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Prepulse inhibition and facilitation of the blink reflex are said to reflect different responses elicited by the lead stimulus, transient detection and orienting response respectively. Two experiments investigated the effects of trial repetition and lead stimulus change on blink modification. It was hypothesized that these manipulations will affect orienting and thus blink facilitation to a greater extent than they will affect transient detection and thus blink inhibition. In Experiment 1 (N = 64), subjects were trained with a sequence of 12 lead stimulus and 12 blink stimulus alone presentations, and 24 lead stimulus-blink stimulus pairings. Lead interval was 120 ms for 12 of the trials and 2000 ms for the other 12. For half the subjects this sequence was followed by a change in pitch of the lead stimulus. In Experiment 2 (N = 64), subjects were trained with a sequence of 36 blink alone stimuli and 36 lead stimulus-blink stimulus pairings. The lead interval was 120 ms for half the subjects and 2000 ms for the other half. The pitch of the lead stimulus on prestimulus trials 31-33 was changed for half the subjects in each group. In both experiments, the amount of blink inhibition decreased during training whereas the amount of blink facilitation remained unchanged. Lead stimulus change had no effect on blink modification in either experiment although it resulted in enhanced skin conductance responses and greater heart rate deceleration in Experiment 2. The present results are not consistent with the notion that blink facilitation is linked to orienting whereas blink inhibition reflects a transient detection mechanism. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
Previous studies have shown that multiple ; birth children (MBC) are prone to early phonological ;difficulties and later literacy problems. However, to date, ;there has been no systematic long-term follow-up of MBC with phonological difficulties in the preschool years to determine whether these difficulties predict later literacy problems. In this study, 20 MBC whose early speech and language skills had been previously documented were compared to normative data and 20 singleton controls on tasks assessing phonological ; processing and literacy. The major findings indicated that MBC performed significantly more poorly on some tasks :df phonological processing than singleton controls did. Further, the early phonological skills of MBC (i.e., the number of inappropriate phonological processes used) correlated with poor performance on visual rhyme recognition, word repetition, and phoneme detection tasks 5 years later. There was no significant relationship between early biological factors (birth weight and gestation period) and performance on the phonological processing and literacy-related subtests. These results cl-support the hypothesis that MBC's early speech and language difficulties are not merely a transient phase;of; development, but a real disorder, with consequences for later academic achievement.
Subcycling algorithms which employ multiple timesteps have been previously proposed for explicit direct integration of first- and second-order systems of equations arising in finite element analysis, as well as for integration using explicit/implicit partitions of a model. The author has recently extended this work to implicit/implicit multi-timestep partitions of both first- and second-order systems. In this paper, improved algorithms for multi-timestep implicit integration are introduced, that overcome some weaknesses of those proposed previously. In particular, in the second-order case, improved stability is obtained. Some of the energy conservation properties of the Newmark family of algorithms are shown to be preserved in the new multi-timestep extensions of the Newmark method. In the first-order case, the generalized trapezoidal rule is extended to multiple timesteps, in a simple way that permits an implicit/implicit partition. Explicit special cases of the present algorithms exist. These are compared to algorithms proposed previously. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The moving finite element collocation method proposed by Kill et al. (1995) Chem. Engng Sci. 51 (4), 2793-2799 for solution of problems with steep gradients is further developed to solve transient problems arising in the field of adsorption. The technique is applied to a model of adsorption in solids with bidisperse pore structures. Numerical solutions were found to match the analytical solution when it exists (i.e. when the adsorption isotherm is linear). The method is simple yet sufficiently accurate for use in adsorption problems, where global collocation methods fail. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Expokit provides a set of routines aimed at computing matrix exponentials. More precisely, it computes either a small matrix exponential in full, the action of a large sparse matrix exponential on an operand vector, or the solution of a system of linear ODEs with constant inhomogeneity. The backbone of the sparse routines consists of matrix-free Krylov subspace projection methods (Arnoldi and Lanczos processes), and that is why the toolkit is capable of coping with sparse matrices of large dimension. The software handles real and complex matrices and provides specific routines for symmetric and Hermitian matrices. The computation of matrix exponentials is a numerical issue of critical importance in the area of Markov chains and furthermore, the computed solution is subject to probabilistic constraints. In addition to addressing general matrix exponentials, a distinct attention is assigned to the computation of transient states of Markov chains.
