198 resultados para 670800 Basic Metal Products (incl. Smelting)


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A simple laboratory experiment, based on the Maillard reaction, served as a project in Introductory Statistics for undergraduates in Food Science and Technology. By using the principles of randomization and replication and reflecting on the sources of variation in the experimental data, students reinforced the statistical concepts and techniques introduced to them in lectures before the experiment. The experiment was run simultaneously by several student groups, using the same materials. Comparing the results of their analyses of variance, students became aware of the difference between P values and significance levels in making statistical decisions. In the experiment, the complete randomized design was applied; however, it is easy to adjust the experiment to teach students simple regression and randomized block designs.


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The mechanism of pectin gelation depends on the degree of methoxylation. High methoxyl pectin gels due to hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonding between pectin molecules. Low methoxyl pectin forms gels in the presence of di- and polyvalent cations which cross link and neutralise the negative charges of the pectin molecule. Monovalent cations normally do not lead to gel formation with high methoxyl pectin solutions free of divalent cations, especially Ca. The present study found that alkali (NaOH or KOH) added to high methoxyl pectin leads to gel formation in a concentration-depended manner. It was also found that monovalent cations (Na and K) induce gelation of low methoxyl pectin and the time required for gel formation (setting time) depends on the cation concentration. The results indicate that a combined char-e neutralisation and ionic strength effect is responsible for the monovalent cation-induced gelation of pectin. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Despite decades of experimental and theoretical investigation on thin films, considerable uncertainty exists in the prediction of their critical rupture thickness. According to the spontaneous rupture mechanism, common thin films become unstable when capillary waves. at the interfaces begin to grow. In a horizontal film with symmetry at the midplane. unstable waves from adjacent interfaces grow towards the center of the film. As the film drains and becomes thinner, unstable waves osculate and cause the film to rupture, Uncertainty sterns from a number of sources including the theories used to predict film drainage and corrugation growth dynamics. In the early studies, (lie linear stability of small amplitude waves was investigated in the Context of the quasi-static approximation in which the dynamics of wave growth and film thinning are separated. The zeroth order wave growth equation of Vrij predicts faster wave growth rates than the first order equation derived by Sharma and Ruckenstein. It has been demonstrated in an accompanying paper that film drainage rates and times measured by numerous investigations are bounded by the predictions of the Reynolds equation and the more recent theory of Manev, Tsekov, and Radoev. Solutions to combinations of these equations yield simple scaling laws which should bound the critical rupture thickness of foam and emulsion films, In this paper, critical thickness measurements reported in the literature are compared to predictions from the bounding scaling equations and it is shown that the retarded Hamaker constants derived from approximate Lifshitz theory underestimate the critical thickness of foam and emulsion films, The non-retarded Hamaker constant more adequately bounds the critical thickness measurements over the entire range of film radii reported in the literature. This result reinforces observations made by other independent researchers that interfacial interactions in flexible liquid films are not adequately represented by the retarded Hamaker constant obtained from Lifshitz theory and that the interactions become significant at much greater separations than previously thought. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A review of thin film drainage models is presented in which the predictions of thinning velocities and drainage times are compared to reported values on foam and emulsion films found in the literature. Free standing films with tangentially immobile interfaces and suppressed electrostatic repulsion are considered, such as those studied in capillary cells. The experimental thinning velocities and drainage times of foams and emulsions are shown to be bounded by predictions from the Reynolds and the theoretical MTsR equations. The semi-empirical MTsR and the surface wave equations were the most consistently accurate with all of the films considered. These results are used in an accompanying paper to develop scaling laws that bound the critical film thickness of foam and emulsion films. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of TPU nanocomposites were prepared by incorporating organically modified layered silicates with controlled particle size. To our knowledge, this is the first study into the effects of layered silicate diameter in polymer nanocomposites utilizing the same mineral for each size fraction. The tensile properties of these materials were found to be highly dependent upon the size of the layered silicates. A decrease in disk diameter was associated with a sharp upturn in the stress-strain curve and a pronounced increase in tensile strength. Results from SAXS/SANS experiments showed that the layered silicates did not affect the bulk TPU microphase structure and the morphological response of the host TPU to deformation or promote/hinder strain-induced soft segment crystallization. The improved tensile properties of the nanocomposites containing the smaller nanofillers resulted from the layered silicates aligning in the direction of strain and interacting with the TPU sequences via secondary bonding. This phenomenon contributes predominantly above 400% strain once the microdomain architecture has largely been disassembled. Large tactoids that are unable to align in the strain direction lead to concentrated tensile stresses between the polymer and filler, instead of desirable shear stresses, resulting in void formation and reduced tensile properties. In severe cases, such as that observed for the composite containing the largest silicate, these voids manifest visually as stress whitening.


