88 resultados para Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon


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We report on a patient with a severe premature calvarial synostosis and epidermal hyperplasia. The phenotype was consistent with that of a mild presentation of Beare-Stevenson syndrome but molecular analysis of the IgIII-transmembrane linker region and the transmembrane domain of the gene encoding the FGFR2 receptor, revealed wild-type sequence only. Subsequently, molecular analysis of the FGFR3 receptor gene identified a heterozygous P250R missense mutation in both the proposita and her mildly affected father. This communication extends the clinical spectrum of the FGFR3 P250R mutation to encompass epidermal hyperplasia and documents the phenomenon of activated FGFR receptors stimulating common downstream developmental pathways, resulting in overlapping clinical outcomes. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The human nervous system constructs a Euclidean representation of near (personal) space by combining multiple sources of information (cues). We investigated the cues used for the representation of personal space in a patient with visual form agnosia (DF). Our results indicated that DF relies predominantly on binocular vergence information when determining the distance of a target despite the presence of other (retinal) cues. Notably, DF was able to construct an Euclidean representation of personal space from vergence alone. This finding supports previous assertions that vergence provides the nervous system with veridical information for the construction of personal space. The results from the current study, together with those of others, suggest that: (i) the ventral stream is responsible for extracting depth and distance information from monocular retinal cues (i.e. from shading, texture, perspective) and (ii) the dorsal stream has access to binocular information (from horizontal image disparities and vergence). These results also indicate that DF was not able to use size information to gauge target distance, suggesting that intact temporal cortex is necessary for learned size to influence distance processing. Our findings further suggest that in neurologically intact humans, object information extracted in the ventral pathway is combined with the products of dorsal stream processing for guiding prehension. Finally, we studied the size-distance paradox in visual form agnosia in order to explore the cognitive use of size information. The results of this experiment were consistent with a previous suggestion that the paradox is a cognitive phenomenon.


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Histological studies of ischaemic liver injury performed between 1962 and 1964 distinguished two types of cell death: classical necrosis, and a process involving conversion of scattered cells into small round masses of cytoplasm that often contained specks of condensed nuclear chromatin. Enzyme histochemistry demonstrated rupture of lysosomes in the former, but preservation of lysosomes in the latter. Similar small round masses were also observed sparsely in normal liver. Electron microscopy showed that the small round bodies resulted from cellular condensation and budding, that they were bounded by membranes and contained intact organelles, and that they were phagocytosed and digested by resident tissue cells, including epithelial cells. In work done in association with Jeffrey Searle, the process was found to occur spontaneously in a variety of malignant tumours and to be enhanced in squamous cell carcinomas of skin responding to radiotherapy. During 1971-1972, I collaborated with Andrew Wyllie and Alastair Currie while on sabbatical leave in Scotland. The newly defined type of cell death was shown to be regulated by hormones in the adrenal cortex and in breast carcinomas. Further, review of published electron micrographs of the cell death known to play an essential role in normal development revealed the same morphological pattern. We proposed that this distinctive phenomenon subserves a general homoeostatic function and suggested it be called apoptosis. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Molecular evolution has been considered to be essentially a stochastic process, little influenced by the pace of phenotypic change. This assumption was challenged by a study that demonstrated an association between rates of morphological and molecular change estimated for total-evidence phylogenies, a finding that led some researchers to challenge molecular date estimates of major evolutionary radiations. Here we show that Omland's (1997) result is probably due to methodological bias, particularly phylogenetic nonindependence, rather than being indicative of an underlying evolutionary phenomenon. We apply three new methods specifically designed to overcome phylogenetic bias to 13 published phylogenetic datasets for vertebrate taxa, each of which includes both morphological characters and DNA sequence data. We find no evidence of an association between rates of molecular and morphological rates of change.


