73 resultados para quality control of wines
Many granulation plants operate well below design capacity, suffering from high recycle rates and even periodic instabilities. This behaviour cannot be fully predicted using the present models. The main objective of the paper is to provide an overview of the current status of model development for granulation processes and suggest future directions for research and development. The end-use of the models is focused on the optimal design and control of granulation plants using the improved predictions of process dynamics. The development of novel models involving mechanistically based structural switching methods is proposed in the paper. A number of guidelines are proposed for the selection of control relevant model structures. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Phytophthora nicotianae is a devastating root and stem pathogen of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) in South Africa. Growers strive to control the resulting disease, known as black shank, with metalaxyl treatments and resistant cultivars. The aim of this study was to consider whether development of metalaxyl resistance in P. nicotianae has contributed to poor disease control and if recently developed cultivars with high levels of resistance require metalaxyl for effective control. One hundred and thirty-two isolates of P. nicotianae were screened for sensitivity to metalaxyl. P. nicotianae isolates from most tobacco farms were metalaxyl sensitive. Growth of most isolates was inhibited completely at 1.0 μg a.i./ml. However, isolates from the MKTV tobacco producing area showed EC50 values ranging from 1.02 μg a.i./ml to 3.57 μg a.i./ml. Twenty-one tobacco cultivars were planted and treated with and without metalaxyl in two different growing seasons to evaluate their resistance to P. nicotianae and the value of using metalaxyl. Hicks was the most susceptible cultivar. Vuma/3/46, LK30/40/60-1, and LK33/60 exhibited the greatest resistance to P. nicotianae. Use of metalaxyl in combination with moderately resistant cultivars such as NC60 × TL33 and LK10/80/60 effectively reduced black shank in the field. Resistant cultivars were healthy and no significant difference between metalaxyl treated and untreated plants was observed.
The potential to use a GnRH agonist bioimplant and injection of exogenous LH to control the time of ovulation in a multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) protocol was examined in buffalo. Mixed-parity buffalo (Bubalus bubalis; 4-15-year-old; 529 13 kg LW) were randomly assigned to one of five groups (n = 6): Group 1, conventional MOET protocol; Group 2, conventional MOET with 12 It delay in injection of PGF(2alpha); Group 3, implanted with GnRH agonist to block the pre-ovulatory surge release of LH; Group 4, implanted with GnRH agonist and injected with exogenous LH (Lutropin(R), 25 mg) 24 h after 4 days of superstimulation with FSH; Group 5, implanted with GnRH agonist and injected with LH 36 h after superstimulation with FSH. Ovarian follicular growth in all buffaloes was stimulated by treatment with FSH (Folltropin-V(R), 200 mg) administered over 4 days, and was monitored by ovarian ultrasonography. At the time of estrus, the number of follicles greater than or equal to8 mm. was greater (P < 0.05) for buffaloes in Group 2 (12.8) than for buffaloes in Groups 1 (8.5), 3 (7.3), 4 (6.1) and 5 (6.8), which did not differ. All buffaloes were mated by AI after spontaneous (Groups 1-3) or induced (Groups 4 and 5) ovulation. The respective number of buffalo that ovulated, number of corpora lutea, ovulation rate (%), and embryos + oocytes recovered were: Group 1 (2, 1.8 +/- 1.6, 18.0 +/- 13.6, 0.2 +/- 0.2); Group 2 (4, 6.1 +/- 2.9, 40.5 +/- 17.5, 3.7 +/- 2.1); Group 3 (0, 0, 0, 0); Group 4 (6, 4.3 +/- 1.2, 69.3 +/- 14.2, 2.0 +/- 0.9); and Group 5 (1, 2.5 +/- 2.5, 15.5 +/- 15.5, 2.1 +/- 2.1). All buffaloes in Group 4 ovulated after injection of LH and had a relatively high ovulation rate (69%) and embryo recovery (46%). It has been shown that the GnRH agonist-LH protocol can be used to improve the efficiency of MOET in buffalo. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
The expression and properties of ionic channels were investigated in dissociated neurons from neonatal and adult rat intracardiac ganglia. Changes in the hyperpolarization-activated and ATP-sensitive K+ conductances during postnatal development and their role in neuronal excitability were examined. The hyperpolarization-activated nonselective cation current, I-h, was observed in all neurons studied and displayed slow time-dependent rectification. An inwardly rectifying K+ current, I-K(I), was present in a population of neurons from adult but not neonatal rats and was sensitive to block by extracellular Ba2+. Using the perforated-patch recording configuration, an ATP-sensitive K+ (K-ATP) conductance was identified in greater than or equal to 50% of intracardiac neurons from adult rats. Levcromakalim evoked membrane hyperpolarization, which was inhibited by the sulphonylurea drugs. glibenclamide and tolbutamide. Exposure to hypoxic conditions also activated a membrane current similar to that induced by levcromakalim and was inhibited by glibenclamide. Changes in the complement of ion channels during postnatal development may underlie observed differences in the function of intracardiac ganglion neurons during maturation. Furthermore, activation of hyperpolarization-activated and KATP channels in mammalian intracardiac neurons may play a role in neural regulation of the mature heart and cardiac function during ischaemia-reperfusion. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.
This study details the novel application of predacious copepods, genus Mesocyclops, for control of Ochlerotatus tremulus (Theobald) group and Aedes aegypti (L.) mosquito larvae in subterranean habitats in north Queensland, Australia. During June 1997, 50 Mesocyclops sp. I were inoculated into one service manhole in South Townsville. Wet season rainfall and flooding in both 1998 and 2000 was responsible for the dispersal of copepods via the underground pipe system to 29 of 35 manholes over an area of 1.33 km(2). Significant reductions in Aedes and Ochlerotatus larvae ensued. In these habitats, Mesocyclops and Metacyclops were able to survive dry periods, when substrate moisture content ranged from 13.8 to 79.9%. At the semiarid inland towns of Hughenden and Richmond, cracking clay soil prevents drainage of water from shallow service pits where Oc. tremulus immatures numbered from 292-18,460 per pit. Introduction of Mesocyclops copepods into these sites during May 1999 resulted in 100% control of Oc. tremulus for 18 mo. One uninoculated pit subsequently became positive for Mesocyclops with resultant control of mosquito larvae.
We describe remarkable success in controlling dengue vectors, Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse), in 6 communes with 11,675 households and 49,647 people in the northern provinces of Haiphong, Hung Yen, and Nam Dinh in Vietnam. The communes were selected for high-frequency use of large outdoor concrete tanks and wells. These were found to be the source of 49.6-98.4% of Ae. aegypti larvae, which were amenable to treatment with local Mesocyclops, mainly M. woutersi Van der Velde, M. aspericornis (Daday) and M. thermocyclopoides Harada. Knowledge, attitude, and practice surveys were performed to determine whether the communities viewed dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever as a serious health threat; to determine their knowledge of the etiology, attitudes, and practices regarding control methods including Mesocyclops; and to determine their receptivity to various information methods. On the basis of the knowledge, attitude, and practice data, the community-based dengue control program comprised a system of local leaders, health volunteer teachers, and schoolchildren, supported by health professionals. Recycling of discards for economic gain was enhanced, where appropriate, and this, plus 37 clean-up campaigns, removed small containers unsuitable for Mesocyclops treatment. A previously successful eradication at Phan Boi village (Hung Yen province) was extended to 7 other villages forming Di Su commune (1,750 households) in the current study. Complete control was also achieved in Nghia Hiep (Hung Yen province) and in Xuan Phong (Nam Dinh province); control efficacy was greater than or equal to 99.7% in the other 3 communes (Lac Vien in Haiphong, Nghia Dong, and Xuan Kien in Nam Dinh). Although tanks and wells were the key container types of Ae. aegypti productivity, discarded materials were the source of 51% of the standing crop of Ae. albopictus. Aedes albopictus larvae were eliminated from the 3 Nam Dinh communes, and 86-98% control was achieved in the other 3 communes. Variable dengue attack rates made the clinical and serological comparison of control and untreated communes problematic, but these data indicate that clinical surveillance by itself is inadequate to monitor dengue transmission.
Approximately half of the motoneurons generated during normal embryonic development undergo programmed cell death. Most of this death occurs during the time when synaptic connections are being formed between motoneurons and their target, skeletal muscle. Subsequent muscle activity stemming from this connection helps determine the final number of surviving motoneurons. These observations have given rise to the idea that motoneuron survival is dependent upon access to muscle derived trophic factors, presumably through intact neuromuscular synapses. However, it is not yet understood how the muscle regulates the supply of such trophic factors, or if there are additional mechanisms operating to control the fate of the innervating motoneuron. Recent observations have highlighted target independent mechanisms that also operate to support the survival of motoneurons, such as early trophic-independent periods of motoneuron death, trophic factors derived from Schwann cells and selection of motoneurons during pathfinding. Here we review recent investigations into motoneuron cell death when the molecular signalling between motoneurons and muscle has been genetically disrupted. From these studies, we suggest that in addition to trophic factors from muscle and/or Schwann cells, specific adhesive interactions between motoneurons and muscle are needed to regulate motoneuron survival. Such interactions, along with intact synaptic basal lamina, may help to regulate the supply and presentation of trophic factors to motoneurons.