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An analysis of thermal degradation products evolved during the melt processing of organo-layered silicates (OLS) was carried out via the use of a solid phase microextraction (SPME) technique. Two commerical OLSs and one produced in-house were prepared for comparision. The solid phase microextraction technique proved to be a very effective technique for investigating the degradation of the OLS at a specific processing temperature. The results showed that most available OLSs will degrade under typical conditions required for the melt processing of many polymers, including thermoplastic polyurethanes. It is suggested that these degradation products may lead to changes in the structure and properties of the final polymer, particularly in thermoplastic polyurethanes, which seem significantly succeptable to the presence of these products. It is also suggested that many commercially available OLSs are produced in such a way that results in an excess of unbound organic modifier, giving rise to a greater quantity of degradation products. All OLSs where compared and characterised by TGA and GC-MS. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The similarity between the Peleg, Pilosof –Boquet–Batholomai and Singh–Kulshrestha models was investigated using the hydration behaviours of whey protein concentrate, wheat starch and whey protein isolate at 30 °C in 100% relative humidity. The three models were shown to be mathematically the same within experimental variations, and they yielded parameters that are related. The models, in their linear and original forms, were suitable (r2 > 0.98) in describing the sorption behaviours of the samples, and are sensitive to the length of the sorption segment used in the computation. The whey proteins absorbed more moisture than the wheat starch, and the isolate exhibited a higher sorptive ability than the concentrate.


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The in vitro and in vivo degradation properties of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) scaffolds produced by two different technologies-therm ally induced phase separation (TIPS), and solvent casting and particulate leaching (SCPL) were compared. Over 6 weeks, in vitro degradation produced changes in SCPL scaffold dimension, mass, internal architecture and mechanical properties. TIPS scaffolds produced far less changes in these parameters providing significant advantages over SCPL. In vivo results were based on a microsurgically created arteriovenous (AV) loop sandwiched between two TIPS scaffolds placed in a polycarbonate chamber under rat groin skin. Histologically, a predominant foreign body giant cell response and reduced vascularity was evident in tissue ingrowth between 2 and 8 weeks in TIPS scaffolds. Tissue death occurred at 8 weeks in the smallest pores. Morphometric comparison of TIPS and SCPL scaffolds indicated slightly better tissue ingrowth but greater loss of scaffold structure in SCPL scaffolds. Although advantageous in vitro, large surface area:volume ratios and varying pore sizes in PLGA TIPS scaffolds mean that effective in vivo (AV loop) utilization will only be achieved if the foreign body response can be significantly reduced so as to allow successful vascularisation, and hence sustained tissue growth, in pores less than 300 mu m. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Numerical simulations are conducted to investigate how a droplet of Newtonian liquid. entrained in a higher viscosity Newtonian liquid, behaves when passing through an axisymmetric microfluidic contraction. Simulations are performed using a transient Volume of Fluid finite volume algorithm, and cover ranges of Reynolds and Weber numbers relevant to microfluidic flows. Results are presented for a droplet to surrounding fluid viscosity ratio of 0.001. In contrast to behaviour at higher viscosity ratios obtained previously by the authors, shear and interfacial tension driven instabilities often develop along the droplet Surface. leading to complex shape development, and in some instances, droplet breakup. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A volume-of-fluid numerical method is used to predict the dynamics of shear-thinning liquid drop formation in air from a circular orifice. The validity of the numerical calculation is confirmed for a Newtonian liquid by comparison with experimental measurements. For particular values of Weber number and Froude number, predictions show a more rapid pinch-off, and a reduced number of secondary droplets, with increasing shear-thinning. Also a minimum in the limiting drop length occurs for the smallest Weber number as the zero-shear viscosity is varied. At the highest viscosity, the drop length is reduced due to shear-thinning, whereas at lower viscosities there is little effect of shear-thinning. The evolution of predicted drop shape, drop thickness and length, and the configuration at pinch-off are discussed for shear-thinning drops. The evolution of a drop of Bingham yield stress liquid is also considered as a limiting case. In contrast to the shear-thinning cases, it exhibits a plug flow prior to necking, an almost step-change approach to pinch-off of a torpedo shaped drop following the onset of necking, and a much smaller neck length; no secondary drops are formed. The results demonstrate the potential of the numerical model as a design tool in tailoring the fluid rheology for controlling drop formation behaviour. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Maleic anhydride (MA) and dicumyl peroxide (DCP) were used as crosslinking agent and initiator respectively for blending starch and a biodegradable synthetic aliphatic polyester using reactive extrusion. Blends were characterized using dynamic mechanical and thermal analysis (DMTA). Optical micrographs of the blends revealed that in the optimized blend, starch was evenly dispersed in the polymer matrix. Optimized blends exhibited better tensile properties than the uncompatibilized blends. Xray photoelectron spectroscopy supported the proposed structure for the starch-polyester complex. Variation in the compositions of crosslinking agent and initiator had an impact on the properties and color of the blends.


