111 resultados para Dower, John D
Detailed microscopic examination using optical and electron microscopes suggests that Al4C3, often observed in the central regions of magnesium grains on polished sections, is a potent substrate for primary Mg. Calculations of the crystallographic relationships between magnesium and Al4C3 further support the experimental observations. (c) 2005 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
CpG island is a GC-rich motif occurred in gene promoter region, which can play important roles in gene silencing and imprinting. Here, we present a set of discriminant functions that can recognize the structural and compositional features of CpG islands in the putative promoter regions (PPRs) of human and mouse immunoglobulin (Ig) genes. We showed that the PPRs of both human and mouse Ig genes irrespective of gene chromosomal localization are apparently CpG island poor, with a low percentage of the CpG islands overlapped with the transcription start site (TSS). The human Ig genes that have CpG islands in the PPRs show a very narrow range of CpG densities. 47% of the Ig genes fall in the range of 3.5-4 CpGs/100 bp. In contrast, the non-Ig genes examined have a wide range of the density of CpG island, with 10.5% having the density of 8.1-15 CpGs/100 bp. Meantime, five patterns of the CpG distributions within the CpG islands have been classified: Pat A, B, C, D, and E. 21.6% and 10.8% of the Ig genes fall into the Pat B and Pat D groups, respectively, which were significantly higher than the non-Ig genes examined (8.2% and 3.8%). Moreover, the length of CpG islands is shorter in human Ig genes than in non-Ig genes but is much longer than in mouse orthologues. These findings provide a clear picture of non-neutral and nonrandom occurrence of the CpG islands in the PPRs of human and mouse Ig genes, which facilitate rational recommendations regarding their nomenclature. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A number of magnesium alloys show promise as engine block materials. However, a critical issue for the automotive industry is corrosion of the engine block by the coolant and this could limit the use of magnesium engine blocks. This work assesses the corrosion performance of conventional magnesium alloy AZ91D and a recently developed engine block magnesium alloy AM-SC1 in several commercial coolants. Immersion testing, hydrogen evolution measurement, galvanic current monitoring and the standard ASTM D1384 test were employed to reveal the corrosion performance of the magnesium alloys subjected to the coolants. The results show that the tested commercial coolants are corrosive to the magnesium alloys in terms of general and galvanic corrosion. The two magnesium alloys exhibited slightly different corrosion resistance to the coolants with AZ91D being more corrosion resistant than AM-SC1. The corrosivity varied from coolant to coolant. Generally speaking. an oraganic-acid based long life coolant was less corrosive to the magnesium alloys than a traditional coolant. Among the studied commercial coolants. Toyota long, life coolant appeared to be the most promising one. In addition. it was found that potassium fluoride effectively inhibited corrosion of the magnesium alloys in the studied commercial coolants. Both general and galvanic corrosion rates were significantly decreased by addition of KF, and there were no evident side effects on the other engine block materials, such as copper, solder. brass. steel and aluminium alloys, in terms of their corrosion performance. The ASTM D 1384 test further confirmed these results and suggested that Toyota long life coolant with 1%wt KF addition is a promising coolant for magnesium engine blocks.
We have previously constructed an acapsular Pasteurella multocida X-73 (serogroup A) mutant strain which was attenuated in virulence for chickens (Chung JY, Wilkie IW, Boyce JD, Townsend KM, Frost AJ, Ghodussi M, Adler B. Role of capsule in the pathogenesis of fowl cholera caused by Pasteurella multocida serogroup A. Infect. Immun. 2001;69:2487-2492). In this study, we have assessed the ability of this acapsular strain (PBA930) to induce protection against wild-type challenge in mice and the natural host chickens. Intramuscular administration of PBA930 to mice stimulated significant protection against X-73 and the heterologous strain P-1059 (A:3), but not against challenge with P-1662 (A:4). No protection was observed when PBA930 was introduced by the intraperitoneal or subcutaneous routes in mice. Significantly, the acapsular strain PBA930 was able to induce protection against challenge with wild type X-73 in chickens. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Digital still cameras capable of filming short video clips are readily available, but the quality of these recordings for telemedicine has not been reported. We performed a blinded study using four commonly available digital cameras. A simulated patient with a hemiplegic gait pattern was filmed by the same videographer in an identical, brightly lit indoor setting. Six neurologists viewed the blinded video clips on their PC and comparisons were made between cameras, between video clips recorded with and without a tripod, and between video clips filmed on high- or low-quality settings. Use of a tripod had a smaller effect than expected, while images taken on a high-quality setting were strongly preferred to those taken on a low-quality setting. Although there was some variability in video quality between selected cameras, all were of sufficient quality to identify physical signs such as gait and tremor. Adequate-quality video clips of movement disorders can be produced with low-cost cameras and transmitted by email for teleneurology purposes.
