt Isa Mines (MIM) Copper Concentrator were conducted aiming to identify any changes in slurry theology caused by the use of chrome balls charge, and the associated effect on grinding performance. Slurry theology was measured using an on-line viscometer. The data were mass balanced and analysed with statistical tools. Comparison of the rheogram demonstrated that slurry density and fines content affected slurry rheology significantly, while the effect of the chrome ball charge being negligible. Statistical analysis showed the effects of mill throughput and cyclone efficiency on the Grinding Index (a term describing the overall breakage). There was no difference in the Grinding Index between using the chrome ball charge and the ordinary steel ball charge. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The disposition kinetics of six cationic drugs in perfused diseased and normal rat livers were determined by multiple indicator dilution and related to the drug physicochemical properties and liver histopathology. A carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)induced acute hepatocellular injury model had a higher fibrosis index (FI), determined by computer-assisted image analysis, than did an alcohol-induced chronic hepatocellular injury model. The alcohol-treated group had the highest hepatic alpha(1)- acid glycoprotein, microsomal protein (MP), and cytochrome P450 (P450) concentrations. Various pharmacokinetic parameters could be related to the octanol-water partition coefficient (log P-app) of the drug as a surrogate for plasma membrane partition coefficient and affinity for MP or P450, the dependence being lower in the CCl4-treated group and higher in the alcohol-treated group relative to controls. Stepwise regression analysis showed that hepatic extraction ratio, permeability-surface area product, tissue-binding constant, intrinsic clearance, partition ratio of influx (k(in)) and efflux rate constant (k(out)), and k(in)/k(out) were related to physicochemical properties of drug (log P-app or pK(a)) and liver histopathology (FI, MP, or P450). In addition, hepatocyte organelle ion trapping of cationic drugs was evident in all groups. It is concluded that fibrosis-inducing hepatic disease effects on cationic drug disposition in the liver may be predicted from drug properties and liver histopathology.
Mineral chemistry, whole-rock compositions, and petrogenesis of leg 176 gabbros: Data and discussion
We report mineral chemistry, whole-rock major element compositions, and trace element analyses on Hole 735B samples drilled and selected during Leg 176. We discuss these data, together with Leg 176 shipboard data and Leg 118 sample data from the literature, in terms of primary igneous petrogenesis. Despite mineral compositional variation in a given sample, major constituent minerals in Hole 735B gabbroic rocks display good chemical equilibrium as shown by significant correlations among Mg# (= Mg/[Mg+Fe2+]) of olivine, clinopyroxene, and orthopyroxene and An (=Ca/[Ca+Na]) of plagioclase. This indicates that the mineral assemblages olivine + plagioclase in troctolite, plagioclase + clinopyroxene in gabbro, plagioclases + clinopyroxene + olivine in olivine gabbro, and plagioclase + clinopyroxene + olivine + orthopyroxene in gabbronorite, and so on, have all coprecipitated from their respective parental melts. Fe-Ti oxides (ilmenite and titanomagnetite), which are ubiquitous in most of these rocks, are not in chemical equilibrium with olivine, clinopyroxene, and plagioclase, but precipitated later at lower temperatures. Disseminated oxides in some samples may have precipitated from trapped Fe-Ti–rich melts. Oxides that concentrate along shear bands/zones may mark zones of melt coalescence/transport expelled from the cumulate sequence as a result of compaction or filter pressing. Bulk Hole 735B is of cumulate composition. The most primitive olivine, with Fo = 0.842, in Hole 735B suggests that the most primitive melt parental to Hole 735B lithologies must have Mg# ≤ 0.637, which is significantly less than Mg# = 0.714 of bulk Hole 735B.