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This study describes a preliminary examination of the viability and suitability of the physiologic technique electromagnetic articulography (EMA) in investigating lingual fatigue in myasthenia gravis (MG). A 52.9-year-old female diagnosed with MG at the age of 18 years, but who was in remission, participated in the study with a matched control subject. Changes in the duration, speed, and range of tongue-tip and tongue-back movements during repetition of /taka/ over two minutes were investigated. Results revealed that the MG subject did not exhibit significant changes in duration, maximum velocity, maximum acceleration, or the distance travelled by her tongue as measured by EMA over the task. The kinematic results were, in part, expected since the MG subject was in remission. The results, therefore, may not be representative of the majority of individuals with active MG. The examination of the current case did highlight, however, the potential advantages of EMA in providing detailed, objective information regarding lingual kinematics for future investigations of individuals with MG. It also showed that EMA may be sensitive in detecting subclinical kinematic features of fatigue in individuals who are in remission from MG. Finally, EMA led to the identification of possible physiologic factors underlying the CV transform effect, which was evident for the MG subject's syllable productions. In the past, the effect had been assumed to be a purely perceptual-based phenomenon.


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The four-link chain of the motor unit represents the contemporary end-point of some two millennia of evolving knowledge in neuroscience. The paradigm shift in neuromuscular epistemology occurred in the mid-17th century. In 1666, the newly graduated Dutch doctor, Jan Swammerdam (1637-1680) published his former investigations of dissected nerve-muscle preparations. These experiments comprised the quantum leap from observation and speculation, to that of experimentation in the field of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology. In what he termed 'A Curious Experiment' he also described the phenomenon of intrinsic muscle excitability - I cannot observe that the muscle in the living animal ever absolutely ceases from all motion. Eighty years later (1752), von Haller demonstrated experimentally that irritability (contractility) was an intrinsic property of all muscular tissue; and distinguished between the sensibility of nerve impulses and the irritability of muscular contraction. This experimental progression from Swammerdam to von Haller culminated in 1850, when Claude Bernard's studies in experimental pharmacology confirmed that muscle was a functional unit, independent of any electrical innervation via its supplying nerve. This account comprises an audit of Swammerdam's work in the perspective of neuromuscular knowledge. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A detailed study of the Goniopora reef profile at Dengloujiao, Xuwen County, Leizhou Peninsula, the northern coast of the South China Sea suggests that a series of high-frequency, large-amplitude and abrupt cold events occurred during the Holocene Hypsithermal, an unusual phenomenon termed Leizhou Events in this paper. This period (corresponding to C-14 age of 6.2 -6.7 kaBP or calendar age of 6.7-7.2 kaBP), when the climatic conditions were ideal for coral. reefs to develop, can be divided into at least nine stages. Each stage (or called a climate optimum), lasting about 20 to 50 a, was terminated by an abrupt cold nap and (or) a sea-level lowering event in winter, leading to widespread emergence and death of the Goniopora corals, and growth discontinuities on the coral surface. Such a cyclic process resulted in the creation of a > 4m thick Goniopora reef flat. During this period, the crust subsided periodically but the sea level was rising. The reef profile provides valuable archives for the study of decadal-scale mid-Holocene climatic oscillations in the tropical area of South China. Our results provide new evidence for high-frequency climate instability in the Holocene Hypsithermal, and challenge the traditional understanding of Holocene climate.


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This comparative history examines the importance of notions of credit and honour in new definitions of masculinity that gained ground in New South Wales and the Cape Colony in the 1830s. The argument draws on an analysis of two defamation actions brought by auctioneers in this period and discusses the role of masculine occupation in colonial bourgeois identity. The diffusion of a culture of respectability through the British Empire was a global phenomenon, and a necessary precursor to the establishment of representative political institutions in the colonies by the middle of the nineteenth century.


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This work examines the effects of level of silica filler (at 0, 10, 30, 50wt%) on the gelation and vitrification of a model silica-filled diglycidyl ether of bisphenol F (DGEBF)/methylenedianiline (MDA) system. An increased filler level is shown to decrease the gelation and vitrification times at low temperatures (below 80degreesC). FTIR cure kinetics show that the reaction rates are increased and the activation energies of gelation are reduced at these temperatures, indicating that network formation is made easier. Entropic and catalytic reasons for this phenomenon are discussed. (C) 2003 Society of Chemical Industry.


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In this paper the diffusion and flow of carbon tetrachloride, benzene and n-hexane through a commercial activated carbon is studied by a differential permeation method. The range of pressure is covered from very low pressure to a pressure range where significant capillary condensation occurs. Helium as a non-adsorbing gas is used to determine the characteristics of the porous medium. For adsorbing gases and vapors, the motion of adsorbed molecules in small pores gives rise to a sharp increase in permeability at very low pressures. The interplay between a decreasing behavior in permeability due to the saturation of small pores with adsorbed molecules and an increasing behavior due to viscous flow in larger pores with pressure could lead to a minimum in the plot of total permeability versus pressure. This phenomenon is observed for n-hexane at 30degreesC. At relative pressure of 0.1-0.8 where the gaseous viscous flow dominates, the permeability is a linear function of pressure. Since activated carbon has a wide pore size distribution, the mobility mechanism of these adsorbed molecules is different from pore to pore. In very small pores where adsorbate molecules fill the pore the permeability decreases with an increase in pressure, while in intermediate pores the permeability of such transport increases with pressure due to the increasing build-up of layers of adsorbed molecules. For even larger pores, the transport is mostly due to diffusion and flow of free molecules, which gives rise to linear permeability with respect to pressure. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Tourism and leisure have historically been studied in isolation, but recent researchers attempt to understand the relationship between them. However, there have been few comparisons of how people behave in their environments. This paper provides a conceptual model of the relationship based oil a critical review of the current literature oil pleasure-oriented environments. The model indicates that despite potential differences in observable behavior, there is a commonality between the underlying influences that define how people behave during their leisure and tourism experiences. Therefore, the paper concludes that these should not be regarded as separate phenomenon. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Lights reserved.


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When the existence in Utrecht of the DeWitt/Van Buchel drawing of the Swan Theater became known in 1888, William Poel was already seven years into his inquiries into the best means of staging the public amphitheater and great hall plays of the English Renaissance.1 I mention this to emphasize that the discourse came before the fact: the belief that Shakespeare's plays are best staged as it was then imprecisely imagined they had once been staged-simply, without elaborate settings or time-consuming scene changes, with direct actor-audience address, "in-the-round"-had as much to do with reactions against the late nineteenth-century stage's pictorialism, with its set-changing interruptions and cut-and-paste revisions to Shakespeare's texts, as it had to do with presenting the Bard "authentically." Some of the confusion caused by the uneasy mixing of historical scholarship and the assumptions and practices of our own contemporary theater profession can be glimpsed in the phenomenon of modern in-the-round staging, often claimed as a more "authentic" approach to Shakespeare in performance, but one which is then modified to make possible post-Stanislavsky acting methods and to satisfy modern audience expectations.


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This paper outlines a major empirical study that is being undertaken by an interdisciplinary team into genetic discrimination in Australia. The 3-year study will examine the nature and extent of this newly emerging phenomenon across the perspectives of consumers, third parties, and the legal system and will analyze its social and legal dimensions. Although the project is confined to Australia, it is expected that the outcomes will have significance for the wider research community as this is the most substantial study of its kind to be undertaken to date into genetic discrimination.


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Circular proteins are a recently discovered phenomenon. They presumably evolved to confer advantages over ancestral linear proteins while maintaining the intrinsic biological functions of those proteins. In general, these advantages include a reduced sensitivity to proteolytic cleavage and enhanced stability. In one remarkable family of circular proteins, the cyclotides, the cyclic backbone is additionally braced by a knotted arrangement of disulfide bonds that confers additional stability and topological complexity upon the family. This article describes the discovery, structure, function and biosynthesis of the currently known circular proteins. The discovery of naturally occurring circular proteins in the past few years has been complemented by new chemical and biochemical methods to make synthetic circular proteins; these are also briefly described.


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This study further examines the phenomenon of conservative auditor behaviour by considering the level of voluntary disclosure of Year 2000 remediation information in company annual reports. Previous studies have provided evidence of conservative auditor behaviour by examining the link between Big 6 auditor choice and accruals (Francis and Krishnan 1999; Becker et al., 1998; Defond and Subramanyam 1998). Protecting their reputation capital increases Big 6 auditor incentives to act conservatively to avoid litigation risk. We propose and find that Big 6 auditor clients disclose more Year 2000 remediation information than non–Big 6 auditor clients.