133 resultados para Catecholaminergic Neurons
Peptidergic mechanisms influencing the resistance of the gastrointestinal vascular bed of the estuarine crocodile, Crocodylus porosus, were investigated. The gut was perfused in situ via the mesenteric and the celiac arteries, and the effects of different neuropeptides were tested using bolus injections. Effects on vascular resistance were recorded as changes in inflow pressures. Peptides found in sensory neurons [substance P, neurokinin A, and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)] all caused significant relaxation of the celiac vascular bed, as did vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), another well-known vasodilator. Except for VIP, the peptides also induced transitory gut contractions. Somatostatin and neuropeptide Y (NPY), which coexist in adrenergic neurons of the C. porosus, induced vasoconstriction in the celiac vascular bed without affecting the gut motility. Galanin caused vasoconstriction and occasionally activated the gut wall. To elucidate direct effects on individual vessels, the different peptides were tested on isolated ring preparations of the mesenteric and celiac arteries. Only CGRP and VIP relaxed the epinephrine-precontracted celiac artery, whereas the effects on the mesenteric artery were variable. Somatostatin and NPY did not affect the resting tonus of these vessels, but somatostatin potentiated the epinephrine-induced contraction of the celiac artery. Immunohistochemistry revealed the existence and localization of the above-mentioned peptides in nerve fibers innervating vessels of different sizes in the gut region. These data support the hypothesis of an important role for neuropeptides in the control of the vascular bed of the gastrointestinal tract in C. porosus.
We have isolated and characterized ol-conotoxin EpI, a novel sulfated peptide from the venom of the molluscivorous snail, Conus episcopatus, The peptide was classified as an cy-conotoxin based on sequence, disulfide connectivity, and pharmacological target. EpI has ho mology to sequences of previously described cu-conotoxins, particularly PnIA, PnIB, and ImI, However, EpI differs from previously reported conotoxins in that it has a sulfotyrosine residue, identified by amino acid analysis and mass spectrometry, Native EpI was shown to coelute with synthetic EpI, The peptide sequence is consistent with most, but not all, recognized criteria for predicting tyrosine sulfation sites in proteins and peptides, The activities of synthetic EpI and its unsulfated analogue [Tyr(15)]EpI were similar. Both peptides caused competitive inhibition of nicotine action on bovine adrenal chromaffin cells (neuronal nicotinic ACh receptors) but had no effect on the rat phrenic nerve-diaphragm (muscle nicotinic ACh receptors), Both EpI and [Tyr(15)]EpI partly inhibited acetylcholine-evoked currents in isolated parasympathetic neurons of rat intracardiac ganglia, These results indicate that EPI and [Tyr(15)]EpI selectively inhibit alpha 3 beta 2 and alpha 3 beta 4 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.
P2X purinoceptors have been suggested to participate in transduction of painful stimuli in nociceptive neurons. In the current experiments, ATP (1-10 mM), alpha,beta-methylene-ATP (10-30 mu M) and capsaicin (10 nM-1 mu M) were applied to neurons impaled with high resistance microelectrodes in rat dorsal root ganglia (L4 and L5) isolated in vitro together with the sciatic nerve and dorsal roots. The agonists were either bath applied or focally applied using a picospritzer. GABA (100 mu M) and 40-80 mM K+ solutions gave brisk responses when applied by either technique. Only three of 22 neurons with slowly conducting axons (C cells) showed evidence of P2X-purinoceptor-mediated responses. Only two of 13 cells which responded to capsaicin (putative nociceptors), and none of 29 cells with rapidly conducting axons (A cells), responded to the purinergic agonists. When acutely dissociated dorsal root ganglion cells were studied using patch-clamp techniques, all but four of 30 cells of all sizes responded with an inward current to either ATP or alpha,beta-methylene-ATP (both 100 mu M). Our data suggest that few sensory cell bodies in intact dorsal root ganglia express functional purinoceptors. (C) 1998 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Our previous investigations of possible lung mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of nebulized morphine for the relief of dyspnoea, have shown a high density of non-conventional opioid binding sites in rat airways with similar binding characteristics (opioid alkaloid-sensitive, opioid peptide-insensitive) to that of putative mu(3)-opioid receptors on immune cells. To investigate whether these lung opioid binding sites are functional receptors, this study was designed to determine (using superfusion) whether morphine modulates the K+-evoked release of the pro-inflammatory neuropeptide, substance P (SP), from rat peripheral airways. Importantly, K+-evoked SP release was Ca2+-dependent, consistent with vesicular release. Submicromolar concentrations of morphine (1 and 200 nM) inhibited K+-evoked SP release from rat peripheral airways in a naloxone (1 mu M) reversible manner. By contrast, 1 mu M morphine enhanced K+-evoked SP release and this effect was not reversed by 1 mu M naloxone. However, 100 mu M naloxone not only antagonized the facilitatory effect of 1 mu M morphine on K+-evoked SP release from rat peripheral airways but it inhibited release to a similar extent as 200 nM morphine. It is possible that these latter effects are mediated by non-conventional opioid receptors located on mast cells, activation of which causes naloxone-reversible histamine release that in turn augments the release of SP from sensory nerve terminals in the peripheral airways. Clearly, further studies are required to investigate this possibility. (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited.
Fear conditioning is a paradigm that has been used as a model for emotional learning in animals'. The cellular correlate of fear conditioning is thought to be associative N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor-dependent synaptic plasticity within the amygdala(1-3). Here we show that glutamatergic synaptic transmission to inhibitory interneurons in the basolateral amygdala is mediated solely by alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors. In contrast to AMPA receptors at inputs to pyramidal neurons, these receptors have an inwardly rectifying current-voltage relationship, indicative of a high permeability to calcium(4 5), Tetanic stimulation of inputs to interneurons caused an immediate and sustained increase in the efficacy of these synapses. This potentiation required a rise in postsynaptic calcium, but was independent of NMDA receptor activation. The potentiation of excitatory inputs to interneurons was reflected as an increase in the amplitude of the GABAA-mediated inhibitory synaptic current in pyramidal neurons. These results demonstrate that excitatory synapses onto interneurons within a fear conditioning circuit show NMDA-receptor independent long-term potentiation. This plasticity might underlie the increased synchronization of activity between neurons in the basolateral amygdala after fear conditioning(6).
Primary sensory olfactory axons arise from the olfactory neuroepithelium that lines the nasal cavity and then project via the olfactory nerve into the olfactory bulb. The P-galactoside binding lectin, galectin-1,and its laminin ligand have been implicated in the growth of these axons along this pathway. In galectin-1 null mutant mice, a subpopulation of primary sensory olfactory axons fails to reach its targets in the olfactory bulb. In the present study we examined the spatiotemporal expression pattern of galectin-1 in normal mice in order to understand its role in the development of the olfactory nerve pathway. At E15.5, when olfactory axons have already contacted the olfactory bulb, galectin-1 was expressed in the cartilage and mesenchyme surrounding the nasal cavity but was absent from the olfactory neuroepithelium, nerve and bulb. Between E16.5 and birth galectin-1 began to be expressed by olfactory nerve ensheathing cells in the lamina propria of the neuroepithelium and nerve fibre layer. Galectin-1 was neither expressed by primary sensory neurons in the olfactory neuroepithelium nor by their axons in the olfactory nerve. Laminin, a galectin-1 ligand, also exhibited a similar expression pattern in the embryonic olfactory nerve pathway. Our results reveal that galectin-1 is dynamically expressed by glial elements within the nerve fibre layer during a discrete period in the developing olfactory nerve pathway. Previous studies have reported galectin-1 acts as a substrate adhesion molecule by cross-linking primary sensory olfactory neurons to laminin. Thus, the coordinate expression of galectin-1 and laminin in the embryonic nerve fibre layer suggests that these molecules support the adhesion and fasciculation of axons en route to their glomerular targets.
Objective: To investigate a proposed model in which manipulative therapy produces a treatment-specific initial hypoalgesic and sympathoexcitatory effect by activating a descending pain inhibitory system. The a priori hypothesis tested was that manipulative therapy produces mechanical hypoalgesia and sympatho-excitation beyond that produced by placebo or control. Furthermore, these effects would be correlated, thus supporting the proposed model. Design: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, repeated-measures study of the initial effect of treatment. Setting: Clinical neurophysiology laboratory. Subjects: Twenty-four subjects (13 women and 11 men; mean age, 49 yr) with chronic lateral epicondylalgia (average duration, 6.2 months). Intervention: Cervical spine lateral glide oscillatory manipulation, placebo and control. Outcome Measures: Pressure pain threshold, thermal pain threshold, pain-free grip strength test, upper limb tension test 2b, skin conductance, pileous and glabrous skin temperature and blood flux. Results: Treatment produced hypoalgesic and sympathoexcitatory changes significantly grater than those of placebo and control (p < .03). Confirmatory factor-analysis modeling, which was performed on the pain-related measures and the indicators of sympathetic nervous system function, demonstrated a significant correlation (r = .82) between the latencies of manipulation-induced hypoalgesia and sympathoexcitation. The Lagrange Multiplier test and Wald test indicated that the two latent factors parsimoniously and appropriately represented their observed variables. Conclusions: Manual therapy produces a treatment-specific initial hypoalgesic and sympathoexcitatory effect beyond that of placebo or control. The strong correlation between hypoalgesic and sympathoexcitatory effects suggests that a central control mechanism might be activated by manipulative therapy.