This present study was undertaken to assess potential effects of cadmium on CYP4A11 apoprotein in human liver and kidney as detected by Western blotting using a highly specific anti-peptide antibody. Liver and kidney cortex samples were autopsy specimens of 37 individuals (26 mates and I I females) whose ages ranged from 3 to 89 years. All were Caucasians who had not been exposed to cadmium in the workplace. Reduced CYP4A11 apoprotein levels were found in chronic hepatitis samples and in liver samples showing fatty changes. In contrast, increased CYP4A11 apoprotein levels were found in liver samples having higher cadmium content compared to the lower cadmium content samples. Increased CYP4A11 levels were also found in liver samples from female donors, compared to male donors; the difference being attributable to higher female liver cadmium burden. In distinction to liver, lowered CYP4A11 levels were seen in the kidney cortex samples which have high cadmium content, It is proposed here that the difference between the absolute cadmium burden of the liver and kidney samples may be responsible for the different patterns of expression of CYP4A11 in these two tissues. Further, since cadmium exposure may be associated with derangement in blood pressure control, it is interesting to note the possible relationship between altered CYP4A11-dependent production of arachidonic acid hydroxy and epoxy metabolites in kidney cortex and altered control of blood pressure. Our findings provide a possible link between these observations. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to review the published literature values for the selenium content of Australian foods. A secondary aim was to compare the results for Australian foods with food composition data from international sources to investigate the extent of geographical variation. Published food composition data sources for the selenium content in Australian foods were identified and assessed for data quality using established criteria. The selenium content is available for 148 individual food items. The highest values found are for fish (12.0-63.2 mug/100 g), meats (4.75-37.9 mug/100 g) and eggs (9.00-41.4 mug/100 g), followed by cereals (1.00-20.3 mug/100 g). Moderate levels are seen in dairy products (2.00-7.89 mug/100 g) while most fruits and vegetables have low levels (trace-3.27 mug/100 g). High selenium foods show the greatest level of geographical variation, with foods from the United States generally having higher selenium levels than Australian foods and foods from the United Kingdom and New Zealand having lower levels. This is the first attempt to review the available literature for selenium composition of Australian foods. These data serve as an interim measure for the assessment of selenium intake for use in epidemiological studies of diet-disease relationships. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Base metal resources are becoming more fine-grained and refractory and minerals separation processes require these ores to be milled to increasingly finer sizes. To cope with very fine grinding to below a P-80 of approximately 15 mum stirred milling technology has been adopted from other industries Neither this technology, nor the basic concepts of fine grinding, are well understood by the minerals processing industry. Laboratory studies were therefore carried out in order to investigate fine milling using different types of stirred mills. The variables analysed were stirrer speed, grinding media type and size, slurry solids content as well as the feed and product size. The results of the testwork have shown that all of these variables affect the grinding efficiency. The ratio of media size to material size was found to be of particular significance. The results were also analysed using the stress intensity approach and the optimum stress intensity ranges for the most efficient grinding were determined. Application of the results for process optimisation in the industrial size units is also discussed in this paper. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Blast fragmentation can have a significant impact on the profitability of a mine. An optimum run of mine (ROM) size distribution is required to maximise the performance of downstream processes. If this fragmentation size distribution can be modelled and controlled, the operation will have made a significant advancement towards improving its performance. Blast fragmentation modelling is an important step in Mine to Mill™ optimisation. It allows the estimation of blast fragmentation distributions for a number of different rock mass, blast geometry, and explosive parameters. These distributions can then be modelled in downstream mining and milling processes to determine the optimum blast design. When a blast hole is detonated rock breakage occurs in two different stress regions - compressive and tensile. In the-first region, compressive stress waves form a 'crushed zone' directly adjacent to the blast hole. The second region, termed the 'cracked zone', occurs outside the crush one. The widely used Kuz-Ram model does not recognise these two blast regions. In the Kuz-Ram model the mean fragment size from the blast is approximated and is then used to estimate the remaining size distribution. Experience has shown that this model predicts the coarse end reasonably accurately, but it can significantly underestimate the amount of fines generated. As part of the Australian Mineral Industries Research Association (AMIRA) P483A Mine to Mill™ project, the Two-Component Model (TCM) and Crush Zone Model (CZM), developed by the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC), were compared and evaluated to measured ROM fragmentation distributions. An important criteria for this comparison was the variation of model results from measured ROM in the-fine to intermediate section (1-100 mm) of the fragmentation curve. This region of the distribution is important for Mine to Mill™ optimisation. The comparison of modelled and Split ROM fragmentation distributions has been conducted in harder ores (UCS greater than 80 MPa). Further work involves modelling softer ores. The comparisons will be continued with future site surveys to increase confidence in the comparison of the CZM and TCM to Split results. Stochastic fragmentation modelling will then be conducted to take into account variation of input parameters. A window of possible fragmentation distributions can be compared to those obtained by Split . Following this work, an improved fragmentation model will be developed in response to these findings.
Movies, pieces of music, books, or newspapers can all be expressed in the same binary code. Discrete forms of analogue media are just different dialects of the language of computerese. Content is becoming a very liquid asset. To take Marshall McLuhan's famed dictum a step further: The message is now independent of the medium
We analyzed the codon usage bias of eight open reading frames (ORFs) across up to 79 human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes from three distinct phylogenetic groups. All eight ORFs across HPV genotypes show a strong codon usage bias, amongst degenerately encoded amino acids, toward 18 codons mainly with T at the 3rd position. For all 18 degenerately encoded amino acids, codon preferences amongst human and animal PV ORFs are significantly different from those averaged across mammalian genes. Across the HPV types, the L2 ORFs show the highest codon usage bias (73.2 +/- 1.6% and the E4 ORFs the lowest (51.1 +/- 0.5%), reflecting as similar bias in codon 3rd position A + T content (L2: 76.1 +/- 4.2%; E4: 58.6 +/- 4.5%). The E4 ORF, uniquely amongst the HPV ORFs, is G + C rich, while the other ORFs are A + T rich. Codon usage bias correlates positively with A + T content at the codon 3rd position in the E2, E6, L1 and L2 ORFs, but negatively in the E4 ORFs. A general conservation of preferred codon usage across human and non-human PV genotypes whether they originate from a same supergroup or not, together with observed difference between the preferred codon usage for HPV ORFs and for genes of the cells they infect, suggests that specific codon usage bias and A + T content variation may somehow increase the replicational fitness of HPVs in mammalian epithelial cells, and have practical implications for gene therapy of HPV infection. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The epidemic that is osteoporosis has led to an increasing interest in bone mineral, and the factors that influence the levels of bone mineral, in recent years. While it is unrealistic to try and turn back the clock, a return to an increased level of physical activity may be an important consideration in terms of skeletal health. Peak bone mass is largely determined by heredity, but lifestyle and dietary patterns also influence the level of bone mineral accrued during the growing years. In this review, we summarize the evidence that vigorous weight-bearing physical activity and adequate calcium intake represent the best possibility for enhancing the attainment of an optimal level of bone mineral, within genetic limits.
Adolescents and adults with CF have lower bone mineral density (BMD) than normal, but its relationship with phenotype is not well understood. Point FEV1% predicted (FEV) and rate of change of FEV are biased estimates of disease severity, because progressively older subjects represent a selected survivor population, with females at greater risk of death than males. To investigate the relationship between BMD and phenotype we used an index (predicted age at death) derived from Bayesian estimates of slope and intercept of FEV, age at last measurement and survival status. Predictive equations for the index were derived from 97 subjects (78 survivors) from the RCH CF clinic, and applied to a group of 102 comparable subjects who had BMD measured, classified as having‘mild’ ()75th), ‘moderate’ (25– 75th), or ‘severe’ (-25th centile) phenotype. Total body (TB) and lumbar spine (LS) BMD z-scores (Z) were compared, adjustingfor gender effects, using 2-way ANOVA. Annual mean change in FEV segregated, as expected, according to phenotype, ‘severe’ (ns25), ‘moderate’ (ns51) and ‘mild’ (ns25) y3.01(y3.73 to y2.30)%, y0.85(y1.36 to y0.35)%, 2.70(1.92 to 3.46)%, respectively, with no gender difference. LS and TB BMDZ were different in each phenotype (P-s 0.002), LS BMDZ for ‘severe’, ‘moderate’ and ‘mild’ y1.63(CI: y2.07 to y 1.19), y0.86(CI: y1.17 to y0.55), y0.06(CI: y0.54 to 0.41). Males had lower LS BMDZ than females overall (y1.22 (CI: y1.54 to y0.91) vs. y0.48(CI: y 0.84 to y0.12) Ps0.002). In the ‘severe’ group, males had lower TB BMDZ and LS BMDZ (PF0.002). Low BMD is associated with ‘moderate’ and ‘severe’ phenotypes, with relative preservation in females in the ‘severe’ group. Female biology (reproductive fitness) might promote resistance to bone resorption at a critical level of BMD loss.