79 resultados para Respiration rate
This study evaluated the extent to which movement of the lower limbs and pelvis may compensate for the disturbance to posture that results from respiratory movement of the thorax and abdomen. Motion of the neck, pelvis, leg and centre of pressure (COP) were recorded with high resolution in conjunction with electromyographic activity (EMG) of flexor and extensor muscles of the trunk and hip. Respiration was measured from ribcage motion. Subjects breathed quietly, and with increased volume due to hypercapnoca (as a result of breathing with increased dead-space) and a voluntary increase in respiration. Additional recordings were made during apnoea. The relationship between respiration and other parameters was measured from the correlation between data in the frequency domain (i.e. coherence) and from time-locked averages triggered from respiration. In quiet standing, small angular displacements (similar to0.5degrees) of the trunk and leg were identified in raw data. Correspondingly, there were peaks in the power spectra of the angular movements and EMG. While body movement and EMG were coherent with respiration (>0.5), the coherence between respiration and COP displacement was low (
In order to understand the earthquake nucleation process, we need to understand the effective frictional behavior of faults with complex geometry and fault gouge zones. One important aspect of this is the interaction between the friction law governing the behavior of the fault on the microscopic level and the resulting macroscopic behavior of the fault zone. Numerical simulations offer a possibility to investigate the behavior of faults on many different scales and thus provide a means to gain insight into fault zone dynamics on scales which are not accessible to laboratory experiments. Numerical experiments have been performed to investigate the influence of the geometric configuration of faults with a rate- and state-dependent friction at the particle contacts on the effective frictional behavior of these faults. The numerical experiments are designed to be similar to laboratory experiments by DIETERICH and KILGORE (1994) in which a slide-hold-slide cycle was performed between two blocks of material and the resulting peak friction was plotted vs. holding time. Simulations with a flat fault without a fault gouge have been performed to verify the implementation. These have shown close agreement with comparable laboratory experiments. The simulations performed with a fault containing fault gouge have demonstrated a strong dependence of the critical slip distance D-c on the roughness of the fault surfaces and are in qualitative agreement with laboratory experiments.
This paper analyses the exchange rate exposure displayed by a sample of Australian international equity trusts (IET). Exchange rate exposure is also examined in the context of differing economic climates with particular emphasis on the Asian crisis in mid-1997. It is found that there is evidence of exchange rate exposure particularly in the context of a multiple exchange rate model. Exposure varies substantially between three alternative time periods with different exposure apparent subsequent to the Asian crisis than prior to this event.
The effect of heating and cooling on heart rate in the estuarine crocodile Crocodylus porosus was studied in response to different heat transfer mechanisms and heat loads. Three heating treatments were investigated. C. porosus were: (1) exposed to a radiant heat source under dry conditions; (2) heated via radiant energy while half-submerged in flowing water at 23degreesC and (3) heated via convective transfer by increasing water temperature from 23degreesC to 35degreesC. Cooling was achieved in all treatments by removing the heat source and with C. porosus half-submerged in flowing water at 23degreesC. In all treatments, the heart rate of C. porosus increased markedly in response to heating and decreased rapidly with the removal of the heat source. Heart rate during heating was significantly faster than during cooling at any given body temperature, i.e. there was a significant heart rate hysteresis. There were two identifiable responses to heating and cooling. During the initial stages of applying or removing the heat source, there was a dramatic increase or decrease in heart rate ('rapid response'), respectively, indicating a possible cardiac reflex. This rapid change in heart rate with only a small change or no change in body temperature (
This paper investigates the robustness of a range of short–term interest rate models. We examine the robustness of these models over different data sets, time periods, sampling frequencies, and estimation techniques. We examine a range of popular one–factor models that allow the conditional mean (drift) and conditional variance (diffusion) to be functions of the current short rate. We find that parameter estimates are highly sensitive to all of these factors in the eight countries that we examine. Since parameter estimates are not robust, these models should be used with caution in practice.