Male kids (110) from six goat genotypes, i.e. Boer x Angora (BA), Boer x Feral (1317), Boer x Saanen (BS), Feral x Feral (FF), Saanen x Angora (SA) and Saanen x Feral (SF) and two slaughter weight groups, i.e. Capretto and Chevon (liveweight at slaughter 14-22 and 30-35 kg, respectively) were compared for growth, carcass and meat quality characteristics. Due to their better growth rate, kids from BS and SF genotypes reached the required liveweight for slaughter earlier than kids from other Genotypes used in the study. Chevon kids had a significantly (P < 0.05) lower average daily gain (119 g per day) compared to Capretto kids (171 g per day). SA, SF and FF kids deposited more internal fat in comparison to kids from other genotypes. The dressing percentage of kids ranged from 51 to 54%, with significant differences between genotypes. BS and SF kids had longer carcasses. while BF kids had larger eye muscle area compared to other genotypes. Goat carcasses had a thin subcutaneous fat cover (1.6-2.2 mm). Genotype had a significant (P < 0.05) influence on cooking loss, pigment concentration and muscle colour parameters (CIE L*, a* and b* values). As denoted by the higher V and fibre optic probe values and lower subjective muscle score, the longissimus muscle colour was lighter for BS kids than other genotypes. Cooked meat from the BF kids had lower shear force values and better sensory scores compared to other genotypes. A significant (P < 0.05) decrease in muscle tenderness was observed from Capretto to Chevon carcasses, whereas cooked meat from these two slaughter weight groups was equally accepted (P > 0.05) by the panellists. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Control recommendations are presented for four genetic or familial diseases that cause significant morbidity and mortality in affected English Bull Terriers. Bull Terrier polycystic kidney disease is an autosomal dominant disease diagnosed by detecting a minimum of three renal cysts, with cysts present in both kidneys, and similarly affected family members to confirm the inherited nature of the cysts. Bull Terrier hereditary nephritis is an autosomal dominant disease diagnosed in otherwise normal animals with urinary protein: creatinine ratios persistently >0.3 and no significant urinary sediment, a family history of the disease, and characteristic glomerular basement membrane lesions. Mitral valve myxomatous degeneration and left ventricular outflow tract obstruction in Bull Terriers are familial diseases diagnosed by auscultating characteristic murmurs in affected animals. Excluding animals with these clinical signs from the breeding pool will reduce the prevalence rates of these diseases, however maintenance of an effective population size is also important. Providing breeders with information on genetics, including the risks associated with inbreeding and the benefits of outcrossing, is likely to improve canine breeding practices, thus increasing fitness and fecundity of these purebred dogs.
Uptake of nutrients and water depends on the growth of roots through elongation of individual cells near the. root tip. Many of the numerous components of Type I primary cell walls, those of dicotyledons and monocotyledons other than grasses (Poaceae), have been determined, and many hypotheses have been proposed for the control of cell expansion. This important aspect of plant growth still needs elucidation, however. A model is proposed in which pectin, which occurs as a calcium (Ca) pectate gel between the load-bearing cellulose microfibrils and xyloglucan (XG) chains, controls the rate at which cells expand. It is considered that the increasing tension generated by the expanding cell is transmitted to interlocked XG chains and cellulose microfibrils. The resulting deformation of the embedded Ca pectate gel elicits the excretion of protons from the cytoplasm, possibly via compounds such as cell wall-associated kinases, that weakens the Ca pectate gel, permitting slippage of XG molecules through the action of expansin. Further slippage is prevented by deformation of the pectic gel, proton diffusion, and the transfer of residual tension to adjacent XG chains. Evidence for this model is based on the effects of pH, Ca, and aluminum (Al) on root elongation and on the reactions of these cations with Ca pectate. This model allows for genetic selection of plants and adaptation of individual plants to root environmental conditions.