88 resultados para borderline personality disorder
Impulsivity based on Gray's [Gray, J. A. (1982) The neuropsychology of anxiety: an enquiry into the function of the septo-hippocampal system. New York: Oxford University Press: (1991). The neurophysiology of temperament. In J. Strelau & A. Angleitner. Explorations in temperament: international perspectives on theory and measurement. London. Plenum Press]. physiological model of personality was hypothesised to be more predictive of goal oriented criteria within the workplace than scales derived From Eysenck's [Eysenck. H.J. (1967). The biological basis of personality. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thompson.] physiological model of personality. Results confirmed the hypothesis and also showed that Gray's scale of Impulsivity was generally a better predictor than attributional style and interest in money. Results were interpreted as providing support for Gray's Behavioural Activation System which moderates response to reward. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised (EPQ-R), the Eysenck Personality Profiler Short Version (EPP-S), and the Big Five Inventory (BFI-V4a) were administered to 135 postgraduate students of business in Pakistan. Whilst Extraversion and Neuroticism scales from the three questionnaires were highly correlated, it was found that Agreeableness was most highly correlated with Psychoticism in the EPQ-R and Conscientiousness was most highly correlated with Psychoticism in the EPP-S. Principal component analyses with varimax rotation were carried out. The analyses generally suggested that the five factor model rather than the three-factor model was more robust and better for interpretation of all the higher order scales of the EPQ-R, EPP-S, and BFI-V4a in the Pakistani data. Results show that the superiority of the five factor solution results from the inclusion of a broader variety of personality scales in the input data, whereas Eysenck's three factor solution seems to be best when a less complete but possibly more important set of variables are input. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this two part study, 811 participants completed the Eysenck Personality Profiler (EPP) and the Honey and Mumford Learning Styles Questionnaire (LSQ) and 263 adults completed the EPP and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). As predicted there were many significant correlations which add to the concurrent validity of the EPP. When the overlap of the EPP with the MBTI and LSQ is compared with the overlap of the NEO-PI with the MBTI and LSQ (derived from Furnham, 1996a,b) it appears that the EPP has greater similarity with the LSQ, but the NEO-PI has greater similarity with the MBTI. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study examined the relationship between ear preference, personality, and performance ratings on 203 telesales staff. Social desirability scores were a significant predictor of two relatively independent sets of supervisor ratings (actual performance and developmental potential) in interaction with ear preference. It was found that the social desirability scale was a significant positive predictor for staff preferring a right ear headset, but a negative predictor for staff preferring a left ear headset. These results were interpreted in terms of different strategies used to achieve successful sales.
A shortened version of the Interpersonal Sensitivity Measure (IPSM) developed to predict depression prone personalities was administered in a self-report questionnaire to a community-based sample of 3269 Australian twin pairs aged 18-28 years, along with Eysenck's EPQ and Cloninger's TPQ. The IPSM included four sub-scales: Separation Anxiety (SEP); Interpersonal Sensitivity (INT); Fragile Inner-Self (FIS); and Timidity (TIM). Univariate analysis revealed that individual differences in the IPSM sub-scale scores were best explained by additive genetic and specific environmental effects. Confirming previous research findings, familial aggregation for the EPQ and TPQ personality dimensions was entirely due to additive genetic effects. In the multivariate case, a model comprising additive genetic and specific environmental effects best explained the covariation between the latent factors for male and female twin pairs alike. The EPQ and TPQ dimensions accounted for moderate to large proportions of the genetic variance (40-76%) in the IPSM sub-scales, while most of the non-shared environment variance was unique to the IPSM sub-scales. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Current research reflects conflict regarding best practice in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The. present study reports on the psychological treatment of a 54-year-old woman diagnosed with OCD, and follows the implementation of pharmacological treatment. The study utilises both exposure and response prevention (ERP) and cognitive therapy (CT), although there was no attempt to compare these approaches in an experimental design. Measures of avoiding and neutralising behaviours were taken on three occasions across treatment. Measures were also taken of intrusive thoughts, appraisal of responsibility, and effective challenging, both across treatment and at follow-up. The results indicate that gains were made in addition to those reported following the implementation of medication. The results also suggest that the addition of CT to exposure and response prevention facilitates the extinction of neutralising behaviours.