Introduction. Potentially modifiable physiological variables may influence stroke prognosis but their independence from modifiable factors remains unclear. Methods. Admission physiological measures (blood pressure, heart rate, temperature and blood glucose) and other unmodifiable factors were recorded from patients presenting within 48 hours of stroke. These variables were compared with the outcomes of death and death or dependency at 30 days in multivariate statistical models. Results. In the 186 patients included in the study, age, atrial fibrillation and the National Institutes of Health Stroke Score were identified as unmodifiable factors independently associated with death and death or dependency. After adjusting for these factors, none of the physiological variables were independently associated with death, while only diastolic blood pressure (DBP) >= 90 mmHg was associated with death or dependency at 30 days (p = 0.02). Conclusions. Except for elevated DBP, we found no independent associations between admission physiology and outcome at 30 days in an unselected stroke cohort. Future studies should look for associations in subgroups, or by analysing serial changes in physiology during the early post-stroke period.
The conceptual complexity of problems was manipulated to probe the limits of human information processing capacity. Participants were asked to interpret graphically displayed statistical interactions. In such problems, all independent variables need to be considered together, so that decomposition into smaller subtasks is constrained, and thus the order of the interaction. directly determines conceptual complexity. As the order of the interaction increases, the number of variables increases. Results showed a significant decline in accuracy and speed of solution from three-way to four-way interactions. Furthermore, performance on a five-way interaction was at chance level. These findings suggest that a structure defined on four variables is at the limit of human processing capacity.
Grain size is one of the most important microstructural characteristics determining the mechanical properties and therefore the service performance of polycrystalline materials. Heterogeneous nucleation involves the addition or in situ formation of potent nuclei in the system to promote nucleation events, leading to a fine grain structure. This paper reports experimental results using graphite and SiC as potential grain refining agents to form in situ nuclei for Mg in Mg-Al alloys, and demonstrates the key role of Al4C3 in grain refilling this important alloy system. This insight will contribute to the design and development of the most cost effective, eco-friendly grain refining agents for Mg-Al alloys. (c) 2006 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
While the general mechanisms of hot tearing are understood, i.e. the inability of liquid to feed imposed strain on the mushy material, work continues on improving the understanding of the mechanisms at play. A hot tear test rig that measures the temperature and load imposed on the mushy zone during solidification has been successfully used to study hot tearing. The mould has now been modified to incorporate a window above the hot spot region to allow observation of hot tear formation and growth. Combining information from visual observation with load and temperature data has led to a better understanding of the mechanism of hot tearing. Tests were carried out on an Al-0.5 wt-% Cu alloy. It was found that load development began at about 90% solid and a hot tear formed a short time later, at between 93% and 96% solid. Hot tearing started at a very low load.
Congenital disorder of glycosylation type Ia presenting as early-onset cerebellar ataxia in an adult
Congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG) are a recently described, underrecognized group of syndromes characterized biochemically by abnormal glycosylation of serum and cellular glycoproteins. We report a previously undiagnosed adult male who presented with early-onset cerebellar ataxia in the context of mental impairment, peripheral neuropathy, retinopathy, body dysmorphism, cardiomyopathy, and hypogonadism. Newly available screening and genetic testing confirmed the diagnosis as CDG type Ia. This case emphasizes that CDG should be considered as a differential diagnosis for adults with early-onset cerebellar ataxia, particularly in those persons with the aforementioned features, and that undiagnosed cases of childhood ataxia may require reassessment now that testing is available. © 2006 Movement Disorder Society
A framework is presented for modeling the nucleation in the constitutionally supercooled liquid ahead of the advancing solid/liquid interface. The effects of temperature gradient, imposed velocity, slope of liquidus, and initial concentration have been taken into account in this model by considering the effect of interface retardation, which is caused by solute buildup at the interface. Furthermore, the effect of solute concentration on the chemical driving force for nucleation has been considered in this model. The model is used for describing the nucleation of Al-Si and Al-Cu alloys. It was found that the solute of Si has a significant impact on the chemical driving force for nucleation in AI-Si alloys whereas Cu has almost no effect in Al-Cu alloys.