Land degradation in the Philippine uplands is severe and widespread. Most upland areas are steep, and intense rainfall on soils disturbed by intensive agriculture can produce high rates of soil loss. This has serious implications for the economic welfare of a growing upland population with few feasible livelihood alternatives. Hedgerow intercropping can greatly reduce soil loss from annual cropping systems and has been considered an appropriate technology for soil conservation research and extension in the Philippine uplands. However; adoption of hedgerow intercropping has been sporadic and transient, rarely continuing once external support has been withdrawn. The objective of this paper is to investigate the economic incentives for farmers in the Philippine uplands to adopt hedgerow intercropping relative to traditional open-field maize farming. Cost-benefit analysis is used to compare the economic viability of hedgerow intercropping, as it has been promoted to upland farmers, with the viability of traditional methods of open-field farming. The APSIM and SCUAF models were used to predict the effect of soil erosion on maize yields from open-field farming and hedgerow intercropping. The results indicate that there have been strong economic incentives for farmers with limited planning horizons to reject hedgerow intercropping because the benefits of sustained yields are not realized rapidly enough to compensate for high establishment costs. Alternative forms of hedgerow intercropping such as natural vegetation and grass strips reduce establishment and maintenance costs and are therefore more economically attractive to farmers than hedgerow intercropping with shrub legumes. The long-term economic viability of hedgerow intercropping depends on the economic setting and the potential for hedgerow intercropping to sustain maize production relative to traditional open-field farming. (C) 1998 Academic Press.
Molecular dynamics simulations of carbon atom depositions are used to investigate energy diffusion from the impact zone. A modified Stillinger-Weber potential models the carbon interactions for both sp2 and sp3 bonding. Simulations were performed on 50 eV carbon atom depositions onto the (111) surface of a 3.8 x 3.4 x 1.0 nm diamond slab containing 2816 atoms in 11 layers of 256 atoms each. The bottom layer was thermostated to 300 K. At every 100th simulation time step (27 fs), the average local kinetic energy, and hence local temperature, is calculated. To do this the substrate is divided into a set of 15 concentric hemispherical zones, each of thickness one atomic diameter (0.14 nm) and centered on the impact point. A 50-eV incident atom heats the local impact zone above 10 000 K. After the initial large transient (200 fs) the impact zone has cooled below 3000 K, then near 1000 K by 1 ps. Thereafter the temperature profile decays approximately as described by diffusion theory, perturbed by atomic scale fluctuations. A continuum model of classical energy transfer is provided by the traditional thermal diffusion equation. The results show that continuum diffusion theory describes well energy diffusion in low energy atomic deposition processes, at distance and time scales larger than 1.5 nm and 1-2 ps, beyond which the energy decays essentially exponentially. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
Background and Purpose-Few community-based studies have examined the long-term risk of recurrent stroke after an acute first-ever stroke. This study aimed to determine the absolute and relative risks of a first recurrent stroke over the first 5 years after a first-ever stroke and the predictors of such recurrence in a population-based series of people with first-ever stroke in Perth, Western Australia. Methods-Between February 1989 and August 1990, all people with a suspected acute stroke or transient ischemic attack of the brain who were resident in a geographically defined region of Perth, Western Australia, with a population of 138 708 people, were registered prospectively and assessed according to standardized diagnostic criteria. Patients were followed up prospectively at 4 months, 12 months, and 5 years after the index event. Results-Three hundred seventy patients with a first-ever stroke were registered, of whom 351 survived >2 days. Data were available for 98% of the cohort at 5 years, by which time 199 patients (58%) had died and 52 (15%) had experienced a recurrent stroke, 12 (23%) of which were fatal within 28 days. The 5-year cumulative risk of first recurrent stroke was 22.5% (95% confidence limits [CL], 16.8%, 28.1%). The risk of recurrent stroke was greatest in the first 6 months after stroke, at 8.8% (95% CL, 5.4%, 12.1%). After adjustment for age and sex, the prognostic factors for recurrent stroke were advanced, but not extreme, age (75 to 84 years) (hazard ratio [HR], 2.6; 95% CL, 1.1, 6.2), hemorrhagic index stroke (HR, 2.1; 95% CL, 0.98, 4.4), and diabetes mellitus (HR, 2.1; 95% CL, 0.95, 4.4). Conclusions-Approximately 1 in 6 survivors (15%) of a first-ever stroke experience a recurrent stroke over the next 5 years, of which 25% are fatal within 28 days. The pathological subtype of the recurrent stroke is the same as that of the index stroke in 88% of cases. The predictors of first recurrent stroke in this study were advanced age, hemorrhagic index stroke, and diabetes mellitus, but numbers of recurrent events were modest. Because the risk of recurrent stroke is highest (8.8%) in the first 6 months after stroke, strategies for secondary prevention should be initiated as soon as possible after the index event.
