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Marking its fiftieth anniversary in late 2001, the ANZUS alliance remains Australia's primary security relationship and one of the United States' most important defence arrangements in the Asia-Pacific region. It is argued here that ANZUS has defied many common suppositions advanced by international relations theorists on how alliances work. It thus represents an important refutation of arguments that they are short-term instruments of mere policy expediency and are largely interest-dependent. Cultural and normative factors are powerful, if often underrated, determinants for ANZUS's perpetuation. ANZUS may thus constitute an important test case for expanding our understanding of alliance politics beyond the usual preconditions and prerogatives normally associated with such a relationship.


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Passive techniques as an alternative to artificial cooling can bring important energy, environmental, financial, operational and qualitative benefits. However, regions such as the wet tropics can reach high levels of thermal stress in which passive means alone are unable to provide appropriate thermal comfort standards for some parts of the year. Despite a great accumulation of empirical information on the passive performance of houses for either free-running or conditioned modes, very little work has been done on the thermal performance of buildings that can operate with a mixed-running strategy in warm-humid climates. Buildings with such design features are able to balance the needs for comfort, privacy, and energy efficiency during different periods of the year. As free-running and conditioned modes are believed by many to be 'opposite' approaches, and have been presented as separate strategies, this paper demonstrates that not all parameters are directly opposite and a possible dual-mode integrated operation can be used for warm-humid locations for maximum comfort and minimum energy requirements. For this purpose, simulation runs using ESP-R (University of Strathclyde, ESRU, UK) were based on the climate data of Darwin (Australia) and on the ventilation styles of the house: free running and conditioned. Design features applicable to both, i.e. for a dual mode operation could be identified and the differences between conditioned and free running were demonstrated and proved not to be totally conflicting and therefore suitable for a dual mode operation. Different daily usage profiles (five use patterns were defined), and zoning of sleeping and living areas are presented. The dual mode use patterns compared to the base case house, for all the user possibilities, had improved performances of 17-52%, when compared to the free-running mode and 66-98% when compared to the conditioned mode. Simulation runs using other warm-humid climates (Miami, USA; Sao Luis, Brazil; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) were also conducted and compared to the results found for Darwin. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To assess the (i) benefits, (ii) harms and (iii) costs of continuing mammographic screening for women 70 years and over. Data sources and synthesis: (i) We conducted a MEDLINE search (1966 - July 2000) for decision-analytic models estimating life-expectancy gains from screening in older women. The five studies meeting the inclusion criteria were critically appraised using standard criteria. We estimated relative benefit from each model's estimate of effectiveness of screening in older women relative to that in women aged 50-69 years using the same model. (ii) With data from BreastScreen Queensland, we constructed balance sheets of the consequences of screening for women in 10-year age groups (40-49 to 80-89 years), and (iii) we used a validated model to estimate the marginal cost-effectiveness of extending screening to women 70 years and over. Results: For women aged 70-79 years, the relative benefit was estimated as 40%-72%, and 18%-62% with adjustment for the impact of screening on quality of life. For women over 80 years the relative benefit was about a third, and with quality-of-life adjustment only 14%, that in women aged 50-69 years. (ii) Of 10 000 Australian women participating in ongoing screening, about 400 are recalled for further testing, and, depending on age, about 70-112 undergo biopsy and about 19-80 cancers are detected. (iii) Cost-effectiveness estimates for extending the upper age limit for mammographic screening from 69 to 79 years range from $8119 to $27 751 per quality-adjusted life-year saved, which compares favourably with extending screening to women aged 40-49 years (estimated at between $24 000 and $65 000 per life-year saved). Conclusions: Women 70 years and over, in consultation with their healthcare providers, may want to decide for themselves whether to continue mammographic screening. Decision-support materials are needed for women in this age group.


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Two studies were conducted to examine the effects of including NaCl at various rates in grain-based supplements for Friesian cows grazing established, dominant (>90%), rainfed kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum cv. Common) pastures during summer and autumn in a humid sub-tropical environment. In study 1 (19 January-27 March 1998), 48 cows (36 multiparous, 12 primiparous; 27-96 days postpartum) were allocated to one of four groups based on genetic merit, milk production, liveweight (LW) and days postpartum. They were fed (2.7 kg dry matter (DM) per cow, twice-a-day) one of four isoenergetic and isonitrogenous barley grain-based concentrates containing NaCl at concentrations (% as-fed) of either 0 (SC1), 1.1 (SC2), 2.2 (SC3) or 3.3 (SC4). Maximum temperature humidity index (THImax) was greater than or equal to78 during 50% of the experimental period. Concentrate NaCl content had no effect (P>0.05) on daily milk yield or LW change but daily yields of 4% fat corrected milk (FCM), fat and protein were higher (P0.05) among treatments at 7.6+/-1.24 kg DM per cow. In study 2 (18 January 1999-1 March 1999), 48 cows (32 pluriparous, 16 primiparous: 32-160 days postpartum) were fed (2.7 kg DM per cow twice-a-day) one of two isoenergetic and isonitrogenous barley grain-based concentrates containing NaCl at concentrations (% as-fed) of 0 (control) or 2.2 (HSC). THImax was greater than or equal to78 during 34% of days in the experimental period. Yields of milk, FCM, fat and protein were lower (P0.05) by concentrate NaCl content. These studies indicate that NaCl supplementation can be beneficial in terms of milk production during warm, humid conditions as opposed to milder conditions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background. A study of postural stability was undertaken to identify the relationship between vision and support surface across age decades. Understanding when reliance on vision for postural stability emerges and the support conditions contributing to this instability may provide the evidence required to introduce falls-prevention strategies in younger age decades. Methods. We measured postural stability in 453 women aged 20 to 80 years using the Balance Master force-plate system while the women performed the modified Clinical Test for the Sensory Interaction and Balance (firm and foam surfaces, eyes open and closed) and the Single-Limb Stance Test (eyes open and closed). Results. Women in their 60s and 70s were more unstable than younger women in bilateral stance on a firm surface with the eyes closed. This instability was evident from the 50s when a foam surface was introduced and from the 40s when single-limb stance was tested with eyes closed. A further decline in stability was demonstrated for each subsequent decade when the eyes were closed in single-limb stance. Conclusions. Age, visual condition, and support surface were significant variables influencing postural stability in women. Reliance on vision for postural stability was evident for women from the 40s when single-limb stance was tested, from the 50s when bilateral stance on foam was tested, and from the 60s when a firm surface was used. The cause(s) of this decline in stability requires further investigation, and screening for postural instability between the ages of 40 and 60 is advocated.


