161 resultados para new procedure
Reaction of bis(ethane-1,2-diamine)copper(II) with acetaldehyde and nitromethane in methanol leads, stereoselectively, to the new macrocyclic complex (trans-5(R),7(R),12(S),14(S))-tetramethyl-6,13-dinitro-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane)copper(II) perchlorate alpha-[CuL1](ClO4)(2) in good yield. Reduction of the nitro groups affords the hexaamine (L-2), which was crystallized as [H4L2](ClO4)(4) . 2H(2)O and characterized by an X-ray crystal structure study (monoclinic P2(1)/n, a = 9.763(2) Angstrom, b = 12.1988(7) Angstrom, c = 13.036(2) Angstrom, beta = 105.668(7)degrees, Z = 2) and complexed with Cu-II to produce the complex beta-[Cu(H2L2)](ClO4)(4) . 2H(2)O, which has also been characterized by X-ray crystallography (monoclinic P2(1)/n, a = 9.717(4) Angstrom, b = 12.174(2) Angstrom, c = 13.036(5) Angstrom, beta = 106.51(2)degrees, Z = 2). Reaction of alpha-[CuL1](2+) with either basic hydrogen peroxide or dilute nitrous acid leads to mild reduction of the nitro groups to afford the ketoxime L-3 as its N-based isomeric Cu-II complexes, trans-I [CuL3](ClO4)(2) and trans-II [Cu(L-3)Cl]Cl . 7H(2)O, the latter of which has been characterized structurally: triclinic, <P(1)over bar> a = 10.8441(5) Angstrom, b = 11.6632(9) Angstrom, c = 11.8723(9) Angstrom, alpha = 113.634(7)degrees, beta = 95.744(5), gamma = 94.851(5)degrees Z = 2. Variations in the configurations of the coordinated amines in [CuL1](2+), [CuL2](2+), and [CuL3](2+) have a profound effect on the spectroscopy and electrochemistry of their complexes.
Recent detections of high-redshift absorption by both atomic hydrogen and molecular gas in the radio spectra of quasars have provided a powerful tool for measuring possible temporal and spatial variations of physical 'constants' in the Universe. We compare the frequency of high-redshift hydrogen 21-cm absorption with that of associated molecular absorption in two quasars to place new (1 sigma) upper limits on any variation in y = g(p) alpha(2) (where alpha is the fine-structure constant, and g(p) is the proton g-factor) of \Delta y/y\ < 5 x 10(-6) at redshifts z = 0.25 and 0.68. These quasars are separated by a comoving distance of 3000 Mpc (for H-0=75 km s(-1) Mpc(-1) and q(0) = 0). We also derive limits on the time rates of change of \(g) over dot (p)/(g) over dot (p)\ < 1 x 10(-15) yr(-1) and \(alpha) over dot/(a) over dot\ < 5 x 10(-16) yr(-1) between the present epoch and z = 0.68, These limits are more than an order of magnitude smaller than previous results derived from highredshift measurements.
Bulk density of undisturbed soil samples can be measured using computed tomography (CT) techniques with a spatial resolution of about 1 mm. However, this technique may not be readily accessible. On the other hand, x-ray radiographs have only been considered as qualitative images to describe morphological features. A calibration procedure was set up to generate two-dimensional, high-resolution bulk density images from x-ray radiographs made with a conventional x-ray diffraction apparatus. Test bricks were made to assess the accuracy of the method. Slices of impregnated soil samples were made using hardsetting seedbeds that had been gamma scanned at 5-mm depth increments in a previous study. The calibration procedure involved three stages: (i) calibration of the image grey levels in terms of glass thickness using a staircase made from glass cover slips, (ii) measurement of ratio between the soil and resin mass attenuation coefficients and the glass mass attenuation coefficient, using compacted bricks of known thickness and bulk density, and (iii) image correction accounting for the heterogeneity of the irradiation field. The procedure was simple, rapid, and the equipment was easily accessible. The accuracy of the bulk density determination was good (mean relative error 0.015), The bulk density images showed a good spatial resolution, so that many structural details could be observed. The depth functions were consistent with both the global shrinkage and the gamma probe data previously obtained. The suggested method would be easily applied to the new fuzzy set approach of soil structure, which requires generation of bulk density images. Also, it would be an invaluable tool for studies requiring high-resolution bulk density measurement, such as studies on soil surface crusts.
Investigation of two southern Australian marine sponges, Mycale spp., resulted in isolation of the known norsesterterpene mycaperoxide F methyl ester (5) together with a new norsesterterpene mycaperoxide G methyl ester (10) and a new norterpene ketone 11. All structures were secured by spectroscopic analysis and chemical derivatization. The absolute stereochemistry previously assigned to 5 by application of the Horeau procedure has been revised by application of the Mosher procedure.
Two new species of the genus Lepidapedoides are described from the aulopodid teleost Aulopus purpurissatus from south-western Australia. Both are distinguished from other Lepidapedoides spp. by their pedunculate ventral sucker. Lepidapedoides pistoris n. sp. and L. elongatrium n. sp. are distinguished by the possession of a narrow, elongate form, a long ventral sucker to ovary distance: the vitellarium reaching only to the posterior level of the cirrus-sac, the cirrus-sac length and the deep genital atrium with the metraterm entering distally to its base in L. elongatrium. A key to species of the genus is given. A character matrix is included for the genus. Poorly resolved phylogenetic trees indicate two main lineages in the genus. The two new species described here are resolved as sister taxa. The new combination Lepidapedoides freitasi (Kohn gr Fernandes, 1970) is formed for Acanthocolpoides freitasi.