The effects of nitric oxide (NO) and other cysteine modifying agents were examined on cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) cation channels from rat olfactory receptor neurons. The NO compounds, S-nitroso-cysteine (SNC) and 3-morpholino-sydnonomine (SIN-1), did not activate the channels when applied for up to 10 min. The cysteine alkylating agent, N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), and the oxidising agent, dithionitrobensoate (DTNB), were also without agonist efficacy. Neither SNC nor DTNB altered the cAMP sensitivity of the channels. However, 2-min applications of SIN-1, SNC and DTNB inhibited the cAMP-gated current to approximately 50% of the control current level. This inhibition showed no spontaneous reversal for 5 min but was completely reversed by a 2-min exposure to DTT. The presence of cAMP protected the channels against NO-induced inhibition. These results indicate that inhibition is caused by S-nitrosylation of neighboring sulfhydryl groups leading to sulfhydryl bond formation. This reaction is favored in the closed channel state. Since recombinantly expressed rat olfactory alpha and beta CNG channel homomers and alpha/beta heteromers are activated and not inhibited by cysteine modification, the results of this study imply the existence of a novel subunit or tightly bound factor which dominates the effect of cysteine modification in the native channels. As CNG channels provide a pathway for calcum influx, the results may also have important implications for the physiological role of NO in mammalian olfactory receptor neurons.
CaMKII is a calcium-activated kinase that is abundant in neurons and has been strongly implicated in memory and learning. Here we show that low-frequency stimulation of glutamatergic afferents in hippocampal slices from juvenile domestic chicks results in long-term depression of synaptic transmission. This reduction does not require activation of NMDA or metabotropic glutamate receptors and does not require a rise in postsynaptic calcium. However, buffering presynaptic calcium prevents the reduction of the excitatory postsynaptic potential or current that is induced by low-frequency stimulation. in addition, application of the calmodulin antagonist calmidazolium, or the specific CaMKII antagonist KN-93, completely blocks long-term depression. These findings demonstrate a newsy discovered form of long-term synaptic depression in the avian hippocampus.
Molecular mechanisms of zinc potentiation were investigated in recombinant human alpha 1 glycine receptors (GlyRs) by whole-cell patch-clamp recording and [H-3]strychnine binding assays. In the wild-type (WT) GlyR, 1 mu M zinc enhanced the apparent binding affinity of the agonists glycine and taurine and reduced their concentrations required for half-maximal activation. Thus, in the WT GlyR, zinc potentiation apparently occurs by enhancing agonist binding. However, analysis of GlyRs incorporating mutations in the membrane-spanning domain M1-M2 and M2-M3 loops, which are both components of the agonist gating mechanism, indicates that most mutations uncoupled zinc potentiation from glycine-gated currents but preserved zinc potentiation of taurine-gated currents. One such mutation in the M2-M3 loop, L274A, abolished the ability of zinc to potentiate taurine binding but did not inhibit zinc potentiation of taurine-gated currents. In this same mutant where taurine acts as a partial agonist, zinc potentiated taurine-gated currents but did not potentiate taurine antagonism of glycine-gated currents, suggesting that zinc interacts selectively with the agonist transduction pathway. The intracellular M246A mutation, which is unlikely to bind zinc, also disrupted zinc potentiation of glycine currents. Thus, zinc potentiation of the GlyR is mediated via allosteric mechanisms that are independent of its effects on agonist binding.
Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans display both inhibitory and stimulatory effects on cell adhesion and neurite outgrowth in vitro. The functional activity of these proteoglycans appears to be context specific and dependent on the presence of different chondroitin sulfate-binding molecules. Little is known about the role of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in the growth and guidance of axons in vivo. To address this question, we examined the effects of exogenous soluble chondroitin sulfates on the growth and guidance of axons arising from a subpopulation of neurons in the vertebrate brain which express NOC-2, a novel glycoform of the neural cell adhesion molecule N-CAM. Intact brains of stage 28 Xenopus embryos were unilaterally exposed to medium containing soluble exogenous chondroitin sulfates. When exposed to chondroitin sulfate, NOC-2(+) axons within the tract of the postoptic commissure failed to follow their normal trajectory across the ventral midline via the ventral commissure in the midbrain. Instead, these axons either stalled or grew into the dorsal midbrain or continued growing longitudinally within the ventral longitudinal tract. These findings suggest that chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans indirectly modulate the growth and guidance of a subpopulation of forebrain axons by regulating either matrix-bound or cell surface cues at specific choice points within the developing vertebrate brain. (C) 1998 Academic Press.
We developed a system for time-lapse observation of identified neurons in the central nervous system (CNS) of the Drosophila embryo. Using this system, we characterize the dynamics of filopodia and axon growth of the motorneuron RP2 as it navigates anteriorly through the CNS and then laterally along the intersegmental nerve (ISN) into the periphery. We find that both axonal extension and turning occur primarily through the process of filopodial dilation. In addition, we used the GAL4-UAS system to express the fusion protein Tau-GFP in a subset of neurons, allowing us to correlate RP2's patterns of growth with a subset of axons in its environment. In particular, we show that RP2's sharp lateral turn is coincident with the nascent ISN. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
There are, at least, two major questions concerning the molecular development of the olfactory nerve pathway. First, what are the molecular cues responsible for guiding axons from the nasal cavity to the olfactory bulb? Second, what is the molecular basis of axon targeting to specific glomeruli once axons reach the olfactory bulb? Studies in the primary olfactory pathway have focused on the role of the extracellular matrix and ensheathing cells in establishing an initial substrate for growth of pioneer axons between the periphery and brain. The primary axons also express a multitude of cell adhesion molecules that regulate fasciculation of axons and hence may play a role in fascicle formation in the olfactory nerve. Although the olfactory neuroepithelium principally consists of a morphologically homogeneous class of primary olfactory neurons, there are numerous subpopulations of olfactory neurons expressing chemically distinct phenotypes. In particular, numerous subpopulations have been characterized by expression of unique carbohydrate residues and olfactory receptor proteins. Some of these molecules have recently been implicated in axon guidance and targeting to specific glomeruli.
Chronic ethanol exposure and subsequent withdrawal are known to change NMDA receptor activity. This study examined the effects of chronic ethanol administration and withdrawal on the expression of several NMDA receptor subunit and splice variant mRNAs in the rat cerebral cortex. Ethanol dependence was induced by ethanol vapour exposure. To delineate between seizure-induced changes in expression during withdrawal and those due to withdrawal per se, another group of naive rats was treated with pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) injection (30 mg/kg, i.p.). RNA samples from the cortices of chronically treated and withdrawing animals were compared to those from pairfed controls. Changes in NMDA receptor mRNA expression were determined using ribonuclease protection assays targetting the NR2A, -2B, -2C and NR1-pan subunits as well as the three alternatively spliced NR1 inserts (NR1-pan describes all the known NR1 splice variants generated from the 5' insert and the two 3' inserts). The ratio of NR1 mRNA incorporating the 5' insert vs, that lacking it was decreased during ethanol exposure and up to 48 h after withdrawal. NR2B mRNA expression was elevated during exposure, but returned to control levels 18 h after withdrawal. Levels of NR2A, NR2C, NR1-pan and both 3' NR1 insert mRNAs from the ethanol-treated groups did not alter compared with the pair-fed control group. No changes in the level of any NMDA receptor subunit mRNA was detected in the PTZ-treated animals. These data support the hypothesis that changes in NMDA receptor subunit composition may underlie a neuronal adaptation to the chronic ethanol-inhibition and may therefore be important in the precipitation of withdrawal hyperactivity. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) has been shown to mediate neuronal death through an unknown pathway. We microinjected p75NTR expression plasmids into sensory neurons in the presence of growth factors and assessed the effect of the expressed proteins on cell survival. We show that, unlike other members of the TNFR family, p75NTR signals death through a unique caspase-dependent death pathway that does not involve the death domain and is differentially regulated by Bcl-2 family members: the anti-apoptotic molecule Bcl-2 both promoted, and was required for, p75NTR killing, whereas killing was inhibited by its homologue BcI-x(L). These results demonstrate that Bcl-2, through distinct molecular mechanisms, either promotes or inhibits neuronal death depending on the nature of the death stimulus.