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This paper discusses the development of a new Bachelor of Education (Middle Years of Schooling) at The University of Queensland. The middle years of schooling have increasingly been the focus of education reform initiatives in Australia, but this has not been accompanied by significant increases in the number of teacher education institutions offering specialised middle schooling-level teacher preparation programmes. Considering the rapidly changing social and economic context and the emergent state of middle schooling in Australia, the programme represented a conceptual and practical opportunity and challenge for The University of Queensland team. Working collaboratively, the team sought to design a teacher education preservice programme that was both responsive and generative: that is, responsive to local school contexts and to current educational research and reform at national and international levels; and generative of cutting-edge theories and practices associated with middle schooling, teachers' work, and teacher education. This paper focuses on one component of the Middle Years of Schooling Teacher Education programme at The University of Queensland; namely, the practicum. We first present the underlying principles of the practicum programme and then examine "dilemmas" that emerged early in the practicum. These issues and tensions were associated with the ideals of "middle years" philosophy and the pragmatics of school reform associated with that new approach. In this paper, and within this context, we explore what it means to be both responsive and generative, and describe how we as teacher educators negotiated between the extremes these terms implied.


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Anthracnose and crown rot, caused by Colletotrichum trifolii, are serious diseases of lucerne (Medicago saliva L.) in humid regions of the world. A race survey was conducted by inoculating individual lucerne clones (genotypes) with C. trifolii isolates collected from a range of Medicago hosts, locations, and years in south-eastern Queensland. This survey revealed for the first time in Australia the presence of race 2 (virulence on anthracnose resistance gene An I) and the first world report of race 4 (virulence on An(2)). A collection of North American race I and race 2 C. trifolii isolates, when inoculated onto the Australian differential clones, gave responses that were in agreement with their North American reactions. A RAPD analysis was conducted on 9 Australian C. trifolii isolates including races 1, 2, and 4; two C. destructivum and one C. gloeosporioides isolate were included as known outliers. For the C. trifolii isolates, 94.6% similarity was found regardless of host origin or race, compared with 2.2% similarity between this group and the C. gloeosporioides and C. destructivum isolates, confirming that the new races belong to C. trifolii. Currently, it is hypothesised that only plants carrying genes An, and An2 are resistant to the 3 races. Of 22 cultivars screened against the 3 races, only UQL-1, Hallmark, and Pioneer 54Q53 had >30% of plants resistant to the 3 races in separate screenings. The research highlights the need to find new sources of resistance to C. trifolii in lucerne.


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No information is available on the decomposition and nutrient release pattern of Piper aduncum and Imperata cylindrica despite their importance in shifting cultivation systems of Papua New Guinea and other tropical regions. We conducted a litter bag study (24 weeks) on a Typic Eutropepts in the humid lowlands to assess the rate of decomposition of Piper aduncum, Imperata cylindrica and Gliricidia sepium leaves under sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas). Decomposition rates of piper leaf litter were fastest followed closely by gliricidia, and both lost 50% of the leaf biomass within 10 weeks. Imperata leaf litter decomposed much slower and half-life values exceeded the period of observation. The decomposition patterns were best explained by the lignin plus polyphenol over N ratio which was lowest for piper (4.3) and highest for imperata (24.7). Gliricidia leaf litter released 79 kg N ha(-1), whereas 18 kg N ha(-1) was immobilised in the imperata litter. The mineralization of P was similar for the three species, but piper litter released large amounts of K. The decomposition and nutrient release patterns had significant effects on the soil. The soil contained significantly more water in the previous imperata plots at 13 weeks due to the relative slow decomposition of the leaves. Soil N levels were significantly reduced in the previous imperata plots due to immobilisation of N. Levels of exchangeable K were significantly increased in the previous piper plots due to the large addition of K. It can be concluded that piper leaf litter is a significant and easily decomposable source of K which is an important nutrient for sweet potato. Gliricidia leaf litter contained much N, whereas imperata leaf litter releases relatively little nutrients and keeps the soil more moist. Gliricidia fallow is more attractive than an imperata fallow for it improves the soil fertility and produces fuelwood as additional saleable products.