121 resultados para Casting Alloy
The magnesium alloy AM-SC1 has been developed as a creep-resistant automotive engine block material. This paper outlines its corrosion performance under laboratory test conditions, considering corrosion on both the external and internal surfaces. This study found that AM-SC1 has a corrosion performance comparable to AZ91 when subjected to an aggressive salt-spray environment or in galvanic-coupling environments. This article further demonstrates that, with the appropriate selection of a commercially available engine coolant, the internal corrosion of AM-SC1 can be maintained at a tolerable level. In addition, internal corrosion resistance can be significantly improved by the addition of fluorides to the coolant solution. It is concluded that AM-SC1 can be successfully used in an engine environment provided that some simple corrosion-prevention strategies are adopted.
The effect of manganese on gain refinement of a commercial AZ31 alloy has been investigated using an Al-60%Mn master alloy splatter as an alloying additive at 730 degrees C in aluminium titanite crucibles. It is shown that grain refinement by manganese is readily achievable in AZ31. Electron microprobe analyses reveal that prior to the addition of extra manganese the majority of the intermetallic particles found in AZ31 are of the AL(8)Mn(5) type. However, after the addition of extra manganese in the range from 0.1% to 0.8%, the predominant group of intermetallic particles changes to the metastable AlMn type. This leads to a hypothesis that the metastable AlMn intermetallic particles are more effective than Al8Mn5 as nucleation sites for magnesium grains. The hypothesis is supported by the observation that a long period of holding at 730 degrees C leads to an increase in grain size, due probably to the transformation of the metastable AlMn to the stable Al8Mn5. The hypothesis has also been used to understand the mechanism of grain refinement by superheating.
An aluminum-alloyed coating was applied onto the surface of magnesium alloy AZ91D. The coating formed in aluminium powder at 420 degrees C is rich in the beta (Mg17Al12) phase. Polarisation curve, AC impedance, salt immersion and salt spray were carried out to investigate the corrosion behaviour and assess the corrosion performance of the coated magnesium alloy. It was found that a coated AZ91D specimen was much more corrosion resistant and harder than an uncoated one. The improved corrosion resistance was mainly ascribed to the high volume fraction of beta phase in the coating. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The thickness, chemical composition and microstructure of anodised coatings formed on magnesium alloy AZ91D at various anodising current densities were measured. It was found that all these parameters could be affected by anodising current density, and hence the coatings formed at different anodising current densities had different corrosion resistances. This suggests that the corrosion performance of an anodised coating could be improved if a properly designed current waveform is used for anodising. In addition, based on the experimental results, some physical, chemical and electrochemical reactions involved in the anodising process were proposed to explain the anodising behaviour in this paper. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
An experimental program has been undertaken to explore the effect of iron concentration on porosity levels in Al-Si alloy sand castings. The effect of iron concentrations above, below and equal to the critical iron content for alloys with either 5 or 9% Si and either 0, 1 or 3% Cu has been determined. Increasing iron concentrations were found to increase porosity in all alloys except the copper-containing Al-5% Si alloys which displayed a porosity minimum at the critical iron content. Porosity was observed to be higher in the Al-9% Si castings than the Al-5% Si castings. Differences in the primary phase volume fraction and morphology may explain this observation. The results of this experimental work do not support the existing published theories that have been proposed to explain the effect the iron on porosity. An alternative theory is therefore developed. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The published requirements for accurate measurement of heat transfer at the interface between two bodies have been reviewed. A strategy for reliable measurement has been established, based on the depth of the temperature sensors in the medium, on the inverse method parameters and on the time response of the sensors. Sources of both deterministic and stochastic errors have been investigated and a method to evaluate them has been proposed, with the help of a normalisation technique. The key normalisation variables are the duration of the heat input and the maximum heat flux density. An example of application of this technique in the field of high pressure die casting is demonstrated. The normalisation study, coupled with previous determination of the heat input duration, makes it possible to determine the optimum location for the sensors, along with an acceptable sampling rate and the thermocouples critical response-time (as well as eventual filter characteristics). Results from the gauge are used to assess the suitability of the initial design choices. In particular the unavoidable response time of the thermocouples is estimated by comparison with the normalised simulation. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
While the general mechanisms of hot tearing are understood, i.e. the inability of liquid to feed imposed strain on the mushy material, work continues on improving the understanding of the mechanisms at play. A hot tear test rig that measures the temperature and load imposed on the mushy zone during solidification has been successfully used to study hot tearing. The mould has now been modified to incorporate a window above the hot spot region to allow observation of hot tear formation and growth. Combining information from visual observation with load and temperature data has led to a better understanding of the mechanism of hot tearing. Tests were carried out on an Al-0.5 wt-% Cu alloy. It was found that load development began at about 90% solid and a hot tear formed a short time later, at between 93% and 96% solid. Hot tearing started at a very low load.
