255 resultados para Philip Melanchthon : theologian in classroom, confession, and controversy
Background. The importance of general practice involvement in the care of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is increasing due to the rising numbers of patients who present with the disorder. It has been suggested by consensus bodies that GPs should be identifying and referring patients at the severe end of the ADHD spectrum and managing those with less severe symptoms. However, GPs' views of their role in ADHD care are unknown. Objective. Our aim was to explore the attitudes and practices of Australian GPs towards the diagnosis and management of ADHD. Methods. We conducted a series of focus groups to explore GPs' beliefs regarding the causes of ADHD, their perceived role in ADHD diagnosis and management and their views on the role of behaviour therapies and pharmacotherapies in ADHD management. The subjects were 28 GPs in six focus groups. Results. GPs in this study did not want to be the primary providers of care for patients with ADHD. Participants indicated a preference to refer the patient to medical specialists for diagnosis and treatment of ADHD, and expressed low levels of interest in becoming highly involved in ADHD care. Concerns about overdiagnosis and misdiagnosis of the disorder, diagnostic complexity, time constraints, insufficient education and training about the disorder, and concerns regarding misuse and diversion of stimulant medications were the reasons cited for their lack of willingness. Conclusions. The Australian GPs in this study identify a role for themselves in ADHD care which is largely supportive in nature, and involves close liaison with specialist services.
The amygdala plays a major role in the acquisition and expression of fear conditioning. NMDA receptor-dependent synaptic plasticity within the basolateral amygdala has been proposed to underlie the acquisition and possible storage of fear memories. Here the properties of fast glutamatergic transmission in the lateral and central nuclei of the amygdala are presented. In the lateral amygdala, two types of neurons, interneurons and projection neurons, could be distinguished by their different firing properties. Glutamatergic inputs to interneurons activated AMPA receptors with inwardly rectifying current-voltage relations (I-Vs), whereas inputs to projection neurons activated receptors that had linear I-Vs, indicating that receptors on interneurons lack GluR2 subunits. Inputs to projection neurons formed dual component synapses with both AMPA and NMDA components, whereas at inputs to interneurons, the contribution of NMDA receptors was very small. Neurons in the central amygdala received dual component glutamatergic inputs that activated AMPA receptors with linear I-Vs. NMDA receptor-mediated EPSCs had slow decay time constants in the central nucleus. Application of NR2B selective blockers ifenprodil or CP-101,606 blocked NMDA EPSCs by 70% in the central nucleus, but only by 30% in the lateral nucleus. These data show that the distribution of glutamatergic receptors on amygdalar neurons is not uniform. In the lateral amygdala, interneurons and pyramidal neurons express AMPA receptors with different subunit compositions. Synapses in the central nucleus activate NMDA receptors that contain NR1 and NR2B subunits, whereas synapses in the lateral nucleus contain receptors with both NR2A and NR2B subunits.
The substituted cysteine accessibility method was used to probe the surface exposure of a pore-lining threonine residue (T6’) common to both the glycine receptor (GlyR) and GABAA receptor (GABAAR) chloride channels. This residue lies close to the channel activation gate, the ionic selectivity filter and the main pore blocker binding site. Recent studies have suggested that the GlyRs and GABAARs have divergent open state pore structures at the 6’ position. When both the human a1T6’C homomeric GlyR and the rat a1T6’Cb1T6’C heteromeric GABAAR were expressed in HEK293 cells, their 6’ residue surface accessibilities differed significantly in the closed state. However, when a soluble cysteine-modifying compound was applied in the presence of saturating agonist concentrations, both receptors were locked into the open state. This action was not induced by oxidising agents in either receptor. These results provide evidence for a conserved pore opening mechanism in anion-selective members of the ligand-gated ion channel family. The results also indicate that the GABAAR pore structure at the 6’ level may vary between different expression systems.
Recent attempts to explain the susceptibility of vertebrates to declines worldwide have largely focused on intrinsic factors such as body size, reproductive potential, ecological specialization, geographical range and phylogenetic longevity. Here, we use a database of 145 Australian marsupial species to test the effects of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors in a multivariate comparative approach. We model five intrinsic (body size, habitat specialization, diet, reproductive rate and range size) and four extrinsic (climate and range overlap with introduced foxes, sheep and rabbits) factors. We use quantitative measures of geographical range contraction as indices of decline. We also develop a new modelling approach of phylogenetically independent contrasts combined with imputation of missing values to deal simultaneously with phylogenetic structuring and missing data. One extrinsic variable-geographical range overlap with sheep-was the only consistent predictor of declines. Habitat specialization was independently but less consistently associated with declines. This suggests that extrinsic factors largely determine interspecific variation in extinction risk among Australian marsupials, and that the intrinsic factors that are consistently associated with extinction risk in other vertebrates are less important in this group. We conclude that recent anthropogenic changes have been profound enough to affect species on a continent-wide scale, regardless of their intrinsic biology.
Cytosolic sulfotransferases are believed to play a role in the neuromodulation of certain neurotransmitters and drugs. To date, four cytosolic sulfotransferases have been shown to be expressed in human brain. Recently, a novel human brain sulfotransferase has been identified and characterized, although its role and localization in the brain are unknown. Here we present the first immunohistochemical (IHC) localization of SULT4A1 in human brain using an affinity-purified polyclonal antibody raised against recombinant human SULT4A1. These results are supported and supplemented by the IHC localization of SULT4A1 in rat brain. In both human and rat brains, strong reactivity was found in several brain regions, including cerebral cortex, cerebellum, pituitary, and brainstem. Specific signal was entirely absent on sections for which preimmune serum from the corresponding animal, processed in the same way as the postimmune serum, was used in the primary screen. The findings from this study may assist in determining the physiological role of this SULT isoform.
In this study we demonstrate a new in-fermenter chemical extraction procedure that degrades the cell wall of Escherichia coli and releases inclusion bodies (IBs) into the fermentation medium. We then prove that cross-flow microfiltration can be used to remove 91% of soluble contaminants from the released IBs. The extraction protocol, based on a combination of Triton X-100, EDTA, and intracellular T7 lysozyme, effectively released most of the intracellular soluble content without solubilising the IBs. Cross-flow microfiltration using a 0.2 mum ceramic membrane successfully recovered the granulocyte macrophagecolony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) IBs with removal of 91% of the soluble contaminants and virtually no loss of IBs to the permeate. The filtration efficiency, in terms of both flux and transmission, was significantly enhanced by infermenter Benzonase(R) digestion of nucleic acids following chemical extraction. Both the extraction and filtration methods exerted their efficacy directly on a crude fermentation broth, eliminating the need for cell recovery and re-suspension in buffer. The processes demonstrated here can all be performed using just a fermenter and a single cross-flow filtration unit, demonstrating a high level of process intensification. Furthermore, there is considerable scope to also use the microfiltration system to subsequently solubilise the IBs, to separate the denatured protein from cell debris, and to refold the protein using diafiltration. In this way refolded protein can potentially be obtained, in a relatively pure state, using only two unit operations. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals Inc.
Inorganic nutrients play a critical role in determining benthic community structure in tropical seas. This study examined the impact of adding inorganic nutrients (ammonium and phosphate) on the isotopic composition of 2 reef-building corals, Pocillopora damicornis and Heliofungia actiniformis, on the southern Great Barrier Reef. The addition of elevated nutrients to patch reefs that pond at low tide did not perturb the C:N ratio of either species or their symbiotic dinoflagellates. The C:N ratios were significantly higher in material extracted from the skeleton (14.8 +/- 1.50 and 10.8 +/- 1.42) than either host (7.6 +/- 0.87 and 6.0 +/- 0.71) or symbiotic dinoflagellates (5.7 +/- 0.48 and 6.9 +/- 0.66) (P. damicornis and H. actiniformis respectively; 95 confidence intervals). The ratio of acquired N to background N suggests that the added dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) accounted for 50 to 100% of total nitrogen within the tissues of P. damicornis and H. actiniformis at the end of the experiment. The addition of the isotopically depleted nutrients (delta(15) N = 0parts per thousand) to patch reefs significantly decreased delta(15)N from control values of between 3 and 4 to values to below 1 in the case of all compartments, while delta(13)C values were relatively unresponsive to nutrient treatments. These findings suggest that coral delta(15)N has the potential to provide a historical record of the delta(15)N of dissolved nitrogen surrounding reef-building corals and their symbiotic dinoflagellates.
The Australian Universities Teaching Committee (AUTC) funds projects intended to improve the quality of teaching and learning in specific disciplinary areas. The project brief for 'Learning Outcomes and Curriculum Development in Psychology' for 2004/2005 was to 'produce an evaluative overview of courses ... with a focus on the specification and assessment of learning outcomes and ... identify strategic directions for universities to enhance teaching and learning'. This project was awarded to a consortium from The University of Queensland, University of Tasmania, and Southern Cross University. The starting point for this project is an analysis of the scientist-practitioner model and its role in curriculum design, a review of current challenges at a conceptual level, and consideration of the implications of recent changes to universities relating to such things as intemationalisation of programs and technological advances. The project will seek to bring together stakeholders from around the country in order to survey the widest possible range of perspectives on the project brief requirements. It is hoped also to establish mechanisms for fiiture scholarly discussion of these issues, including the establishment of an Australian Society for the Teaching of Psychology and an annual conference.
A dendritic cell (DC) imbalance with a marked deficiency in CD4(-)8(+) DC occurs in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice, a model of human autoimmune diabetes mellitus. Using a NOD congenic mouse strain, we find that this CD4(-)8(+) DC deficiency is associated with a gene segment on chromosome 4, which also encompasses non-MHC diabetes susceptibility loci. Treatment of NOD mice with fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand (FL) enhances the level of CD4(-)8(+) DC, temporarily reversing the DC subtype imbalance. At the same time, fms-like tryosine kinase 3 ligand treatment blocks early stages of the diabetogenic process and with appropriately timed administration can completely prevent diabetes development. This points to a possible clinical use of FL to prevent autoimmune disease.