293 resultados para identity - women


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Although aspects of social identity theory are familiar to organizational psychologists, its elaboration, through self-categorization theory, of how social categorization and prototype-based depersonalization actually produce social identity effects is less well known. We describe these processes, relate self-categorization theory to social identity theory, describe new theoretical developments in detail, and show how these developments can address a: range of organizational phenomena. We discuss cohesion and deviance, leadership, subgroup and sociodemographic structure, and mergers and acquisitions.


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Two studies examined relations between groups (humanities and math-science students) that implicitly or explicitly share a common superordinate category (university student). In Experiment 1, 178 participants performed a noninteractive decision-making task during which category salience was manipulated in a 2 (superordinate category salience) x 2 (subordinate category salience) between-groups design. Consistent with the mutual intergroup differentiation model, participants for whom both categories were salient exhibited the lowest levels of bias, whereas bias was strongest when the superordinate category alone was made salient. This pattern of results was replicated in Experiment 2 (N = 135). In addition, Experiment 2 demonstrated that members of subgroups that are nested within a superordinate category are more sensitive to how the superordinate category is represented than are members of subgroups that extend beyond the boundaries of the superordinate category.


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A unique collaborative, sociological study undertaken during 1995-7, explored the social construction of drought as a disaster, looking at farm families in two Australian states: Queensland (beef producers) and New South Wales (sheep/wheat producers). A. decision was made to interview the women and men separately to test our hypothesis that there would be gender issues in any analysis of a disaster, but particularly one which has had so much long-term impact on individuals, families and communities, Such as drought, interviews were conducted with over 100 individuals male and female, We conclude that drought as a disaster is a gendered experience. The paper draws on the narratives of some women involved in the study to identify 'themes of difference' which confirm the necessity to maintain gender as a variable in all studies of the social impacts of disaster.


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Objective: To determine which sociodemographic factors. health-related behaviours and physical health conditions are associated with non-drinking, binge drinking and hazardous/harmful drinking in young Australian women. Methods: Cross-sectional data were obtained from the baseline survey of 14,762 young women (aged 18-23 years) enrolled in the Women's Health Australia study in 1996. Associations between a range of drinking patterns and sociodemographic factors, health-related behaviours and health conditions were examined. Results: Half the women were 'low intake' drinkers, a third 'rarely drank' and 9% were non-drinkers; however, 70% reported binge drinking with one-quarter of the binge drinkers doing so at least weekly. Nondrinkers were more likely than drinkers to be married, pregnant, non-smokers, born in non-English speaking countries, to live in the Northern Territory, and to have lower levels of education, employment, and private health insurance. Low intake/binge weekly' drinkers (12%) and 'hazardous/ harmful' drinkers (5%) were more likely than 'low risk' drinkers to be unmarried; to live in shared accommodation, alone or with their parents; to live in rural or remote areas; to have ever had any sexually transmitted infection; to be current smokers or ex-smokers and to have used unhealthy weight-control practices. Conclusions: The results confirm findings from other countries about the importance of social conditions as determinants of alcohol consumption by young women. Implications: Health promotion to reduce young women's alcohol consumption needs to be carefully targeted to take account of their demographies, living environments and beliefs.


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A postal health survey was completed by 14761 young women (aged 18-23 years), 14070 middle-aged women (45-50 years) and 12893 older women (70-75 years). The prevalence of constipation was 14.1% (CI 13.5-14.7) in young women, 26.6% (CI 25.9-27.4) in middle-aged women, and 27% (CI 26.9-28.5) in the older women. The prevalence of hemorrhoids was 3.2% (CI 2.9-3.4 young), 17.7% (CI 17.1-18.4 middle-aged) and 18.3% (CI 17.6-19.0 older). In the middle-aged and older women, those who reported previous gynecologic surgery were between 18% and 63% more likely to report constipation; in the younger cohort, women with one or two children were also more likely to report constipation (adjusted OR 1.43-1.46); One-third of the young women and half the middle-aged and older women had sought help for constipation; the majority indicated that they were satisfied with the help available to them.


