67 resultados para theories of value
Although perceived health risk plays a prominent role in theories of health behavior. its empirical role in risk taking is less clear. In Study 1 (N = 129), 2 measures of drivers' risk-taking behavior were found to be unrelated to self-estimates of accident concern but to be related to self-ratings of driving skill and the perceived thrill of driving. In Study 2 (N = 405), out of a wide range of potential influences, accident concern had the weakest relationship with risk taking. The authors concluded that although health risk is a key feature in many theories of health behavior and a central focus for researchers and policy makers, it may not be such a prominent factor for those actually taking the risk.
The wild mungbean, Vigna radiata ssp. sublobata, is an 'old world' tropical species indigenous throughout the better watered areas of northern Australia. Variation among 115 accessions, mainly from Australia, West Timor, and Papua New Guinea, was evaluated for several diverse traits. The plants were cultivated in the field at 2 sowing dates, at both a tropical and a subtropical location, with 6 accessions from India and a mungbean cultivar for comparison. Substantial variation was identified for traits of potential agronomic, adaptive, or taxonomic interest. For some traits, like phenology, the variation appeared to be systematic, with plausible underlying physiological and/or adaptive explanation. Among accessions, wild type traits, like prostrate habit, more gracile morphology, twining form, and small hard seeds, tended to be associated. There was a general geographic trend for lines collected from locations more remote from where mungbean has historically been cultivated to show greater expression of wild type traits, with few 'traits of domestication' evident in the Australian accessions. Some of the identified variation, e. g. higher seed protein content, hardseededness, and putative disease resistance, may be of value in mungbean variety improvement. A more targetted evaluation of the collection would likely reveal other adaptations, especially tolerance to environmental stresses. As such, the wild accessions are a potentially valuable if under-utilised germplasm resource.
This research project addressed limitations identified in previous studies of role differences (victim vs. perpetrator) in evaluations of hurtful events. The study employed multiple methods (open-ended and structured retrospective reports and experience-sampling diary records), and involved a community sample of both dating and married couples. Retrospective reports indicated that the extent and direction of role-related differences varied markedly across dependent measures. Further, role differences were moderated by forgiveness, but not relationship status, relationship satisfaction, or event severity. Diary records pointed to the ambiguity inherent in many communication acts as contributing to differing perceptions of hurtful events. Results are discussed in terms of theories of interdependence and self-presentation and in terms of the complex and often ambiguous nature of couples' communication processes.
The lexical-semantic and syntactic abilities of a group of individuals with chronic nonthalamic subcortical (NS) lesions following stroke (n = 6) were investigated using the Western Aphasia Battery (WAB) picture description task [Kertesz, A. (1982). The Western aphasia battery. New York: Grune and Stratton] and compared with those of a group of subjects with Huntington's Disease (HD) (n = 6) and a nonneurologically impaired control group (n = 6) matched for age, sex, and educational level. The performance of the NS and HD subjects did not differ significantly from the well controls on measures of lexical-semantic abilities. NS and HD subjects provided as much information about the target picture as control subjects, but produced fewer action information units. Analysis of syntactic abilities revealed that the HD subjects produced significantly more grammatical errors than both the NS and control subjects and that the NS group performed in a similar manner to control subjects. These findings are considered in terms of current theories of subcortical language function Learning outcomes: As a result of this activity, the reader will obtain information about the debate surrounding the role of subcortical language mechanisms and be provided with new information on the comparative picture description abilities of individuals with known vascular and degenerative subcortical pathologies and healthy control participants. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This is the third article of a series entitled Astronauts as Audiences. In this article, we investigate the roles that situation awareness (SA), communications, and reality TV (including media communications) might have on the lives of astronauts in remote space communities. We examined primary data about astronauts’ living and working environments, applicable theories of SA, communications, and reality TV (including media communications). We then surmised that the collective application of these roles might be a means of enhancing the lives of astronauts in remote space communities.
The Tritone Paradox refers to a sequence of two specially synthesised "Shepard" tones which may sound ascending to one listener, and descending to another. The present study examines a recent suggestion that people's responses on this task may be determined by neural processes which are sensitive to temporal variations in pitch - so-called spectral motion detectors. Twelve listeners with normal hearing were presented with pairs of Shepard tones in each of two conditions - first in the traditional sequential manner, and then simultaneously, with one tone presented to each ear. Results indicated that respondents were able to judge consistent relationships between the tones even when presented simultaneously, and a high degree of similarity was observed between responses in each condition. The implications of these results for current theories of the Tritone Paradox are discussed.
This paper reports on the early stages of a three year study that is investigating the impact of a technology-enriched teacher education program on beginning teachers' integration of computers, graphics calculators, and the internet into secondary school mathematics classrooms. Whereas much of the existing research on the role of technology in mathematics learning has been concerned with effects on curriculum content or student learning, less attention has been given to the relationship between technology use and issues of pedagogy, in particular the impact on teachers' professional learning in the context of specific classroom and school environments. Our research applies sociocultural theories of learning to consider how beginning teachers are initiated into a collaborative professional community featuring both web-based and face to face interaction, and how participation in such a community shapes their pedagogical beliefs and practices. The aim of this paper is to analyse processes through which the emerging community was established and sustained during the first year of the study. We examine features of this community in terms of identity formation, shifts in values and beliefs, and interaction patterns revealed in bulletin board discussion between students and lecturers.