The murine homologue of the TFEC was cloned as part of an analysis of the expression of the microphthalmia-TFE (MiT) subfamily of transcription factors in macrophages. TFEC, which most likely acts as a transcriptional repressor in heterodimers with other MiT family members, was identified in cells of the mononuclear phagocyte lineage, coexpressed,vith all other known MiT subfamily members (Mitf, TFE3, TFEB), Northern blot analysis of several different cell lineages indicated that the expression of murine TFEC (mTFEC) was restricted to macrophages. A 600-bp fragment of the TATA-less putative proximal promoter of TFEC shares features with many known macrophage-specific promoters and preferentially directs luciferase expression in the RAW264.7 macrophage cell line in transient transfection assays. Five of six putative Ets motifs identified in the TFEC promoter bind the macrophage-restricted transcription factor PU,I under in vitro conditions and in transfected 3T3 fibroblasts; the minimal luciferase activity of the TFEC promoter could be induced by coexpression of PU.1 or the related transcription factor Ets-2. The functional importance of the tissue-restricted expression of TFEC and a possible role in macrophage-specific gene regulation require further investigation, but are likely to be linked to the role of the other MiT family members in this lineage.
Krylov subspace techniques have been shown to yield robust methods for the numerical computation of large sparse matrix exponentials and especially the transient solutions of Markov Chains. The attractiveness of these methods results from the fact that they allow us to compute the action of a matrix exponential operator on an operand vector without having to compute, explicitly, the matrix exponential in isolation. In this paper we compare a Krylov-based method with some of the current approaches used for computing transient solutions of Markov chains. After a brief synthesis of the features of the methods used, wide-ranging numerical comparisons are performed on a power challenge array supercomputer on three different models. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.AMS Classification: 65F99; 65L05; 65U05.
A 1369 bp DNA fragment (Sc) was isolated from a full-length clone of sugarcane bacilliform badnavirus (ScBV) and was shown to have promoter activity in transient expression assays using monocot (banana, maize, millet and sorghum) and dicot plant species (tobacco, sunflower, canola and Nicotiana benthamiana). This promoter was also tested for stable expression in transgenic banana and tobacco plants. These experiments showed that this promoter could drive high-level expression of the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene in most plant cells. The expression level was comparable to the maize ubiquitin promoter in standardised transient assays in maize. In transgenic banana plants the expression levels were variable for different transgenic lines but was generally comparable with the activities of both the maize ubiquitin promoter and the enhanced cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter. The Sc promoter appears to express in a near-constitutive manner in transgenic banana and tobacco plants. The promoter from sugarcane bacilliform virus represents a useful tool for the high-level expression of foreign genes in both monocot and dicot transgenic plants that could be used similarly to the CaMV 35S or maize polyubiquitin promoter.
Nutrients were added to 12 microatolls in One Tree Island lagoon every low tide for 13 mo to an initial concentration of 10 mu M (ammonium, N) and 2 mu M (phosphate, P). These concentrations remained above background for 2 to 3 h after addition. The addition of ammonium (N and NI-P but not P alone) significantly increased P, (gross photosynthesis) P,, (net photosynthesis) and R (respiration) per unit wet-tissue weight and cc (photosynthetic efficiency) in Tridacna maxima after 3 mo nutrient enrichment. These responses to small and transient changes in ammonium concentrations suggest that symbiotic clams are not nutrient-replete, and that even subtle changes in nutrients can have a measurable effect on photosynthesis. The same clams did not show significant differences in photosynthetic parameters 6 mo after the beginning of nutrient enrichment, suggesting that their previous responses had either been seasonal or that symbiotic clams such as T. maxima are able to adjust their photophysiology following external changes in nutrient concentrations.