Acclimation of gas exchange to temperature and light was determined in 18-month-old plants of humid coastal (Gympie) and dry inland ( Hungry Hills) provenances of Eucalyptus cloeziana F. Muell., and in those of a dry inland provenance of Eucalyptus argophloia Blakely. Plants were acclimated at day/night temperatures of 18/13, 23/18, 28/23 and 33/ 28 degreesC in controlled-temperature glasshouses for 4 months. Light and temperature response curves were measured at the beginning and end of the acclimation period. There were no significant differences in the shape and quantum-yield parameters among provenances at 23, 28 and 33 degreesC day temperatures. Quantum yield [mumol CO2 mumol(- 1) photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD)] ranged from 0.04 to 0.06 and the light response shape parameter ranged from 0.53 to 0.78. Similarly, no consistent trends in the rate of dark respiration for plants of each provenance were identified at the four growth temperatures. Average values of dark respiration for the plants of the three provenances ranged from 0.61 to 1.86 mumol m(-2) s(-1). The optimum temperatures for net photosynthesis increased from 23 to 32 degreesC for the humid- and from 25 to 33 degreesC for the dry-provenance E. cloeziana and from 21 to 33 degreesC for E. argophloia as daytime temperature of the growth environment increased from 18 to 33 degreesC. These results have implications in predicting survival and productivity of E. cloeziana and E. argophloia in areas outside their natural distribution.
The Crim1 gene is predicted to encode a transmembrane protein containing six von Willebrand-like cysteine-rich repeats (CRRs) similar to those in the BMP-binding antagonist Chordin (Chrd). In this study, we verify that CRIM1 is a glycosylated, Type I transmembrane protein and demonstrate that the extracellular CRR-containing domain can also be secreted, presumably via processing at the membrane. We have previously demonstrated Crim1 expression at sites consistent with an interaction with bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). Here we show that CRIM1 can interact with both BMP4 and BMP7 via the CRR-containing portion of the protein and in so doing acts as an antagonist in three ways. CRIM1 binding of BMP4 and -7 occurs when these proteins are co-expressed within the Golgi compartment of the cell and leads to (i) a reduction in the production and processing of preprotein to mature BMP, (ii) tethering of pre-BMP to the cell surface, and (iii) an effective reduction in the secretion of mature BMP. Functional antagonism was verified by examining the effect of coexpression of CRIM1 and BMP4 on metanephric explant culture. The presence of CRIM1 reduced the effective BMP4 concentration of the media, thereby acting as a BMP4 antagonist. Hence, CRIM1 modulates BMP activity by affecting its processing and delivery to the cell surface
The nitrogen removal capacity of a suspended culture system treating mature landfill leachate was investigated. Leachate containing high ammonium levels of 300-900 mg N/L was nitrified in a bench scale sequencing batch reactor. Leachate from four different landfills was treated over a two year period for the removal of nitrogen. In this time, a highly specific nitrifying culture was attained that delivered exceptionally high rates of ammonia removal. No sludge was wasted from the system to increase the throughput and up to 13 g/L of MLSS was obtained. Settleability of the purely nitrifying biomass was excellent with SVI less than 40 mL/g, even at the high sludge concentrations. Nitrification rates up to 246 mg NI(L h) (5.91 g N/(L d)) and specific nitrification rates of 36 mg N/(gVSS h) (880 mg N/(gVSS d)) were obtained. The loading to the system at this time allowed complete nitrification of the leachate with a hydraulic retention time of only 5 hours. Following these successful treatability studies, a full-scale plant was designed and built at one of the landfills investigated.
Objective: To develop a 'quality use of medicines' coding system for the assessment of pharmacists' medication reviews and to apply it to an appropriate cohort. Method: A 'quality use of medicines' coding system was developed based on findings in the literature. These codes were then applied to 216 (111 intervention, 105 control) veterans' medication profiles by an independent clinical pharmacist who was supported by a clinical pharmacologist with the aim to assess the appropriateness of pharmacy interventions. The profiles were provided for veterans participating in a randomised, controlled trial in private hospitals evaluating the effect of medication review and discharge counselling. The reliability of the coding was tested by two independent clinical pharmacists in a random sample of 23 veterans from the study population. Main outcome measure: Interrater reliability was assessed by applying Cohen's kappa score on aggregated codes. Results: The coding system based on the literature consisted of 19 codes. The results from the three clinical pharmacists suggested that the original coding system had two major problems: (a) a lack of discrimination for certain recommendations e. g. adverse drug reactions, toxicity and mortality may be seen as variations in degree of a single effect and (b) certain codes e. g. essential therapy were in low prevalence. The interrater reliability for an aggregation of all codes into positive, negative and clinically non-significant codes ranged from 0.49-0.58 (good to fair). The interrater reliability increased to 0.72-0.79 (excellent) when all negative codes were excluded. Analysis of the sample of 216 profiles showed that the most prevalent recommendations from the clinical pharmacists were a positive impact in reducing adverse responses (31.9%), an improvement in good clinical pharmacy practice (25.5%) and a positive impact in reducing drug toxicity (11.1%). Most medications were assigned the clinically non-significant code (96.6%). In fact, the interventions led to a statistically significant difference in pharmacist recommendations in the categories; adverse response, toxicity and good clinical pharmacy practice measured by the quality use of medicine coding system. Conclusion: It was possible to use the quality use of medicine coding system to rate the quality and potential health impact of pharmacists' medication reviews, and the system did pick up differences between intervention and control patients. The interrater reliability for the summarised coding system was fair, but a larger sample of medication regimens is needed to assess the non-summarised quality use of medicines coding system.
This study evaluated the degree to which the disturbance to posture from respiration is compensated for in healthy normals and whether this is different in people with recurrent low back pain (LBP), and to compare the changes when respiratory demand is increased. Angular displacement of the lumbar spine and hips, and motion of the centre of pressure (COP), were recorded with high resolution and respiratory phase was recorded from ribcage motion. With subjects standing in a relaxed posture, recordings were made during quiet breathing, while breathing with increased dead-space to induce hypercapnoea, and while subjects voluntarily increased their respiration to match ribcage expansion that was induced in the hypercapnoea condition. The relationship between respiration and the movement parameters was measured from the coherence between breathing and COP and angular motion at the frequency of respiration, and from averages triggered from the respiratory data. Small angular changes in the lumbopelvic and hip angles were evident at the frequency of respiration in both groups. However, in quiet standing, the LBP subjects had a greater displacement of their COP that was associated with respiration than the control subjects. The LBP group had a trend for less hip motion. There were no changes in the movement parameters when respiratory demand increased involuntarily via hypercapnoea, but when respiration increased voluntarily, the amplitude of motion and the displacement of the COP increased in both groups. The present data suggest that the postural compensation to respiration counteracts at least part of the disturbance to posture caused by respiration and that this compensation may be less effective in people with LBP.
Electromagnetic articulography (EMA) was used to investigate how tongue movement characteristics (i.e., velocity, acceleration, duration, distance) change with. or indeed affect, increased rates of speech. Eight young adult males repeated /ta/ and /ka/ syllables first at a moderate rate that had been modelled at three syllables per second, and then 'as fast as possible'. Distance travelled by the tongue appeared to be the principal lingual kinematic feature manipulated by the group of speakers in producing increased syllable repetition rates, with velocity found to increase, decrease or remain unchanged. Acceleration remained unchanged, except in the case of increased velocity. One participant formed an exception in terms of manipulating distance by exhibiting marginally increased lingual velocities rather than distance changes. This preliminary study serves to direct future EMA-based studies of speech rate control as to the speech tasks that should be employed and the possible underlying anatomical and acoustic bases or constraints that could possibly influence the kinematic strategies employed to increase speech rate.