122 resultados para Exercise Induced Collapse
The mRNA differential display technique was used to compare mRNAs between normal mammary gland and turner-derived epithelial cells from female Sprague-Dawley rat mammary gland tumors induced by the heterocyclic amine 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP) and promoted by a high-fat diet (23.5% corn oil). Two genes, beta-casein and transferrin, were identified as differentially expressed. The expression of these genes was examined across a bank of rat mammary gland tumors derived from animals on a low-fat diet (5% corn oil) or the high-fat diet. Carcinomas had over a 10- and 50-fold lower expression of beta-casein and transferrin, respectively than normal mammary gland. In addition, carcinomas from animals on the high-fat diet showed on average a 5-fold higher expression of beta-casein, and transferrin than carcinomas from animals on the low-fat diet. The results indicate the process of mammary gland tumorigenesis alters the expression of certain genes in the mammary gland, and that the level of dietary fat further modulates the expression of these genes.
The early effects of heat stress on the photosynthesis of symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) within the tissues of a reef-building coral were examined using pulse-amplitude-modulated (PAM) chlorophyll fluorescence and photorespirometry. Exposure of Stylophora pistillata to 33 and 34 degrees C for 4 h resulted in (1) the development of strong non-photochemical quenching (qN) of the chlorophyll fluorescence signal, (2) marked decreases in photosynthetic oxygen evolution, and (3) decreases in optimal quantum yield (F-v/F-m) of photosystern II (PSII), Quantum yield decreased to a greater extent on the illuminated surfaces of coral branches than on lower (shaded) surfaces, and also when high irradiance intensities were combined with elevated temperature (33 degrees C as opposed to 28 degrees C), qN collapsed in heat-stressed samples when quenching analysis was conducted in the absence of oxygen, Collectively, these observations are interpreted as the initiation of photoprotective dissipation of excess absorbed energy as heat (qN) and O-2-dependent electron flow through the Mehler-Ascorbate-Peroxidase cycle (MAP-cycle) following the point at which the rate of light-driven electron transport exceeds the capacity of the Calvin cycle. A model for coral bleaching is proposed whereby the primary site of heat damage in S, pistillata is carboxylation within the Calvin cycle, as has been observed during heat damage in higher plants, Damage to PSII and a reduction in F-v/F-m (i.e. photoinhibition) are secondary effects following the overwhelming of photoprotective mechanisms by light. This secondary factor increases the effect of the primary variable, temperature. Potential restrictions of electron flow in heat-stressed zooxanthellae are discussed with respect to Calvin cycle enzymes and the unusual status of the dinoflagellate Rubisco, Significant features of our model are that (1) damage to PSII is not the initial step in the sequence of heat stress in zooxanthellae, acid (2) light plays a key secondary role in the initiation of the bleaching phenomena.
Abnormal lower-limb biomechanics-in particular, abnormal pronation of the subtalar joint with concomitant increased internal rotation of the tibia-is one of the major causes of overuse injuries of the lower limb. A randomized, controlled, within-subjects research design (N = 14) was used to investigate the effect of a temporary felt orthosis and an antipronation taping technique to control the transverse tibial rotation position immediately after application and after each of two 10-minute periods of exercise. The results showed that the taping technique was superior to both the orthosis and no intervention in controlling tibial rotation position immediately after application and after 10 minutes of exercise. After 20 minutes of exercise, neither the tape nor the orthosis was significantly superior to the control; however, the trends suggested that some residual control was maintained. Future studies are needed to determine the amount of foot pronation control required to relieve symptoms in a symptomatic population in order to determine the clinical effectiveness of these treatment methods.
