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Using the exact Bethe ansatz solution of the Hubbard model and Luttinger liquid theory, we investigate the density profiles and collective modes of one-dimensional ultracold fermions confined in an optical lattice with a harmonic trapping potential. We determine a generic phase diagram in terms of a characteristic filling factor and a dimensionless coupling constant. The collective oscillations of the atomic mass density, a technique that is commonly used in experiments, provide a signature of the quantum phase transition from the metallic phase to the Mott-insulator phase. A detailed experimental implementation is proposed.


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Foraging adults of phytophagous insects are attracted by host-plant volatiles and supposedly repelled by volatiles from non-host plants. In behavioural control of pest insects, chemicals derived from non-host plants applied to crops are expected to repel searching adults and thereby reduce egg laying. How experience by searching adults of non-host volatiles affects their subsequent searching and oviposition behaviour has been rarely tested. In laboratory experiments, we examined the effect of experience of a non-host-plant extract on the oviposition behaviour of the diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella, a specialist herbivore of cruciferous plants. Naive ovipositing DBM females were repelled by an extract of dried leaves of Chrysanthemum morifolium, a non-host plant of DBM, but experienced females were not repelled. Instead they were attracted by host plants treated with the non-host-plant extract and laid a higher proportion of eggs on treated than on untreated host plants. Such behavioural changes induced by experience could lead to host-plant range expansion in phytophagous insects and play an important role in determining outcome for pest management of some behavioural manipulation methods.


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Predictions of water table fluctuations in coastal aquifers are needed for numerous coastal and water resources engineering problems. Most previous investigations have been based on the Boussinesq equation for the case of a vertical beach. In this note an analytical solution based on shallow water expansion for the spring- neap tide- induced water table fluctuations in a coastal aquifer is presented. Unlike most previous investigations, multitidal signals are considered with a sloping coastal aquifer. The new solution is verified by comparing with field observations from Ardeer, Scotland. On the basis of the analytical approximation the influences of higher- order components on water table elevation are examined first. Then, a parametric study has been performed to investigate the effects of the amplitude ratio (lambda), frequency ratio (omega), and phases (delta(1) and delta(2)) on the tide- induced water table fluctuations in a sloping sandy beach.


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The pocilloporin Rtms5 and an engineered variant Rtms5(H146S) undergo distinct color transitions (from blue to red to yellow to colorless) in a pH-dependent manner. pK(a) values of 4.1 and 3.2 were determined for the blue (absorption lambda(max), 590 nm) to yellow (absorption lambda(max), similar to 453 nm) transitions of Rtms5 and Rtms5H(146). The pK(a) for the blue-yellow transition of Rtms5H(146S) increased by 1.4 U in the presence of 0.1 M KI, whereas the pK(a) for the same transition of Rtms5 was relatively insensitive to added halides. To understand the structural basis for these observations, we have determined to 2.0 A resolution the crystal structure of a yellow form of Rtms5(H146S) at pH 3.5 in the presence of iodide. Iodide was found occupying a pocket in the structure with a pH of 3.5, forming van der Waals contacts with the tyrosyl moiety of the chromophore. Elsewhere, it was determined that this pocket is occupied by a water molecule in the Rtms5(H141S) structure (pH 8.0) and by the side chain of histidine 146 in the wild-type Rtms5 structure. Collectively, our data provide an explanation for the observed linkage between color transitions for Rtms5(H146S) and binding to halides.


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Obesity affects aspects of glucose homeostasis such as insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity. Hormones secreted by adipocytes like leptin mediate the metabolic consequences of obesity. Incretin hormones like glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) increase insulin secretion in response to changes in blood glucose concentration and have been proposed to regulate insulin secretion in fasting, overweight dogs. The aim of this study was to examine hormonal mechanisms by which adiposity alters glucose homeostasis, plasma insulin concentration, and insulin sensitivity in spontaneously overweight dogs.


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Sulfate is required for detoxification of xenobiotics such as acetaminophen (APAP), a leading cause of liver failure in humans. The NaS1 sulfate transporter maintains blood sulfate levels sufficiently high for sulforiation reactions to work effectively for drug detoxification. In the present study, we identified two loss-of-function polymorphisms in the human NaS1 gene and showed the Nas1-null mouse to be hypersensitive to APAP hepatotoxicity. APAP treatment led to increased liver damage and decreased hepatic glutathione levels in the hyposulfatemic Nas1-null mice compared with that in normosulfatemic wild-type mice. Analysis of urinary APAP metabolites revealed a significantly lower ratio of APAP-sulfate to APAP-glucuronide in the Nas1-null mice. These results suggest hyposulfatemia increases sensitivity to APAP-induced hepatotoxicity by decreasing the sulfonation capacity to metabolize APAP. In conclusion, the results of this study highlight the importance of plasma sulfate level as a key modulator of acetaminophen metabolism and suggest that individuals with reduced NaS1 sulfate transporter function would be more sensitive to hepatotoxic agents.