1 We identified putative beta(4)-adrenoceptors by radioligand binding, measured increases in ventricular contractile force by (-)-CGP 12177 and (+/-)-cyanopindolol and demonstrated increased Ca2+ transients by (-)-CGP 12177 in rat cardiomyocytes. 2 (-)-[H-3]-CGP 12177 labelled 13-22 fmol mg(-1) protein ventricular beta(1), beta(2)-adrenoceptors (pK(D) similar to 9.0) and 50-90 fmol mg(-1) protein putative beta(4)-adrenoceptors (pK(D) similar to 7.3). The affinity values (PKi) for (beta(1),beta(2)-) and putative beta(4)-adrenoceptors, estimated from binding inhibition, were (-)-propranolol 8.4, 5.7; (-)-bupranolol 9.7, 5.8; (+/-)-cyanopindolol 10.0,7.4. 3 In left ventricular papillary muscle, in the presence of 30 mu M 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, (-)CGP 12177 and (+/-)-cyanopindolol caused positive inotropic effects, (pEC(50) (-)-CGP 12177, 7.6; (+/-)-cyanopindolol, 7.0) which were antagonized by (-)-bupranolol (pK(B) 6.7-7.0) and (-)-CGP 20712A (pK(B) 6.3-6.6). The cardiostimulant effects of(-)-CGP 12177 in papillary muscle, left and right atrium were antagonized by (+/-)-cyanopindolol (pK(i), 7.0-7.4). 4 (-)-CGP 12177 (1 mu M) in the presence of 200 nM (-)-propranolol increased Ca2+ transient amplitude by 56% in atrial myocytes, but only caused a marginal increase in ventricular myocytes. In the presence of 1 mu M 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine and 200 nM (-)-propranolol, 1 mu M (-)-CGP 12177 caused a 73% increase in Ca2+ transient amplitude in ventricular myocytes. (-)-CGP 12177 elicited arrhythmic transients in some atrial and ventricular myocytes. 5 Probably by preventing cyclic AMP hydrolysis, 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine facilitates the inotropic function of ventricular putative beta(4)-adrenoceptors. suggesting coupling to G(s) protein-adenylyl cyclase. The receptor-mediated increases in contractile force are related to increases of Ca2+ in atrial and ventricular myocytes. The agreement of binding affinities of agonists with cardiostimulant potencies is consistent with mediation through putative beta(4)-adrenoceptors labelled with (-)-[H-3]-CGP 12177.
Four experiments were carried out in Merino ewes during a period of 4 years to determine the long-term effects of immunization against different synthetic peptides mimicking the amine terminal of the or subunit of porcine inhibin. Peptides were conjugated to human serum albumin and 100-200 mu g emulsified in Freund's complete adjuvant for the primary immunization. Usually two booster injections were given at monthly intervals with 50-100 mu g conjugated peptide using either incomplete Freund's adjuvant or Montanide : Marcel. In some experiments a further immunization was carried in the next year. Blood samples were taken 10 days after each immunization, during the luteal phase, for estimation of gonadotrophin concentrations and determination of inhibin antibody titres. One day after blood sampling cloprostenol was used to induce luteolysis and laparoscopy was performed in the subsequent oestrous cycle. Immunization of ewes with synthetic peptides 1-32, 1-26, 7-26 and 8-30 resulted in large increases in the ovulation rate (OR). An approximately two-fold increase in OR was observed following the first booster immunization with these peptides and a three- to five-fold increase after the second booster immunization. Immunization with these large peptides resulted in a sustained increase in OR for a period of at least 1 year after the second booster immunization. Of the shorter peptides, peptides 10-26 and 13-26 gave a reasonable ovulatory response, although it was more difficult to obtain a response with peptides 1-16, 8-22, 13-25, 8-19 and 10-19; peptides 7-13 and 1-6 gave no response (but were examined for one breeding season only). The smaller peptides led to lower inhibin antibody titres that were not necessarily associated with increased follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) or OR. More intensive blood sampling in one experiment showed that following primary immunization against peptide 1-32 there was a transient increase in plasma FSH which did not lead to an increased OR. Moreover, a prolonged period of raised FSH after the first booster was significantly correlated with increased OR. In these animals antibody titres were only slightly increased after primary immunization, but after the first booster immunization higher titres were observed that were significantly correlated with trough FSH values and the subsequent OR. These results are interpreted as showing that (1) to obtain an increase in OR peptides 1-32, 1-26 and 7-26 are suitable as immunogens; (2) smaller peptides are less reliable, often require multiple injections, and the response may be delayed; and (3) an extended period of raised plasma FSH is needed to give a large ovulatory response.
We shall study continuous-time Markov chains on the nonnegative integers which are both irreducible and transient, and which exhibit discernible stationarity before drift to infinity sets in. We will show how this 'quasi' stationary behaviour can be modelled using a limiting conditional distribution: specifically, the limiting state probabilities conditional on not having left 0 for the last time. By way of a dual chain, obtained by killing the original process on last exit from 0, we invoke the theory of quasistationarity for absorbing Markov chains. We prove that the conditioned state probabilities of the original chain are equal to the state probabilities of its dual conditioned on non-absorption, thus allowing us to establish the simultaneous existence and then equivalence, of their limiting conditional distributions. Although a limiting conditional distribution for the dual chain is always a quasistationary distribution in the usual sense, a similar statement is not possible for the original chain.