Objectives: A controlled trial to compare the effectiveness of verbal advice from a family physician (FP) combined with either standard or tailored written information on physical activity in increasing the levels of physical activity in sedentary patients. Design: Sedentary patients (n = 763) were recruited through ten family practices and allocated to a control group or one of two intervention groups, Brief advice on physical activity was given by the FP during the consultation and either a standard or tailored pamphlet was mailed to the home address of patients assigned to the intervention groups within two days of their visit to the FP. Results: The response to follow-up, via a postal survey at one, six, and twelve months after the index consultation was 70%, 60%, and 57%, respectively. Treating all nonresponders as sedentary, the results revealed that although more tailored subjects reported some physical activity at each follow-up compared with the standard group, these differences were not significant, Furthermore, there was no significant difference in movement across the stages of readiness to exercise at follow-up between subjects in the tailored group who received material targeting their current stage (precontemplation or contemplation) and the standard group who received generic material that addressed both stages. Conclusion: These findings do not concur with the results from previous research in the areas of nutrition and smoking cessation where additional benefits were seen with a tailored intervention. Future research on the application of the principles of tailoring to the promotion of physical activity should focus on identifying which, if any, physical, social, psychological or environmental variables should be addressed to produce improved outcomes over and above the effects of well designed generic materials. (C) 1999 American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
Past studies have shown that apoptosis mediated by TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is regulated by the expression of two death receptors [TRAIL receptor 1 (TRAIL-RI) and TRAIL-R2] and two decoy receptors (TRAIL-R3 and TRAIL-R4) that inhibit apoptosis, In previous studies, me have shown that TRAIL but not other members of the tumor necrosis factor family induce apoptosis in approximately two-thirds of melanoma cell lines. Here, we examined whether the expression of TRAIL-R at the mRNA and protein level in a panel of 28 melanoma cell lines and melanocytes correlated with their sensitivity to TRAIL-induced apoptosis, We report that at least three factors appear to underlie the variability in TRAIL-induced apoptosis. (a) Pour of nine cell lines that were insensitive to TRAIL-induced apoptosis failed to express death receptors, and in two instances, lines were devoid of all TRAIL-Rs. Southern analysis suggested this was due to loss of the genes for the death receptors, (b) Despite the presence of mRNA for the TRAIL-R, some of the lines failed to express TRAIL-R protein on their surface. This was evident for TRAIL-RI and more so for the TRAIL decoy receptors TRAIL-R3 and -R4, Studies on permeabilized cells revealed that the receptors were located within the cytoplasm and redistribution from the cytoplasm may represent a posttranslational control mechanism. (c) Surface expression of TRAIL-RI and -R2 (but not TRAIL-R3 and -R4) showed an overall correlation with TRAIL-induced apoptosis. However, certain melanoma cell lines and clones were relatively resistant to TRAIL-induced apoptosis despite the absence of decoy receptors and moderate levels of TRAIL-RI and -R2 expression. This may indicate the presence of inhibitors within the cells, but resistance to apoptosis could not be correlated with expression of the caspase inhibitor FLICE-inhibitory protein. mRNA for another TRAIL receptor, osteoprotegerin, was expressed in 22 of the melanoma lines but not on melanocytes. Its role in induction of apoptosis remains to be studied. These results appear to have important implications for future clinical studies on TRAIL.
We derive a nonlinear wave equation for a signal beam which is coupled to a pump beam by two-wave-mixing in a photorefractive crystal. This equation describes self-focusing of the signal beam. We compare two-wave-mixing induced spatial self-focusing of single-pass experiments in a diffusion-type photorefractive crystal and of a photorefractive oscillator using the same crystal. We observe that the nonlinear refractive index change in the oscillator is decreased while increasing resonator losses.
We quantified differences in the abundance and diversity of bird species at inherent (naturally occurring) and induced (human-created) edges in the Murray Mallee, South Australia, to explore the effects of anthropogenic landscape modification. Bird species were classified into edge response categories based on numerical differences in abundance between the edge and interior of habitat patches. 'Open-country' species (e.g. Australian Magpie and Little Raven) increased in abundance near induced edges, but were rarely recorded > 200 m into patch interiors or at inherent edges. The Australian Ringneck, Red Wattlebird, Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, Singing Honeyeater and White-eared Honeyeater increased in abundance near each inherent edge and were classified as 'edge-users'. However, their responses at induced edges varied between sites. The Yellow-plumed Honeyeater, Spotted Pardalote, White-browed Babbler, Chestnut Quail-thrush and Southern Scrub-robin decreased in abundance near one or more induced edges and were classified as 'edge-avoiders' at these sites. The Yellow-plumed Honeyeater, Spotted Pardalote, Chestnut Quail-thrush and Southern Scrub-robin are considered mallee habitat specialists in eastern Australia. These species may be particularly affected by anthropogenic modification of mallee vegetation.
We assayed nest predation as an edge effect, using artificial ground nests, at inherent (naturally occurring) and induced (human-created) edges, in the Murray Mallee, South Australia. Nests were constructed at distances between 0-120 m away from habitat edges. The relative predation rate on nests generally increased close to induced edges with a significant difference (P < 0.05) recorded for two out of five experiments. Predation rate at inherent edges was similar from the edge to the interior, and was lower than that recorded at induced edges. Our results suggest that increased predator numbers, activity or efficiency at locating nests occurred close to the induced edges at our study sites.
Several constitutively active mutant forms of the common β subunit of the human IL-3, IL-5 and GM-CSF receptors (hβc), which enable it to signal in the absence of ligand, have recently been described. Two of these, V449E and I374N, are amino acid substitutions in the transmembrane and extracellular regions of hβc, respectively. A third, FIΔ, contains a 37 amino acid duplication in the extracellular domain. We have shown previously that when expressed in primary murine haemopoietic cells, the extracellular mutants confer factor-independence on cells of the neutrophil and monocyte lineages only, whereas V449E does so on all cell types of the myeloid and erythroid compartments. To study the in vivo effects and leukaemic potential of these mutants, we have expressed all three in mice by bone marrow reconstitution using retrovirally infected donor cells. Expression of the extracellular mutants leads to an early onset, chronic myeloproliferative disorder marked by elevations in the neutrophil, monocyte, erythrocyte and platelet lineages. In contrast, expression of V449E leads to an acute leukaemia-like syndrome of anaemia, thrombocytopaenia and blast cell expansion. These data support the possibility that activating mutations in hβc are involved in haemopoietic disorders in man.
We have developed a novel inhibitor of the metalloendopeptidases EC (EP24.15) and EC (EP24.16), N-[1-(R, S)-carboxy-3-phenylpropyl]-Ala-Aib-Tyr-p-aminobenzoate (JA2), in which alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (Aib) is substituted for an alanine in a well-described but unstable inhibitor, cFP-AAY-pAB. This substitution increases the resistance of the inhibitor to degradation without altering potency. In the present study, we investigated the effects of JA2 (5 mg/kg) on the responses of mean arterial pressure to bradykinin, angiotensin I, and angiotensin II in conscious rabbits. The depressor responses to both low (10 ng/kg) and high (100 ng/kg) doses of bradykinin were increased 7.0 +/- 2.7-fold and 1.5 +/- 0.3-fold, respectively, during the 30 minutes after JA2 administration (mean+/-SEM, n=8). Bradykinin potentiation was undiminished 4 hours after JA2 injection. In contrast, the hypertensive effects of angiotensins I and II were unaltered, indicating that the bradykinin-potentiating effects were not due to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition. These data suggest that JA2 is not only a potent and specific inhibitor of EP24.15 and EP24.16 but is also stable in vivo. Furthermore, the potentiation of bradykinin-induced hypotension by JA2 suggests for the first time a role for one or both of these peptidases in the metabolism of bradykinin in the circulation.
Recombinant bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) based vaccine delivery systems could potentially share the safety and effectiveness of BCG. We therefore prepared recombinant BCG vaccines which expressed the L1 late protein of the human papillomavirus (HPV) 6b or the E7 early protein of the HPV 16. The two recombinants were evaluated as immunogens in C57BL/6J and BALB/c mice, and compared with a conventional protein/adjuvant system using E7 or L1 mixed with Quil-A adjuvant. rBCG6bL1 and rBCG16E7 primed specific immune responses, represented by DTH, T-proliferation and antibody, and rBCG16E7 induced cytotoxic immune response to E7 protein. The magnitude of the observed responses were less than those elicited by protein/adjuvant vaccine. As recombinant BCG vaccines expressing HPV6bL1 or HPV16E7 persist at low levels in the immunised host, they may be beneficial to prime or retain memory responses to antigens, but are unlikely to be useful as a single component vaccine strategy. (C) 2000 Elsevier science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Interferon alfa therapy for chronic hepatitis C infection is commonly associated with neuropsychiatric symptoms, including depression. These side effects may necessitate reduction or even cessation of interferon alfa, hut there is little information regarding the management of this important problem. We report 10 cases of interferon-alfa-induced depressive disorder treated with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor sertraline. All patients obtained rapid symptom relief without the need for reduction or cessation of interferon alfa.
The reactivity of sera from patients with cervical cancer with the E7 protein of human papilloma virus type 16 (HPV16) was estimated using a novel non-radioactive immunoprecipitation assay and four established protein-and peptide-based immunoassays. Six of 14 sera from patients with cervical cancer and 1 of 10 sera from healthy laboratory staff showed repeated reactivity with E7 in at least one assay. Four of the 7 reactive sera were consistently reactive in more than one assay, but only one was reactive in all four assays. Following immunization with E7, 2 of 5 patients with cervical cancer had increased E7-specific reactivity, measurable in one or more assays. No single assay was particularly sensitive for E7 reactivity, or predictive of cervical cancer. Mapping of E7 reactivity to specific E7 peptides was unsuccessful, suggesting that natural or induced E7 reactivity in human serum is commonly directed to conformational epitopes of E7, These results suggest that each assay employed with is study measures a different aspect of E7 reactivity, and that various reactivities to E7 may manifest following HPV infection or immunization. This finding is of significance for monitoring of E7 immunotherapy and for serological screening for cervical cancer. Copyright (C) 2000 S.Karger, AG. Basel.
Normal Sprague-Dau ley rat mammary gland epithelial cells and mammary gland carcinomas induced by 2-amino-1 -methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine, a carcinogen found in the diet, were examined for the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPAR alpha). PPAR alpha mRNA and protein was detected in normal and tumor tissue by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunohistochemistry. By quantitative RT-PCR, carcinomas had a 12-fold higher expression than control mammary glands, a statistically significant difference. PPAR alpha expression was examined in carcinomas and normal tissues from rats on high fat (23.5/% corn oil) and low fat (5% corn oil) diets. Although neither carcinomas, nor control tissues showed statistically significant differences between the two diet groups, PPAR alpha expression was the highest in carcinomas from rats on the high fat diet. The expression of PPAR alpha in normal mammary gland and its significant elevation in mammary gland carcinomas raises the possibility of its involvement in mammary gland physiology and pathophysiology. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.