98 resultados para Diversity index
Objective: To develop a reliable, valid, and responsive self-administered questionnaire to probe pain, stiffness and physical disability in patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the hand. Design: In order to assess the dimensionality of the symptomatology of hand OA, a self-administered questionnaire was developed to probe various aspects of pain (10 items), stiffness (two items), and physical function (83 items). The question inventory was generated from eight existing health status measures and an interactive process involving four rheumatologists, two physiotherapists, and an orthopaedic surgeon. Results: Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 50 OA hand patients; 39 females and 11 males with mean age 62.8 years and mean disease duration 9.4 years. Items retained were those which fulfilled specified selection criteria: prevalence greater than or equal to60% and mean importance score approximating or exceeding 2.0 Item exclusion criteria included low prevalence, gender-based, ambiguous, duplicates or similarities, alternatives, composite items, and items that were too restrictive. This process resulted in five pain, one stiffness and nine function items which have been proposed for incorporation in the AUSCAN Index. Conclusions: Using a traditional development strategy, we have constructed a self-administered multi-dimensional outcome measure for assessing hand OA. The next stage includes reliability, validity and responsiveness testing of the 15-item questionnaire. (C) 2002 OsteoArthritis Research Society Intenational. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: The Western Ontario and McMaster Universities (WOMAC) Osteoarthritis Index is a previously described self-administered questionnaire covering three domains: pain, stiffness and function. It has been validated in patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip or knee in a paper-based format. Aim: To validate the WOMAC 3.0 using a numerical rating scale in a computerized touch screen format allowing immediate evaluation of the questionnaire. In the computed version cartoons, written and audio instruments were included in order facilitate application. Methods: Fifty patients, demographically balanced, with radiographically proven primary hip or knee OA completed the classical paper and the new computerized WOMAC version. Subjects were randomized either to paper format or computerized format first to balance possible order effects, Results: The intra-class correlation coefficients for pain, stiffness and function values were 0.915, 0.745 and 0.940, respectively. The Spearman correlation coefficients for pain, stiffness and function were 0.88, 0.77 and 0.87, respectively. Conclusion: These data indicate that the computerized WOMAC OA index 3.0 is comparable to the paper WOMAC in all three dimensions. The computerized version would allow physicians to get an immediate result and if present a direct comparison with a previous exam. (C) 2002 OsteoArthritis Research Society International. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective. Outcome assessment in clinical trials using the Western Ontario and McMaster University (WOMAC 3.0) Osteoarthritis Index is traditionally achieved through self-administration of the Index. However, in other areas of clinical measurement, telephone administration has been shown to be a reliable method of acquiring data that are both accurate and complete. To address this issue in knee osteoarthritis (OA), we conducted a comparative study of telephone administration by interviewer of WOMAC LK3.0 versus onsite self-completion at the hospital. Methods. Fifty consenting patients with knee OA were randomized to complete the WOMAC LK3.0 Index by telephone interview one day, followed by onsite completion the following day, or vice versa. Neither patients nor interviewers had access to any prior scores. Results. The mean age of the 50 patients was 66.3 years (range 44-82); 34 (68%) were female and 16 (32%) male. There was excellent agreement between the mean office and telephone scores, with mean differences for the WOMAC LK3.0 pain, stiffness, and function subscale scores and total score of 0.09, 0.12, 0.78, and 0.98, respectively. These differences were well within the respective protocol defined equivalence criteria of +/- 1.7, +/- 0.9, +/- 6.4, and +/- 9.1, and represented differences from office scores of 0.9, 2.6, 2.4, and 2.2%, respectively. Conclusion. The use of telephone interviews for the WOMAC LK3.0 Index is a valid method of obtaining OA outcome measurements. These observations have important implications for designing data acquisition strategies for future OA clinical trials and for longterm observational studies.