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The yield behavior of melt-mixed nanocomposites containing 5 wt % organically modified montmorillonite in matrices of a linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) or a modified polyethylene was studied as a function of the temperature. and strain rate. In the melt-mixed LLDPE nanocomposite, the montmorillonite showed a slight increase in the clay spacing, which suggested that the clay was at best intercalated. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images showed that the dispersion in this nanocomposite was poor. The use of the modified polyethylene promoted exfoliation of the clay tactoids in the nanocomposite, as assessed by X-ray diffraction and TEM. In both nanocomposites, the yield mechanisms were insensitive to the addition of the organoclay, even though modest increases in the modulus were produced. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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A cellulose/xyloglucan framework is considered to form the basis for the mechanical properties of primary plant cell walls and hence to have a major influence on the biomechanical properties of growing, fleshy plant tissues. In this study, structural variants of xyloglucan have been investigated as components of composites with bacterial cellulose as a simplified model for the cellulose/xyloglucan framework of primary plant cell walls. Evidence for molecular binding to cellulose with perturbation of cellulose crystallinity was found for all xyloglucan types. High molecular mass samples gave homogeneous centimeter-scale composites with extensive cross-linking of cellulose with xyloglucan. Lower molecular mass xyloglucans gave heterogeneous composites having a range of microscopic structures with little, if any, cross-linking. Xyloglucans with reduced levels of galactose substitution had evidence of self-association, competitive with cellulose binding. At comparable molecular mass, fucose substitution resulted in a modest promotion of microscopic features characteristic of primary cell walls. Taken together, the data are evidence that galactose substitution of the xyloglucan core structure is a major determinant of cellulose composite formation and properties, with additional fucose substitution acting as a secondary modulator. These conclusions are consistent with reported structural and mechanical properties of Arabidopsis mutants lacking specific facose and/or galactose residues.


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In this paper we examine the effect of contact angle (or surface wettability) on the convective heat transfer coefficient in microchannels. Slip flow, where the fluid velocity at the wall is non-zero, is most likely to occur in microchannels due to its dependence on shear rate or wall shear stress. We show analytically that for a constant pressure drop, the presence of slip increases the Nusselt number. In a microchannel heat exchanger we modified the surface wettability from a contact angle of 20 degrees-120 degrees using thin film coating technology. Apparent slip flow is implied from pressure and flow rate measurements with a departure from classical laminar friction coefficients above a critical shear rate of approximately 10,000 s(-1). The magnitude of this departure is dependant on the contact angle with higher contact angles surfaces exhibiting larger pressure drop decreases. Similarly, the non-dimensional heat flux is found to decrease relative to laminar non-slip theory, and this decrease is also a function of the contact angle. Depending on the contact angle and the wall shear rate, variations in the heat transfer rate exceeding 10% can be expected. Thus the contact angle is an important consideration in the design of micro, and even more so, nano heat exchangers. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.