99 resultados para Carbon cycling
Thermogravimetric analysis has been widely applied in kinetic studies of carbon gasification, with the associated temporal weight change profiles being used to extract kinetic information and to validate gasification models. However the weight change profiles are not always governed by the intrinsic gasification activity because of the effect of chemisorption and its dynamics. In the present work we theoretically determine the criteria under which weight change profiles can be used to determine intrinsic kinetics for CO2 and O2 gasification by examining the region in which the chemisorption dynamics can be assumed pseudo-steady. It is found that the validity of the pseudo-steady assumption depends on the experimental conditions as well as on the initial surface area of carbon. Based on known mechanisms and rate constants an active surface area region is identified within which the steady state assumption is valid and the effect of chemisorption dynamics is negligible. The size of the permissible region is sensitive to the reaction temperature and gas pressure. The results indicate that in some cases the thermogravimetric data should be used with caution in kinetic studies. A large amount of literature on thermogravimetric analyzer determined char gasification kinetics is examined and the importance of chemisorption dynamics for the data assessed.
The kinetics of single component adsorption on activated carbon is investigated here using a heterogeneous vacancy solution theory (VST) of adsorption. The adsorption isotherm is developed to account for the adsorbate non-ideality due to the size difference between the adsorbate molecule and the vacant site, while incorporating adsorbent heterogeneity through a pore-width-related potential energy. The transport process in the bidisperse carbon considers coupled mass transfer in both macropore and micropore phases simultaneously. Adsorbate diffusion in the micropore network is modeled through effective medium theory, thus considering pore network connectivity in the adsorbent, with the activation energy for adsorbate diffusion related to the adsorption energy, represented by the Steele 10-4-3 potential for carbons. Experimental data of five hydrocarbons, CO2 and SO2 on Ajax carbon at multiple temperatures, as well as three hydrocarbons on Norit carbon at three temperatures are first fitted by the heterogeneous VST model to obtain the isotherm parameters, followed by application of the kinetic model to uptake data on carbon particles of different sizes and geometry at various temperatures. For the hydrocarbons studied, the model can successfully correlate the experimental data for both adsorption equilibrium and kinetics. However, there is some deviation in the fit of the desorption kinetics for polar compounds such as CO2 and SO2, due to the inadequacy of the L-J potential model in this case. The significance of viscous transport in the micropores is also considered here and found to be negligible, consistent with recent molecular simulation studies. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A heterogeneous modified vacancy solution model of adsorption developed is evaluated. The new model considers the adsorption process through a mass-action law and is thermodynamically consistent, while maintaining the simplicity in calculation of multicomponent adsorption equilibria, as in the original vacancy solution theory. It incorporates the adsorbent heterogeneity through a pore-width-related potential energy, represented by Steele's 10-4-3 potential expression. The experimental data of various hydrocarbons, CO2 and SO2 on four different activated carbons - Ajax, Norit, Nuxit, and BPL - at multiple temperatures over a wide range of pressures were studied by the heterogeneous modified VST model to obtain the isotherm parameters and micropore-size distribution of carbons. The model successfully correlates the single-component adsorption equilibrium data for all compounds studied on various carbons. The fitting results for the vacancy occupancy parameter are consistent with the pressure change on different carbons, and the effect of pore heterogeneity is important in adsorption at elevated pressure. It predicts binary adsorption equilibria better than the IAST scheme, reflecting the significance of molecular size nonideality.
Dinoflagellates exist in symbiosis with a number of marine invertebrates including giant clams, which are the largest of these symbiotic organisms. The dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium sp.) live intercellularly within tubules in the mantle of the host clam. The transport of inorganic carbon (Ci) from seawater to Symbiodinium (=zooxanthellae) is an essential function of hosts that derive the majority of their respiratory energy from the photosynthate exported by the zooxanthellae. Immunolocalisation studies show that the host has adapted its physiology to acquire, rather than remove CO2, from the haemolymph and clam tissues. Two carbonic anhydrase (CA) isoforms (32 and 70 kDa) play an essential part in this process. These have been localised to the mantle and gill tissues where they catalyse the interconversion of HCO3- to CO2, which then diffuses into the host tissues. The zooxanthellae exhibit a number of strategies to maximise Ci acquisition and utilisation. This is necessary as they express a form II Rubisco that has poor discrimination between CO2 and O-2. Evidence is presented for a carbon concentrating mechanism (CCM) to overcome. this disadvantage. The CCM incorporates the presence of a light-activated CA activity, a capacity to take up both HCO3- and CO2, an ability to accumulate an elevated concentration of Ci within the algal cell, and localisation of Rubisco to the pyrenoid. These algae also express both external and intracellular CAs, with the intracellular isoforms being localised to the thylakoid lumen and pyrenoid. These results have been incorporated into a model that explains the transport of Ci from seawater through the clam to the zooxanthellae.