A framework is presented for modeling the nucleation in the constitutionally supercooled liquid ahead of the advancing solid/liquid interface. The effects of temperature gradient, imposed velocity, slope of liquidus, and initial concentration have been taken into account in this model by considering the effect of interface retardation, which is caused by solute buildup at the interface. Furthermore, the effect of solute concentration on the chemical driving force for nucleation has been considered in this model. The model is used for describing the nucleation of Al-Si and Al-Cu alloys. It was found that the solute of Si has a significant impact on the chemical driving force for nucleation in AI-Si alloys whereas Cu has almost no effect in Al-Cu alloys.
Recently it has been shown that modification with strontium causes an increase in the size of eutectic grains. The eutectic grain size increases because there are fewer nucleation events, possibly due to the poisoning of phosphorus-based nuclei that are active in the unmodified alloy. The current paper investigates the effect of strontium concentration on the eutectic grain size. In the aluminium-10 wt.% silicon alloy used in this research, for fixed casting conditions, the eutectic grain size increases as the strontium concentration increases up to approximately 150ppm, beyond which the grain size is relatively stable. This critical strontium concentration is likely to differ depending on the composition of the base alloy, including the concentration of minor elements and impurities. It is concluded that processing and in-service properties of strontium modified aluminium-silicon castings are likely to be more stable if a minimum critical strontium concentration is exceeded. If operating below this critical strontium concentration exceptional control over composition and casting conditions is required. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Many potential applications for sintered aluminium are limited by the poor fatigue properties of the material. In order to increase understanding of the fatigue mechanisms in sintered aluminium, fatigue tests were carried out on a sintered 2xxx series aluminium alloy, AMB-2712. The alloy has a fatigue endurance strength of approximately 145 MPa (R = 0.1). Three regions were identified on the fatigue fracture surfaces. Region I contains the initiation site and transgranular crack propagation. When the size of the cyclic plastic zone ahead of the crack becomes comparable to the grain size, microstructural damage at the crack tip results in a transition to intergranular propagation. Region 2 mainly contains intergranularly fractured material, whilst the final fracture area makes up Region 3, in the form of dimple coalescence and intergranular failure. Transgranular fractographic features observed on fatigued specimens include fissure-type striations, cross-hatched grains, furrowed grains and grains containing step-like features. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
It is demonstrated that slow cooling to 200 degrees C from a high sintering temperature (620 degrees C) reduces porosity in an Al-8Zn-2.5Mg-1Cu powder compact when compared to isothermal sintering at the higher temperature for a longer time. The reduction in porosity is attributed to shrinkage associated with removal of solute from the aluminium solid solution and heterogeneous precipitation of the eta phase (MgZn2), particularly onto pore surfaces. (c) 2006 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The orientation relationship (OR) between the beta(Zn) phase and the alpha(Al) phase and the corresponding habit planes in a Zn-Al eutectoid alloy were accurately determined using convergent beam Kikuchi line diffraction patterns. In addition to the previously reported OR. [11 (2) over bar0](beta)parallel to[110](alpha), (0002)(beta)parallel to ((1) over bar 11)alpha, two new ORs were observed. They are: [11 (2) over bar0](beta)parallel to [110], ((1) over bar 101)(beta) 0.82 degrees from (002)(alpha) and [(1) over bar 100](beta)parallel to[112](alpha), (0002)(beta) 4.5 degrees from (111)(alpha). These ORs can be explained and understood using the recently developed edge-to-edge matching model. (c) 2006 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Al-10 wt.%Pb and Al-10 wt.%Pb-x wt.%Cu (x = 0-7.0) bulk alloys were prepared by sintering the mechanically alloyed powders at various temperatures. The microstructure changes of the as consolidated powders in the course of sintering were analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis and transmission electron microscopy. It has been found that, with respect to the Al-10 wt.%Pb-x wt.%Cu alloy, CuAl2 and Cu9Al4 phases formed in the milling process, and the amount of CuAl2 phase increased while the Cu9Al4 phase disappeared gradually in the sintering process. In both Al-10 wt.%Pb and Al-10 wt.%Pb-x wt.%Cu alloys, the sintering process results in the coarsening of Pb phase and the growth rate of Pb phase fulfills the Lifshitz-Slyozov-Wagner equation even though the size of the Pb phase was in nanometer range. The Pb particle exhibits cuboctahedral morphology and has a cubic to cubic orientation relationship with the Al matrix. The addition of Cu strongly depressed the growth rate of Pb. Contamination induced by milling has apparent influence on the microstructure of the sintered alloys. Al7Cu2Fe and aluminium oxide phases were identified in the sintered alloys. The cuboctahedral morphology of Pb particles was broken up by the presence of the oxide phase. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.