Cyclotides are a large family of mini-proteins that have the distinguishing features of a head-to-tail cyclised backbone and a cystine knot formed by six conserved cysteine residues. They are present in plants from the Rubiaceae, Violaceae and Cucurbitaceae families. The unique structural features of the cyclotides make them extremely resistant to chemical, thermal and proteolytic degradation. In this article we review recent Studies from our laboratory that dissect the role of the individual structural elements in defining the stability of cyclotides. The resistance of cyclotides to chemical and proteolytic degradation is in large part due to the cystine knot, whereas the thermal stability is I composite of several features including the cystine knot, the cyclic backbone and the hydrogen bonding network. A range of biological activities of cyclotides is critically dependent oil the presence of the cyclic backbone.
Recently Hupe and Rubin (2003, Vision Research 43 531 - 548) re-introduced the plaid as a form of perceptual rivalry by using two sets of drifting gratings behind a circular aperture to produce quasi-regular perceptual alternations between a coherent moving plaid of diamond-shaped intersections and the two sets of component 'sliding' gratings. We call this phenomenon plaid motion rivalry (PMR), and have compared its temporal dynamics with those of binocular rivalry in a sample of subjects covering a wide range of perceptual alternation rates. In support of the proposal that all rivalries may be mediated by a common switching mechanism, we found a high correlation between alternation rates induced by PMR and binocular rivalry. In keeping with a link discovered between the phase of rivalry and mood, we also found a link between PMR and an individual's mood state that is consistent with suggestions that each opposing phase of rivalry is associated with one or the other hemisphere, with the 'diamonds' phase of PMR linked with the 'positive' left hemisphere.
As field determinations take much effort, it would be useful to be able to predict easily the coefficients describing the functional response of free-living predators, the function relating food intake rate to the abundance of food organisms in the environment. As a means easily to parameterise an individual-based model of shorebird Charadriiformes populations, we attempted this for shorebirds eating macro-invertebrates. Intake rate is measured as the ash-free dry mass (AFDM) per second of active foraging; i.e. excluding time spent on digestive pauses and other activities, such as preening. The present and previous studies show that the general shape of the functional response in shorebirds eating approximately the same size of prey across the full range of prey density is a decelerating rise to a plateau, thus approximating the Holling type 11 ('disc equation') formulation. But field studies confirmed that the asymptote was not set by handling time, as assumed by the disc equation, because only about half the foraging time was spent in successfully or unsuccessfully attacking and handling prey, the rest being devoted to searching. A review of 30 functional responses showed that intake rate in free-living shorebirds varied independently of prey density over a wide range, with the asymptote being reached at very low prey densities (< 150/m(-2)). Accordingly, most of the many studies of shorebird intake rate have probably been conducted at or near the asymptote of the functional response, suggesting that equations that predict intake rate should also predict the asymptote. A multivariate analysis of 468 'spot' estimates of intake rates from 26 shorebirds identified ten variables, representing prey and shorebird characteristics, that accounted for 81 % of the variance in logarithm-transformed intake rate. But four-variables accounted for almost as much (77.3 %), these being bird size, prey size, whether the bird was an oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus eating mussels Mytilus edulis, or breeding. The four variable equation under-predicted, on average, the observed 30 estimates of the asymptote by 11.6%, but this discrepancy was reduced to 0.2% when two suspect estimates from one early study in the 1960s were removed. The equation therefore predicted the observed asymptote very successfully in 93 % of cases. We conclude that the asymptote can be reliably predicted from just four easily measured variables. Indeed, if the birds are not breeding and are not oystercatchers eating mussels, reliable predictions can be obtained using just two variables, bird and prey sizes. A multivariate analysis of 23 estimates of the half-asymptote constant suggested they were smaller when prey were small but greater when the birds were large, especially in oystercatchers. The resulting equation could be used to predict the half-asymptote constant, but its predictive power has yet to be tested. As well as predicting the asymptote of the functional response, the equations will enable research workers engaged in many areas of shorebird ecology and behaviour to estimate intake rate without the need for conventional time-consuming field studies, including species for which it has not yet proved possible to measure intake rate in the field.