A thermodynamic approach is developed in this paper to describe the behavior of a subcritical fluid in the neighborhood of vapor-liquid interface and close to a graphite surface. The fluid is modeled as a system of parallel molecular layers. The Helmholtz free energy of the fluid is expressed as the sum of the intrinsic Helmholtz free energies of separate layers and the potential energy of their mutual interactions calculated by the 10-4 potential. This Helmholtz free energy is described by an equation of state (such as the Bender or Peng-Robinson equation), which allows us a convenient means to obtain the intrinsic Helmholtz free energy of each molecular layer as a function of its two-dimensional density. All molecular layers of the bulk fluid are in mechanical equilibrium corresponding to the minimum of the total potential energy. In the case of adsorption the external potential exerted by the graphite layers is added to the free energy. The state of the interface zone between the liquid and the vapor phases or the state of the adsorbed phase is determined by the minimum of the grand potential. In the case of phase equilibrium the approach leads to the distribution of density and pressure over the transition zone. The interrelation between the collision diameter and the potential well depth was determined by the surface tension. It was shown that the distance between neighboring molecular layers substantially changes in the vapor-liquid transition zone and in the adsorbed phase with loading. The approach is considered in this paper for the case of adsorption of argon and nitrogen on carbon black. In both cases an excellent agreement with the experimental data was achieved without additional assumptions and fitting parameters, except for the fluid-solid potential well depth. The approach has far-reaching consequences and can be readily extended to the model of adsorption in slit pores of carbonaceous materials and to the analysis of multicomponent adsorption systems. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
In this paper the diffusion and flow of carbon tetrachloride, benzene and n-hexane through a commercial activated carbon is studied by a differential permeation method. The range of pressure is covered from very low pressure to a pressure range where significant capillary condensation occurs. Helium as a non-adsorbing gas is used to determine the characteristics of the porous medium. For adsorbing gases and vapors, the motion of adsorbed molecules in small pores gives rise to a sharp increase in permeability at very low pressures. The interplay between a decreasing behavior in permeability due to the saturation of small pores with adsorbed molecules and an increasing behavior due to viscous flow in larger pores with pressure could lead to a minimum in the plot of total permeability versus pressure. This phenomenon is observed for n-hexane at 30degreesC. At relative pressure of 0.1-0.8 where the gaseous viscous flow dominates, the permeability is a linear function of pressure. Since activated carbon has a wide pore size distribution, the mobility mechanism of these adsorbed molecules is different from pore to pore. In very small pores where adsorbate molecules fill the pore the permeability decreases with an increase in pressure, while in intermediate pores the permeability of such transport increases with pressure due to the increasing build-up of layers of adsorbed molecules. For even larger pores, the transport is mostly due to diffusion and flow of free molecules, which gives rise to linear permeability with respect to pressure. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The role of PACs (primary adsorption centers) in the mesopore (i.e., transport) region of activated carbons during adsorption of polar species, such as water, is unclear. A classical model of three-dimensional adsorption on finite PACs is presented. The model is a preliminary, theoretical investigation into adsorption on mesopore PACs and is intended to give some insight into the energetic and physical processes at work. Work processes are developed to obtain isotherms and three-dimensional sorbate growth on PACs of varying size and energetic characteristics. The work processes allow two forms of adsorbed phase growth: densification at constant boundary and boundary growth at constant density. Relatively strong sorbate-sorbent interactions and strong surface tension favor adsorbed phase densification over boundary growth. Conversely, relatively weak sorbate-sorbent interactions and weak surface tension favor boundary growth over densification. If sorbate-sorbate interactions are strong compared to sorbate-sorbent interactions, condensation with hysteresis occurs. This can also give rise to delayed boundary growth, where all initial adsorption occurs in the monolayer only. The results indicate that adsorbed phase growth on PACs may be quite complex.
Surface diffusion of strongly adsorbing hydrocarbon vapours on activated carbon was measured by using a constant molar flow method (D.D. Do, Dynamics of a semi-batch adsorber with constant molar supply rate: a method for studying adsorption rate of pure gas, Chem. Eng. Sci. 50 (1995) 549), where pure adsorbate is introduced into a semi-batch adsorber at a constant molar flow rate. The surface diffusivity was determined from the analysis of pressure response versus time, using a linear mathematical model developed earlier. To apply the linear theory over the non-linear range of the adsorption isotherm, we implement a differential increment method on the system which is initially equilibrated with some pre-determined loading. By conducting the experiments at different initial loadings, the surface diffusivity can be extracted as a function of loading. Propane, n-butane, n-hexane, benzene, and ethanol were used as diffusing adsorbate on a commercial activated carbon. It is found that the surface diffusivity of these strongly adsorbing vapours increases rapidly with loading, and the surface diffusion flux contributes significantly to the total flux and cannot be ignored. The surface diffusivity increases with temperature according to the Arrhenius law, and for the paraffins tested it decreases with the molecular weight of the adsorbate. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A theoretical analysis of adsorption of mixtures containing subcritical adsorbates into activated carbon is presented as an extension to the theory for pure component developed earlier by Do and coworkers. In this theory, adsorption of mixtures in a pore follows a two-stage process, similar to that for pure component systems. The first stage is the layering of molecules on the surface, with the behavior of the second and higher layers resembling to that of vapor-liquid equilibrium. The second stage is the pore-filling process when the remaining pore width is small enough and the pressure is high enough to promote the pore filling with liquid mixture having the same compositions as those of the outermost molecular layer just prior to pore filling. The Kelvin equation is applied for mixtures, with the vapor pressure term being replaced by the equilibrium pressure at the compositions of the outermost layer of the liquid film. Simulations are detailed to illustrate the effects of various parameters, and the theory is tested with a number of experimental data on mixture. The predictions were very satisfactory.