Genetic diversity in Cassia brewsteri (F. Muell.) F. Muell. ex Benth. was assessed with Randomly Amplified DNA Fingerprints (RAFs). Thirty accessions of C. brewsteri collected from throughout its natural distribution were analysed with three random decamer primers, along with three accessions of C. tomentella (Benth.) Domin and a single accession of each of C. queenslandica C. T. White and C. marksiana (F. M. Bailey) Domin. The three primers yielded a reproducible amplification profile of 265 scorable polymorphic fragments for the 35 accessions. These molecular markers were used to calculate Nei and Li similarity coefficients between each pair of individuals. A matrix of dissimilarity of each pair of individuals was examined by multidimensional scaling (MDS). The analysis supports the division of C. brewsteri into two subspecies and the suggestion that intergradation of C. brewsteri and C. tomentella can occur where the distributions of these species meet.
Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) is autotetraploid, and predominantly allogamous. This complex breeding structure maximises the genetic diversity within lucerne populations making it difficult to genetically discriminate between populations. The objective of this study was to evaluate the level of random genetic diversity within and between a selection of Australian-grown lucerne cultivars, with tetraploid M. falcata included as a possible divergent control source. This diversity was evaluated using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPDs). Nineteen plants from each of 10 cultivars were analysed. Using 11 RAPD primers, 96 polymorphic bands were scored as present or absent across the 190 individuals. Genetic similarity estimates (GSEs) of all pair-wise comparisons were calculated from these data. Mean GSEs within cultivars ranged from 0.43 to 0.51. Cultivar Venus (0.43) had the highest level of intra-population genetic diversity and cultivar Sequel HR (0.51) had the lowest level of intra-population genetic diversity. Mean GSEs between cultivars ranged from 0.31 to 0.49, which overlapped with values obtained for within-cultivar GSE, thus not allowing separation of the cultivars. The high level of intra- and inter-population diversity that was detected is most likely due to the breeding of synthetic cultivars using parents derived from a number of diverse sources. Cultivar-specific polymorphisms were only identified in the M. falcata source, which like M. sativa, is outcrossing and autotetraploid. From a cluster analysis and a principal components analysis, it was clear that M. falcata was distinct from the other cultivars. The results indicate that the M. falcata accession tested has not been widely used in Australian lucerne breeding programs, and offers a means of introducing new genetic diversity into the lucerne gene pool. This provides a means of maximising heterozygosity, which is essential to maximising productivity in lucerne.
High index Differential Algebraic Equations (DAEs) force standard numerical methods to lower order. Implicit Runge-Kutta methods such as RADAU5 handle high index problems but their fully implicit structure creates significant overhead costs for large problems. Singly Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta (SDIRK) methods offer lower costs for integration. This paper derives a four-stage, index 2 Explicit Singly Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta (ESDIRK) method. By introducing an explicit first stage, the method achieves second order stage calculations. After deriving and solving appropriate order conditions., numerical examples are used to test the proposed method using fixed and variable step size implementations. (C) 2001 IMACS. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Mechanisms and diversity of resistance to sorghum midge, Stenodiplosis sorghicola in Sorghum bicolor
Sorghum midge, Stenodiplosis sorghicola (Coquillett) is the most important pest of grain sorghum worldwide, and plant resistance is an important component for the control of this pest. To identify sorghum genotypes with diverse mechanisms of resistance to sorghum midge, we studied oviposition, larval survival, and midge damage in 27 sorghum midge-resistant genotypes, and a susceptible check under greenhouse conditions. Observations were also recorded on floral characteristics and compensation in grain mass. Of the 28 sorghum genotypes tested, 19 showed high levels of antixenosis to oviposition as a component of resistance, and had
Australia's rangelands are experiencing a post-productivist transition at a tempo comparable to Western Europe's, but in contexts that ensure marked divergence in impulses, actors, processes and outcomes. In Australia's most marginal lands, a flimsy mode of pastoral occupance is being displaced by renewed indigenous occupance, conservation and tourism, with significant changes in land ownership, property rights, investment sources and power relations, but also with structural problems arising from fugitive income streams. The sharp delineation between structurally coherent commodity-oriented regions and emerging amenity-oriented regions can provisionally be mapped at a national scale. A comparison of Australia with Western Europe indicates that three distinct but interconnected driving forces are propelling the rural transition, namely: agricultural overcapacity; the emergence of amenity-oriented uses; and changing societal values.
alpha-Conotoxin AuIB and a disulfide bond variant of AuIB have been synthesized to determine the role of disulfide bond connectivity on structure and activity. Both of these peptides contain the 15 amino acid sequence GCCSYPPCFATNPDC, with the globular (native) isomer having the disulfide connectivity Cys(2-8 and 3-15) and the ribbon isomer having the disulfide connectivity Cys(2-15 and 3-8). The solution structures of the peptides were determined by NAIR spectroscopy, and their ability to block the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on dissociated neurons of the rat parasympathetic ganglia was examined. The ribbon disulfide isomer, although having a less well defined structure, is surprisingly found to have approximately 10 times greater potency than the native peptide. To our knowledge this is the first demonstration of a non-native disulfide bond isomer of a conotoxin exhibiting greater biological activity than the native isomer.