A Spongosorites sp. collected during trawling operations off the southern coast of Australia returned the new alkaloid dragmacidin E (3), the structure of which was secured by detailed spectroscopic analysis. Dragmacidin E (3), and its co-metabolite dragmacidin D (1) have been identified as potent inhibitors of serine-threonine protein phosphatases.
Two new genera and four new species of monorchiid digeneans are described from the Great Barrier Reef and Moreton Bay, Queensland. Provitellus turrum n. g., n. sp. from Pseudocaranx dentex and Trachinotus coppingeri is characterised by the presence of vitelline follicles in the forebody, a single testis, a unipartite terminal organ and filamented eggs. Ovipusillus mayu n. g., n. sp. from Gnathanodon speciosus is characterised by the presence of two testes, vitelline follicles overlapping the ventral sucker and a large, complex cirrus-sac that contains a coiled eversible ejaculatory duct joined by the pars prostatica halfway along its length. Paramonorcheides pseudocaranxi n. sp. from Pseudocaranx dentex differs from other species described in this genus in the longer flatter forebody, entire ovary and the well-developed cirrus-sac. Chrisomon gaigai n. sp. from Trachinotus coppingeri and T botla is characterised by the unflattened forebody and transversely oval pharynx. Chrisomon is redefined to include species of Lasiotocus with a vitellarium composed of clusters of tubular acini, creating the following new combinations: C. albulae n. comb. for L. albulae Overstreet, 1969, C. ulua n. comb, for L. ulua Yamaguti, 1970 and C. weke n. comb, for L. weke Yamaguti, 1970. The diagnosis of Lasiotocus is amended accordingly and the new combinations, L. polynemi n. comb. and L. sunderbanensis n. comb., are created for C.polynemi Dutta, Hafeezullah & Manna, 1994 and C. sunderbanensis Dutta, Hafeezullah B Manna, 1994, respectively. Extrapolation of our collection data suggests that there may be as many as 80 species of monorchiids infecting carangid fishes in Australia and 180 species infecting carangids in all oceans of the world. The latter figure greatly exceeds the number of monorchiids described from all host families to date.
A Callyspongia sp. collected by SCUBA off Barwon Heads, Australia, has afforded two new polyacetylenic lipids, callyspongynes A and B, the structures of which were assigned by spectroscopic analysis and chemical derivatization.
A new two-parameter integrable model with quantum superalgebra U-q[gl(3/1)] symmetry is proposed, which is an eight-state fermions model with correlated single-particle and pair hoppings as well as uncorrelated triple-particle hopping. The model is solved and the Bethe ansatz equations are obtained.
The purpose of this study was to examine whether methadone maintenance treatment reduces injecting risk behaviour land therefore transmission of blood-borne viral infections) among prisoners in New South Wales (NSW), using comparison of retrospective reports of drug use in prisons for people who received standard drug treatment, time-limited methadone treatment and methadone maintenance treatment, The setting for the study was the NSW prison system. One hundred and eighty-five injecting drug users who had been recently released from NSW prisons were recruited in 1993, Self-reported drug use and injecting risk behaviour were compared in inmates who received standard drug treatment (counselling), time-limited methadone treatment and methadone maintenance treatment. HIV status was determined by serology, Intervention comprised high and low dose methadone treatment and counselling. The groups were similar in terms of most basic demographic characteristics but subjects who had been maintained on methadone reported a significantly lower prevalence of heroin injection, syringe sharing and scored lower on an HIV Risk-taking Behavioural Scale than subjects who received standard drug treatment and time-limited methadone treatment, This study suggests that methadone treatment is associated with reduced injecting risk behaviour in prison with adequate (greater than 60 mg) dose and duration in treatment. These treatment conditions are known to increase effectiveness in community-based methadone programmes. Prospective studies are required to evaluate the effectiveness of methadone programmes in the prevention of HIV and other blood-borne viral infections among IDU prisoners.
A Latrunculia sp, collected off Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, returned three new norsesterterpene cyclic peroxides. Trunculins G (9), H (10) and I (11) were isolated as their methyl esters (12), (13) and (14) respectively. Gross structures for these new trunculins were assigned on the basis of spectroscopic analysis, while the absolute stereochemistry about the cyclic peroxide terminus was established by application of the Horeau and Mosher procedures.
New classes of integrable boundary conditions for the q-deformed (or two-parameter) supersymmetric U model are presented. The boundary systems are solved by using the coordinate space Bethe ansatz technique and Bethe ansatz equations are derived. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
Objective: To improve the success of culturing olfactory neurons from human nasal mucosa by investigating the intranasal distribution of the olfactory epithelium and devising new techniques for growing human olfactory epithelium in vitro. Design: Ninety-seven biopsy specimens were obtained from 33 individuals, aged 21 to 74 years, collected from 6 regions of the nasal cavity. Each biopsy specimen was bisected, and 1 piece was processed for immunohistochemistry or electron microscopy while the other piece was dissected further for explant culture. Four culture techniques were performed, including whole explants and explanted biopsy slices. Five days after plating, neuronal differentiation was induced by means of a medium that contained basic fibroblast growth factor. After another 5 days, cultures were processed for immunocytochemical analysis. Results: The probability of finding olfactory epithelium in a biopsy specimen ranged from 30% to 76%, depending on its location. The dorsoposterior regions of the nasal septum and the superior turbinate provided the highest probability, but, surprisingly, olfactory epithelium was also found anteriorly and ventrally on both septum and turbinates. A new method of culturing the olfactory epithelium was devised. This slice culture technique improved the success rate for generating olfactory neurons from 10% to 90%. Conclusions: This study explains and overcomes most of the variability in the success in observing neurogenesis in cultures of adult human olfactory epithelium. The techniques presented here make the human olfactory epithelium a useful model for clinical research into certain olfactory dysfunctions and a model for the causes of neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases.