80 resultados para Fitness decoupling
We investigated the genetic mating system of a socially monogamous passerine bird, the Capricorn silvereye Zosterops lateralis chlorocephalus, on an island of the Great Barrier Reef. There were no cases of extrapair paternity (EPP) among 122 offspring from 53 broods detectable by minisatellite or microsatellite DNA fingerprinting. Behavioral observations of paired birds showed that this was not a consequence of efficacious paternity guards and that females did not engage in extrapair copulation (EPC). Frequency of intrapair copulations was also low, with only 14 cases observed during 199 hours of observations of the 11 focal pairs in the fertile periods of females, and this was consistent with anatomical features of the cloacal protuberance in males. In this population, young birds form life-time pair bonds soon after gaining independence but females are obviously not attempting EPC possibly to redress this early mate choice. This is despite the fact that they breed in high density with a synchronous start and asynchronous spread of laying in a protracted season and males do not positively exhibit mate guarding behavior when females are fertile. Our results support high fidelity of socially monogamous birds on islands and are consistent with the hypothesis that sexual selection is reduced where genetic variation in fitness is limited.
In the past century, the debate over whether or not density-dependent factors regulate populations has generally focused on changes in mean population density, ignoring the spatial variance around the mean as unimportant noise. In an attempt to provide a different framework for understanding population dynamics based on individual fitness, this paper discusses the crucial role of spatial variability itself on the stability of insect populations. The advantages of this method are the following: (1) it is founded on evolutionary principles rather than post hoc assumptions; (2) it erects hypotheses that can be tested; and (3) it links disparate ecological schools, including spatial dynamics, behavioral ecology, preference-performance, and plant apparency into an overall framework. At the core of this framework, habitat complexity governs insect spatial variance. which in turn determines population stability. First, the minimum risk distribution (MRD) is defined as the spatial distribution of individuals that results in the minimum number of premature deaths in a population given the distribution of mortality risk in the habitat (and, therefore, leading to maximized population growth). The greater the divergence of actual spatial patterns of individuals from the MRD, the greater the reduction of population growth and size from high, unstable levels. Then, based on extensive data from 29 populations of the processionary caterpillar, Ochrogaster lunifer, four steps are used to test the effect of habitat interference on population growth rates. (1) The costs (increasing the risk of scramble competition) and benefits (decreasing the risk of inverse density-dependent predation) of egg and larval aggregation are quantified. (2) These costs and benefits, along with the distribution of resources, are used to construct the MRD for each habitat. (3) The MRD is used as a benchmark against which the actual spatial pattern of individuals is compared. The degree of divergence of the actual spatial pattern from the MRD is quantified for each of the 29 habitats. (4) Finally, indices of habitat complexity are used to provide highly accurate predictions of spatial divergence from the MRD, showing that habitat interference reduces population growth rates from high, unstable levels. The reason for the divergence appears to be that high levels of background vegetation (vegetation other than host plants) interfere with female host-searching behavior. This leads to a spatial distribution of egg batches with high mortality risk, and therefore lower population growth. Knowledge of the MRD in other species should be a highly effective means of predicting trends in population dynamics. Species with high divergence between their actual spatial distribution and their MRD may display relatively stable dynamics at low population levels. In contrast, species with low divergence should experience high levels of intragenerational population growth leading to frequent habitat-wide outbreaks and unstable dynamics in the long term. Six hypotheses, erected under the framework of spatial interference, are discussed, and future tests are suggested.
We introduce a model for the dynamics of a patchy population in a stochastic environment and derive a criterion for its persistence. This criterion is based on the geometric mean (GM) through time of the spatial-arithmetic mean of growth rates. For the population to persist, the GM has to be greater than or equal to1. The GM increases with the number of patches (because the sampling error is reduced) and decreases with both the variance and the spatial covariance of growth rates. We derive analytical expressions for the minimum number of patches (and the maximum harvesting rate) required for the persistence of the population. As the magnitude of environmental fluctuations increases, the number of patches required for persistence increases, and the fraction of individuals that can be harvested decreases. The novelty of our approach is that we focus on Malthusian local population dynamics with high dispersal and strong environmental variability from year to year. Unlike previous models of patchy populations that assume an infinite number of patches, we focus specifically on the effect that the number of patches has on population persistence. Our work is therefore directly relevant to patchily distributed organisms that are restricted to a small number of habitat patches.
Recent developments in evolutionary physiology have seen many of the long-held assumptions within comparative physiology receive rigorous experimental analysis. Studies of the adaptive significance of physiological acclimation exemplify this new evolutionary approach. The beneficial acclimation hypothesis (BAH) was proposed to describe the assumption that all acclimation changes enhance the physiological performance or fitness of an individual organism. To the surprise of most physiologists, all empirical examinations of the BAH have rejected its generality. However, we suggest that these examinations are neither direct nor complete tests of the functional benefit of acclimation. We consider them to be elegant analyses of the adaptive significance of developmental plasticity, a type of phenotypic plasticity that is very different from the traditional concept of acclimation that is used by comparative physiologists.
We examine the patterns of sex allocation in crimson rosellas Platycercus elegans, a socially monogamous Australian parrot. Overall, 41.8% of nestlings were male, a significant female bias. However underlying this population-level bias were non-random patterns of sex allocation within broods. Broods produced early in the season were female-biased, but the proportion of males in a brood increased as the breeding season progressed. Female rosellas may obtain greater fitness benefits from early-fledging daughters than sons because daughters can breed as 1-year-olds whereas sons do not breed until they are at least 2 years old. Laying date and laying sequence also interacted to influence the sex ratio of eggs. The sex of early-laid eggs strongly followed the brood level pattern, whereas the sex of middle- and late-laid eggs did not change significantly as the season progressed. Nevertheless, late-laid eggs were very unlikely to be male at the end of the season. We argue these differing seasonal patterns reflect the relative costs and benefits to producing early-hatched males and females at different times of the season. Female rosellas appear to maximise the probability that daughters are able to breed early but to minimise competitive asymmetries within the brood. In particular, late-hatched male chicks are disadvantaged if their oldest sibling is male, explaining the dearth of broods containing late-hatched males at the end of the breeding season.
The factors that control replication rate of the intracellular bacterium Wolbachia pipientis in its insect hosts are unknown and difficult to explore, given the complex interaction of symbiont and host genotypes. Using a strain of Wolbachia that is known to over-replicate and shorten the lifespan of its Drosophila melanogaster host, we have tracked the evolution of replication control in both somatic and reproductive tissues in a novel host/Wolbachia association. After transinfection (the transfer of a Wolbachia strain into a different species) of the over-replicating Wolbachia popcorn strain from D. metanogaster to Drosophila simulans, we demonstrated that initial high densities in the ovaries were in excess of what was required for perfect maternal transmission, and were likely causing reductions in reproductive fitness. Both densities and fitness costs associated with ovary infection rapidly declined in the generations after transinfection. The early death effect in D. simulans attenuated only slightly and was comparable to that induced in D. metanogaster. This study reveals a strong host involvement in Wolbachia replication rates, the independence of density control responses in different tissues, and the strength of natural selection acting on reproductive fitness.
The aims of this paper are (1) to comment on the evidence relating to the health risks and benefits of physical activity (PA) for pregnant women and their unborn foetuses, and (2) to discuss the public health benefits of participation in appropriate physical activity during pregnancy. Evidence from recent original research and review papers suggests that there are potential benefits of appropriate PA in terms of maternal weight control and fitness, which are likely to have significant long term public health benefits. Concerns about the potential ill-effects of PA during pregnancy, such as hyperthermia, shortened gestational age and decreased birth weight are not supported by the most recent scientific reviews. The physiological adaptations to exercise during pregnancy appear to protect the foetus from potential harm and, while an upper level of safe activity has not been established, the benefits of continuing to be active during pregnancy appear to outweigh any potential risks. All decisions about participation in physical activity during pregnancy should however be made by women in consultation with their medical advisers.
Flying foxes are commonly thought of as highly social mammals, yet little is known about the dynamics of their social interactions at a day roost. The aim of the present study was to examine the nature of the seasonal activities of territoriality and courtship amongst wild flying foxes in Australia. Focal observations were conducted at two permanent roosts of black flying foxes Pteropus alecto during periods of peak social interaction in the summers of 1999 and 2000 in urban Brisbane, Queensland. Observations of male territoriality were conducted at dawn and began eight weeks prior to the commencement of mating. The majority of defense bouts (87%) consisted of ritualised pursuit, while 13% of bouts involved physical contact expressed as either wrestling or hooking. One male with an unusually large territory took significantly longer to defend it than other males with less territory to defend. Observations of courtship revealed repetitive courtship sequences, including pre-copulatory approaches by the males, copulation attempts and grooming/resting periods. Thirty-four complete courtship sequences incorporating 135 copulation attempts were recorded over two seasons. Females actively resisted courtship approaches by males, forcing males to display a continuous determination to mate over time where determination can be considered an indicator of 'fitness'. The courtship bout length of females with suckling young was significantly longer ((x) over bar +/- SE; 230.9 +/- 22.16 s) than that of females unencumbered by large pups (158.5 +/- 9.69 s), although the length of copulations within those courtships was not (45.6 +/- 5.19 versus 36.2 +/- 3.43 s).
Background: For research on physical activity interventions to progress systematically, the mechanisms of action must be studied. In doing so, the research methods and their associated concepts and terminology become more complex. It is particularly important to clearly distinguish among determinants, correlates, mediators, moderators, and confounder variables used in physical activity research. This article examines the factors that are correlated with and that may have a causal relationship to physical activity. Methods and Results: We propose that the term correlate be used, instead of determinant, to describe statistical associations or correlations between measured variables and physical activity. Studies of the correlates of physical activity are reviewed. The findings of these studies can help to critique existing theories of health behavior change and can provide hypotheses to be tested in intervention studies from which it is possible to draw causal inferences. Mediator, moderator, and confounder variables can act to influence measured changes in physical activity. Intervening causal variables that are necessary to complete a cause-effect pathway between an intervention and physical activity are termed mediators. The relationship between an intervention and physical activity behaviors may vary for different groups; the strata by which they vary are levels of moderators of the relationship. Other factors may distort or affect the observed relationships between program exposure and physical activity, and are known as confounders. Conclusions: Consistent use of terms and additional research on mediators and moderators of intervention effects will improve our ability to understand and influence physical activity.
The haploid NK model developed by Kauffman can be extended to diploid genomes and to incorporate gene-by-environment interaction effects in combination with epistasis. To provide the flexibility to include a wide range of forms of gene-by-environment interactions, a target population of environment types (TPE) is defined. The TPE consists of a set of E different environment types, each with their own frequency of occurrence. Each environment type conditions a different NK gene network structure or series of gene effects for a given network structure, providing the framework for defining gene-by-environment interactions. Thus, different NK models can be partially or completely nested within the E environment types of a TPE, giving rise to the E(NK) model for a biological system. With this model it is possible to examine how populations of genotypes evolve in context with properties of the environment that influence the contributions of genes to the fitness values of genotypes. We are using the E(NK) model to investigate how both epistasis and gene-by-environment interactions influence the genetic improvement of quantitative traits by plant breeding strategies applied to agricultural systems. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Latitudinal clines provide natural systems that may allow the effect of natural selection on the genetic variance to be determined. Ten clinal populations of Drosophila serrata collected from the eastern coast of Australia were used to examine clinal patterns in the trait mean and genetic variance of the life-history trait egg-to-adult development time. Development time significantly lengthened from tropical areas to temperate areas. The additive genetic variance for development time in each population was not associated with latitude but was associated with the population mean development time. Additive genetic variance tended to be larger in populations with more extreme development times and appeared to be consistent with allele frequency change. In contrast, the nonadditive genetic variance was not associated with the population mean but was associated with latitude. Levels of nonadditive genetic variance were greatest in the region of the cline where the gradient in the change in mean was greatest, consistent with Barton's (1999) conjecture that the generation of linkage disequilibrium may become an important component of the genetic variance in systems with a spatially varying optimum.
We investigated the oviposition preference and larval performance of Helicoverpa armigera under laboratory conditions to determine if the oviposition preference of individual females on maize, cowpea and cotton correlates with offspring performance on the leaves of the same host plants. The host-plant preference hierarchy of females did not correlate with their offspring performance. Female moths chose host plants that contributed less to their offspring fitness. Plant effects accounted for the largest amount of variation in offspring performance, while the effects of female (family) was low. The offspring of most females (80%, n = 10) were broadly similar, but 20% (two out of 10), showed marked difference in their offspring performance across the host-plant species. Similarly, there was no relation between larval feeding preference and performance. However, like most laboratory experiments, our experi-mental design does not allow the evaluation of ecological factors (for example, natural enemies, host abundance, etc.) that can play an important role in larval performance in the field. Overall, the results highlight the importance of carrying out preference performance analysis on the individual or family level, rather than pooling individuals to obtain average population data.
We analyzed the codon usage bias of eight open reading frames (ORFs) across up to 79 human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes from three distinct phylogenetic groups. All eight ORFs across HPV genotypes show a strong codon usage bias, amongst degenerately encoded amino acids, toward 18 codons mainly with T at the 3rd position. For all 18 degenerately encoded amino acids, codon preferences amongst human and animal PV ORFs are significantly different from those averaged across mammalian genes. Across the HPV types, the L2 ORFs show the highest codon usage bias (73.2 +/- 1.6% and the E4 ORFs the lowest (51.1 +/- 0.5%), reflecting as similar bias in codon 3rd position A + T content (L2: 76.1 +/- 4.2%; E4: 58.6 +/- 4.5%). The E4 ORF, uniquely amongst the HPV ORFs, is G + C rich, while the other ORFs are A + T rich. Codon usage bias correlates positively with A + T content at the codon 3rd position in the E2, E6, L1 and L2 ORFs, but negatively in the E4 ORFs. A general conservation of preferred codon usage across human and non-human PV genotypes whether they originate from a same supergroup or not, together with observed difference between the preferred codon usage for HPV ORFs and for genes of the cells they infect, suggests that specific codon usage bias and A + T content variation may somehow increase the replicational fitness of HPVs in mammalian epithelial cells, and have practical implications for gene therapy of HPV infection. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Control recommendations are presented for four genetic or familial diseases that cause significant morbidity and mortality in affected English Bull Terriers. Bull Terrier polycystic kidney disease is an autosomal dominant disease diagnosed by detecting a minimum of three renal cysts, with cysts present in both kidneys, and similarly affected family members to confirm the inherited nature of the cysts. Bull Terrier hereditary nephritis is an autosomal dominant disease diagnosed in otherwise normal animals with urinary protein: creatinine ratios persistently >0.3 and no significant urinary sediment, a family history of the disease, and characteristic glomerular basement membrane lesions. Mitral valve myxomatous degeneration and left ventricular outflow tract obstruction in Bull Terriers are familial diseases diagnosed by auscultating characteristic murmurs in affected animals. Excluding animals with these clinical signs from the breeding pool will reduce the prevalence rates of these diseases, however maintenance of an effective population size is also important. Providing breeders with information on genetics, including the risks associated with inbreeding and the benefits of outcrossing, is likely to improve canine breeding practices, thus increasing fitness and fecundity of these purebred dogs.