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Objective: To measure prevalence and model incidence of HIV infection. Setting: 2013 consecutive pregnant women attending public sector antenatal clinics in 1997 in Hlabisa health district, South Africa. Historical seroprevalence data, 1992-1995. Methods: Serum remaining from syphilis testing was tested anonymously for antibodies to HIV to determine seroprevalence. Two models, allowing for differential mortality between HIV-positive and HIV-negative people, were used. The first used serial seroprevalence data to estimate trends in annual incidence. The second, a maximum likelihood model, took account of changing force of infection and age-dependent risk of infection, to estimate age-specific HIV incidence in 1997. Multiple logistic regression provided adjusted odds ratios (OR) for risk factors for prevalent HIV infection. Results: Estimated annual HIV incidence increased from 4% in 1992/1993 to 10% in 1996/1997. In 1997, highest age-specific incidence was 16% among women aged between 20 and 24 years. in 1997, overall prevalence was 26% (95% confidence interval [CI], 24%-28%) and at 34% was highest among women aged between 20 and 24 years. Young age (<30 years; odds ratio [OR], 2.1; p = .001), unmarried status (OR 2.2; p = .001) and living in less remote parts of the district (OR 1.5; p = .002) were associated with HIV prevalence in univariate analysis. Associations were less strong in multivariate analysis. Partner's migration status was not associated with HIV infection. Substantial heterogeneity of HIV prevalence by clinic was observed (range 17%-31%; test for trend, p = .001). Conclusions: This community is experiencing an explosive HIV epidemic. Young, single women in the more developed parts of the district would form an appropriate cohort to test, and benefit from, interventions such as vaginal microbicides and HIV vaccines.


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Background: The purpose of the present paper was to estimate the absolute risk of breast cancer over the remainder of a lifetime in Australian women with different categories of family history. Methods: Age-specific breast cancer incidence rates were adjusted for screening effects, and rates in those with no family history were estimated using the attributable fraction (AF). Relative risks from a published meta-analysis were applied to obtain incidence rates for different categories of family history, and age-specific incidence was converted to cumulative risk of breast cancer. The risk estimates were based upon Australian population statistics and published relative risks. Breast cancer incidence was from New South Wales women for 1996. The AF was calculated using prevalence of a family history of breast cancer from data on Queensland women. The cumulative absolute risk of breast cancer was calculated from decade and mid-decade ages to age 79 years, not adjusted for competing causes of death. Results: Lifetime risk is approximately 8.6% (1 in 12) for the general population and 7.8% (1 in 13) for those without a family history. Women with one relative affected have lifetime risks of 1 in 6-8 and those with two relatives affected have lifetime risks of 1 in 4-6. The cumulative residual lifetime risk decreases with advancing age; by age 60 years all groups with only one relative affected have well above a 90% probability of not developing breast cancer to age 79 years. Conclusions: These Australian risk statistics are useful for public information and in the clinical setting. Risks given here apply to women with average breast cancer risk from other risk factors.


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OBJECTIVE: To explore relationships between body mass index (BMI, kg/m(2)) and indicators of health and well-being in young Australian women. DESIGN: Population based cohort study-baseline cross sectional data. SUBJECTS: 14,779 women aged 18-23 who participated in the baseline survey of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health in 1996. MEASUREMENTS: Self-reported height, weight, medical conditions, symptoms and SF-36. RESULTS: The majority of women (68%) had a BMI in the range 18.5-


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Associations between self-reported 'low iron', general health and well-being, vitality and tiredness in women, were examined using physical (PCS) and mental (MCS) component summary and vitality (VT) scores from the MOS short-form survey (SF-36). 14,762 young (18-23 years) and 14,072 mid-age (45-50 years) women, randomly selected from the national health insurance commission (Medicare) database, completed a baseline mailed self-report questionnaire and 12,328 mid-age women completed a follow-up questionnaire 2 years later. Young and mid-age women who reported (ever) having had 'low iron' reported significantly lower mean PCS, MCS and VT scores, and greater prevalence of 'constant tiredness' at baseline than women with no history of iron deficiency [Differences: young PCS = -2.2, MCS = -4.8, VT = -8.7; constant tiredness: 67% vs. 45%; mid-age PCS = -1.4, MCS = -3.1, VT = -5.9; constant tiredness: 63% vs. 48%]. After adjusting for number of children, chronic conditions, symptoms and socio-demographic variables, mean PCS, MCS and VT scores for mid-age women at follow-up were significantly lower for women who reported recent iron deficiency (in the last 2 years) than for women who reported past iron deficiency or no history of iron deficiency [Means: PCS - recent = 46.6, past = 47.8, never = 47.7; MCS - recent = 45.4, past = 46.9, never = 47.4; VT - recent = 54.8, past = 57.6, never = 58.6]. The adjusted mean change in PCS, MCS and VT scores between baseline and follow-up were also significantly lower among mid-age women who reported iron deficiency only in the last 2 years (i.e. recent iron deficiency) [Mean change: PCS = -3.2; MCS = -2.1; VT = -4.2]. The results suggest that iron deficiency is associated with decreased general health and well-being and increased fatigue.


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Objectives: To establish the prevalence and predictors of genital warts among healthy women presenting for contraceptive advice at two family planning clinics, one in a major Australian city and one in a country town in the same state. Methods: Consecutive consenting attendees (n = 1218)at two family planning clinics in Queensland completed a questionnaire and were examined for genital warts. Results: The point prevalence of visible genital warts was 3.3 per cent in the city clinic and 14.4 per cent in the country town. For half of these clients a finding of warts was unexpected, in that the client was unaware of their presence and presentation to the family planning clinic was not specifically for advice about sexually transmitted infections. The major predictor of a finding of warts was client age, with the highest prevalence in 20- to 25-year-olds. Warts were also commoner amongst smokers in the country town but not in Brisbane. However, no analysed sociodemographic variable predicted a finding of warts of which the client was not aware. Conclusions: Genital warts are common among young women presenting for contraceptive advice. Such women are often unaware that they have warts. Examination for genital warts should be a part of any routine examination of sexually active women, and medical practitioners should be aware of appropriate advice for patients who are found to have genital warts on routine examination.


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This paper examines attitudes to workplace entitlements, such as parental leave and flexible work hours. Family friendly policies such as leave to care for children have implications for feminist debates about sameness versus difference and the extent to which such policies will lead to greater equality between men and women, or alternatively, further entrench existing gender divisions of labour: Using data from a recent national survey in Australia, the paper shows that while the Australian workforce is generally in favour of workplace entitlements, women are generally more supportive of these kinds of benefits than men. Surprisingly, most respondents are more supportive of unpaid rather than paid parental leave. The results also show that the most important determinants of support for work entitlements are a combination of the extent to which one needs work entitlements and employment location. The results raise issues about whether the provision of workplace entitlements will encourage greater participation by men in domestic responsibilities, or simply ease women's double burden of paid and unpaid work.


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We examined the effect of recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) and/or recombinant human insulin-like growth factor-I (rhIGF-I) on regional fat loss in postmenopausal women undergoing a weight loss regimen of diet plus exercise. Twenty-seven women aged 59-79 years, 20-40% above ideal body weight, completed a 12-week program consisting of resistance training 2 days/week and walking 3 days/week, while consuming a diet that was 500 kcal/day less than that required for weight maintenance, Participants were randomly assigned in a double-blind fashion to receive rhGH (0.025 mg/kg BW/day: n=7), rhIGF-I (0.015 mg/kg BW/day: n=7), rhGH + rhIGF-I (n = 6), or placebo (PL: n = 7). Regional and whole body fat mass were determined by dual X-ray absorptiometry. Body fat distribution was assessed by the ratios of trunk fat-to-limb fat (TrF/LimbF) and trunk fat-to-total fat (TrF/TotF), Limb and trunk fat decreased in all groups (p < 0.01). For both ratios of fat distribution, the rhGH treated group experienced an enhanced loss of truncal compared to peripheral fat (p less than or equal to 0.01), with no significant change for those administered rhIGF-I or FL. There was no association between change in fat distribution and indices of cardiovascular disease risk as determined by serum lipid/lipoprotein levels and maximal aerobic capacity. These results suggest that administration of rhGH facilitates a decrease in central compared to peripheral fat in older women undertaking a weight loss program that combines exercise and moderate caloric restriction, although no beneficial effects are conferred to lipid/lipoprotein profiles, Further, the effect of rhGH is not enhanced by combining rhCH with rhIGF-I administration. In addition, rhIGF-I does not augment the loss of trunk fat when administered alone.


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Three experiments examined the relationship between distinctiveness and self-schematicity. Experiment I revealed that people were more likely to be self-schematic in domains of strong performance when they felt distinct from family and peers in those domains. Experiments 2 and 3 extended this finding into the arena of stereotypes by demonstrating that people were more likely to be self-schematic in domains of strong performance when their performance was counterstereotypic rather than stereotypic. In particular, African Americans and women were more likely to be schematic for intelligence than Caucasians and men if they performed well academically, whereas Caucasians-especially men-were more likely than African Americans to be schematic for athletics if they performed well athletically. These results suggest that counterstereotypic behavior plays a uniquely powerful role in the development of the self-concept.