Antimicrobial peptides occur in a diverse range of organisms from microorganisms to insects, plants and animals. Although they all have the common function of inhibiting or killing invading microorganisms they achieve this function using an extremely diverse range of structural motifs. Their sizes range from approximately 10-90 amino acids. Most carry an overall positive charge, reflecting a preferred mode of electrostatic interaction with negatively charged microbial membranes. This article describes the structural diversity of a representative set of antimicrobial peptides divided into five structural classes: those with agr-helical structure, those with bgr-sheet structure, those with mixed helical / bgr- sheet structure, those with irregular structure, and those incorporating a macrocyclic structure. There is a significant diversity in both the size and charge of molecules within each of these classes and between the classes. The common feature of their three-dimensional structures is, however, that they have a degree of amphipathic character in which there is separate localisation of hydrophobic regions and positively charged regions. An emerging trend amongst antimicrobial proteins is the discovery of more macrocyclic analogues. Cyclisation appears to impart an additional degree of stability on these molecules and minimizes proteolytic cleavage. In conclusion, there appear to be a number of promising opportunities for the development of novel clinically useful antimicrobial peptides based on knowledge of the structures of naturally occurring antimicrobial molecules.
Coral reefs are one of the most diverse habitats in the world [1], yet our understanding of the processes affecting their biodiversity is limited [1-3]. At the local scale, cleaner fish are thought to have a disproportionate effect, in relation to their abundance and size, on the activity of many other fish species, but confirmation of this species' effect on local fish diversity has proved elusive. The cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus has major effects on fish activity patterns [4] and may indirectly affect fish demography through the removal of large numbers of parasites [5, 6]. Here we show that small reefs where L. dimidiatus had been experimentally excluded for 18 months had half the species diversity of fish and one-fourth the abundance of individuals. Only fish that move among reefs, however, were affected. These fish include large species that themselves can affect other reef organisms [2, 7]. In contrast, the distribution of resident fish was not affected by cleaner fish. Thus, many fish appear to choose reefs based on the presence of cleaner fish. Our findings indicate that a single small [8] and not very abundant [9] fish has a strong influence on the movement patterns, habitat choice, activity, and local diversity and abundance of a wide variety of reef fish species.
Objective: To determine item, subscale and total score agreement on the Frenchay Activities Index (FAI) between stroke patients and proxies six months after discharge from rehabilitation. Design: Prospective study design. Setting/subjects: Fifty patient-proxy pairs, interviewed separately, in the patient's residence. Main outcome measures: Modified FAI using 13 items. Individual FAI items, subscales and total score agreement as measured by weighted kappa and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC). Results: Excellent agreement was found for the total FAI (ICC 0.87, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.78-0.93), and domestic (ICC 0.85, 95% CI 0.73-0.91) and outdoor (ICC 0.87, 95% CI 0.78-0.95) subscales, with moderate agreement found for the work/leisure subscale (ICC 0.63, 95% CI 0.34-0.78). For the individual FAI items, good, moderate, fair and poor agreement was found for five, three, four and one item, respectively. The best agreement was for objective items of preparing meals, washing-up, washing clothes, shopping and driving. The poorest agreement was for participation in hobbies, social outings and heavy housework. Scoring biases associated with patient or proxy demographic characteristics were found. Female proxies, and those who were spouses, scored patients lower on domestic activities; male patients, and those who were younger, scored themselves higher on outdoor activities and higher patient FIM scores were positively correlated with higher FAI scores. Conclusions: While total and subscale agreement on the FAI was high, individual item agreement varied. Proxy scores should be used with caution due to bias.