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Motivated by the unconventional properties and rich phase diagram of NaxCoO2 we consider the electronic and magnetic properties of a two-dimensional Hubbard model on an isotropic triangular lattice doped with electrons away from half-filling. Dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) calculations predict that for negative intersite hopping amplitudes (t < 0) and an on-site Coulomb repulsion, U, comparable to the bandwidth, the system displays properties typical of a weakly correlated metal. In contrast, for t > 0 a large enhancement of the effective mass, itinerant ferromagnetism, and a metallic phase with a Curie-Weiss magnetic susceptibility are found in a broad electron doping range. The different behavior encountered is a consequence of the larger noninteracting density of states (DOS) at the Fermi level for t > 0 than for t < 0, which effectively enhances the mass and the scattering amplitude of the quasiparticles. The shape of the DOS is crucial for the occurrence of ferromagnetism as for t > 0 the energy cost of polarizing the system is much smaller than for t < 0. Our observation of Nagaoka ferromagnetism is consistent with the A-type antiferromagnetism (i.e., ferromagnetic layers stacked antiferromagnetically) observed in neutron scattering experiments on NaxCoO2. The transport and magnetic properties measured in NaxCoO2 are consistent with DMFT predictions of a metal close to the Mott insulator and we discuss the role of Na ordering in driving the system towards the Mott transition. We propose that the Curie-Weiss metal phase observed in NaxCoO2 is a consequence of the crossover from a bad metal with incoherent quasiparticles at temperatures T > T-* and Fermi liquid behavior with enhanced parameters below T-*, where T-* is a low energy coherence scale induced by strong local Coulomb electron correlations. Our analysis also shows that the one band Hubbard model on a triangular lattice is not enough to describe the unusual properties of NaxCoO2 and is used to identify the simplest relevant model that captures the essential physics in NaxCoO2. We propose a model which allows for the Na ordering phenomena observed in the system which, we propose, drives the system close to the Mott insulating phase even at large dopings.


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Odorant-induced currents in mammalian olfactory receptor neurons have proved difficult to obtain reliably using conventional whole-cell recording. By using a mathematical model of the electrical circuit of the patch and rest-of-cell, we demonstrate how cell-attached patch measurements can be used to quantitatively analyze responses to odorants or a high (100 mM) K+ solution. High K+ induced an immediate current flux from cell to pipette, which was modeled as a depolarization of similar to 52 mV, close to that expected from the Nernst equation (56 mV), and no change in the patch conductance. By contrast, a cocktail of cAMP-stimulating odorants induced a current flux from pipette into cell following a significant (4-10 s) delay. This was modeled as an average patch conductance increase of 36 pS and a depolarization of 13 mV, Odorant-induced single channels had a conductance of 16 pS. In cells bathed with no Mg2+ and 0.25 mM Ca2+, odorants induced a current flow from cell to pipette, which was modeled as a patch conductance increase of similar to 115 pS and depolarization of similar to 32 mV, All these results are consistent with cAMP-gated cation channels dominating the odorant response, This approach, which provides useful estimates of odorant-induced voltage and conductance changes, is applicable to similar measurements in any small cells.


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A novel flow-tagging technique is presented which was employed to measure gas velocities in the free stream of a shock tube. This method is based on the laser spectroscopic techniques of Laser-Enhanced Ionisation (LEI) and Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF). The flow in the shock tube is seeded with small amounts of sodium, and LEI is used to produce a substantial depletion of neutral sodium atom concentration in a well-defined region of the flow, by using two wavelength-resonance excitation and subsequent collisional ionisation. At a specific time delay, single-laser-pulse planar LIF is utilised to produce a two-dimensional (2-D) inverse image of the depleted tagged region downstream of the flow. By measuring the displacement of the tagged region, free stream velocities in a shock tube were determined. Large variations in the concentration of sodium seeded into the flow were observed and even in the presence of these large variations accurate free-stream velocity measurements were obtained. The experimentally determined value for velocity compares very well with the predicted velocity.


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Field studies have shown that the elevation of the beach groundwater table varies with the tide and such variations affect significantly beach erosion or accretion. In this paper, we present a BEM (Boundary Element Method) model for simulating the tidal fluctuation of the beach groundwater table. The model solves the two-dimensional flow equation subject to free and moving boundary conditions, including the seepage dynamics at the beach face. The simulated seepage faces were found to agree with the predictions of a simple model (Turner, 1993). The advantage of the present model is, however, that it can be used with little modification to simulate more complicated cases, e.g., surface recharge from rainfall and drainage in the aquifer may be included (the latter is related to beach dewatering technique). The model also simulated well the field data of Nielsen (1990). In particular, the model replicated three distinct features of local water table fluctuations: steep rising phase versus flat falling phase, amplitude attenuation and phase lagging.


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A line of FVB (H-2(q)) mice transgenic for the E6/E7 open reading frames of Human Papillomavirus type 16 driven from the alpha-A crystallin promoter expresses E7 mRNA in lens and skin epithelium. E7 protein is detectable in adult skin, coinciding with the development or inflammatory skin disease, which progresses to papillomata and squamous carcinomata in some mice. By examining the outcome of parenteral immunization with E7 protein, we sought to determine whether endogenous expression of E7 in skin had induced a preexisting immune outcome, i.e., specific immunity or tolerance, or whether the mice remain naive (''ignorant'') to E7. Our data show that the antibody response to defined E7 B-epitopes, the proliferative response to Th epitopes, and the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response to whole E7 did not differ between groups or young and old E6/E7 transgenic mice (likely having different degrees of lifetime exposure to E7 protein) or between E6/E7-transgenic and nontransgenic parental strain control mice. Although an E7-specific CTL response could not be induced in the H-2(q) background of these mice, incorporation of a D-b allele into the genome allowed comparison of D-b-restricted CTL responses in E6/E7 transgenic and nontransgenic mice. Experiments indicated that the E7-immunization-induced CTL response did not differ significantly between E6/E7 transgenic and nontransgenic mice. We interpret these results to indicate that in spite of expression of E7 protein in adult skin, E6/E7 transgenic mice remain immunologically naive (ignorant) of E7 epitopes presented by immunization. (C) 1997 Academic Press.