199 resultados para Moore Pam
The role of temperature and rainfall during seed development in modulating subsequent seed dormancy status was studied for Lolium rigidum Gaud. (annual ryegrass). Climatic parameters relating to geographic origin were compared with annual ryegrass seed dormancy characteristics for seeds collected from 12 sites across the southern Western Australian cropping region. Seed germination was tested soon after collection and periodically during subsequent after-ripening. Temperature in the year of seed development and long-term rainfall patterns showed correlations with aspects of seed dormancy, particularly the proportion of seeds remaining dormant following 5 months of after-ripening. Consequently, for one population the temperature (warm/cool) and water supply (adequate/reduced) during seed development were manipulated to investigate the role of maternal environment in the quantity and dormancy characteristics of seeds produced. Seeds from plants grown at warm temperatures were fewer in number, weighed less, and were less dormant than those from plants grown at cool temperature. Seeds that developed under both cool temperature and reduced moisture conditions lost dormancy faster than seeds from well-watered plants. Seed maturation environment, particularly temperature, can have a significant effect on annual ryegrass seed numbers and seed dormancy characteristics.
In the title compound, C13H14N2O7, steric crowding around the aromatic ring results in significant out-of-plane twisting of the nitro, methoxy, acetoxy and 2-nitropropenyl functional groups. These distortions are explained by comparison with less congested substituted benzene analogues.
Given escalating concern worldwide about the loss of biodiversity, and given biodiversity's centrality to quality of life, it is imperative that current ecological knowledge fully informs societal decision making. Over the past two decades, ecological science has undergone many significant shifts in emphasis and perspective, which have important implications for how we manage ecosystems and species. In particular, a shift has occurred from the equilibrium paradigm to one that recognizes the dynamic, non-equilibrium nature of ecosystems. Revised thinking about the spatial and temporal dynamics of ecological systems has important implications for management. Thus, it is of growing concern to ecologists and others that these recent developments have not been translated into information useful to managers and policy makers. Many conservation policies and plans are still based on equilibrium assumptions. A fundamental difficulty with integrating current ecological thinking into biodiversity policy and management planning is that field observations have yet to provide compelling evidence for many of the relationships suggested by non-equilibrium ecology. Yet despite this scientific uncertainty, management and policy decisions must still be made. This paper was motivated by the need for considered scientific debate on the significance of current ideas in theoretical ecology for biodiversity conservation. This paper aims to provide a platform for such discussion by presenting a critical synthesis of recent ecological literature that (1) identifies core issues in ecological theory, and (2) explores the implications of current ecological thinking for biodiversity conservation.
We add to current discussions about the interface between ecology, values, and objectivity by reporting on a novel Delphi-based study of the scientific reasoning employed by a group of eight ecologists as they collectively considered current ecological thinking. We rely on contextual empiricism, with its features of multiple ways of relating theory to reality and science as a social activity, to provide a richer understanding of scientific objectivity. This understanding recognizes the place and contributions of values and, in so doing, moves the discussion beyond whether or not science is value neutral.
Dendritic cells (DC) are the potent antigen presenting cells which modulate T cell responses to self or non-self antigens. DC play a significant role in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases, inflammation and infection, but also in the maintenance of tolerance. NF-kappaB, particularly RelB is a crucial pathway for myeloid DC differentiation and functional maturation. While the current paradigm is that mature, nuclear RelB+ DC prime T cells for immunity/autoimmunity and immature DC for tolerance, RelB-deficient mice paradoxically develop generalised systemic autoimmune inflammatory disease with myelopoiesis and splenomegaly. Previous studies suggested abnormal DC differentiation in healthy relatives of type 1 diabetes (t1dm) patients. Therefore, we compared NF- kB activation in monocyte-derived DC from t1dm and non-t1dm controls in response to LPS. While resting DC appeared normal, DC from 6 out of 7 t1dm patients but no t2dm or rheumatoid arthritis patients failed to translocate NF- kB subunits to the nucleus in response to LPS, along with a failure to up-regulate expression of cell surface CD40 and MHC class I. NF- kB subunit mRNA increased normally in t1dm DC after LPS. Both the classical or non-canonical NF- kB pathways were affected as both TNF-a and CD40 stimulation led to a similarly abnormal NF- kB response. In contrast, expression of phosphorylated p38 MAPK and pro-inflammatory cytokine production was intact. These abnormalities in NF- kB activation appear to be generally and specifically applicable at a post-translational level in t1dm, and have the capacity to profoundly influence immunoregulation in affected individuals.