In this paper we analyzed the adsorption of gases and vapors on graphitised thermal carbon black by using a modified DFT-lattice theory, in which we assume that the behavior of the first layer in the adsorption film is different from those of second and higher layers. The effects of various parameters on the topology of the adsorption isotherm were first investigated, and the model was then applied in the analysis of adsorption data of numerous substances on carbon black. We have found that the first layer in the adsorption film behaves differently from the second and higher layers in such a way that the adsorbate-adsorbate interaction energy in the first layer is less than that of second and higher layers, and the same is observed for the partition function. Furthermore, the adsorbate-adsorbate and adsorbate-adsorbent interaction energies obtained from the fitting are consistently lower than the corresponding values obtained from the viscosity data and calculated from the Lorentz-Berthelot rule, respectively.
Adsorption of one nondissociating and four dissociating aromatic compounds onto three untreated activated carbons from dilute aqueous solutions were investigated. All adsorption experiments were preformed in pH-controlled solutions. The experimental isotherms were analyzed using the homogeneous Langmuir model. The surface chemical properties of the activated carbons were characterized using a combination of water adsorption, X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, and mass titration. These data give rise to a new insight into the adsorption mechanism of aromatic solutes, in their molecular and ionic forms, onto untreated activated carbons. It was found that, for the hydrophilic activated carbons, the dominant adsorption forces were observed to be dipolar interactions when the solutes were in their molecular form whereas dispersive forces, such as pi-pi interactions, were most likely dominant in the case of the basic hydrophobic carbons. However, when the solutes were in their ionic form adsorption occurs in all cases through dispersive forces.
A comparative study of carbon gasification with O-2 and CO2 was conducted by using density functional theory calculations. It was found that the activation energy and the number of active sites in carbon gasification reactions are significantly affected by both the capacity and manner of gas chemisorption. O-2 has a strong adsorption capacity and the dissociative chemisorption of O-2 is thermodynamically favorable on either bare carbon surface or even isolated edge sites. As a result, a large number of semiquinone and o-quinone oxygen can be formed indicating a significant increase in the number of active sites. Moreover, the weaker o-quinone C-C bonds can also drive the reaction forward at (ca. 30%) lower activation energy. Epoxy oxygen forms under relatively high O-2 pressure, and it can only increase the number of active sites, not further reduce the activation energy. CO2 has a lower adsorption capacity. Dissociative chemisorption of CO2 can only occur on two consecutive edge sites and o-quinone oxygen formed from CO2 chemisorption is negligible, let alone epoxy oxygen. Therefore, CO2-carbon reaction needs (ca 30%) higher activation energy. Furthermore, the effective active sites are also reduced by the manner Of CO2 chemisorption. A combination of the higher activation energy and the fewer active sites leads to the much lower reaction rate Of CO2-carbon.
The adsorption of three aromatic compounds on to an untreated carbon was investigated. The solution pH was lowered in all experiments so that all the solutes were in their molecular forms. It was shown that the difference in the maximum adsorption of the solutes was mainly a result of the difference in the sizes of the molecules and their functional groups. Further-more, it was illustrated that the packing arrangement was most likely edge-to-face (sorbate-sorbent) with various tilt angles. On the other hand, the affinity and heterogeneity of the adsorption systems were apparently related to the pK(a) values of the solutes.
Water wetting is a crucial issue in carbon dioxide (CO.) corrosion of multiphase flow pipelines made from mild steel. This study demonstrates the use of a novel benchtop apparatus, a horizontal rotating cylinder, to study the effect of water wetting on CO2 corrosion of mild steel in two-phase flow. The setup is similar to a standard rotating cylinder except for its horizontal orientation and the presence of two phases-typically water and oil. The apparatus has been tested by using mass-transfer measurements and CO2 corrosion measurements in single-phase water flow. CO2 corrosion measurements were subsequently performed using a water/hexane mixture with water cuts varying between 5% and 50%. While the metal surface was primarily hydrophilic under stagnant. conditions, a variety of dynamic water wetting situations was encountered as the water cut and fluid velocity were altered. Threshold velocities were identified at various water cuts when the surface became oil-wet and corrosion stopped.