Objective: The study examined symptom-specific muscle hyperreactivity in patients with chronic pain with upper limb cumulative trauma disorder (CTD). Design: Four tasks were presented in counterbalanced order and included neutral, general stressor, personal stressor, and pain stressor tasks. Ratings of stressfulness and recordings of skin conductance level confirmed the effectiveness of the experimental manipulations in inducing stress experiences for all subject groups. Setting: The study was conducted in a university research center. Patients: Thirty patients with CTD were matched as closely as possible for age and gender to control groups of chronic low back pain, arthritis, and pain-Free subjects Outcome Measures: Surface electromyograph recordings were taken from the frontalis, forearm flexors, trapezius, and lower back during baseline and tasks. Results: The study found no evidence of greater muscle tension increases or extended duration of return to baseline for the CTD or low back pain patients at any of the muscle sites for any of the tasks in comparison to control groups. Conclusions: The results indicate that symptom-specific psychophysiological responses may be limited to certain subgroups rather than being characteristic of chronic musculoskeletal pain patients in general.
Primary objective: To examine a theoretical model which suggests that a contribution of both psychological and neuropsychological factors underlie deficits in self-awareness and self-regulation. Research design: Multivariate design including correlations and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Methods: Sixty-one subjects with acquired brain injury (ABI) were administered standardized measures of self-awareness and self-regulation. Psychological factors included measures of coping-related denial, personality-related denial and personality change. Neuropsychological factors included an estimate of IQ and two measures of executive functioning that assess capacity for volition and purposive behaviour. Main outcomes and results: The findings indicated that the relative contribution of neuropsychological factors to an outcome of deficits in self-awareness and self-regulation had a more direct effect than psychological factors. In general, measures of executive functioning had a direct relationship, while measures of coping-related and personality-related denial had an indirect relationship with measures of self-awareness and self-regulation. Conclusion: The findings highlighted the importance of measuring both neuropsychological and psychological factors and demonstrated that the relative contribution of these variables varies according to different levels of self-awareness and self-regulation.
GABAergic systems have been implicated in the pathogenesis of anxiety, depression and insomnia. These symptoms are part of the core and comorbid psychiatric disturbances in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) In a sample of Caucasian male PTSD patients, dinucleotide repeat polymorphisms of the GABAA receptor beta3 subunit gene were compared to scores on the General Health Questionnaire-28 (GHQ). As the major allele at this gene locus (GABRB3) was GI, the alleles were divided into GI and non-GI groups. On the total score of the GHQ, which comprises the somatic symptoms, anxiety/insomnia, social dysfunction and depression subscales, patients with the GI non-GI genotype had a significantly higher score when compared to either the G1G1 genotype (alpha = 0.01) or the non-GI non-GI genotype (alpha = 0.05). No significant difference was found between the G1G1 and non-Gl non-G1 genotypes. When the GI non-G1 heterozygotes were compared to the combined G1G1 and non-GI non-GI homozygotes, a significantly higher total GHQ score was found in the heterozygotes (P = 0.002). These observations suggest a heterosis effect. Further analysis of GHQ subscale scores showed that heterozygotes compared to the combined homozygotes had higher scores on the somatic symptoms (P = 0.006), anxiety/insomnia (P = 0.003), social dysfunction (P = 0.054) and depression (P = 0.004) subscales. In conclusion, the present study indicates that in a population of PTSD patients, heterozygosity of the GABRB3 major (GI) allele confers higher levels of somatic symptoms, anxiety/insomnia, social dysfunction and depression than found in homozygosity. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Involvement of nerve tissue may contribute to the persistence of pain following a whiplash injury. This study aimed to investigate responses to the brachial plexus provocation test (BPPT) in 156 subjects with chronic whiplash associated disorder (WAD) with and without associated arm pain and 95 asymptomatic control subjects. The range of elbow extension (ROM) and visual analogue scale (VAS) pain scores were measured. Subjects with chronic WAD demonstrated significantly less ROM and higher VAS scores with the BPPT than the asymptomatic subjects (P