This special issue represents a further exploration of some issues raised at a symposium entitled “Functional magnetic resonance imaging: From methods to madness” presented during the 15th annual Theoretical and Experimental Neuropsychology (TENNET XV) meeting in Montreal, Canada in June, 2004. The special issue’s theme is methods and learning in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and it comprises 6 articles (3 reviews and 3 empirical studies). The first (Amaro and Barker) provides a beginners guide to fMRI and the BOLD effect (perhaps an alternative title might have been “fMRI for dummies”). While fMRI is now commonplace, there are still researchers who have yet to employ it as an experimental method and need some basic questions answered before they venture into new territory. This article should serve them well. A key issue of interest at the symposium was how fMRI could be used to elucidate cerebral mechanisms responsible for new learning. The next 4 articles address this directly, with the first (Little and Thulborn) an overview of data from fMRI studies of category-learning, and the second from the same laboratory (Little, Shin, Siscol, and Thulborn) an empirical investigation of changes in brain activity occurring across different stages of learning. While a role for medial temporal lobe (MTL) structures in episodic memory encoding has been acknowledged for some time, the different experimental tasks and stimuli employed across neuroimaging studies have not surprisingly produced conflicting data in terms of the precise subregion(s) involved. The next paper (Parsons, Haut, Lemieux, Moran, and Leach) addresses this by examining effects of stimulus modality during verbal memory encoding. Typically, BOLD fMRI studies of learning are conducted over short time scales, however, the fourth paper in this series (Olson, Rao, Moore, Wang, Detre, and Aguirre) describes an empirical investigation of learning occurring over a longer than usual period, achieving this by employing a relatively novel technique called perfusion fMRI. This technique shows considerable promise for future studies. The final article in this special issue (de Zubicaray) represents a departure from the more familiar cognitive neuroscience applications of fMRI, instead describing how neuroimaging studies might be conducted to both inform and constrain information processing models of cognition.
The acute Porphyrias are examples of toxico-genetic diseases and diseases genetically acquired, which show an idiosyncratic reaction to certain chemicals and drugs. Porphyrics are at risk of developing an acute attack if exposed to various precipitating factors of which drugs are the most common factor. This paper presents lists of drugs complied into those hazardous for patients with acute porphyria and those thought to be safe.
This study investigated the effect of two anti-pronation taping techniques on vertical navicular height, an indicator of foot pronation, after its application and 20 min of exercise. The taping techniques were: the low dye (LD) and low dye with the addition of calcaneal slings and reverse sixes (LDCR). A repeated measures study was used. It found that LDCR was superior to LD and control immediately after application and exercise. LD was better than control immediately after application but not after exercise. These findings provide practical directions to clinicians regularly using anti-pronation taping techniques.
Acute intermittent porphyria (AIP) is an inborn error of haem biosynthesis caused by a variety of mutations in the gene coding for hydroxymethylbilane synthase (HMB-S). The entire coding sequence of this gene, from each of three South African AIP patients, was therefore screened for mutations using chemical cleavage mismatch (CCM) analysis and any changes detected characterized by DNA sequencing. Three single base changes were identified; a G(77) to A in exon 3, a C-346 to T in exon 8 and a G(518) to A in exon 10. These missense mutations, previously reported to be present in other populations, are known to be responsible for the structurally deleterious amino acid replacements R26H, R116W and R173Q, respectively. The in vitro expression of the enzymes containing these mutations and the subsequent measurement of their specific activities revealed a reduction to approximately 4% of normal activity. (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited.