64 resultados para dispersal guilds


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Upper Devonian to Lower Carboniferous strata of the Campwyn Volcanics of east central Queensland preserve a substantial sequence of first-cycle volcaniclastic sedimentary and coeval volcanic rocks that record prolonged volcanic activity along the northern New England Fold Belt. The style and scale of volcanism varied with time, producing an Upper Devonian sequence of mafic volcano-sedimentary rocks overlain by a rhyolitic ignimbrite-dominated sequence that passes upward into a Lower Carboniferous limestone-bearing sedimentary sequence. We define two facies associations for the Campwyn Volcanics. A lower facies association is dominated by mafic volcanic-derived sedimentary breccias with subordinate primary mafic volcanic rocks comprising predominantly hyaloclastite and peperite. Sedimentary breccias record episodic and high energy, subaqueous depositional events with clastic material sourced from a mafic lava-dominated terrain. Some breccias contain a high proportion of attenuated dense, glassy mafic juvenile clasts, suggesting a syn-eruptive origin. The lower facies association coarsens upwards from a lithic sand-dominated sequence through a thick interval of pebble- to boulder-grade polymict volcaniclastic breccias, culminating in facies that demonstrate subaerial exposure. The silicic upper facies association marks a significant change in eruptive style, magma composition and the nature of eruptive sources, as well as the widespread development of subaerial depositional conditions. Crystal-rich, high-grade, low- to high-silica rhyolite ignimbrites dominate the base of this facies association. Biostratigraphic age controls indicate that the ignimbrite-bearing sequences are Famennian to lower-mid Tournaisian in age. The ignimbrites represent extra-caldera facies with individual units up to 40 m thick and mostly lacking coarse lithic breccias. Thick deposits of pyroclastic material interbedded with fine-grained siliceous sandstone and mudstone (locally radiolarian-bearing) were deposited from pyroclastic flows that crossed palaeoshorelines or represent syn-eruptive, resedimented pyroclastic material. Some block-bearing lithic-pumice-crystal breccias may also reflect more proximal subaqueous silicic explosive eruptions. Crystal-lithic sandstones interbedded with, and overlying the ignimbrites, contain abundant detrital volcanic quartz and feldspar derived from the pyroclastic deposits. Limestone is common in the upper part of the upper facies association, and several beds are oolitic (cf. Rockhampton Group of the Yarrol terrane). Overall, the upper facies association fines upward and is transgressive, recording a return to shallow-marine conditions. Palaeocurrent data from all stratigraphic levels in the Campwyn Volcanics indicate that the regional sediment-dispersal direction was to the northwest, and opposed to the generally accepted notion of easterly sediment dispersal from a volcanic arc source. The silicic upper facies association correlates in age and lithology to Early Carboniferous silicic volcanism in the Drummond (Cycle 1) and Burdekin Basins, Connors Arch, and in the Yarrol terranes of eastern Queensland. The widespread development of silicic volcanism in the Early Carboniferous indicates that silicic (rift-related) magmatism was not restricted to the Drummond Basin, but was part of a more substantial silicic igneous province.


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We examined effects of body size and temperature on swimming performance in juvenile estuarine crocodiles, Crocodylus porosus, over the size range of 30-110 cm total body length. Swimming performance, expressed as maximum sustainable swimming speed, was measured in a temperature- and flow-controlled swimming flume. Absolute sustainable swimming speed increased with body length, but length-specific swimming performance decreased as body length increased. Sustained swimming speed increased with temperature between 15degreesC and 23degreesC, remained constant between 23degrees and 33degreesC, and decreased as temperature rose above 33degreesC. Q(10)-values of swimming speed were 2.60 (+/- 0.091 SE) between 18degreesC and 23degreesC, and there were no differences in Q(10) between crocodiles of different sizes. The broad plateau of thermal independence in swimming speed observed in C. porosus may be of adaptive significance by allowing dispersal of juvenile animals at suboptimal body temperatures.


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Recent advances in molecular biology have made it possible to use the trace amounts of DNA in faeces to non-invasively sample endangered species for genetic studies. Here we use faeces as a source of DNA and mtDNA sequence data to elucidate the relationship among Spanish and Moroccan populations of great bustards. 834 bp of combined control region and cytochrome-b mtDNA fragments revealed four variable sites that defined seven closely related haplotypes in 54 individuals. Morocco was fixed for a single mtDNA haplotype that occurs at moderate frequency (28%) in Spain. We could not differentiate among the sampled Spanish populations of Caceres and Andalucia but these combined populations were differentiated from the Moroccan population. Estimates of gene flow (Nm = 0.82) are consistent with extensive observations on the southern Iberian peninsular indicating that few individuals fly across the Strait of Gibraltar. We demonstrate that both this sea barrier and mountain barriers in Spain limit dispersal among adjacent great bustard populations to a similar extent. The Moroccan population is of high ornithological significance as it holds the only population of great bustards in Africa. This population is critically small and genetic and observational data indicate that it is unlikely to be recolonised via immigration from Spain should it be extirpated. In light of the evidence presented here it deserves the maximum level of protection.


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Single-copy restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers were used to determine the genetic structure of Mycosphaerella fijiensis, the cause of black leaf streak (black Sigatoka) disease of banana and plantain, in the Torres Strait, Papua New Guinea (PNG), and the Pacific Islands. A moderate level of genetic variation was observed in all populations with genotypic diversity values of 60-78% of the theoretical maximum, and gene diversity (H) values between 0.269 and 0.336. All populations were at gametic equilibrium, and with the high level of genotypic diversity observed this indicated that sexual reproduction has a major role in the genetic structure of the M. fijiensis populations examined. Population differentiation was tested on several hierarchical scales. No evidence of population differentiation was observed between sites on Mer Island. A moderate level of population differentiation was observed within the Torres Strait, between Badu and Mer Islands (F-ST = 0.097). On a regional scale, the greatest differentiation was found between the populations of the Torres Strait and the Pacific. Populations from these regions were more closely related to the PNG population than to each other, suggesting they were founded in separate events from the same population.